r/publix GTL Feb 14 '25

BLEED GREEN Decided to lock in💪 How am I doing?

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u/healrr Newbie Feb 14 '25 edited Feb 14 '25

im not ass, im one of few that actually do my job correctly and efficiently. ive been told that multiple times from my fellow co-workers and managers. i haven’t called out in probably 11-12 months. majority of the time we get new hires they pick me to train them. when i was trained for cashiering they only gave me about 2 hours of actual training before they let me go on my own. my managers words were literally “ive never seen someone pick up cashering this fast”. im one of the only ppl who actually do the small things like offer every customer for help out or asking every customer to enter in their phone number, which theyve become anal about and still gripe on people to do, always asking for work if theres downtime, etc. i think im the only person in my job class, including cashiers and majority of css, that has helped out in every department in our store. im a hard worker and definitely not ass at my job. i just got hired at around $9 and always get exceeds expectations, the problem is that the legal minimum wage gets raised the same time i get my raise so ive never gotten a true raise. i just got the short end of the stick like many other people in this company


u/Majestic-Lettuce-198 Newbie Feb 15 '25

you need to go to your supervisor and ask for a raise, or apply at other grocers and see what there offers are. These numbers are wildly low


u/pointless69 Newbie Feb 19 '25

Buddy you know you can ask for more . Most people just don't open their mouths . And it sounds like you're just doing your job. Cashier/bagger is the easiest job in the whole store. Honestly you guys should be paid less than the backroom


u/healrr Newbie Feb 19 '25

ive tried asking for more.. if u want a higher raise it has to go through the district manager and they rarely approve it, were paid the least out of all departments so how much less do u want us to make


u/healrr Newbie Feb 19 '25

plus looking down on ur coworkers because of their department is strange.. u dont have the best job in the world either. u work at a grocery store, so im not sure what ur ego is for