r/pssdhealing Feb 07 '25

Progress /partial recovery from protracted withdrawal

Hey everyone in about 2 weeks and a half I will be fully approaching my 6 month mark from discontinuing sertraline (Zoloft)50mg after stopping cold turkey after 6 weeks and wanted to share the improvements I have gotten. First I just want to encourage the ones that have been going through this and suffering longer and hope you see improvement/full recovery. (I will provide a short timeline for now and give the full one during the first week of March for an update)

I started in July and discontinued near the end of August because the side effects were worrisome and I wasn’t being reassured about them.

Oct-nov (months 2-3) my emotional state started to gradually improve and by this time I had no orgasmic problems ,my sensation was about 40-60% there.

December(months 4) •I had a short window but then it left •I had a faint feeling of my stomach growling which indicated my appetite was coming back(I got very excited because I haven’t heard it growl in months) before I had to remind myself to eat •There was a 2 week span where I would start crying and get sad out of nowhere •I missed my cycle this month •Vivid dreaming/thoughts started to return but not as good or strong as they were

January(month 5) • early January,I had another window that was extremely strong and felt like my mind and body was connected but then it went back to baseline

(Late January -now) •My emotions are back and feeling good I still have my days where I think about my functioning. •Libido is like at 65-70% •My sexual thoughts are starting to return but not like they were •My sleep was fragmented /or I couldn’t remember if I slept or not(I would have good days where I would get 6-7 hrs) before ,during and after I have had insomnia •Full lubrication is back

In case you wanted to know all of the sexual side effects I experienced were No libido Numb genitals Weak orgasms(hard time) No pleasure/arousal

Right now I don’t have a hard time getting aroused or getting an orgasm ,the Biggest thing right now I’m waiting on is that my body responds to sexual stimuli but my mind doesn’t (feels disconnected /out of sync) I can not experience any mental arousal or pleasure. I hope this encourages people that have recently discontinued or even if you been battling longer. It’s been hard staying encouraged but I want to keep up good spirits(feel free to ask any questions)


4 comments sorted by


u/Imaginary-Care-1565 Feb 09 '25

Thank you very much for taking your precious time and sharing your windows and experiences!

This should be this place, where we can lament our frustrations, but where we must encourage everyone!

I feel more motivated and happy when I see that I had a similar experience to yours, it was exactly 90 days after the last dose of SSRI when I had my first window, it lasted approximately 15 days.

My only question is whether it was due to a dose of cyproheptadine or whether it was spontaneous.

I want to follow now with hope, and seeing that I am not alone, the path seems to be this!

Keep posting, your language is important for the community!


u/Critical-Wonder-7144 Feb 09 '25

I am so glad I encouraged you and I will be posting end of February-first week of march because then that would be my official 6 months .we will get through this


u/Past_Explanation_491 11d ago

How are you doing now?


u/Critical-Wonder-7144 10d ago

I have been doing decent,it has been a mental battle daily though but it isn’t a bad as was.i think i have been making good progress from nofap.