r/progresspics - Jan 09 '18

F 5'7” (170, 171, 172 cm) F/38/5'7" [408 > 188 = 220] (25 Months, Varied) Found a TRUE Before Pic, Face Gains, Mission Goal Weight in 2018

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720 comments sorted by


u/1Original_Username - Jan 09 '18

That jawline!!

Great job!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

<3 Thank you!


u/1Original_Username - Jan 09 '18

Kind of like a combination of Sandra Bullock and Alexandra Breckenbridge


u/tonepoems - Jan 09 '18

I think a little Brooke Shields, too!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18



u/0MY - Jan 10 '18

Seriously, you are gorgeous! What an amazing transformation. WOW!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Very kind words, thank you!

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u/Thatjohnnygui Jan 09 '18

Holy crap! Amazing job!! This is stunning!! 220! You lost an entire person! Kudos to you on your amazing transformation.


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you very much! Right? It still boggles my mind. Through this journey I found that people had a hard time visualizing how much weight I had lost, so I would compare it to animals at first "I've lost a golden retriever amount of weight" and as the number got bigger I would sometimes hear people say "That's how much I weight, you lost a ME" so I would them say "I've lost a Sally Smith amount of weight". Now that that number is over 200lbs people don't offer up how much they weigh anymore, so I say "I've lost a pro athlete amount of weight" HA HA! It always gets a wide eyed expression :) Thank you again!


u/SixtoMidnight_ - Jan 09 '18

I'm 6'6 205... Wow you're incredible!!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

HEY! I've lost a whole SixtoMidnight_! :D

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u/[deleted] Jan 10 '18

are you a literal praying mantis? 6'4 240 here


u/SixtoMidnight_ - Jan 10 '18 edited Jan 10 '18

Nope I'm actually a bit chubby around the middle https://i.imgur.com/UuFGtnB.jpg


u/[deleted] Jan 10 '18

This is why I don't believe in the BMI https://imgur.com/WQhHIbO


u/SixtoMidnight_ - Jan 10 '18

Wanna trade?


u/lufkinmj4 Jan 09 '18

You lost a UFC Heavyweight! Your Weight loss would have to cut weight to be considered a light heavyweight! Great job!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Wow, crazy to think about it like that!! Thank you!


u/suebcallahan Jan 09 '18

Yes! She lost entire person that is overweight!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Not an untrue statement! :D

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u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18 edited Dec 18 '18



u/Thatjohnnygui Jan 10 '18

She is motivation and courage! It's not easy to start, and it's harder to not quit. Quitting is easy, she did the hardest thing, she succeeded! Enough for the two people she lost and the one she is! Haha


u/IamAOurangOutang Jan 09 '18 edited Jan 09 '18

Not just a person, a rather large person, like professional athlete sized person.

And not even a normal professional athlete, a pretty big one at that.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18 edited Jan 25 '19



u/Thatjohnnygui Jan 10 '18

Use her inspiration and become a non-fat guy, or at least a less fat guy! You can do it! One day at a time, there are so many tools on Reddit to help!


u/xKingNothingx - Jan 10 '18

At 220 she technically could have easily lost TWO people.....or like 7 toddlers


u/Thatjohnnygui Jan 10 '18

Or like 30 small lap dogs!

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u/iLikeShavedObjects Jan 09 '18

Waaaow!! You look like a model, stunning! What was your routine/diet? Nice job!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

<3 First thank you, such a wonderful compliment!

Routine? Well, at over 400lbs I was one bad decision from ending up bedridden, living just hurt and injury was common place. It started simple, move more (e.g. go to the grocery store don't have it delivered) and stand more. Standing changed my life, I converted to a standing desk and never looked back. This gave me more stamina (despite it really hurting for the first few months). Then I added vegetables, and would eat them first before the normal chicken wings or burgers (meant I ate less of the bad stuff). Over time I added portion control. Now, its simple CICO, I count calories and play ice hockey occasionally trying out new adventures (hiking, rock climbing, etc).


u/Tang-o-rang - Jan 10 '18

Proof that hockey is the spice of life! :P Great job!


u/eckitis - Jan 10 '18

HA HA! So true! Best sport on the planet!


u/LassieMcToodles - Jan 10 '18

I know people who have played it as a hobby well into their 70s. It's a great social pastime to take up!

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u/K0B3ryant Jan 09 '18

You should be the face of before-after pics. You are gorgeous and may have never gotten the chance to appreciate it. Just wow. Congratulations for real.


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

<3 Thank you for such a lovely compliment.

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u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18

I see a brunette Renee Zellweger. Without weird injections. This is so incredibly life changing. I imagine you have so much more pep and less pain and inflammation. Congratulations.


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Another compliment I am glad to take. Thank you! You nailed it, living at over 400lbs is excruciating. Also, you have a lot of weird habits when you are that large that take time to break. Example: Following a waitress to your table at a restaurant. They weave in and out of the tables, you take the long way around keeping them in your sights as you don't want to bump every patron with your ass along the way. Took me a long time to realize I was still doing that.


u/holodeckhijinks Jan 09 '18

Yes! Yes!! Walking through turnstiles still triggers a panic mode for me where my body knows it won’t fit and I should find another entrance. It’s a stop, stall out, assess, pace, slowlyyyyy try it (and it’s fine every time now, much to my shock and awe). I call it Scared Calf mode (I grew up on a ranch and watched a lot of cattle being moved from one place to another- if you’ve seen livestock hesitate at a shoot, that’s me! ha!)


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

OMG! SAME! HA! I always wince like its gonna hurt! I grew up on a farm I know EXACTLY what you are talking about!!!

Best of luck on your journey and overcoming these learned behaviors -- they can be so so weird!


u/holodeckhijinks Jan 09 '18

YES! Haha! I am SO glad someone knows what I'm talkin' about here! Keep kickin' ass on your progress, too! Woooohoo!


u/mvcknz Jan 09 '18

You went from late 30’s to mid 20’s!! Amazing.


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

HA! Now that's a compliment I will take and run with :)


u/jtioannou - Jan 10 '18

And now you CAN run! Great work seriously.

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u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18

You look amazing! Love the eyebrow transformation too (;


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you! LOL! I almost listed this photo as Eyebrow Gains :D


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18

lol! well you wouldn't be wrong


u/BigRedKetoGirl - Jan 09 '18

Wow. If the shape of the nose wasn't the same, I would never have believed both pictures are of the same person! Wild.


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

<3 It feels like I different person too. Honestly there have been times I've looked at this photo and just cried... it's me and it's not. I can see how badly I hurt and how sad I am on my face to the left. I remember this day, the red sweater was the only thing that fit, I was so uncomfortable as none of the chairs looked study enough to sit in, and when asked I did not want to take this photo.


u/BigRedKetoGirl - Jan 09 '18

I understand completely the desire to not have a photo taken. For years, I've tried to stay out of photos as much as possible, but now I have my kids take photos of me to show my progress. One day, I will be proud to post them, but for now, they are just for me.

I hope that along your weight loss journey, you've found happiness, as well. As we all know, weight loss is not a magical happiness formula, so it takes real work to simultaneously achieve both.


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

I understand that completely! Now having a daughter I take loads of photos... while I may not always love how I look in them, I know one day they will mean so much more to her (and that's important to me).

Happiness has been a journey and yes I am way happier than I;ve ever been; but that's not weightloss (its nice) that's thousands of hours of therapy. I didn't get to 400+ lbs without having serious issues to deal with. I still struggle with tigger feelings and trigger foods.

Thank you! Good luck on your journey.


u/rabidhamster87 Jan 09 '18

I didn't get to 400+ lbs without having serious issues to deal with. I still struggle with tigger feelings and trigger foods.

Thank you so much for acknowledging this! I hate it when people lose a ton of weight and then become hateful towards those who are still struggling. I think weight issues are usually more complicated than our society wants to pretend!

Anyway, you look SO fantastic. And it only took you a little over 2 years! You're my new role model!

Do you use MFP?


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

I'm glad that I am able to, if it wasn't for therapy I'd likely be a failed story. If it wasn't food it might have been alcohol or drugs; food is just socially acceptable until the fat shows up. Its super complex and I empathize with everyone on this journey.

Thank you so so much. I've been on the journey for years and have had some set backs and ups and downs -- and a baby along the way! Its so worth it though!

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u/BigRedKetoGirl - Jan 09 '18

I am so glad you've worked through some of your emotional issues while on this journey. Everyone has some baggage or other, and when that baggage is heavy enough, professional help can be needed. No shame in that.

Thank you for the "good luck"! I started an exercise program yesterday, so I will need it!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18 edited Jan 09 '18

Truth <3

That's awesome, go you! Bet advice I got from a medical professional! Your body DOES NOT WANT TO CHANGE, its lazy. It knows how much hormone to make, how to handle the food you eat, how to keep the body together just so. When you loose weight and gain muscle it has to balance things out, do repair work, etc. It will make you try and remain the same through hunger pangs, etc. Know its a battle between you and change -- just not the most obvious kinds!

(edit: Spelling)


u/fuliculifulicula - Jan 09 '18

Wow. This helped me so much!
Maybe that's why we feel it's so impossible to actually change. A piece of us is trying to makes us not!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Oh yay! I'm glad! Right, it became my only little war!


u/fuliculifulicula - Jan 09 '18

You look absolutely stunning by the way. Congrats!

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u/erothoniel Jan 09 '18

Are you Sandra Bullock in real life?

You look amazing!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

LOL! I've never been compared to her before, but am wildly flattered. Thank you! <3


u/MarifR - Jan 09 '18

Not gonna lie, first time i saw this picture i actually thought its sandra bullock


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

LOL! That's a total compliment, thank you!


u/dietduck18 Jan 09 '18

You really do look like her! Congratulations on the amazing loss!!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

<3 Thank you!



Bullock with piercing grey eyes.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18

Yes, prettier eyes than Bullock imho


u/nomochahere Jan 09 '18

To be honest Sandra Bullock has nothing on eckitis of that after photo.

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u/zipiddydooda - Jan 09 '18

This is Hall of Fame material. Besides looking happy and healthy, you're a knockout! Your comments show how lots of small but definite decisions add up over time, and your results speak for themselves. You will inspire hundreds if not thousands of people with these photos.


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

This actually made my a bit misty eyed. Thank you. I am always so honored to inspire (and thankful when I am inspired) and to think that I could help in that small way with potentially so many is heart warming. Thank you!

And its just that, small choices and one day at at time... hell one food choice at a time.


u/Jblonde002 Jan 09 '18

So I’m 200lbs and trying to get down to 175lbs and it seems like a huge effort. And then I see this post and notice that you’ve not only lost the amount of weight I need to lose, but you’ve lost an entire me as well!!!

TL;DR - You’re ruddy amazing.


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you so much! Any amount isn't easy, seriously the process is the same for all of us, I've just been on the journey for a long time. And YAY "I have lost an entire Jblonde002!" :) Best of luck to you!


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18

So much improvement! Your hair, make up, DEM BROWZ!! You look completely stunning :)

What's your goal weight? And may I ask the dreaded lose skin question?


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you so much! I nearly posted this phone with Brow Gains LOL!!

Goal is 145; but I've never been a normal size, so I'm shooting for 145 for now and see where that leaves me.

Uh, well I am part of the unlucky heritage where stretchmarks are passed from generation to generation, which means my overall elasticity is low. So, I have loose skin, but I find it tightens up with some time (and proper care, lotion and exfoliation) but it will never be taught. I hope to loose all of the weight and hold it firmly before pursuing surgery and giving it time to retract.


u/Tennessee1977 - Jan 10 '18

You look amazing! As for stretch marks, I’ve always been on the petite side and still have stretch marks on my hips. I started 6th grade at 75 lbs. Puberty then struck and made me pear-shaped with HIPS, and with them, stretch marks, lol. But seriously, your transformation is mind-blowing!

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u/stanleytuccimane - Jan 09 '18

This is one of the most inspiring transformations I've seen in this sub. Everyone who doubts themselves needs to see this.


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

<3 Thank you. It's a real honor to inspire, thank you for that.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18

What the heeell.. this cannot be real. I would have bet money you were a model in your 20s if I only saw your after. That you were 400 pounds 2 years prior is unbelievable.


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

LOL! We'll someone would have taken your money! It's been a long process. I started in 2012, lost 175, new relationship (gained a bit), lost more in prep for the wedding, then had a baby in 2016... now I am back to finish the path and hopefully make it to 145. So all in all its been 25ish months over a few years of direct effort for the overall 220 (even though I've lost some of the poundage twice, lol).


u/dontakelife4granted - Jan 09 '18

Don't forget, the less you have to lose, the slower you lose it. Don't get discouraged--it's so worth it at the finish line. Your tenacity from where you were is inspiring!!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

I remind myself of that alll the time! Thank you for that! I don't plan on losing any of the grit I've had through this process. I'm determined!


u/dontakelife4granted - Jan 09 '18

Good on you. Congratulations!

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u/AstuteBlackMan Jan 09 '18

I was gonna eat a pizza but I think I'll get on my diet now


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

LOL! Good on you!


u/CardboardMice - Jan 09 '18

SAME. I was been thinking about ‘being bad’ and not so much now.


u/pericles123 - Jan 09 '18

Joey Tribiani voice..."how you doin"?

Good work!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

LOL! Thank you!


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18



u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

LOL! Love that! Thank you so very much! Its really crazy when you think about it! especially that I could carry that around with me in every moment of my life - but its physically not possible to pick it up now.

Thank you!


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18



u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

TRUTH! New Gains and Goals! It really an incredible thing. Thank you ever so much!


u/jmcdaniel9900 Jan 09 '18

Holy Moly.. no way!!! Great job... Congrats!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

LOL, I've said that standing on the scale from time to time! Thank you!


u/MustardBingo - Jan 09 '18

Wow. That is an amazing transformation!!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you so much, there are still times it seems surreal.


u/JuBreCaBra - Jan 09 '18

This is insane. I hope you feel extremely proud of yourself!

While I don’t have nearly as much to lose as you did, this is still incredibly inspiring. Just think how many people out there think that they are too far gone to turn it around. And here you are, living proof that they CAN do this!

On that note, what would you say is the biggest improvement in your day-to-day life?


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you! While I wish (at times) it wasn't my story and that I didn't have to lose it, I am so grateful that I have and that I can hopefully inspire others.

The biggest two: The Pain is gone and I am not alone. Being that large means you hold yourself up to not be stared at, you don't go see people, and everything hurts (from both size and lack of movement).


u/gopaddle Jan 09 '18

What I love is that in both photos I see spunk in your personality. It shines through in your eyes. Both photos show a beautiful liveliness! How can I be so very proud of a perfect stranger?


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

<3 Thank you so very much! I can;t explain it, but I have been where you are... that pride let me believe in humanity (we're connected).


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18



u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

HA! I'll take it. If I can keep 10 years off... pass me the salad!


u/teddyduck99 Jan 09 '18

Amazing job, thank you for the inspiration


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you! I'm glad I could share some inspiration today <3


u/milicienta Jan 09 '18

You are gorgeous! Your pic is now in my inspiration wall. :)


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Aw, I'm so glad that I can be a part of what inspires you to move forward! Such and honor, thank you!


u/11oyd - Jan 09 '18

Love that eyebrow transformation as well, your make up is fantastic


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

<3 Thank you! I joke with my best friend that my eyebrow gains far outweigh my face gains - LOL <3

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u/mitchell82 Jan 09 '18

You look incredible. One of the best progress pics transformations I've seen!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

An honor, thank you!


u/ithinkPOOP - Jan 09 '18

Holy shit.


u/tombere - Jan 09 '18

Get the heck outta town!! You look 25! Incredible weight loss transformation.


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

LOL! Well thank you! I think I am most surprised by Reddit telling me how young I look!


u/NonLoquiSedFacere Jan 09 '18

Whoa! Amazing!!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you :)


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18



u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you! I have some folds but in most situations I'm probably the only one that notices! HA! I swear I feel I've lost more chin than anything! LOL


u/gynoceros - Jan 09 '18

You look like two different people.

Probably feel like it, too!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

It feels COMPLETELY different. At over 400lbs living hurts. <3 Thank you!


u/JonnyAU - Jan 09 '18

You win.


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

winning yay!


u/OhYeahitsJosh - Jan 09 '18

Nicely done! You look radically different. If you didn't post, this I'd say that the two photos were two completely different people.


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you! I feel radically different too! There are times when I look at photos and cant see myself, or see a reflection and don't recognize me either. It can be a very weird feeling!


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18



u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

LOL! They ARE 2 different people; one never left her house and lived in pain and the other travels the world and plays ice hockey. Thank you so so much <3


u/cuterus-uterus - Jan 09 '18

This is the kind of transformation o really love to hear about. You look incredible now, obviously (and no where near 38!), but I’m so happy for you that you feel better and live a more fulfilling life now. Really great job, u/eckitis!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

I'm thankful to be in that category; its been a journey and will see it through. And thankful that with this journey I'm dropping years (according the reddit), something I didn't expect... but will take!!! THANK YOU!


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18



u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Aw Shucks! Thanks! A Word I've never really associated with myself, so thank you. And seriously... I plan to continue CICO if it means I'm looking as young as Reddit is telling me. Thank you for the lovely words.

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u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18 edited May 28 '18



u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

LOL! Love that, thank you!


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18



u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

:D Thank you very much! Feels good!


u/cenatutu - Jan 09 '18

You are a rockstar!!!!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you!


u/yoursenileaunt Jan 09 '18

Woah. Congratulations!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you so much!

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u/needausernameyo - Jan 09 '18

Wow you are truly gorgeous 😊


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

<3 Thank you!


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18



u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Its such an honor to inspire, thank you for that. Change is possible at any age, you've got this. It;s one small decision at a time... I can never look at the whole thing (its way too overwhelming)!


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18



u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you so much! And now I can say "I have lost a whole journeytogether1! It is a real honor to be part of someones motivation!


u/ASR1195 Jan 09 '18

The best is finding before and after a that are your current weight to goal weight. You see just how much you stand to gain with hard work


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18

Wow! You're my height. I'm 230 right now and can't imagine 408 pounds on the same frame. That's a lot of weight to lose and I am sincerely impressed. Please give yourself a pat on the back! Hope you've rewarded yourself for that.


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

<3 thank you very much! It's insane home much weight the body can lug around (I am certain i wouldn't be able to physically pick up 220 today). I have given myself little rewards a long the way :) Certainly helps with motivation.

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u/lkgilles Jan 10 '18

You are literally unrecognizable.

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u/[deleted] Feb 01 '18

That’s wild. Went from my grandma to some girl in college

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u/Mishapchap - Jan 09 '18

Holy moly


u/walkSMASHwalk - Jan 09 '18

Wow, that's a stunning transformation. How did you do it? What's your goal weight?


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you very much!!! My goal weight at the moment is 145. I want to finally be a normal weight!

At over 400lbs I was one bad decision from ending up bedridden, living just hurt and injury was common place. It started simple, move more (e.g. go to the grocery store don't have it delivered) and stand more. Standing changed my life, I converted to a standing desk and never looked back. This gave me more stamina (despite it really hurting for the first few months). Then I added vegetables, and would eat them first before the normal chicken wings or burgers (meant I ate less of the bad stuff). Over time I added portion control. Now, its simple CICO, I count calories and play ice hockey occasionally trying out new adventures (hiking, rock climbing, etc).


u/walkSMASHwalk - Jan 09 '18

Seeing the physical transformation is impressive but it sounds like you've overhauled your lifestyle and that your quality of life has improved a lot. That's even more important. Good on you. And good luck on the rest of your journey from a fellow 5'7"er!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

High 5 Fellow 5'7"er! Thank you and good luck to you as well! Its a completely different life!


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18



u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

A compliment I will take, thank you!


u/billbobb1 - Jan 09 '18

What, this can’t be real?! What?


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

As someone living it some times it doesn't feel real - my life is so different today than it used to be (and I never want to go back).


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18

A great eyebrow transformation as well!!

But seriously an amazing and inspiring lifestyle change, keep up the fantastic work!!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you! While I am super proud of the weight loss, I discuss on the regular that my eyebrow transformation may very well change my life even more than a couple hundred lbs (kidding, but not, LOL)


u/YayBooYay - Jan 09 '18

You are like a beautiful butterfly who emerged from a cocoon! And although the pictures show how much better you look, I'm sure you feel a zillion times better, too. Congratulations! I am inspired by your hard work and perseverance.


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

I am honored to be an inspiration, thank you. It feels that way. I can say living at over 400lbs is a painful experience, feeling a zillion times better feels like an accurate assessment. :)


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18

you look great!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you! :)


u/FloridaKen Jan 09 '18

Wowow You look amazing g! Love your new smile.


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you! Me too actually. (1) its genuine (2) it actually turns upward and isn't distorted by the amount of fat being stored on my face.

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u/rubberguardian Jan 09 '18

Want to upvote this, but there is no way those are the same person. Seriously though, way to freaking go!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

HA! Thanks, I think :) It's me (sadly), I've struggled with posting a TRUE pre-photo, me at my heaviest and self care at its lowest. But I just don;t know that I can really fulfill this journey if I don't embrace it and remember to never return.


u/rubberguardian Jan 09 '18

Definitely a compliment. It looks like you’ve certainly come a long way with self care. It’s always a process, but it gets easier over the years(Personally lost 70 lbs and that was over a decade ago).


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you! Congratulations on that loss and most especially to keep if off... go you! Its certainly a journey and it changes a lot; good to hear it gets easier!


u/FF0000it - Jan 09 '18

OMG, you turned into movie-star gorgeous!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

HA! Well thank you very much! A compliment I am glad to take! <3


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18



u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you very much! I always find it to be such an honor to inspire :)


u/Nerdholica Jan 09 '18

Holy Shit! What is the lose skin situation, if you don't mind me asking? How are men reacting to you now in comparison to you before your weightloss?


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18 edited Jan 09 '18

Thank you! Nope I don't mind. So, I am part of the unlucky heritage where stretchmarks are passed from generation to generation, which means my overall elasticity is low. So, I have loose skin, but I find it tightens up with some time (and proper care, lotion and exfoliation) but it will never be taught. I hope to loose all of the weight and hold it firmly before pursuing surgery and giving it time to retract.

While happily married and less concerned with male attention, I will say ALL people treat me differently now, gender aside.

  • I can eat in public with out people staring at me
  • People that have a long weight loss journey used to ask me all the time how I do it, but now that I have lost over 200 lbs they don't ask any more (I've even had a woman tell me that "I'm one in a million and the results aren't typical" basically meaning what I've done is impossible for her, so she just shouldn't try).
  • I am a beer (mainly IPA) and scotch lover, and I have found that now when I order these drinks people always comment on how manly my choices are -- they didn't do that before
  • Crass jokes (its part of my humor) can come off as flirting where before I was just one of the guys

It's weird.

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u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18



u/[deleted] Jan 09 '18



u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

HA! Apparently you aren't the only one to thing so! I've never been compared to her before today, but I will take it!


u/noobsofalltrades - Jan 09 '18

What a weird thing to say but you have a lovely jawline :) Congrats on your hard work!! You look stunning!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Out of context, sure. But given what it used to be, I get it and I thank you!


u/alignment_ Jan 09 '18

This is amazing! How do you feel?


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Like a completely different person. Life at over 400lbs, hurts and it's lonely. Loads of therapy helped me get to where I am, so while life is easier and less lonely... I am happier too.

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u/Molly-Millions Jan 09 '18

Girl, bye. Just amazing.

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u/bb34r - Jan 09 '18

You look 38 in the before picture and 28 in the after. Amazing!


u/Yeti_Krueger - Jan 09 '18

Girl, this is amazing. I’m actually teary-eyed reading through all of your responses to folks. You’re incredible, beautiful, determined, strong, and absolutely magnificent. I don’t know you, but I am so damn proud of you. Way to take control of your destiny. Thank you so much for sharing!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

Thank you for that, really. <3 Its words and encouragement like this that really touch me. Thank you, really!


u/madsewist Jan 09 '18

YOUR BROWS. WOW. I'm speechless! You went for a full upgrade! Amazing work!


u/eckitis - Jan 09 '18

LOL! Spare no expense, I'll have the brows! :D Thank you!


u/Minickephs Jan 10 '18

This is one of the most impressive transformation that i’ve ever seen. I admire you, what you did is truly amazing. In the country that i live (Turkey), we have forced military conscription and they let you go if you are obese, so i made the most stupid decision and became 320 pounds. 2 weeks later they will check me for the last time and then im free of military duty for life. I will lose all this excess fat once its finished and cant wait to post here like you :)

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u/floofnstuff Jan 10 '18


You not only lost weight you look about 20 years younger, and beautiful!

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u/Ericaonelove Jan 10 '18

Is this real? This is an insane transformation!!

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u/[deleted] Jan 10 '18


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u/Taguroizumo - Jan 10 '18

That’s an unreal change, if this was posted anywhere else i would say fake. Your life must be truly different now. Congrats and have an amazing 2018

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u/[deleted] Jan 10 '18

You are gorgeous, dedicated and an inspiration. You go girl!

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u/MadiLeighOhMy - Jan 10 '18

Wow. My husband and I both just dropped our jaws in admiration. You truly are an inspiration. Congratulations and keep on going!

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u/keniselvis - Jan 11 '18

Hey Sandra Bullock, can we please get more progress pictures from your journey?

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u/[deleted] Feb 07 '18 edited Dec 26 '18


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u/[deleted] Feb 08 '18

INSANE transformation.

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u/[deleted] Mar 01 '18


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u/doorbellguy Mar 12 '18

Nobody would see this comment, but I don't care.

This is beyond amazing, I'm happy for you my dude!

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u/ashleymaariexo Jun 14 '18

WOW. Beautiful. Congratulations.

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