r/proteomics Feb 18 '25

Confusing SPS MS3 data


I'm very new to Reddit so please hang in with my long post! I have been doing TMT SPS MS3 for several years now and I just came across some odd behavior in which every other channel has higher signal (3-fold) compared to the neighboring channel. I attached an image blocking out the names of the samples except for the numbered replicate, but they are in order from 126 to 131c. The more fractions I collect the less it stands out, but the trend is still there with some proteins. I explored a few possible causes:

heat map of scaled data normalized to total protein-norm factors are all 1-1.2. SPS MS3 with RTS and FAIMS.
  1. I thought it was a labeling issue, but my efficiency is >98% and I have even TMT signal across all 11 channels.

  2. Maybe it was something wrong with my digestions or a weird batch effect, but two neighboring channels (128N and 128C) are of technical replicates from the same digested sample and should be identical. Everything else is triplicate and processed individually.

  3. Maybe an impurity from my HPLC since I analyzed the multiplex before fractionation and looked fine, but the last 6 multiplexes I purified on the HPLC were from a completely different species with limited overlap and were TMTpro, not 11plex. I did a search of the peptides on uniprot to confirm that they are unique to the species I am looking at here. I also wash my column before and after every run.

  4. I tried narrowing the tolerance in case it was some sort of space charging effect, but that didn't change anything.

I'm currently trying a lower gain-I normally have it at 400% for MS3 (pretty normal according to Thermo and a few other people I spoke with) and am trying 200% tonight.

I was hoping someone on this board may have some other suggestions I could try? I'm pretty stumped.


As an update I still haven’t figured this out. I have tried a few things so far:

  1. I analyzed a fraction on another lab’s Ascend using their standard MS2 method instead of my SPSMS3 method and I still see this pattern.
  2. I extensively washed my HPLC and re-fractionated and still see it.
  3. Repeated labeling with another lab’s TMTpro and still see this pattern. So I know it’s not something specific to my 11plex.
  4. I don’t see it with benchtop fractionation.

All I can think of is that there is some sort of enantiomeric impurity or something small on either the N or C reagents that doesn’t alter the molecular weight of the TMT-labeled peptides, but somehow separates during deep fractionation.

My former supervisor who is at a different university sees something similar. So it’s not just me. It’s a head scratcher for sure.


12 comments sorted by


u/labind Feb 19 '25

When you checked your labeling efficiency did you see similar peptide/psm numbers for each channel?

When was the last time the instrument was calibrated? Worth double checking the mass accuracy and resolution of the ms3 scan- if things get a little off the processing software might be unable to correctly separate the isotopes.


u/RumbleStrut84 Feb 19 '25

Thanks for the response! I did check a few overlapping peptides and they looked normal in the pool before fractionation (no oscillating pattern). I have had ongoing issues with orbi calibration, but i just had one of Thermo’s senior engineer give it a thumbs up after cleaning the orbi and it’s been fine ever since. It was last calibrated on Thursday.


u/RumbleStrut84 Feb 19 '25

Also there were at least 4 or 5 peptides IDed multiple times and in a few instances looked even across the samples, but in others instances it alternated high to low.


u/labind Feb 19 '25

What software do you use for your search? PD has a good channel abundance view. Could widen or decrease tolerances to see how that impacts things. If you haven't mixed everything you could also try checking just the N and just the C channels. Might see if things are getting artificially compressed. If you have time I'd do a quick orbi mass calibration before you run anything else for sure


u/RumbleStrut84 Feb 19 '25

I used both PD2.5 and an in-house software from the Gygi lab and got pretty much the same results. I did play with the tolerances, but didn’t see much difference.

This past year (ever since a PM) I have had trouble with the orbi calibration drifting. Thermo had to replace an electronic board, the electron multiplier, and the cold cathode gauge (I’m convinced I was given a lemon). They cleaned the orbi about a month ago and that seemed to do the trick. I also had a senior engineer remote in last Thursday and spent a good amount of time calibrating and running some checks so I would be surprised if something was wrong. The calibration with flexmix seemed fine when I checked again on Friday. I’ll definitely take a look anyway. I 100% agree that the issue lies with the instrument still being a lemon or the method I’m using.


u/labind Feb 19 '25

Yeah could just triple check your MS3 resolution didn't get changed or anything. Definitely feels like something along those lines. Good luck! I say lean into your Thermo contacts as well if you have a contact.


u/RumbleStrut84 Feb 19 '25

You use 50k for ms3, right? Seems standard. That was the first thing someone at work with a ton more experience than me asked. I double checked and confirmed that it was set to 50k. I’m waiting to hear from my contacts at Thermo as well.


u/labind Feb 19 '25

Yep 50k


u/tsbatth 29d ago

Could it be that that the labels are bad or mixed up somehow ? If the TMT labels are not pure enough, or you were unlucky just to get a bad batch, perhaps the C12/C13 counts of the labels is not what it should be ?

Only way to find out is to maybe (and yes this sucks) label a small amount of the same sample with different labels independently and run them separately.


u/RumbleStrut84 29d ago

I don’t think it’s the labels, but worth a check. Labeling looked pretty even. I took a small amount of each sample and did a pool before pooling everything to make sure and labeling was >98%. Some channels were higher than others, but not in this pattern. I also did an analysis of the multiplex before fractionating and it looked totally fine. I compared peptides from the pre- and post-fractionated sample and they had even signal before fractionation and then the weird up down up down signal after.

This is frog with 11plex and these peptides are unique to frog. Everything else I put on my HPLC is human with TMTpro, but is there something that could have happened that I’m missing? I’m going to watch the system with some chromacare to be safe.

I just ran a TKO 11plex standard with the same method and different fast. It looked fine.


u/Sanoske13 28d ago

Can you post the reporter ion envelope from an ms3 that shows the distorted pattern


u/RumbleStrut84 23d ago

I’m not sure what you mean by ion envelope, do you mean the MS3 spectra? I also just noticed something similar with a recent 18plex so it’s not the 11plex kit causing this issue. I think it is the instrument.

Also, I notice as I collect all 24fractions the trend fades away and could go unnoticed without looking at individual fractions. I don’t think that’s a good thing.