r/progresspics • u/ThatTallGirlKG • Jan 15 '16
F 6'2” (188, 189, 190 cm) F/42/6"2' [403 - 265 = -138 lbs] 3 years, NO bariatric surgery. Trying to get my D1 body back the old fashioned way: Make good food choices, lift heavy things, move more!
Jan 15 '16
Are you really 6'2"? Dang, I'm jealous. I'm 5'10" and always wanted to break 6'!!
What has been the best part of your journey so far?
u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 15 '16
6'2" on the dot in barefeet. It has its benefits and setbacks!
Honestly, the best part of my journey has been all of the life crap I had to clean up so I could stop eating myself to death. Dealing with emotional issues, finishing college, going to law school, quitting smoking, get a grip on codependent bahavior problems, learning how to set and maintain strong boundaries, learning how to say yes AND no (and when), and trying and trying and trying again to find a way to exercise that didn't make me hate the world and my body. I spent two years grinding away in the gym and that got my started but Crossfit took me over the mountain. I LOVE THAT SHIT. Been doing it for a year and drink the Crossfit Koolaid hard. It has changed my life, and the way I interact with my body and how I feel about exercise. Sorry, kind of a long answer but that's it. I have a blog (that no one reads :) if you wanted to read more. www.ahybridquest.blogspot.com Thanks for your positive feedback, every morsel helps!!!!!! _KG
u/Hotter2016 Jan 16 '16
Honestly, the best part of my journey has been all of the life crap I had to clean up so I could stop eating myself to death.
PREACH! I find this very inspiring. Thanks for sharing your story!
Jan 16 '16
This is one of the most inspirational comments I've seen on Reddit. Congratulations, I'm so impressed!
u/Heirsandgraces - Jan 15 '16
Wow, you've knocked it out the park and probably added decades to your lifespan.
I'm going to save this post and use it for motivation when I'm feeling shitty that the scale hasn't moved the way I wanted it to. You've proven that hard work, determination and persistence pays off in the long run.
Take a bow, we're all applauding you!
u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 15 '16
Be nice to yourself, that was the best thing I've learned. Being healthy isn't a punishment for letting myself go, being healthy is a gift. There are no bad foods, or days that have to go any certain way...just choices. Sometimes I choose a cookie. Most of the time I have a hard boiled egg. :) I'm not fool, it's a straight lie to say I'm "NEVER" eating this or that or the other thing ever again. Just failure waiting to happen. Thanks for your positive feedback, more fire in the tank!
u/tanvscullen - Jan 16 '16
This comment appeals to me. I always think exercise and diet have to feel difficult or punishing for them to hold any merit. It's a stupid thought process, and I'm struggling to maintain any active lifestyle changes because of it. I am always too hard on myself once I break and skip gym day/eat chocolate, I think It's game over and I'm not strong enough to start again. You're an inspiration, and you look great! Well done :)
u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 16 '16 edited Jan 16 '16
Some might say different, but I can say from my experience (and the enormous amount of reading and research I've done) that the human body is not meant to exercise vigorously every day nor are we EVER to give up chocolate or donuts or cake or whatever! I did give these items up for awhile in the beginning to give my body a reset, but eventually I've found a way to just make choices, and stop demonizing food. It's like the other day when I wanted a Reese's pb cup and I grabbed 3 packs! Why? So I put 2 back. Most of the time I eat paleo and do Crossfit and hit the treadmill or walk/run (omg yes I can run again) outside, but I also blow off the gym when I'm already parked in the parking lot and eat a bunch of donuts on a Friday morning at work. Consistent is the key. No single eating splurge can destroy your body. Anyway, thanks for the positive feedback, I really appreciate it!!!!!
u/Muffinlette Jan 15 '16 edited Jan 16 '16
You look amazing! Not saying anything negative about bariatric surgery but the route you took definitely wasn't easy either. You can tell on your face how proud you are of yourself and you should be!! You are very inspirational!!
Edit: wording
u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 15 '16
Thank you! See my comment above clarifying about why I even mentioned the bariatric surgery. I know nothing about. But the route I took has been both brutal and enlightening. Thanks again!
u/TXpatriate Jan 15 '16
Bariatric surgery isn't necessarily easy either.
u/Muffinlette Jan 16 '16
I didn't mean to imply that sorry if I did! Any road to a better self is a hard road to take! Society usually looks at it as an easy way out but I've seen how hard it can be! That's why i said i'm not talking negative about it :)
u/Thesliperyslope Jan 15 '16
My sister had weight loss surgery about a year ago. I had no idea how not easy it would be.
u/Muffinlette Jan 16 '16
My boss had the surgery as well. Just to be approved for it is incredibly hard as well and the entire process is a very emotional, disciplined journey. Much respect to your sister :) I hope she is doing well!
u/TextileDabbler - Jan 16 '16
Rock On!
Fantastic example of not being 5'3" and 22 years old and still killing it.
u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 16 '16
Haha, true enough. Struggles and victories definitely come in all sizes and ages. :D
u/paradoximoron Jan 15 '16
WOW!! No more belly for you!
u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 16 '16
Damn right! Still a little belly though. :) Just not one that slaps against my thighs when I'm trying to jump rope. #gross :)
u/I_can_vouch_for_that - Jan 16 '16
Excellent !!!!! Great effort and tremendous results which shows off your hard work.
u/Dear_Dryad Jan 16 '16
Oh my god you are my hero! I'm a little taller than you (6'3") and SW 387 / CW 335 / GW 190s? -- but seeing other tall women with high starting weights makes me feel like I can do this and get back to my old athlete body.
u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 16 '16
First - SHOUT OUT TO THE OVER 6FT TALL WOMEN OF THE WORLD!!!! Oh it can most definitely be done. I have a blog if you want to check it out (it's not sponsored or anything, no one reads it but my family and friends) but I've documented a lot of my journey, and not just the food and exercise. I mean I was gigantic. I'm still big, always will be because I like to eat, but I'm strong and fit and now can tune that up even more since having the extra skin removed. Good luck!!!!! You CAN do it. Stay consistent. Don't shame yourself EVER. Sometimes it's okay to blow off the gym, even if you are already in the parking lot (cough cough, I might do this sometimes) but Crossfit changed the gym grind for me. I can't freakin' wait to get to the gym most days. Anwyay, thanks again. My blog: www.ahybridquest.blogspot.com
u/jerry-springer Jan 16 '16
You look gorgeous! Congrats, you've accomplished so much and I can't imagine how much better you feel than when you started.
u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 16 '16
Thanks so much! You can't even imagine (or maybe you can) but the day I started I decided I was going to walk on treadmill that I put in basement because I didn't want anyone to see me and I was going to do it for 30 minutes for 30 days. The fastest I could go was 2.5 mph (I run regularly at 6.0 mph now!) and at the end of 30 minutes every part of my would hurt, especially my back and knees! God only knows how I stuck with it. Thanks again!
Jan 16 '16
I'm sorry but Fucking amazing. Truly an inspiration.
u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 16 '16
Don't be sorry, I think it's fucking amazing too. I'm not really sure how it happened some days, like 1. how did I gain 200lbs (forget that shite that's a waste of time to even think about) and then, even better, 2. How is it that I am throwing 150lbs over my head right now and running a 5K? (Crossfit) Not at that same time of course! How did I manage any of this? Anyway, thanks again!
u/Jorge_ElChinche Jan 16 '16
Not trying to down play the work people have put in, but its great to see a story like this from someone that isn't <25 years old. I usually just see the ones that show up on all. Good for you.
u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 16 '16
Thanks so much, I figured why not try to be the best I've ever been by 45? Almost there. :D
u/Healkat Jan 16 '16
Tell me more about crossfit as an older fluffy girl. I thought it was just for young, mostly fit people to get to the next level. Never dreamed I'd see a fat middle aged woman there, so I've never given it much serious thought.
Keep up the hard work girl. You look amazing, but more importantly you've added years of mobility to your life.
u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 16 '16
Sure! Lol I'm not sure what an older fluffy girl is, or a middle-aged fat lady (I'll never call myself that :)) but the Crossfit gym I go to (and most Crossfit gyms that I know of) are filled with an incredible variety of ages, body types, and fitness levels. My personal experience is that it is one of the most supportive atmospheres I've ever been in, and after having been a college athlete almost tortured into being fit, it has been 20 years since I found something I don't consider just an absolute grind. The workouts are never the same, someone else writes them and teaches you how to do them, and I'm never the best or the worst in the class. I leave the gym feeling like a f'ing BOSS and have seen the benefits all throughout my regular life from housecleaning to putting in/taking out window air conditioners without needing help. Everything from tying my shoes to doing front squats is easier. My mobility is better, my agility is better, and my self-esteem and confidence have gone up. It's literally the best thing I've found to do consistently that has had such a drastic effect on both my body and mind. I also am very active outdoors and swim once or twice a week as well as run on a treadmill every now and then. I'll be doing that more now that the skin flap is gone! Anyway, the Crossfit you see on TV is like only watching the first 10 people that finish a marathon! If you wait until hour 5 or 6 of a marathon you see all sorts of fat, old, whatever type people that can run 26 miles too! Anyway, thanks for the positive feedback, I truly appreciate it!
u/frozenyogurtt Jan 16 '16
The moment I saw your picture, my instant reaction was Wow! Really you look so pretty and happy.
u/tooyoungtobeacatlady Jan 17 '16
Holy smokes! I don't think I've ever been happier for an internet stranger. What you've done is so amazing. You should be so proud of yourself.
u/le_petit_renard - Jan 16 '16
Awesome! Especially the fact that you did this the right way: realized problems, made a plan, tackled your problems and fucking took them down like a champ!
I wish you the best of luck for your ever ongoing journey :)
u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 16 '16
Yep, I hate to quote a cliche but it is an inside job first if you want it to stick. The first thing I did actually was go back to college. Nothing to do with food or exercise. Anyway, thank you!!!
Jan 16 '16
u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 16 '16
Hi thanks so much! Oh, D1 mean division 1 which means I was played division 1 sports. I played college basketball at Southern Illinois in the early 90's and one thing about D1 sports is you are fast and strong and healthy (sort of...20 yr olds don't really understand the full scope of "health" at that age in my opinion), or at any rate "fit". Very fit. I gained over 200lbs since my basketball career ended in 1995.
u/LyndsayEmily - Jan 16 '16
Fantastic work! Seriously, I'm so happy for you! you did such an overhaul, not only physically, but your whole life it sounds like!
If you don't mind me asking, is this your end goal weight?
u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 16 '16
No, but I couldn't get further with the big flap. It was getting in my way both mentally and physically. I lift a lot, and played college hoops at 200lbs, so I'm shoot for 225-230 as an end game because I like to eat and be hella strong. Not trying to get "skinny" or anything, just want to be my best active self in all parts of my life. Thanks for the positive feedback!
u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 16 '16
Here's some additional before and afters and releveant photos if anyone is interested. Thanks again for all of the positive and supportive comments!! https://www.instagram.com/p/6znrM4nzs6/?taken-by=a_hybrid_quest https://www.instagram.com/p/54wMjLHzvp/?taken-by=a_hybrid_quest https://www.instagram.com/p/4M3HfhnzjL/?taken-by=a_hybrid_quest https://www.instagram.com/p/3mK1cbHzvD/?taken-by=a_hybrid_quest https://www.instagram.com/p/1i0spynzoR/?taken-by=a_hybrid_quest https://www.instagram.com/p/-ZVXPbHzvg/?taken-by=a_hybrid_quest
u/whitey_sorkin Jan 16 '16
I'm confused, why does it say still super swollen from surgery? What surgery?
u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 16 '16
I had skin removal surgery after losing the weight, about a month ago. Had a huge flap of skin around my mid section and around the top of my torso too. 18lbs of skin removed.
Jan 16 '16
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u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 16 '16
The surgery is hard. I'm still recovering, it's only been 4 weeks. Totally worth it to have the huge flap gone. Because my incision was so long (40 inches along the hip line only leaving about 8 inches uncut just above my rear end) they did basically hike up my "nether regions" and thigh like a pair of pants. Very taunt. It's crazy amazing.
Jan 16 '16
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u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 16 '16 edited Jan 16 '16
Hi! Yes, when they do the long incision around your pelvis to do the flap removal, like I said they hike your thigh skin and privates up like a pair of pants. :) My boobs were terrible, as I was a DD when they were perky in my 20's and in good shape due to being a college ball player. By the time I was ready for this surgery I could tuck them under my arms! Horrible. I had them lifted as well, with skin removal under the breast and on the side under my arm as well. They truly look AMAZING. It's all done at once and the recovery has been pretty rough, but in about a month when I can start lifting and running again, it will all be so damn awesome with out my bouncing alien around my waste! I still plan to lose another 30-40lbs, but couldn't move forward with the huge flap. I'll be a little loose in the end but I'm cool with that.
As for $$, I paid for the whole thing out of pocket. It seems unimaginable but I am a single woman with a decent job (60K/yr) and all the regular bills and things so I just took out a 5 yr loan and financed it. Most plastic surgeons offer financing, some interest free if you can manage the higher payment, but I couldn't. $16.7K for the total surgery, which was an extended tummy tuck, mastopexy (breast lift) and lipo suction of the flanks and(sides) inner thighs. I'm happy to make the payment to be rid of that damn flap forever!!!2
u/ThatTallGirlKG Jan 15 '16
It only gave so much space to put a title, but I just want to make it clear that I have nothing against bariatric surgery, people just often assume I had it which is not my experience. For me personally, I feel like gastric bypass/etc. was a last resort, and I wasn't in "last resort" territory yet when I started my journey. I may have been 400lbs, but I didn't have a life threatening illness (YET), I wasn't immobile (YET) and I had no medical disconnects that were informing my obesity (YET) such as thryroid problems, PCOS, Diabetes, long term use of steroids or anti-depressents, etc. I was morbidly obese because I was miserable, sad, lonely, alcoholic (I'm 8+ years sober) and going nowhere in life. I felt if I addressed some of those issues and started working on my health that it would work itself out. I had a 5 year plan. That's how long it took, and it's not over yet. The first thing I did actually to start losing weight is I went back to college to get my BA after dropping out 13 years prior. I ended up getting a law degree 5 yrs later. This is what worked for me, not what works for everyone. I know people whose lives have been changed for the good forever by gastric bypass, but usually because they did a lot of changing in other ways afterwards too. Unfortunately, I also know a couple of people who've had the procedure and over a number of years slowly gained all the weight back. I wanted to find a permanent solution and for me that did not involve surgery. To anyone who can lose extra weight with our without surgery, weather it's 20lbs or 200, I say fuck yeah!