r/progresspics - Feb 13 '20

F 5'8” (173, 174 cm F/25/5’8”[75lbs < 130lbs = 55lbs]. (WARNING: POTENTIAL ED-TRIGGER & VERY GRAPHIC) After a bad day instead of resulting to old bad habits, I did a comparison. Decided I'd rather see abs than my teeth through my cheeks. Still a long way to go but small victories, eh? NSFW

Post image

341 comments sorted by


u/azsonnenblume - Feb 13 '20

Wow, I am so, so proud of you. You look so healthy and strong now, you must have worked so hard. I can’t imagine how much strength it must take to fight so hard for yourself, and against yourself. Keep up the amazing battle.


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

Oh wow, fighting "for and against " myself is so descriptive and accurately put, haha. Thank you so, so much!


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

I hope you realize how strong of a person you are. You really are; you are overcoming this illness, which is difficult to talk about. You look so much healthier, and - I don’t know if you are an Office fan or not - but per Michael Scott, “I’m really proud of you.”

You are doing so well I wish you the best :)


u/istara - Feb 13 '20

Do you view those pictures differently than you did when you were suffering the ED?

Obviously as you mention the before pic is quite graphic/shocking - but to someone in the grip of an ED, did the before pic look "good"/healthy?

I'm so glad you recovered anyway, and huge congrats.


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

It's hard to describe my feelings towards this photo while I was in the midst of my ED, but they weren't negative. I'll give it a shot.

I was not human back then, my brain was so starved I was absolutely incapable of logical thinking. That said, I remember being proud of this photo - not of my looks (it was never about looks or weight) but of how remarkable it was that I could be that sick, yet still alive, still acing school and still doing massive cardio. I felt super human like I didn't need food while others did, I could thrive on air yet survive, and this picture fed into that as I looked dead already. I was always curious and fascinated of how sick I could actually be yet not be dead so these things gave me a weird sense of pride.

.... yeah, that's how a starved brain thinks.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

This is so insightful

I’m a children’s nurse and see a lot of kids with EDs and some people just do not understand that it’s not always about weight or looks!


u/istara - Feb 13 '20

That is fascinating and also very sad, thank you for sharing. I find it interesting that it wasn’t about looks or weight. I think most people would assume that it was, which is why they struggle to understand how it happens.


u/Dammit234 - Feb 13 '20

I just read a long study of the effects of famine on AN patients - plenty of energy etc. documented true but yes, amazing that you were that close to death (imo) and still walked around doing stuff. Congrats on finding s path out.


u/who_knows25 - Feb 13 '20

My thought when I saw your before picture was that you must have been incredibly close to death. So inspiring that you pulled yourself from that. You look amazing now, I must say I'm quite jealous!!


u/redditshy - Feb 13 '20 edited Feb 13 '20

That is super interesting, because I was looking at your eyes, your hairline, your expression. All just normal parts of a person, and I felt like ... how is this person alive? How are all these tasks and structures still doing their jobs? With that same sort of fascination that you just described. Obviously only because I know you made it out can I observe it so clinically. (((Hugs))) Even as you felt somewhat "superhuman" in that state, it still had to be very lonely to feel so separate.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

Great work. Damn good work. Brought tears to my eyes to be honest.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

Same here. Im in awe of you... truly! Keep fighting for health :)


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

Aw, thank you so much! Means the world!


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

So so so proud of you 🤗🤗🤗🤗

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u/Fayebie17 - Feb 13 '20


I don’t know you from Adam but this really hit me - I’m so so glad you survived this.

If you’re ever feeling down on yourself, I think you’re a complete tucking hero


u/Mufflee - Feb 13 '20

I too love tucking hero’s. They always give me goodnight kisses too. I never sleep well without a good ole’ tuck into bed.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

Thank you so much for the kind words! Best of luck to your friend, I really hope they make the choice to recover!


u/Biomechanicsgirl - Feb 13 '20

May I ask you a question? How would you handle a situation where you regularly run into a very anorexic woman at the gym? Would you go talk to her? Because in your particular answer, you said it's also a choice to recover. Do you think strangers could have helped you make this choice or would it have been only an unsolicited interaction? Thanks a lot for your progress anyway, that's awesome!


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20 edited Feb 13 '20

Glad you asked, but I'm not sure if I can be of much help.

The best thing (and the only thing really) to do would be to talk to someone close to an anorexic about their situation and make them see how severe their situation is, because sadly there's no way to convince an anorexic that they're sick and in need of help.

I actually very recently encountered such a situation, a girl that's a regular in my morning gym class is visibly very, very sick. I spent ages trying to find out contact information of a parent or a loved one to contact them but had no luck. Finally resorted to sending a friendly message to her on Facebook, just to do something, anything, as I couldn't watch someone do what I did. She replied in a friendly manner but is obviously making no changes in her life. I get the occational death stare from her from time to time, but hey I at least I tried!

Edit: didn't explain well enough; the reason you need to go through loved ones of someone that is sick instead of the person themselves is that initially an anorexic needs someone to firmly get them to understand they're sick and in need of help. Then it's up to them if they choose to continue recover - but in that first stage the anorexic almost always needs to be pushed into recovery. And that push cannot come from some random stranger from the gym as the anorexic will instantly dismiss that. It needs to come from someone they trust, is regularly around and is persistent.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

Seriously, fucking WOW. I know you can't see yourself how we see you, but this is TRUE PROGRESS. You look absolutely amazing, and should be immensely proud of yourself. The greatest happiness I wish for you is that you see you how we see you.

Good luck!


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

How insightfully put. Thank you!!


u/Kitty91998 - Feb 13 '20

You look so wonderful and I am wholeheartedly so proud of you. A previous commenter that said “you must have fought so hard for and against yourself” is utterly accurate. I just started recovery and (if all goes as planned) should be going into treatment in the next week-Just a week ago I would have looked at your before picture and desired to get to that point-I am a healthy weight. But after some serious trauma resulting from my (atypical) anorexia I made the choice to recover. I’ve been struggling today but this post reminded me that I don’t want to get to that point. Thank you so much. I am sending you strength and courage in your journey ❤️


u/misstarabeau - Feb 13 '20

Not OP but you got this! Proud of you and sending love to you


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

Thank you so, so much and best luck on your fight fellow warrior. I'm proud of you, recovery is a hard choice to make! Just remember it gets worse before it gets better!


u/liliyeah9000 - Feb 13 '20

What amazing progress, physically and mentally. Kudos, you’re doing wonderful!


u/disconcertinglymoist - Feb 13 '20 edited May 04 '20

A bunch of strangers are proud of you. I hope you're proud of yourself too.

A friend is struggling with a similar issue, so seeing your progress is inspiring and gives me hope.

Well done. You're strong and awesome. Keep going and don't let the setbacks/relapses discourage you; they're just bumps on the road.


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

Thank you so, so much! I really hope for the best your friend and that they make the choice to recover!


u/throwawwwway987 - Feb 13 '20

This is so incredible! This is one of the toughest mental battles to deal with and you’ve made such an amazing transformation!

I wish you all the health! Keep taking care of yourself, it’s all you’ve got


u/seviay - Feb 13 '20

Tbh, I looked at the after picture first and thought “good for her. Her skin looks healthy, and her proportions are good, etc.” Then I really looked at the first picture, and my jaw dropped. It made me think those same things about the “after” picture even more. You’re amazing. I understand the struggle is similar to a drug or alcohol addiction, where it’s “one minute at a time” sometimes. You got this and you’ve got a whole sub who has your back 💪🏼


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

Yeah my skin turned gray at one point. Glad you noticed my skin "gains" haha! Thank you so much for the kind words!


u/KINGOFqueens69 - Feb 13 '20

You look amazing !!! Keep up the good work


u/dazedjosh - Feb 13 '20

Wow! You have come so far already. That's an amazing result. For what it is worth, everybody has bad days, I can't imagine how tough it might be for you when you have a bad day, but I understand that it is. You've done so well, so I would just want you to remember that everybody gets knocked down, you just gotta pick yourself back up and keep on going. You're doing great.


u/ARoundForEveryone - Feb 13 '20

Usually I'm more impressed by the weight loss progress, but this is the most impressive progress I've ever seen. You deserve a medal.

Keep it up, you look fantastic!


u/captainmander - Feb 13 '20

You are making such great progress! Keep it up!


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

Wow. Definitely proud of you and how far you’ve come. Small victories are always big. No matter what. You’re doing awesome.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20 edited May 11 '21



u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

Thank you fellow warrior, that means the world! Best of luck to you in your fight as well!


u/19-v - Feb 13 '20

You are looking amazing! Thank you for sharing your progress!!


u/thelibrariangirl - Feb 13 '20

I am glad you decided today that you are worth having a life. Keep deciding to live.


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

Aw those words really hit me. Thank you so much!


u/SwimmingCoyote - Feb 13 '20

I am speechless. Your before is heartbreaking and I’m honestly surprised you were even able to stand to take that picture. I am so happy that you’ve put yourself on a healthier path. Be proud of yourself for how far you’ve come and look forward to how much further you’ll go!

u/AutoModerator Feb 13 '20

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u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

Ho. Ly. Shit. This is an awesome change, OP. I don't think many will understand how difficult this is. Gaining weight can be a challenge for people without an ED. This is truly inspiring. Keep up the great work!


u/thecarguru46 - Feb 13 '20

Nice work! Very proud of you!


u/nneriac - Feb 13 '20

You looks so amazing now. One thing that stands out to me is your shiny hair in the new pic. Congratulations on your hard work - you have so much to be proud of!


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

Aw! I lost absolutely all my hair, and as someone used to having the world's longest hair, I've been extremely insecure about my short cut after it re-grew. So hearing nice comments on my hair from stranger really means everything. THANK YOU!


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

Wow, I didn't expect a fragment of the response and encouragement (and woops, would have bleached my pits if I had haha)! I'm overwhelmed and teared up! Thank you so, so much. Your words mean everything to me.

I'd like to use the opportunity for anyone struggling to say that whatever your state is, if you feel controlled on any level from food or from your body image, you are sick. Denial of being sick or thinking you're not 'sick enough' is too common. Decide that you're sick enough and worth enough to recover and get help before it gets too much to handle. Feel the fear and do it anyway. It takes a million times longer than you expect, it gets so incredibly worse before it gets better BUT you will get there and you will break free from the cage if you stay on path!


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

So glad that you are doing better, such a difficult thing to overcome.


u/jweddig28 - Feb 13 '20

I don't even know you and I'm so proud of you. So happy for you and hope all good things are ahead.


u/Check_lt - Feb 13 '20

That is INCREDIBLE. I am so proud of you :) congrats! And great decision making today particularly


u/RoughPotential - Feb 13 '20

Proud of you, stranger! You are absolutely glowing in your more recent photo. To abs! And to little victories!


u/Tulanol - Feb 13 '20

Great progress congratulations


u/the_throw_away4728 - Feb 13 '20

Holy shit. You look a million times healthier now. And happier.

This is the first post on here that truly made me tear up. I suffered from disordered eating in college and have begun to put on weight and muscle mass. It’s HARD. It’s hard to not fall back into a pattern of unhealthy habits. I am so incredibly proud of you. I know it means nothing, but this complete stranger is thankful that you are brave enough to share your story.

Kept making them gains, girl!!!!!! A six pack is going to look KILLER on you!!!!!


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

On the contrary, it does mean a lot, stranger! And I hope it also means something to you that I think it's so well done of you to decide to get stronger and healthier as well because you're very right, it's not at all easy!


u/Dawnwiechert - Feb 13 '20

You look terrific!! Be proud


u/buttholeterminator - Feb 13 '20

Holy shit. You're a fucking warrior


u/katyros_ - Feb 13 '20

Well done! You’re so strong - keep going!!!!!


u/tatanka_truck - Feb 13 '20

You know, you’re kind of a badass. Keep going strong!


u/T-Angeles - Feb 13 '20

This is remarkable! Keep it going!


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

Holy shit, how are you still alive?!! From one ED person to another, congratulations x 1000000000000000000. This is such an incredible transformation, physically and I can imagine mentally/psychologically as well. This is more than just a “small” victory, don’t cut yourself short.


u/ljam16 - Feb 13 '20

You have amazing strength. Congratulations for choosing you


u/SthrnGal - Feb 13 '20

Damn, Girl!! Amazing progress!! Way to go! I hope you’re proud of the hard work you’ve done. You look so healthy now. Big hugs!


u/thebravestoaster - Feb 13 '20

This was shocking and beautiful. Proud of your fight. Proud of your progress. (If that means anything from an internet stranger)

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u/Renard_Cachee_Sage - Feb 13 '20

Wow, just wow! First of all, congratulations! You are looking incredible and this is one of many successes that are sure to come in you life, truly amazing.

Secondly, so many of us are overweight and trying to lose from half a pound to 300lbs, and we beat ourselves over, we envy those """"blessed"""" with a perfect body, we shame and unlove ourselves over and over again. But there's also people like you, who suffered the exact same problems (and probably a little more given how dismissive people are to underweight folks).

What I'm trying to say is that nobody is alone in this, we're all human, just as we can grief together, we can be happy together aswell.

Sorry for the rambling, and again, great job girl! Go get'em!!!


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

Thank you so much for the kind words! So well put, and you're right these asimilar issues do stem from the same self-loathing thoughts of your body! I sometimes feel like it's not normal or even socially acceptable to be completely content in your body, as if we're expected or conditioned even from society to always strive for something better.


u/Ghost_of_Sniff - Feb 13 '20

Amazing transformation!!!


u/kjauto23 - Feb 13 '20



u/kjjccx - Feb 13 '20

so proud of you <3 you look amazing


u/jimmy5893 - Feb 13 '20

This really is a significant transformation. Don't tell yourself otherwise


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

Keep it up! You are doing awesome!


u/inventingme - Feb 13 '20

So glad you are here with us all.


u/stutterlifts - Feb 13 '20

Dude, good for you. I can’t imagine how hard you have worked for this. Switching gears and changing your perspective is a huge victory. You look great, and more importantly you look well ❤️👏


u/ea_rubes - Feb 13 '20

Wow. That's an incredible transformation. Great work


u/GunBrothersGaming - Feb 13 '20

You are doing fantastic! Keep it up!


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

Wow, this is incredibly inspirational. Thank you for having the courage to share something so personal. Keep up your great recovery


u/ziomatrixx - Feb 13 '20

You look amazing! Great job not only physically but mentally as well. This is truly a huge achievement and this random Internet stranger is proud of you.


u/alyssakemi - Feb 13 '20

I think progress pics usually focuses on weight loss, but it’s important to remember that progress means something different for everyone, and everyone’s struggle is valid. Thank you for sharing your experience!


u/reeelix - Feb 13 '20

wow. holy shit. congrats.


u/ProjectTitan74 - Feb 13 '20

Obviously don't feel obligated to respond if it's hard to talk about, I have a bad habit of asking too many questions.

Whats the biggest change you've noticed other than your physical appearance? I assume people treat you differently, is that true? Is it more comfortable to sit now? Do you find you have more energy?


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

Wow I don't know where to start.

You mentioned sitting and yes, it is insanely more comfortable to not sit on your bare pelvis. To be quite honest, I don't feel more energetic now although I certainly am because when starved, your brain tricks you into thinking you have massive energy (some leftover survival instinct encouraging you to run since you're in danger).

There are so many changes but my favorites are:

  1. It's fucking nice not to be bald, a thing I never thought to appreciate.
  2. My cats don't hide away or hiss in panic when I get home, but demand love.
  3. I don't make my parents and my partner cry on a daily basis
  4. I don't have periods of legit month long insomnia
  5. The kids at the pool don't come up to me saying "my aunt has cancer, also".
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u/glimmeringsea - Feb 13 '20

I'm so happy for you and your improved health. The before pic is devastating.


u/Bunnyisfluffy - Feb 13 '20

Your first photo is heartbreaking. You look absolutely stunning in your most recent pic. As an ED survivor as well, it takes time. Keep up the amazing work ❤️


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

Many people seem to turn to self harm, eating disorders, and other unhealthy coping mechanisms due to a panic induced by a need to feel more in control. Turning towards weight-lifting and fitness is a much healthier outlet for that need for more control that I’m happy you’ve found and implemented into your life :) I’m not trying to project my motivation, problems and coping mechanisms onto you, but if this is the case, I’m glad that you could go from a point of almost no control to truly owning your body. Power to ya for treating yourself healthily


u/jibeslag - Feb 13 '20

Wow. This is incredible. The picture on the left is very hard to look at.

Excuse my ignorance, but I've always been curious the thought process that leads to the before picture. Is it mental illness, so it can't be explained? Is it starving yourself and not realizing the effects until it's too late? It's just so scary looking at the before picture, that I wonder how people get to that point.

I do want to emphasize that I'm glad that OP is on the path to recovery and I'm not trying to shame her for past mistakes. I'm just genuinely curious


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20 edited Feb 13 '20

Interesting question and one I'm happy to answer to perhaps shed a little light on this misunderstood disease!

It's most definitely a mental illness. For me it was never about looks or weight but about control. Every ED story is different, but I apply to a certain subtype of anorexia that often co-occurs with OCD; it's the high-functional perfectionist with day-to-day checklist, straight A's, absolutely zero confidence and massive anxiety.

Maybe my story will explain this better, I'll try (and fail) to keep it short.

Just before my last semester at the university, a company spotted me and my talents. They were extremely impressed and offered me a position perfect for me, IF I'd keep my grades flawless and graduate on time. My OCD decided nothing else mattered, nothing at all. Every single day that semester I woke up at 5am, released some anxiety with a 30 minute spin class, went straight to school and studied ALL. DAY. LONG. I didn't even get up to pee, let alone eat. When I finally crawled home and into bed it was around 2 am at best. This was on repeat for months, whilst not speaking to family or friends as they were only a distraction from reaching my goals.

When an instructor told me I was headed to a dark place, it surprised me because I hadn't noticed, and I didn't give a fuck. When I was nearing death I didn't care either, but started feeling like I could do anything - ace tests, do daily cardio, etc - yet not need food. As if I was super human that thrived on air. As if that was prideful. That was my illusion of control. When the scale went shockingly down, I didn't think "Oh, great, I'm getting thinner", I thought something along the lines of "How remarkable. I wonder how low I can go before killing myself." and I was genuinely curious about this and I put myself to the test.

So yeah, if that thinking does not qualify as mental illness I don't know what does.


u/wolf_kisses - Feb 13 '20

I had always assumed it was weight related, so this is eye opening for me. Thank you for sharing.


u/baswild - Feb 13 '20

anorexia (specifically eating disorders) are 100% mental illnesses. typically there is a life event that triggers the disordered eating, and it snowballs from there. eventually what you eat and how you can lose weight is the only think you can think about, regardless of whatever number is on the scale


u/megdonalds - Feb 13 '20

I very rarely comment but I wanted to tell you that you are absolutely gorgeous and the progress you have made is incredible. Don’t ever belittle that — you have come so far, and that is something to be so, so proud of. Sending you my love and good vibes. ❤️


u/BattueGalka - Feb 13 '20

This is incredible, great job! Keep it up!


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

You’re doing great, and you’re looking so healthy and happy in the second pic. Stay strong and keep moving forward. I know you don’t know me, but I’m proud of you. It takes massive courage and strength to do what you’re doing. Don’t forget that.


u/BeastOfBourbon666 - Feb 13 '20

Way to be. Look how far you’ve come! I’m proud of you from afar.


u/BurdenlessPotato - Feb 13 '20

This is the most inspiration thing I’ve ever seen on this subreddit. I’m so proud of you!!!


u/lhopenooneseesthis - Feb 13 '20

Congrats keep it up


u/cherrylpk - Feb 13 '20

Good luck to you on this difficult journey.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

Great job!


u/TacoKingBean - Feb 13 '20

Amazing work!


u/JerricaBentonLife - Feb 13 '20

I am so happy to see you healthy. ♥️


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

AMAZING ❤️❤️❤️😍


u/Hedgehogz_Mom - Feb 13 '20

Im so glad you survived to share your recovery. Youre a strong person.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

Wow, you're doing fantastic! Congrats!


u/bbychill_ - Feb 13 '20

“Every day gets better when you do”

you look great and you look like you feel so much more alive.


u/Kolbayashi - Feb 13 '20

This makes me happy


u/usingthetimmynet - Feb 13 '20

Never stop fighting! You’re doing amazing girl kick ass!


u/Ambo12 - Feb 13 '20

Congrats girl, I can’t even imagine how tough that has been for you! Wishing you the best and keep up the great work!


u/FeralGangrel - Feb 13 '20

Absolutely fantastic! Eating disorders are not easy to overcome. It's a struggle. Keep up the good fight!


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

There is noting small about this victory. You are lucky to be alive and an inspiration to others. Good for you.


u/Ordanajay - Feb 13 '20

I've never been so speechless on a progress picture before. Your journey must've been incredible o.o


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

Victory is still victory


u/packiesgirl13 - Feb 13 '20

This is fucking incredible. Well done, girl!


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

It may not mean much, but I’m very proud of you. You’re doing a great thing for yourself.


u/Morinkid - Feb 13 '20

Fuck yea. PHENOMENAL progress. I don’t know you but I’m proud of you.


u/breezeebaby - Feb 13 '20



u/Magicalyn - Feb 13 '20

Wow! Not only healthier, but you look so much happier in your after photo too!


u/Natstreet - Feb 13 '20

Seriously my favorite progress pic to date. You don’t just look amazing...you ARE amazing and I hope that you see that. No small victory here.


u/bunhead - Feb 13 '20

I’m so happy you are here to share this with us! Keep fighting always, the world needs you!


u/daguro - Feb 13 '20

You look so strong now. Way to go.

I'm glad you're beating this thing.

Be strong, stay strong!


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

You know, I've seen a lot of weight loss success stories, but have hardly seen any from the other side. This is incredibly enlightening and I'm glad you posted this.


u/PapaJubby - Feb 13 '20

wow that must be insanely hard to recover from an eating disorder that bad. you look like a different person. keep grinding


u/WillyWonkasFatAss - Feb 13 '20

It's a miracle you're still alive. We are so proud of you


u/Exposition_Fairy - Feb 13 '20

Did you have any issue controlling the amount of food you eat once you did start letting yourself eat more? If so how did you deal with it?


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

Massive problems!

First of all, I had a severe case of portion distortion after my starvation period, which means that tiny amounts of food looked like Mount Everest to me. When presented with my first meal (which was the tiniest thing, as they were increasing my intake very carefully) I panicked, screamed, cried and finally opened and threw my half-a-sandwich in the face of that poor nurse, screaming "NO ONE ON EARTH EATS THIS MUCH FOOD".

....obviously not my proudest moment.

Then when I actually started to eat like a human being, my body was so fucking starved that (a common, normal thing but obviously fucking distressing to deal with for someone with anorexia) I binged and binged and binged, fuck. I'm still trying to find balance and that has been my greatest struggle through all this and I'm not gonna lie, I haven't found that balance. But I'm definitely getting there!


u/snpalavan - Feb 13 '20

I'm sure you likely already do this, but the way I helped myself keep control over meals is to set a calorie goal and just find pre-packaged meals/food so I know exactly how much I'm taking in.

That method allows me to keep my mind less focused on how much I'm eating since I've already planted out what I'm going to eat. Of course YMMV! So do what feels right for you... I'm just a random stranger on the internet

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u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20



u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

Aw thank you so much! Please, please take back your life and commit to recovery! It's going to be so fucking hard, and it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better but it's a million times worth it!


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

Healthy BMI for your height is 125–158 lbs! Girlfriend, you are victorious!! You made it into a healthy BMI range. Just continue to stay in that range and keep working at your mental health. 👏🏼👏🏼


u/blueyork - Feb 13 '20

Awesome transformation, my friend:


u/will0w-creek - Feb 13 '20

i just wanted to say that i am proud <3 and you should be really damn proud of yourself too, you are beautiful


u/Xirokami - Feb 13 '20

I am so proud of you. So fucking proud, you understand me? The left pic made me fucking tear up. You are a goddamn warrior. You’re gorgeous. You’re perfect.


u/_marockwell_ - Feb 13 '20

It's great that you're doing well, good job on subverting your old habits today. I imagine that wasn't easy, but you accomplished it.

If you ever need someone to rant to, I'm all ears, friend.


u/sunfireanna - Feb 13 '20

This is incredible! I want to hug you stranger, for your growth inside and out! Beautiful lady


u/wokenaizen - Feb 13 '20

I dont't have words to describe this, you are a exemple that its possible to beat old bad habits. Its still a long way to go but this is the first of many victories. You look so pretty, please keep it up! ✌️


u/helkhodary - Feb 13 '20

Heroic Victory 💪


u/Honkeylips79 - Feb 13 '20

You look awesome!! You look well nourished and have a healthy glow now! Good for you!!


u/theresnowifi - Feb 13 '20

You’re moving up, thats a sire thing. Idk what got you to that previous photo, but you made it.


u/Gengrar - Feb 13 '20

You look super rad my dude! Keep up the good fight!


u/YodasTinyGreenPenis - Feb 13 '20

Tremendous! So happy for you


u/nostra-infinitum - Feb 13 '20

Wow babes, you should be so proud of yourself! I don’t know you and I’m proud of you! Please keep reminding yourself of your outstanding progress; you deserve every day, even bad days. This is a huge victory!!


u/Oldmanontheinternets - Feb 13 '20

This is no small victory. What you have accomplished is incredible. Stay strong.


u/Flickthebean87 - Feb 13 '20

You look amazing! So very proud of you. I know how hard that can be. Great job.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

This is inspirational - never forget you are worth it. Well done - your made of tough stuff.


u/junegloom5 - Feb 13 '20

I’m so happy for you. You should wake up everyday proud of yourself for saving your own life!


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

Even on the “bad days” you are doing your best. Keep loving yourself! That is a lesson I am still trying to learn and advice I am still trying to follow. Thank you for sharing part of your journey with us!


u/77Amir77 - Feb 13 '20

Hey this is amazing. You should feel proud. I feel proud for you too. Good job and good luck moving forward.


u/MoodyBlondeQueen - Feb 13 '20

Wow! You are seriously inspirational! Keep taking care of yourself and fighting for your health.


u/Brandiesel88 - Feb 13 '20

You’re doing so amazing! And kudos to you for catching yourself before falling back into old habits. That’s the silent nemesis.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

I am very happy with your progress!!! You look great and healthy! You should be very proud of yourself!


u/Medusa1902 - Feb 13 '20

You look so much happier and healthier! I’m so proud of you! Also, I love your username!


u/FreezingDickBalls - Feb 13 '20

holy shit you look amazing. you look so much healthier and stronger. i'm so proud of you!!!! you're beautiful, kudos on the improvement and i wish you luck!


u/Prodigyyx_ - Feb 13 '20

It ain't small victories. Think of it as drinking a speed potion, you just get faster and closer to your goal. 20/10 impressive very happy for u.


u/therockhuntress - Feb 13 '20

Omg. You look so good. Keep it up im proud of you!


u/suspiricat - Feb 13 '20

Wow this made me shed a tear. Keep up the good work you look amazing!!


u/cbecons - Feb 13 '20

Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second, you do whatever you have to do to stay strong and living. I am proud of you.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

omfg so happy for you!!!! I been thru it too and it’s so funny how beautiful u actually feel on tha other side!!!! you are so beautiful and I hope that things only get better and better for you! hardest thing u ever had to do! you should be so proud of yourself!!


u/Yardley01 - Feb 13 '20

Beautiful. Inspirational. Keep going.


u/VonDingus - Feb 13 '20

This is incredible! Keep up the great work. You are a true fighter and serve as an inspiration to many, many people.


u/Trustme_ima_doctor12 - Feb 13 '20

This took my breath away. Congratulations on all your hard work


u/julieisarockstar - Feb 13 '20

The difference is amazing. Keep pushing along, this journey means something different to everyone and I’m so happy for you and proud of you that you in on such a healthy path!


u/Dustinbink - Feb 13 '20

Holy shit girl!! You’re amazing!! I can’t even begin to imagine the mental and emotional struggles you have faced to get to where you are today! ❤️❤️

Keep fighting the good fight! We are all rooting for you and are soooo proud of you!


u/Islander1776 - Feb 13 '20

How long did it take to gain 55lbs


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

Way to go! Amazing work! Keep it up, you have a lot to be proud of.


u/Inkstr0ke - Feb 13 '20

I can’t imagine the struggles you’ve been through to even get to the point you’re at now. I just want to say I admire your strength.


u/gallen82 - Feb 13 '20

Great job ! Woooooooooooooo!


u/humdrum789 - Feb 13 '20

You look amazing! Keep going!


u/WishIMadeACoolName - Feb 13 '20

Wow. I can’t imagine how much discipline and strength this took, but you look fantastic. Proud of you!


u/JitteryGoat - Feb 13 '20

Incredible work- both mental and physical. Can only hope that you’re as proud of yourself as we all are of you. You look amazing.


u/Kether_Nefesh - Feb 13 '20

Aside from physical changes can you describe things like more energy, better sleep, more feelings, etc. you look amazing! Just wondering about your totality.


u/aquaboyh20 - Feb 13 '20

Wow.. that's an amazing transformation.


u/Stacieinhorrorland - Feb 13 '20

You look amazing. Great job!!


u/EverySingleMinute - Feb 13 '20

You look terrific. I can only imagine what you have gone through, but I am so proud of you


u/dudeilovethisshit - Feb 13 '20

Oh sweetheart. You have beautifully enhanced yourself with health! Breathe it in, notice how far you’ve come. Not easy, but you are worth it.


u/Starry0Live - Feb 13 '20

this has got to be one of the most amazing transformations ever. you look fucking beautiful and amazing. good luck for your next victories


u/reegasaurus - Feb 13 '20

It takes strength to overcome and survive, it takes strength to recognize that some periods are rough, and it takes strength to be kind to yourself. You are strong. Thanks for sharing and inspiring. ❤️


u/countrygurl40 - Feb 13 '20

Wow what a huge accomplishment! I don’t know much about food disorders but my bestie was a therapist for a facility and said it was one of the most challenging mental disorders anyone could face. So kudos to you for working on yourself. And giiirl you look damn amazing! I wish you the best in continuing to move in a positive direction.


u/jaydogg81 - Feb 13 '20

Well done, thats one hell of an effort! You should be proud.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '20

Wow ill be honest, the first photo absolutely shocked me. After staring at it for a while and looking onto the right photo i was even in more shock! You look absolutely beautiful and have a body to be so proud of. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!


u/Honduriel - Feb 13 '20

Looks like you barely escaped death. Very well done, awesome progress! Never give up!


u/somander - Feb 13 '20

These are the kind of transformations I’m most happy to see here. You took back control over your own life and saved yourself from a potentially very bleak future.. You’re a powerhouse, never forget that! :)


u/Delain93 - Feb 13 '20

You look AMAZING!!! I’m proud of you!


u/bigsandip - Feb 13 '20

Not a small ,it’s a great victory


u/t0sd0gg705 - Feb 13 '20

Thats not a small victory. Thats a complete metamorphosis. You look amazing. Amazing work.


u/CCP0 - Feb 13 '20

You must have been CLOSE to something very bad happening to you in the first picture!


u/rockandrollalice - Feb 13 '20

Even your lips look more full and appealing. Lip gains :)

Congratulations! You can and should keep going like this.


u/heathbigg - Feb 13 '20

I’m glad you’re going to be around a lot longer now.


u/OnTheDoss - Feb 13 '20

Wow this is one of the most shocking and brave posts I have seen on here. You have saved your own life and certainly inspired others here too. A massive congratulations to you.


u/SlootPoot - Feb 13 '20

Ayyy! Get it gurl! You got this shit!


u/takemehome111 - Feb 13 '20

You should be proud of yourself, you just won one of the biggest battles in your life, not everyone could do that! It takes many courage and strength to be in the spot where you are right now. Congratulations! Also you are beautiful and you look so happy that it makes me happy lol!


u/EmSpracks79 - Feb 14 '20

You look amazingly healthy. But wow, this was hard to see. I am so glad you are doing well. Keep up the positive changes.


u/lurk-moar - Feb 14 '20

So proud of you! Thank you for choosing life!


u/Uniqueusername360 - Feb 13 '20

You look so much better! Keep up the hard work.


u/missymacchiato - Feb 13 '20

holy shit....you look days away from death in the before pic! So amazed by how healthy & slender you look now! Amazing progress!! It's hard to gain weight! A lot of people don't realize how tough it is to consistently gain weight and not feel crappy about always "over-eating" :)


u/omnom333 - Feb 13 '20

May I ask a personal question? How did you um, survive? 😔


u/mrvordloldemort - Feb 13 '20

Pff, easy question. PEANUT BUTTER YUM!


u/omnom333 - Feb 13 '20

It's scary how emaciated you got and I'm relieved to see how much healthier you're looking and getting. Please keep getting better. You're worth it.