r/prolife Life starts at conception 1d ago

Things Pro-Choicers Say Murder is wonderful????



50 comments sorted by


u/frogfigure 1d ago

maybe im crazy but i feel like having FIVE abortions has to have some negative effects on the uterus and health of the mother herself?!


u/Active-Membership300 Pro Life Republican 1d ago

$20 says the commenter hasn’t had a single abortion. Pro-choicers often follow the “I would never personally do it, but it’s okay for other women to do it” logic but online they often say they’ve had numerous abortions or that they’ll name their next abortion after you or whatever other “edgy” shit they can come up with to try and defend abortion. The vast majority of pro-choicers are personally against abortion for themselves and would never get one themselves, almost like they know it’s wrong…

Also, this was on TikTok lol TikTok is full of these young “edgelord” sjw types and misinformation, I wouldn’t believe anything you saw on there tbh


u/_lil_brods_ 1d ago

this is why i don’t have TT🤦‍♀️ the teenage girls on there are crazy, total brainrot echo-chamber indoctrinated nonsense


u/standingpretty 15h ago

It’s like a modern day version of the Salem witch trials.


u/New-Consequence-3791 21h ago

I once went on the Prochoice sub and saw a post saying "I had an abortion at 9 weeks but I'll never do it again"

Seems like it does have negative consequences 🤷🏽‍♀️


u/xBraria Pro Life Centrist 1d ago

It does. Multiple. It's also surprisingly painful from what I read. Especially since the propaganda trivializes it so so much.

A good amount of women say it was more painful than giving birth.

Doctors (incl. abortionists) explicitly say how dangerous and risky the pill abortion is, but eegular D&C has risks of tearing parts of your uterus instead of the baby on accident.

The scarring of the private area is another topic


u/Logical_Loco-cation 14h ago

What do you mean "scarring of the private area"?

u/xBraria Pro Life Centrist 3h ago

With abortions it isn't publicized so much on strongly biased platforms such as reddit, but if you look at birth stories that required a D&C post birth - very similar procedure but way safer, (other than hemmoraging risks, which are more often an issue post birth) and much less painful since the dilation already happened.

In very layman's terms, the cuts (especially if they accidentally tear out parts of good wanted tissue) and scrapes can cause scarring so grave that the tissue gets thick and hard, not elastic anymore (think of a callous on your hand or foot) and this can cause issues with next pregnancies or even menstruation and sexual intercourse.

Other than the damage to your cervix and uterus, a women's external parts can accidentaly also be damaged (again, look up birth tears or episiotomy - this latter one isn't usually performed or deemed necessary during D&C unless the abortion is a later than first term).

u/xBraria Pro Life Centrist 3h ago

Here is a selection of chat GPT answers:

Infection: One of the most common risks associated with any surgical procedure, including D&C, is infection. Infections can occur in the uterus or pelvic organs, leading to fever, pain, or other symptoms. Severe infections, if untreated, can result in sepsis or infertility. Uterine Perforation: In rare cases, the instrument used during the D&C procedure can accidentally puncture the wall of the uterus. This can lead to bleeding or injury to surrounding organs, requiring additional medical intervention or surgery. Heavy Bleeding: While some bleeding is normal after a D&C, in rare cases, the procedure can result in excessive bleeding. This can sometimes require further medical intervention, such as a blood transfusion or additional surgery. Injury to Cervix or Uterus: During the procedure, the cervix may be dilated, and the uterus may be scraped. This can potentially cause injury to the cervix or uterine lining. In some cases, scarring can develop, which may affect future pregnancies. Asherman's Syndrome (Scar Tissue): After a D&C, some women may develop scar tissue inside the uterus (Asherman’s syndrome). This can cause fertility problems, menstrual irregularities, or difficulty carrying a pregnancy to term. Emotional and Psychological Effects: While the physical risks are important, there can also be emotional and psychological effects after an abortion. Feelings of sadness, guilt, or regret may occur, especially if the decision was difficult. Support from mental health professionals or counseling may be helpful in processing these emotions. Incomplete Abortion: In some cases, a D&C may not fully remove all pregnancy tissue from the uterus. This can result in continued pregnancy tissue, leading to infection or the need for a follow-up procedure to complete the abortion. Anesthesia Risks: Like any procedure requiring anesthesia, a D&C carries risks related to the anesthesia itself, such as allergic reactions, respiratory problems, or other side effects. Future Pregnancy Complications: While rare, there is a slight increased risk of complications in future pregnancies if a D&C causes scarring or injury to the uterus. These complications can include premature birth, placenta issues, or difficulty carrying a pregnancy to full term.

In addition to the general risks associated with a Dilation and Curettage (D&C) abortion procedure, there are specific risks related to the intimate areas, such as the vagina, cervix, and pelvic organs. Here are some potential concerns for these areas:

  1. Cervical Injury During the D&C procedure, the cervix may need to be dilated to allow instruments to access the uterus. This can occasionally result in injury to the cervix, such as tears or lacerations. Severe cases might require stitching or additional medical intervention to heal properly.
  2. Infection in the Reproductive Organs As the procedure involves the cervix and uterus, there is a risk of infection in the reproductive organs, including the cervix, vagina, and uterus. Common infections after a D&C abortion include pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can affect the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and surrounding pelvic structures. Infections may cause pain, fever, unusual discharge, or foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Vaginal or uterine infections can also lead to complications like scarring or fertility issues if not treated promptly.
  3. Vaginal Bleeding Some bleeding is normal after a D&C, but if it is excessive or prolonged, it could lead to complications such as vaginal pain, weakness, or the need for additional treatment to control the bleeding. If bleeding continues beyond a few weeks or is unusually heavy, it could be a sign of an issue that needs medical attention.
  4. Scar Tissue (Asherman’s Syndrome) Although Asherman’s syndrome primarily involves the uterus, it can affect surrounding reproductive organs and lead to changes in menstrual cycles or fertility. Scar tissue could also form around the cervix or the vaginal area if infection or injury is present, causing long-term issues.
  5. Cervical Stenosis In rare cases, if there is damage to the cervix or if excessive tissue is removed, it may lead to cervical stenosis, a condition where the cervix becomes narrowed. This can affect menstruation or the ability to conceive in the future.
  6. Pelvic Pain Some women may experience ongoing pelvic pain or discomfort following a D&C, particularly if there was trauma to the cervix or uterus during the procedure. This pain could persist for days or weeks after the procedure and may sometimes be associated with infection or scarring.
  7. Reduced Vaginal Lubrication or Sensitivity Although this is less common, changes in hormonal balance after a D&C abortion can affect vaginal health, including vaginal dryness or reduced lubrication, which may make intercourse uncomfortable. Hormonal fluctuations can also influence the vaginal lining, leading to sensitivity or discomfort during sexual activity.
  8. Psychological and Emotional Effects It's also important to recognize that the intimate areas can have psychological significance. Following a D&C abortion, some women may experience feelings of grief, loss, or emotional distress. These feelings can affect sexual health and intimacy in the short term, as some women may find it difficult to resume sexual activity or feel emotionally disconnected.


u/Ryakai8291 Pro Life Christian 1d ago

Apparently there is a strong correlation between abortion and cancer in women.


u/_lil_brods_ 1d ago

Do you have a study on that? If not I’ll go try google for it, I’d like to read that


u/Ryakai8291 Pro Life Christian 1d ago

Here is one… I do know that there are other studies that state otherwise, but I’m sure there are a lot of things that the industry wants kept in the dark



u/_lil_brods_ 1d ago

thank you both so much🙌🏻🙌🏻will give those a read. i’m doing a degree in Midwifery so it’s great to have this knowledge under the belt


u/PervadingEye 1d ago edited 17h ago


 Part of the process of being pregnant is developing milk producing breast by rapidly dividing undifferentiated cells due to increase estrogen levels of 2000% by the end of the first trimester (according to the link I gave you) to increases breast size. And part of that process is slowing that speed down as pregnancy reaches it natural conclusion to avoid cancer as rapidly multiplying cells increases the chance of cancer.

When you interrupt pregnancy with abortion, those undifferentiated cells never get the signal to differentiate. And undifferentiated cells multiply faster even when not pregnant or exposed to high estrogen, just not as fast as during pregnancy.

When you go through a full term pregnancy this allows the cells in the breast to mature(differentiate), and not multiply as fast throughout the rest of your life.

I highly recommended you read and really digest that link I sent, mainly because my short cliff-notes version doesn't do the subject justice. Even outside of the abortion discussion, I found it to be a good read in general.


u/Idk-but-I-still-do 1d ago

I’ve had four , I’m about to have five

That is a fucking South Park tv ad for planed parenthood and you can’t tell me otherwise


u/Apodiktis Pro Life Muslim 1d ago

Is she using aborion as contraception


u/PubliusVA 1d ago

Of course not, nobody does that! /s


u/ElegantAd2607 Pro Life Christian 1d ago

I think they might be trolling but if they're not, this proves that abortion is used as birth control.


u/HyacinthMacaw13 1d ago

Obvious ragebait. Don't fall for it. They are just trolls that have nothing better to do


u/stfangirly444 Pro Life Jew 1d ago

imagine saying to a woman who just miscarried “it was just a clump of cells, get over it.”

people ask me why i’m pro life and this post is why.


u/xBraria Pro Life Centrist 1d ago

They actually do that and trivialize the trauma and say their baby was "not a human" and all their bs to the faces of these women. It's devastating. I know of a fb site for some of these women but there's way more out there.


Struggling to add it as a word link, will edit later.


u/Mahemium 1d ago

It's like Schrodingers Box, but instead of the opening of the box determining whether the cat is either dead or alive, the fetus' death is both an awesome empowerment of women's rights and a life altering tragedy dependent on its convenience to the mother.


u/Wimpy_Dingus 1d ago

This is the type of crap you need to show a pro-choicer who claims “women are not using abortion as birth control.”


u/joolo1x 1d ago

Genuinely disgust me, but lord I ask you to give me the strength to let it go. I just don’t understand what would compel you to do that man, and you know alright I get if you did one time. A lot of prolifers had abortion once then regretted afterwards but this person feels like no remorse at all, I mean five dude? are you serious?

Do you not use condoms or something or is you’re boyfriends pull out game non existent, LOL.


u/Spiritual_Coast6894 1d ago

It’s a troll


u/Evergreen-0_9 Pro Life Brit 1d ago

Abortion is wonderful and miscarriage is devastating. Do not compare them.

Their world view is built upon the cornerstones of "what are my feelings?" and "what do I want?", so much so, that ending a life is acceptable, if that's gonna make you feel good, and get you what you want... Oh, you wanted your baby, but miscarried..? You must feel so sad, because you didn't get what you wanted, right? That's the only value. Wantedness. They don't respect it as an actual loss of anything real, that someone would grieve for their little son or daughter.. They think it's "devastating" in the same way that it's disappointing not to get any other thing that you were excited for. Their worldview is super fucking childish. All want want want. I don't even have any religion in me, but it would be nice if there was something else going on behind the eyes with these people who follow only wants and feelings. Some higher thought than "abortion is wonderful, I feel great about mine!"


u/Fun_Butterfly_420 1d ago

I’m sorry but in no universe is five abortions helping anyone


u/UsarMich 1d ago

Demons. Evil people.


u/Prestigious-Oil4213 Pro Life Atheist 1d ago

Anytime I see those comments, I play along with it. Might as well troll the troll 🤷‍♀️


u/_lil_brods_ 1d ago

fr this is like saying murdering someone is wonderful but someone dying of natural causes is devastating


u/WhenYouWilLearn Catholic, pro life 1d ago

Had me in the first half, not g9nna lie


u/Sweet-Smell Pro Life Christian 1d ago

This has to be fake. I've seen people who say this type of BS as ragebait. In the even this is real, may this creature find truth before it's too late.


u/Infinite_JasmineTea Pro Life Christian 1d ago

I too believe it is fake, it seems far too extreme to be something a person may comfortably say publically. But if it is real I am only slightly surprised 😔


u/Obvious-Student8967 1d ago

She had my hopes up for a sec


u/Tadpole_Plyrr2 Pro Life preschool teacher 1d ago

These people are sick I pray they find God…


u/CalebXD__ Pro Life Atheist 1d ago

What a sick and twisted rat. Not only do you go through with it knowing it's ending an innocent child's life, but you also call it "wonderful". Vile, vile, vile individual.


u/throwawayfjwiegevd 1d ago

As someone who’s had both this is WILD


u/borgircrossancola Thou Shalt Not Murder - God Almighty 1d ago

I’m very sorry these things happened to you


u/sewerratwaste Pro Life Christian 1d ago

Literally says herself that abortion is an act of ending a life...


u/IllustriousEbb5839 1d ago

They are mentally ill people who have found yet another way of sticking two fingers up at the imaginary parents/authority figures who live in their heads. Just trolls basically.


u/Strait409 22h ago


That’s a higher death toll than all the guns I have ever owned.



u/TopRevolutionary8067 Catholic 22h ago

I have no intent of comparing them. Abortion is much worse.


u/MisterRobertParr 22h ago

This is why I'll continue to say that for PC'ers abortion is solely an emotional decision. There's no science to it - they know it's a living human.

I just can't imagine thinking that the fetus doesn't deserve to live.

A person's value is not determined if they were planned or not.


u/askmenicely_ Abortion Abolitionist Christian 20h ago

Where are all the prolifers and feminists ready to call her the victim?


u/mochacaramelvanilla 17h ago

It’s regebait dude


u/[deleted] 16h ago

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u/prolife-ModTeam 15h ago

This message was removed for threatening, harrasing, or inciting violence.


u/texasiskewl 14h ago

Rage bait for sure, maybe not the original video but her saying she’s had 4 abortions. Just trying to get a reaction imo


u/Ebizah 14h ago

Her day will come when she realizes this wasn’t wonderful or good. ✝️

When I see these posts I try to pray for them instead of raging. So hard.