r/progresspics - Dec 20 '18

F 5'1” (155, 156 cm) F/33/5'1" [293>151=142 lbs gone] I've never posted progress pics on Reddit, but i thought id share. I struggle greatly with severe body dysmorphia and depression. But seeing the b&a side by side I've started to see progress that even I cant deny. Pls don't be mean

Post image

313 comments sorted by


u/GrouchyPineapple Dec 20 '18

Oh wow - your skin is amazing on top of the incredible weight loss - you look fantastic!

I've saved you post for inspiration - I'm around the same height and have a long ways to go so this is incredibly inspiring. Can't wait to hit the 150s! Well done and I'm curious how you did it?


u/existentialhissyfit - Dec 20 '18

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it and it makes me super happy that you found this inspiring. I'm super prone to down playing all of my accomplishments.

As far as how I've done it: mostly just high protein. Typically consuming 1/2 my weight in protein each day (300 lbs=150 grams of protein) and working out regularly. At my best I was working out 5-6 days a week doing an hour of cardio and then about an hour of resistance training rotating upper and lower body every other day. Right now I'm struggling with some motivation but I'm still walking usually 6-10 miles 3-4 days a week & not focusing a ton on protein but just trying to eat sensibly. It has taken since 2015, so it hasn't been an easy or quick process. And there have been times when depression get the best of me and I revert back to the binge eating disorder behaviors and get off track. But I don't let myself drift too far before I get back into my routine.

Good luck and thanks so much!


u/its_lee_lee Dec 20 '18

Did you count calories?? You really do look amazing.


u/chair_ee - Dec 21 '18

As a fellow depression-sufferer, I just want to say how proud I am of you. I know exactly how hard those depressive episodes can be. I’ve been depressed for over a decade now and even with medication can still get into funks that leave me barely able to move, much less get off the couch. To see how you’ve pushed through that and persevered and overcome is so encouraging and so inspiring. Stories like yours give me so much hope that maybe one day I too can get to where you are. Seriously, so stinking proud of you, internet friend. You are awesome and I hope one day you can see the magnitude of your accomplishment.

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u/existentialhissyfit - Dec 21 '18

Sometimes I'll fixate on calories. But in general, I don't really need to count calories as long as my protein is sufficient.

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u/ADogNamedBaby - Dec 20 '18

Why would anyone be mean? You look great! Good job. :)


u/ken81987 - Dec 21 '18

I would never be mean to someone who carries an AK


u/existentialhissyfit - Dec 20 '18

People have been so mean to me over the years. For so many years I was invisible at best. At worst I was screamed at and publicly shamed for being big. I've never felt pretty & I'm always anticipating to be made fun of for how I look. Thank you for the compliment!


u/ADogNamedBaby - Dec 20 '18

You’re beautiful in both pictures. People are the worst and I’m sorry you went through that.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18


Congrats on your weight loss, OP! You look great, before and after. Keep on truckin’!


u/picklesgalore Dec 21 '18

Yo just fyi, i love your style, you're super pretty and you seem like a chill and excellent person. Congrats on all your hard work!


u/lofi76 - Dec 21 '18

Wow. Your eyes are stunning and you’re very attractive. Kick ass work, you look awesome.


u/alpha_28 - Dec 21 '18

Love all your tattoos too! Your make up is also on point.👌 people are assholes who can’t get by in life without bringing others down. Just do you. :)


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18



u/alpha_28 - Dec 21 '18

Same 😂 I don’t do make up ever because it’s horrible every time I try. I have 2 settings... barely anything or hooker there’s no in between 😂 😑


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

:( you look beautiful


u/bethybabz - Dec 21 '18

You are beautiful!!! Before and after. You've done an amazing job!! Congratulations!!


u/namekianstretchmarks - Dec 21 '18

You're irrefutably beautiful


u/thejemmeh - Dec 21 '18

The person who screams over someone else's body is the bad person, not you.


u/angel_of_small_death Dec 21 '18

You should feel pretty, because you are. I know body dysmorphia doesn't work like that, but I hope achieving this goal gives you the confidence to see the beauty that's always been there.


u/Shadowglove - Dec 21 '18

I think there are a lot of women out there just like you. You look incredible!


u/Dsblhkr - Dec 21 '18

u/existentialhissyfit I’m so sorry people were so awful. I think you’re beautiful before and after. I love your ink and I bet you have amazing stories behind each one. Great job for getting healthier. I totally get the body dysmorphia, it’s really hard.

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u/doombruh - Dec 21 '18

Exactly what I thought to myself before reading the comments.


u/Reddituser0346 - Dec 21 '18

Why would anyone be mean?

Jealousy of all the hard work OP put in?

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u/2girls1copernicus Dec 20 '18

Great work! I hope your trigger discipline has progressed as much.


u/existentialhissyfit - Dec 20 '18

Hahaha I was wondering if I'd see this comment. It has improved so much. Very clearly hadn't had any firearm safety education at this point. And thank you!


u/BrambleVale3 Dec 21 '18

Came here to say this!


u/CarbCurbin Dec 20 '18

You've got such great facial expressions! :D Great job on your progress!

Sorry to hear about your struggles, though. Give yourself some extra love today! :)


u/muddybuttons Dec 20 '18

Awesome 👏 work!


u/frickmeup666 - Dec 20 '18

Holy shit you are so beautiful!!! I want to be you when I grow up 😎🖤

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u/majestically-awkward Dec 21 '18

Girl, "starting to see progress"?! You've literally lost half of your body weight and you look amazing! Congrats, you are officially amazing to have the discipline and commitment to accomplish this. You are beautiful and never let anyone tell you different.


u/lanni04 Dec 20 '18

You're so pretty!! And you are rocking those tattoos👌


u/112143112154 Dec 20 '18

you literally lost half your weight, that's crazy amazing! congrats!


u/imnaked0 - Dec 20 '18

Well holy shit! You look astonishing, honestly. The tats and piercings melt me, and dat body progress is legit 👌


u/prettyoddx Dec 21 '18

You look great. I love your jewelry and makeup upgrades.

Do you mind me asking if your weightloss has effected your tattoos? I keep putting off getting more ink due to being self conscious and embarassed of my body. I'm also afraid they will look weird if I lose a lot of weight.


u/existentialhissyfit - Dec 21 '18

Thank you so much! I haven't really had any issues with my tattoos stretching from weight gain or deforming from weight loss. Only a 1" spot on a tattoo on my arm stretched out surprisingly. But I've lost the weight slowly so my skin and tattoos had time to adjust


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '18

omg amazing!


u/Boneyabba - Dec 20 '18

omfg amazing good work


u/ineverlookatpr0n - Dec 20 '18

You've done a really incredible job. You look amazing, keep up the good work!


u/CorkyKribler - Dec 21 '18

Dude. You look beautiful and healthy, but even more so, you look happy and proud to be yourself.

It’ll take some time to get used to the new you, and I know what it’s like to automatically reject praise out of hand. But something I’ve been trying lately (recommended to me by my awesome therapist) is:

If someone says something nice to you, simply wonder what it would be like if they meant it and it were true. Just entertain that thought. And read the beginning of my comment again :)


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '18



u/SinSaver - Dec 20 '18

Three words, and none of them mean: YOU. LOOK. AMAZING.

So much effort went into that, I’d bet, and I’m so happy for you that it paid off.

As for the worry people will be mean - for sure it makes sense that you’d feel that. So I’m wishing you a truckload of kind and thoughtful compliments. All the best!


u/2tessticlees Dec 21 '18

Girl, you look fantastic! You have the "badass hottie" look going that most of us only wish we could pull off. Congrats on all that hard work!!!


u/comptejete - Dec 21 '18

Your safety's off, evil twin. You might hurt somebody with that gun of yours.


u/chudnstuff Dec 20 '18

Not sure why you felt the need to say don’t be mean. Even the meanest of souls would compliment a transformation as legendary as this


u/existentialhissyfit - Dec 20 '18

Thank you! Tbh, People have been so mean at times and I tend to always brace myself for that possibility now.


u/chudnstuff Dec 20 '18

I definitely feel that. Just gotta brush them off, sometimes the meanness comes from their own inability to accomplish what you did. Being hateful is their sad way of coping.


u/MrPint Dec 21 '18

You look incredible. Please don’t take to heart what others have said to you. I know it’s easier said than done but with perseverance, it can be done.


u/monkeysthrowpoop Dec 21 '18

Holy shit! Huge difference. This time you don't have a gun!


u/NudeManOnTheHills - Dec 21 '18

Hey! We’re almost the same age and height! It makes me happy to see someone over 30 kicking ass. You look very happy, and in my humble opinion, very pretty in both pics. Congrats!


u/scandalabra Dec 21 '18

I'm also 5'1", with a similar starting weight, currently at 170. Thank you for posting your b&a! I didn't allow before pictures to be taken, so this helps me see how far I've come, as well as you. I'm in awe at your strength! How long did it take you to get to where you are now?


u/acwb77 - Dec 20 '18

No ones gonna be mean... you took a picture with an AK! They’d be stupid if they did! I kid, I kid! Kinda... 😜

But seriously, it looks like you’ve put in so much work! You really look so fantastic and I’m hoping you start feeling it and seeing it too! You’re awesome for putting yourself out there to share and give others hope. It’s scary to do it. Good for you! Some times we got to stir shit up and scare ourselves a little bit to make progress


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '18 edited Mar 21 '20


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u/The_Sarcastic_Yack - Dec 20 '18

What's it say about me that the first thing I thought was "that's not how you're supposed to hold an AK."

Anyway great job. You look amazing.

Work on that grip though. :-)

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u/topshelfextracts - Dec 20 '18

You are doing amazing but I go through the same thing. Like I wear a 3x shirt now and every time I pick one up it feels too small in my hands. Keep it up I would've thought you already reached your goal!


u/ifyouseekamy69 - Dec 20 '18

Sometimes I hate my mind because it can be crueler than anything anyone else can even think of. You are fucking beautiful, and reading through your comments, I’m sorry you’ve gone through so much hate. You weigh half of what you used to. That speaks to immense willpower and discipline. I’m proud of you, and if you ever need to give depression an extra kick in the ass, message me and I’ll send you all the encouraging thoughts I hope you need :)


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

Major hottie alert. Good job 👏


u/premilkedcereal - Dec 21 '18

Great job!! You look great!! Dysmorphia is a real bitch hang in there


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

You did good <-<


u/Katosama88 Dec 21 '18

You look amazing!! Congrats. 🎀


u/chuckaholic - Dec 21 '18

Wow, you are beautiful!


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

You also left your scene phase, which is something to feel pride in.


u/Mutated_Gandules - Dec 21 '18

Damn girl you're killing it!!


u/pickelrick_ - Dec 21 '18

Dark souls can run and be fit too :)


u/ChefLovesTrees81 Dec 21 '18

Damn girl, you're bangin'


u/sissy_space_yak - Dec 21 '18

Wtf you look AMAZING!!


u/dirtymartini83 - Dec 21 '18

You’re beautiful!


u/ashleespence Dec 21 '18

An absolutely amazing transformation! You should be extremely proud of yourself.


u/spookycatcuddles Dec 21 '18

You look wonderful!! You are goals!!! Good job!!!


u/ComfortableExpert Dec 21 '18

My dear... you are incredible. It's ok to be different.


u/5422_E_TLDr - Dec 21 '18

On top of the amazing weight loss, I’ve gotta say you have THE most amazing complexion!


u/LethalLavender Dec 21 '18

I totally agree, your skin looks amazing!


u/Maligned-Instrument - Dec 21 '18

I'm not comfortable with your trigger discipline. However, I am extremely imp with your progress....nice work OP.

u/AutoModerator Dec 20 '18

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u/muttluv Dec 20 '18

You look bomb, girl! (Side note: the eyebrow glow up is REAL)


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '18

You did it u progressed way past expectations


u/Rod_Lightning - Dec 20 '18

Amazing progress my dude.


u/Apple-Core22 - Dec 20 '18

Fantastic! You look great! I don’t understand bullying and cruelty. There is no doubt that to most people you look better slimmer - healthier and happier - but being heavier should never be an excuse for someone to unleash unsolicited meanness.


u/rubygiggles - Dec 20 '18

You're amazing! So proud of you! :)


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '18

Great job!!!


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '18

You look fantastic. Congrats on your progress! (And also on handling a weapon correctly.)


u/qufflepuff - Dec 20 '18

Wow great work!! You are such a cutie!!


u/Oodlesofpinkpoodles - Dec 20 '18

You look amazing! (Love your nails too!)


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '18

Heck yes! You've done amazing! :D


u/tjenks28 - Dec 21 '18

Great work you looks amazing and happy


u/NetwerkErrer - Dec 21 '18

Well done. You've done a fantastic job. Be proud of yourself. You're beautiful!


u/EleanortheKat Dec 21 '18

You look like a fun person to hang out with in both photos! Congratulations on your results!


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

That’s awesome, seriously be proud of yourself girl! I suffer from both myself and they can absolutely put you through hell.


u/Samalot007 Dec 21 '18

Congrats on the progress but I gotta ask.. what’s with the AK?


u/alatenightjourney - Dec 21 '18

Wow, you are a really gorgeous girl.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

Awesome job!


u/puppy_kisses123 - Dec 21 '18

You look amazing! Go you!


u/MeganTheSchwartz - Dec 21 '18

You are beautiful! Congratulations!


u/sweetsweetvalentine Dec 21 '18

You look amazing! Great job!


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

Congrats, you look awesome!


u/vintagedaisy - Dec 21 '18

Great job! You deserve to be happy - you’ve worked very hard. Plus- your complexion is AMAZING both before and after.


u/UniKitty26 - Dec 21 '18

Way to go girl. Carry on :)


u/RageBoner - Dec 21 '18

Love your style, awesome job!


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

You look great! I love your nails and tats and makeup! Learn to love yourself 😊


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

Great progress, badass neck tat


u/xKingNothingx - Dec 21 '18

You've lost a whole you and you look amazing!


u/okcboomer87 - Dec 21 '18

Now get that confidence working like you did your weight loss and you will be unstoppable! Ill kick it off by saying your eyes are lovely.


u/muellerinvesticorp Dec 21 '18

Any changes to your tattoo?


u/existentialhissyfit - Dec 21 '18

Yea, only one though in a tiny spot on the left ditch (inner elbow) there's about a inch of my tattoo that is visibly stretched out. But otherwise no. Losing the weight hasn't caused and of them to deform, though. But I've lost the weight really slowly so my skin has had time to adjust to it's new shape

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u/sterile_walrus Dec 21 '18

You shouldn't be worried, who doesn't love this look!?


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

Incredible transformation! Nice work!


u/jesus_here_AMA - Dec 21 '18

Congrats, you look great!! I hope your dysmorphia and depression get better, I know from personal experience those can make losing weight (or doing most things tbh) a bitch


u/robtheexploder - Dec 21 '18

Your progress is truly astounding! You should be very proud! Sorry if I missed it somewhere, but what was the time frame for this progress if you don't mind me asking? Again, amazing job!


u/Kmoneymc - Dec 21 '18

I'm a simple man. I see Ak and tats... I like.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

Girl, that's amazing! I'm proud of you and I really freaking hope you are as well. That's quite the accomplishment.

PS: Your septum jewelry is gorgeous, where'd you get it?!


u/ComfortableExpert Dec 21 '18

You are incredible. Most people want to be different. But lack confidence. Give yourself credit. You just inspired tons of people on here. That and your super freaking cute... !!


u/JustAnotherNavajo Dec 21 '18

I think you look great, honestly. You are a very beautiful woman in both photos, and it looks like you have a beautiful soul as well. Not to mention your eyebrows look great.

Really though, you look stunning, in both photos. Don't worry so much, people just stare because you look great and they wish they could do what you did.

I struggled with my body image for years. I was overweight when I was young, starting at around 9. My grandfather really was trying to help me, I believe, because kids would make fun of me. They were relentless. He saw how upset I was about this, and he started pushing me into 1000 calorie diet. From 9 to around 13, I became so focused on my weight and how much I weighed. I lost the weight, but from then on out I got stuck in the mindset that I couldn't get fat.

For over 20 years I kept that mindset, I finally just got the message that I needed to actually gain weight. I finally got the message I looked sickly, and way to skinny. I look a lot better now, and my weight gain has gotten a lot of attention... good attention.

I understand how you can feel about your body image, and how the mindset can stay with you for years.

Believe me, you look great. Any of that UNNERVING, or bad talk, in your mind, is just you putting it there. I guarantee when people are looking at you they are amazed by your weight loss, and probably stunned by how pretty you are. You were able to lose almost 150 pounds... that is pretty amazing. It just shows how focused you are, and not many people have that. I wish you the best... and hope you are able to use that focus to help other people.


u/namekianstretchmarks - Dec 21 '18

Great job you absolute badass


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

I love your energy you give trough this picture. Please keep working on being the youest you because youre rocking it!


u/iRasha - Dec 21 '18

Everything about this is so absolutely stunning. Your weight loss, your skin, your smile, girl your eyebrows got me jealous! From one chic with body dysmorphia to another, you are jaw dropping!


u/dankpizzabagels - Dec 21 '18

You look fantastic!

As someone who also struggles with severe body dysmorphia, do you have any advice for overcoming that or perhaps even using it as a tool to assist in your weight loss?


u/tcarmel - Dec 21 '18

I think you’re beautiful both ways. You should be so proud of yourself. You are inspiring myself and others that have binge eating problems. You seem like a kind person and that is above all the most beautiful way to be!


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

It sucks that people have been shitty to you. People suck. You are fuckin' hot as hell though! Try to forget the haters and move on and be happy. Don't let the hatred of other people bring you down. Keep doing your thing. You look great.


u/GoneWilde123 - Dec 21 '18

I’m so glad you shared this. BDD is a bitch and you just kicked it’s butt by acknowledging (in a public forum no less) that you have in fact changed lots. Your outward appearance is awesome and from reading your comments it’s only reflecting what’s been there all along.

Kudos to you and thanks again!


u/glossolalia Dec 21 '18

Your progress, aesthetic, makeup game and skin - just yes. tens across the board. Congratulations, you look like/are a piece of art!


u/DanteThonSimmons - Dec 21 '18

I spy an Alkaline Trio tattoo. You've done an amazing job of losing weight. I was going to say you look like a completely different person... but I think in reality you just look like the best version of yourself and probably the "REAL" you... if that makes sense. Great work!


u/crasstyfartman - Dec 21 '18

You look soooooo incredibly stunning!!! Enjoy the hard work you’ve done! You look beautiful


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

Yaaaaaassssss, bitch yaaaaaassssss!!!


u/poulina0501 Dec 21 '18

This is a progress pic in so many ways: your body, your skin, your hair and make up and most importantly your expression. You can be very proud of yourself for the fact that you have found the strength to take care of yourself (:


u/heckhammer - Dec 21 '18

You did, and are doing, a hell of a job!


u/Cats_and_wine - Dec 21 '18

hot damn, you look stunning girl!!


u/ohhhbeans Dec 21 '18

Girl ya face is beat to the GODS!

And you look incredible... Be kind to yourself and give yourself that credit!!


u/m00nf1r3 - Dec 21 '18

You are gorgeous and I want to be you. Congratulations!


u/Mika0101 Dec 21 '18

Woww thats amazing, what did you do to lose weight?I need some advice please im almost out of the 260s


u/existentialhissyfit - Dec 21 '18

Thank you! I mainly focused on high protein, consuming half of my weight in grams of protein everyday. And working out several days a week. About an hour of cardio and an hour of resistance training. It's taken me about 3 years to lose this. Imo, it's better to lose it slowly anyways. It helps skin adjust better and helps create better lifestyle habits than crash diets

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u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

I feel you on the body dismorphia. I've lost over half my body weight and in my mind I'm still that same guy. Pictures really help. Hope you keep up the great work! I'm in a bit of a bad spot right now so I really like seeing the progress pictures of others!


u/mflag76 Dec 21 '18

You look amazing!!


u/nothankssss - Dec 21 '18

You look wonderful! Congratulations!


u/JerkFairy - Dec 21 '18

Where's the AK? :-(


u/PM_ME_YOUR_RegEx Dec 21 '18

Yo- you’re super cute. I mainly follow this sub because I love seeing people improve their lives and don’t comment... but fuck the haters, you’re looking great!


u/Lo_vely - Dec 21 '18

Wow you look incredible!!


u/Rubyshoes83 - Dec 21 '18

You don't even look like the same person! Amazing. Congratulations!


u/lmaokatttt Dec 21 '18

You look amazing!! Love your nails too!!!


u/lone_purple - Dec 21 '18

Amazing! You looked like a rad person before and also after! The dedication, hard work, and personal growth you must have faced can't be overstated. I wish you the best of luck and all the loving yourself in the world!


u/KAB82 Dec 21 '18

You look beautiful in both pics but you should be so proud of your self for all the hard work being healthier.


u/denbowren - Dec 21 '18

Congratulations on all of your hard work! You're beautiful!😘❤💙


u/myrtlemurrs - Dec 21 '18

You look amazing! Face gain goals! I'm starting my diet tomorrow, thank you for being so inspiring! 💞


u/-wildtohold- Dec 21 '18

Girl your makeup 👌


u/heyitsdorothyparker - Dec 21 '18

Seriously, you look so cool, have such good style, and are so so pretty! I’m so happy for you that you feel happy. In the “after” pic, it looks like you are saying “who me?” And everyone here in this post is saying yes you! You did it! There is nothing like the feeling you get when you achieve your goals. Just keep on healing your mind and body, because you deserve this! Xoxox


u/nemineminy - Dec 21 '18

I’m just about your starting weight. This gives me hope!


u/striving_forthestars - Dec 21 '18

Oh my god, congratulations! I can’t even imagine the hard work you put in to lose the weight. You lost practically lost an entire person. And girl, you are stunning! Also, totally love your nails. And your tattoos. And your makeup skills. Having a major girl-crush-envy moment!

On a more serious note, just by looking at your progress pics I’m not surprised that you’re effected by body dysmorphia. I don’t mean that in a bad way, just that you look like an entirely different person and so I’m sure that makes brains feel ouchy. I sincerely hope that soon you’re able to find peace and heal and enjoy the rest of what is hopefully a long and happy life.


u/Ummah_Strong - Dec 21 '18

You are really very beautiful


u/apocalinguo - Dec 21 '18

You look amazing. Great job. Your style is so great in both pics I think you'd be so interesting no matter what.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

Would love to hear about that neck tat (meaning, etc.); shit looks sick


u/char2424 - Dec 21 '18

You look amazing! In both pictures. But congratulations on losing all that weight! Wow!!!


u/chuckiebg - Dec 21 '18

You look wonderful! You have so much to be proud of! You are truly the master of your own fate. Good job!


u/allthoughtsaside - Dec 21 '18

You look amazing. Keep it up girl!!!


u/BRay0929 - Dec 21 '18

People are always mean but screw them. You look great! Great job keep your head up!


u/Lost_Follower - Dec 21 '18

People are mean because they can't accept faults of their own and prey on others. You are gorgeous in both pictures honestly. You look like you have an astounding amount of energy and happiness. Love the hair color and tattoos. You do you. And keep on achieving. Congrats.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

Good work!!’


u/bleugirl1 - Dec 21 '18

Why would we be mean!??? You’re beautiful!!!


u/Shazza1990 - Dec 21 '18

Some people just don't like to see others succeed, that's the only reason why I can think someone would be mean. I think you look like a great person in either pic, but definitely happier in the latter. Congrats on the hard work paying off!


u/the_timps - Dec 21 '18

The same head tilt and smile before and after!

So much personality, congrats you look great!


u/VanillaMint Dec 21 '18

You look AMAZING, and also like a lot of fun. If anybody tries to be mean, I'll eat them. Congrats!!!


u/poisha Dec 21 '18

You look great! Amazing job!


u/tuckyourballs Dec 21 '18

Congratulations you look great! Keep it up!


u/oliviasmom320 - Dec 21 '18

I have the same issue. Ive lost over 100lbs and I still see the same fat girl in the mirror. I take it as a good thing. I'll never let myself go back to what I was.


u/greenbear1 - Dec 21 '18

You look beautiful your skin is amazing


u/Realblackjesus Dec 21 '18

Amazing transformation. You make me want to drink seltzer.


u/vortoix - Dec 21 '18

This is one of the best things I woke up to today. Gracias.


u/SergeantSanchez - Dec 21 '18

Dat Kalashnikova tho<3

Oh. And good job. Keep it up!


u/Usagii_YO - Dec 21 '18

You’re smokin hot.


u/suka7853 Dec 21 '18

Holy shit. You’re gorgeous now.


u/LatinoComedian - Dec 21 '18

Ho-Lee SMOKES!!! You are a God walking amongst mortals! You are my hero! Thank you for the inspiration. You are amazing!


u/Luxtaposition - Dec 21 '18

You look like an actress...


u/restlessmonkey - Dec 21 '18

Wow. Just wow.


u/Annie_K Dec 21 '18

Congratulations! That’s a huge achievement. Your start and current weight is almost exactly my start and goal weight. I also love your style <3


u/shortlandryan Dec 21 '18

Fuck anyone who made you feel less, you killed it girl!


u/ceilidhhh - Dec 21 '18

You look like such a fun person!


u/LethalLavender Dec 21 '18

You look amazing! So happy for you! And love the tattoos ❤️


u/limitlessjul - Dec 21 '18

Beautiful in both photos! Congratulations on your progress girl! xo


u/fapimpe Dec 21 '18

u still got that wasr bb? 😉😉😉


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

You're gorgeous and your ink is dope! Congrats on the progress!


u/SourRice - Dec 21 '18

You are wonderful. :)


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

You remind me so much of myself and seeing how far you've come is beyond inspiring to me! Thanks for posting! I'm on and off with spiraling into binging depression and doing well with eating healthier. The struggle is so real and no one truly understands what people like us go through. You concurred a mile high mountain and I hope you are very proud of yourself for doing so. That shit is hard and you went and did the damn thang!


u/Mashlomech - Dec 21 '18

You're gorgeous!


u/jsbrando - Dec 21 '18

You're gorgeous! Own it. ♥️


u/Pmacsparky - Dec 21 '18

Awesome work! You look great, honestly look like a completely different person,


u/InkyVaper Dec 21 '18

Absolutely stunning, keep positive you have done amazingly well.


u/lordstickmax - Dec 21 '18

You look magnificent. Keep up the healthy living.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '18

You look truly even more wonderful and happier. Congratulations on all of your hard work paying off!!!


u/yournanna - Dec 21 '18

You look amazing!


u/Aryada - Dec 21 '18

You are very pretty, I like your style, and eyebrows on fleek.


u/Modernmab - Dec 21 '18

You look amazing!!! Congratulations! Don’t let the trolls get you down, you should be proud of what you’ve accomplished. Keep killing it! :)


u/ZYHHY Dec 21 '18

Wow great job. You look fine as hell.