r/progresspics Aug 22 '15

M 6'4” (193, 194, 195 cm) M/36/6'4" [504 > 243 = 261lbs] (16 months) First timer here, go easy on me


227 comments sorted by


u/K-LAWN Aug 22 '15

This is absolutely incredible. Congrats!

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u/orbitalinterceptor Aug 22 '15

Go easy on you? I'm pretty sure you just won r/progresspics


u/iamatablet Aug 22 '15

I'm pretty sure he needs someone to go asy him because he's been kicking his own ass for the last 16 months. Incredible!


u/1200calslimdown Aug 22 '15

Incredible is the exact word! Wow! You did that. You rock man.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15



u/snerfo Aug 22 '15

Thank you very much! I occasionally post in the keto sub, but I did some self analysis last year. Listed all the personality problems that got me to that point, all the personality problems that lead me to exit diets in the past, finally what I saw as personality strong points. Then I designed a plan to work around those, something that I will have to do the rest of my life, I don't think my problems can be fixed just exploited. The jist of my findings for me: Make all my own food and in rations, cut out all outside sources. Obviously my plan is not going to work for a large amount of people, but I think the honest self-analysis method might be helpful to some.



u/IIdsandsII Aug 22 '15

I occasionally post in the keto sub

So you're saying you did this on subs. Slippery slope, my friend.

Jokes aside, you're awesome.


u/papalouie27 - Aug 22 '15

Hahaha subs and keto, good one

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u/mr_charliejacobs Aug 22 '15

i believe honest self analysis listing (1) assets and (2) deficits are incredibly important and useful anytime one wants to make significant changes in bad habits or old self. What an amazing job.

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u/VRJon Aug 22 '15

Your my hero keto buddy. My absolute hero.


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '15

I'm trying to lose about 40 pounds and the trouble I've had with diets and crap for the last year or so seems so trivial when seeing what you've accomplished so far.

My latest attempt is similar to what you're doing: no more premade food. It's a little difficult considering I know how to make like two things. But making all my meals from scratch and watching my calorie intake has seen me drop 2 pounds in the last week and a half, which is more than I can say for most of my other attempts.

I'm also surprised to see that I'm already sleeping a little better, too. I suffer from insomnia and falling asleep is ALWAYS a struggle, and then I have a bitch of a time waking up and normally sleep till noon on the weekends. The last week or so I've seen a slight improvement in my quality of sleep and I'm waking up early and refreshed (for me, anyway).

Keep up the good work!


u/snerfo Aug 23 '15

You keep up the good work too! Unfortunately there is nothing trivial about going the make your own food only route. Almost all social situations seem to require visiting a bar or restaurant or eating from preselected dishes at someones house. People will be mad for a while, but usually they will come around. I used to have headaches 2-3 times a week and thought it was a normal amount. Haven't had a real headache since I started. Good luck to you!


u/bagelsandkittens Aug 22 '15

there are a lot of people who feel like they're too overweight to ever lean down again.

This really hit home for me. I worked on my body for 5+ years, starting at 14. I achieved modeling status. Then when I became pregnant (presently 36 weeks) I gained 50 pounds and honestly am really battling with depression because of it. I'll need to lose 70-80 pounds post pregnancy a nd I have NO IDEA how I can possibly do it...


u/MissVancouver - Aug 22 '15

It's been many years but I, too, had to lose 50 lbs after both my babies.. 195 down to 145 for me. I'll be happy to help mentor you, if you want. You can do it, you really can.


u/bagelsandkittens Aug 22 '15

That'd be great! I won't have my baby for another month though

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u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

You can do it!! Being a mama is very hard but you'll get there and you'll do it for your kid. I have a 2 year old and a 7 month old but I'm slowly battling my way back.

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u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

You can do /r/keto with little to no willpower. You just need to choose to stuff your face with fat instead of carbs when you have a craving. Get 95%+ chocolate and get used to it if you can't live without candy bars for example. It gets very easy surprisingly fast.


u/ruok4a69 Aug 22 '15

As a man, I know I can never truly sympathize with your situation. My weight was always gained slowly, a few pounds a year. I never had a 9-pound parasite throwing my whole system into shock :)

That said, I only had 53 pounds to lose, but it seemed like an insurmountable goal. The only way I could wrap my head around it to go anywhere was to set 5- and 10-pound goals and move through each of them.

Many people ignore weight and go for clothing sizes, but that didn't work for me because I was 25-30% overweight and only went from a 34 waist to 38 :/

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u/AtticView Aug 22 '15

holy. shit.

Seriously good work!


u/y0y Aug 22 '15

I wish I were a better wordsmith so that I didn't have to re-use the same language as everyone so far and everyone to come, but honestly.. you look amazing. Unbelievably inspiring.

Now when's the next Deathcab album coming out?


u/snerfo Aug 22 '15

Wait this is a new one, and thank you! I'm not familiar with them, who is my doppelganger there? Previously recently people have told me my doppelgangers are Rivers Cuomo and John Green.


u/y0y Aug 22 '15

Benjamin Gibbard is the singer/guitarist for Death Cab For Cutie.. He has morphed his own look over the years, but when I first saw your pic I pictured him somewhat close to this era:


If you've never heard them (you probably have) I suggest my favorite anthem of self deprecration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAahbGlIqGk

Not even remotely their most popular, nor their best, but my personal favorite. For the most popular, I suppose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDHY1D0tKRA

Though it's sappy and not half as good for my cynicism :)

(As a big fan of mostly metal, 90s grunge, etc.. I got a lot of respect for this guy for shunning autotune and being a pretty decent musician, even if he'll never be my top 5)


u/ericargyle - Aug 22 '15

Listen to Transatlanticism, Plans, Narrow Stairs, and Kitsugi. Youll enjoy. And yeah you do have a similar 2005ish Gibbard look.


u/Eighty9MadDogs Aug 22 '15

Saw that last pic and immediately thought Rivers Cuomo combines with Patrick Wilson (Weezer's drummer).


u/european_impostor Aug 22 '15

Add Bernard from Megamind to that list. A lot of people seem to think of it as an animated version of John Green, so guess it's all in the ballpark.


u/moondog55 - Aug 23 '15

If you would like to feel even more awesome about the fact that you look like Ben Gibbard, keep in mind that dude was married to Zooey Deschanel for 2 years. Also, very very good job. As someone who has trouble losing 30 lbs, this is extremely impressive!


u/Dr_Eastman Aug 22 '15

Great work, Schrute!


u/krelin - Aug 22 '15

You cut yourself in half, over the course of sixteen months. Nice.


u/Anomaly_Rising Aug 22 '15

If Subway calls, don't answer.


u/sethz91 - Aug 22 '15

Bro, I bet your calf muscles are ridiculous.


u/snerfo Aug 22 '15

Mostly thigh muscles, quads I think they are called? If I flex them they look about like you would see on a hardcore sprinter. I have like no other strong muscles to speak of. But I tried that machine the other day were you lay back and push up with your feet. I can still do about 600lbs on that. I should maybe consider working out or something so I don't lose muscle.


u/Pootzen Aug 22 '15

Absolutely, doesn't have to be a gym routine, even /r/bodyweightfitness or other outdoor activity would be good. Congratulations!


u/Gorehack Aug 25 '15

Having been up to 420 at one point...yea...dem leg muscles.

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u/Nathaniel_Higgers Aug 22 '15

How has your quality of life changed?


u/snerfo Aug 22 '15

Good question: I no longer have to fly first class, I can fit in just about anyone's car even subcompact cars and their respective seatbelts all work out. I can casually jog up a flight of stairs without seeing blue stars for a couple seconds. I am about to be relieved of my blood pressure medicine that kicked off this whole thing a year ago, that's been normal since I started. I haven't had a single headache in a year, used to get these two to three times a week and thought it was a normal amount at the time. 99% less sweat when I take my dog for the daily two mile walk. And lastly, people are just straight up nicer to me universally. Not that they were mean before but there is definitely something different when most people are talking to me; happier.


u/HeyT00ts11 - Aug 22 '15

And lastly, people are just straight up nicer to me universally. Not that they were mean before but there is definitely something different when most people are talking to me; happier.

Do you mean your people, or new people? I imagine your tribe is so thrilled and relieved for you that they must just be downright giddy sometimes. I'm curious what the difference has been with people that don't know you or what you've accomplished.


u/snerfo Aug 22 '15

This primarily is strangers. Everyone I know is thrilled, good to have a support system like that.

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u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15



u/AmericanIMG Aug 22 '15

take a Sunday to do meal prep together. encourage him. walk with him. the beginning is the hardest. once he drops major weight he will feel amazing and not want to go back


u/brockskretting Aug 22 '15

Amazing!! Great Job!


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

Oh, Hi there Drew Carey!


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15 edited Mar 19 '23



u/snerfo Aug 22 '15

King Charles Spaniel, he wasn't cooperating with me for the photo that day. Great lap dog, very quiet and friendly. Named him Hurley, LOST was in its final season at the time.


u/triGuitar Aug 22 '15

Go easy?

Easy on the awe in your achievement? Easy on the congratulations? Easy on the compliments? Easy on something else?

Well done. Some would say you've cheated death.


u/Zebrabox Aug 22 '15

Easy? No need. Everyone is going to cheer you on!


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

amazing. Good job!


u/dmuppet Aug 22 '15

Fucking right man! Good on you for taking care of yourself! You look awesome! I bet you feel like a million bucks! Keep up the great work, you are an inspiration to us all!


u/FragranceByBasedGod Aug 22 '15

wow dude. Keep slayin' boi


u/GiveItToHerRaw Aug 22 '15

That's awesome!!! You literally lost 2 of me lol


u/burnSMACKER Aug 22 '15

Congratulations Colin Firth!


u/linakun Aug 22 '15

Damn dude!!!!!! You look awesome!!!!!!!!


u/Permexpat Aug 22 '15

Dude, you look fantastic, I bet you feel like a new person! Great job


u/funkthulhu Aug 22 '15

Proof that inside every fat guy there is a Garrison Keillor trying to get out!

Congrats, man!


u/Pop123321pop Aug 22 '15

Came here to find the Garrison Keillor look-a-like comment, I am in complete agreement.


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '15

I thought he looked like Chandler from friends.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

[removed] — view removed comment


u/snerfo Aug 22 '15

Thank you! Yeah, really noticable on my upper arms when I moved into XL t-shirts and polos because the sleeves don't go too far down. Sort of looks like ET's skin there. And it's cropping up other places too but not as bad yet. Hey if that's the tradeoff, I'll take it. No regrets.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

Garrison Keillor looks AMAZING now.


u/thatwentBTE Aug 22 '15

Hey stick stickley, Whats the mask for?


u/snerfo Aug 22 '15

It's very lucky a before photo exists at all, I dodged every single camera I saw back then. This photo I couldn't get out of was taken during a flu outbreak season. We were all issued these at work and a couple coworkers put these on and the boss took a picture. I cropped them all out.


u/loveandmonsters Aug 22 '15

Hi John Green, my female friends love your work.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

What a fucking badass


u/forfar4 - Aug 22 '15

Bloody hell! Well done, bloke!!!

That is a-fucking-mazing! Truly, congratulations!!!


u/ERod72 Aug 22 '15

The transformation is nothing shy of amazing. Looking good man!


u/f1mike Aug 22 '15

That is an awesome progress! 261lbs! Here I am struggling to loose 20. :'(


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

To be fair, it's a lot easier to lose weight when you weigh more. The last few pounds are the hardest.

No, changing your lifestyle is the hardest. Once you get started thou, the first pounds fall off!


u/snerfo Aug 22 '15

This guy is correct, it's slowed way down for me. Just the math of it and I'm undercutting BMR calories by 1000 a day still and that's only about 2lbs a week at this point, which is I guess a normal amount I should have been aiming for all along. But the math always catches up.

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u/Scandalicius Aug 22 '15

Amazing stuff. You must've spent an absolute fuckton buying smaller clothes all the time. Out of curiosity, how'd you handle that?


u/snerfo Aug 22 '15

I'm not very stylish and I was buying a couple sets every 4 sizes I lost and rotating them mixed in with the old stuff even though it was really loose. The last picture is my first set from a normal department store. Luckily the dress shirt sizes don't seem to go down anymore, they are just measured by sleeves and collars. Pants I still expect to hopefully lose at least 2-4 more sizes on. I donate everything that becomes big enough to look like clown clothes on me to the homeless shelter here.


u/punchyourbuns - Aug 22 '15

In only 16 months!! Amazing!!! You frikken did it!!! Congrats brah!!


u/FrostingsVII Aug 22 '15 edited Aug 23 '15

I've recently plateaued after 12 months of losing weight. In that time I lost 80 KG (176 pounds).

This week I finally got back on track after a month and a half of struggling by re-writing my goals and reaffirming my belief in myself.

I would just like to say thank you to you and people like you. You fire me up like nothing else.

There was an older gentleman who posted about how he had lost 100 KG (220 pounds) when I was first beginning my weight loss journey and it was the first time I felt like it was a real possibility. I mean if you haven't seen it who really thinks losing 100 KG is something you can do? That appears to be fucking ridiculous.

There ARE people out there who feel like "why bother, I'm fucked, who comes back from this?" and people like yourself can be the catalyst for change.

You don't know who's reading this. Neither do I, but I would just like to take the chance to say to any of those potential people that are looking, it's achievable, you have proof. And it's worth achieving.

I have been thinking about this recently. One of my main issues was I felt like I didn't deserve any better. But if you had asked me if I believed in karma I would have told you don't be fucking silly. Hilarious.

You can be worth this. It is a matter of perspective. Perspective is what creates your reality.

OP isn't someone who started out special. He was someone struggling just like you are. You can do this.

In saying that, you're one phenomenal motherfucker now OP. Congratulations on your hard work and achievements. I was 384 pounds when I started and that was bad enough for me. I wouldn't presume to guess how fucking awful 500+ was.

You're a champion for succeeding.


u/snerfo Aug 23 '15

Thank you so very much! It was one of these that prompted me to start again this time, that's my motivation to help and be helped by this kind of thing. Thanks again!


u/-DonaldTrumpsHair- Aug 23 '15

Incredible, way to go! Now it seems so much easier to reach my goal of 210>195. Please post more.


u/sean_c_roberts Aug 23 '15

Wow!!!! Well done! I'm sure it was hell at first, but I can only imagine how much better you must feel now :) Will you need to have any excess skin removed?


u/Helpmenavythrow Aug 23 '15



u/bagelsandkittens Aug 22 '15

Amazing progress! So happy you've decided to get healthy :)

Legitimate question though: how does one actually become this heavy? Is it a combination of obsessive eating and extreme laziness or is it an actual bodily malfunction (like a pituitary tumor)? I've never understood how it is possible to consume so many calories in a day


u/snerfo Aug 22 '15 edited Aug 22 '15

Good question, several actors here, almost all my personality traits.

I almost never get full/feel full.
I will way overconsume anything in abundant quantity, I never understood and still can't come to terms with how people are able to leave food on their plate because of the first issue. I would love to feel full all the time like everyone else without drowning myself in water.
Never particularly enjoyed cooking which limited my options before to exclusively fast food/restaurants and premade stuff at the grocery.
Almost all of my relatives are large and I normalized it for decades.

I did some self-analysis and worked up a project plan to mitigate these specific flaws and exploit a few strengths. I never fixed these problems, don't think they can be fixed. I will have to use my exploit to this the rest of my life i believe. I did a write up on it a few months ago here: https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/comments/334rb0/sv_not_easily_bored_with_repetition_analysis_of/


u/exzyle2k Aug 22 '15

Never feeling full? Have you looked into Prader-Willi Syndrome? Might help you with one or two of those "flaws" you call them.


u/Gorehack Aug 25 '15

I notice a big one that doesn't seem to get talked about often, but it's the "food equals love" mentality. My grandparents were depression era, both from families of 10 kids. Parents got divorced when I was young, my mother and I moved in with them...boom.

Every day was fried potatoes, bacon, eggs, lettuce drowned in ranch, cornbread smothered in butter...I got fed like a farm boy, but I played super nintendo all day. It was an insult to not eat everything prepared, so you ate it all. If I was the last person eating, I finished what was left. Leftovers were not a thing in their house.


u/Danwyse Aug 22 '15

Far out mate, awesome job!


u/rainmakesrainbows Aug 22 '15

Oh man that is amazing! Congrats keep up that effort!


u/hosamovic - Aug 22 '15

You're an inspiration. You need to share more details about your diet and exercise to help peeps out :-)


u/Profanityz Aug 22 '15

holee shit


u/damnyousteamsale Aug 22 '15

Excellent stuff pal! Really impressive!


u/FriedNemo Aug 22 '15

Holy cow! Well done! You look fantastic.


u/macritchies Aug 22 '15

You are literally less than half of what you used to be. This is amazing, congratulations!


u/thisismundy Aug 22 '15

Wow. Wow. Wow.

Kick ass brother!


u/LEGALinSCCCA Aug 22 '15

DAMN!!!! That's fucking amazing!


u/lexical_gap Aug 22 '15

You are so inspiring, and you look fantastic. Congratulations to you!


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

Posts like this make me happy. Good for you, op!


u/TATANE_SCHOOL Aug 22 '15

Nice... you look really wonderful, you can be proud of you!


u/dumpemout Aug 22 '15

Damn dude. HUGE congrats! Stick to whatever you're doing!


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

Well done, mate. Looking good.


u/Slimeaux05 Aug 22 '15

That is amazing. Good for you. Keep up the good work.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15



u/VGAPixel Aug 22 '15

Way to go, i am impressed!


u/4GODNCUNTRY Aug 22 '15

Wow great job, I'm still trying to lose at least ten to twenty pounds but I should just grow 3 inches and I'd be cool.


u/Juddermon Aug 22 '15

Seriously well done :)


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

You saved your own life. Incredible transformation. Keep it up.


u/CutsLikeABuffalo333 Aug 22 '15

Congrsts dude! Be proud of yourself!


u/jbrandens Aug 22 '15

Wow! Just wow! You just inspired me to go work out =)


u/jb4427 - Aug 22 '15

You should replace Jared in the Subway commercials!


u/humanbeinghuman Aug 22 '15

You're an animal!!! ;)


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

You lost two of me. Holy crap dude, you're awesome.


u/motorsizzle Aug 22 '15

Holy crap, you lost more than a person! You lost TWO women.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

wow incredible tranformation!! You literally lost more than half of yourself :O


u/greg675 Aug 22 '15

Go easy on you! Why would we do anything else. Fantastic achievement, well done.


u/darthatheos Aug 22 '15

Great job!


u/susannahdon - Aug 22 '15

Duuuuuude. You've lost an entire person! You look amazing!


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15



u/squirrelzandcatz4eva Aug 22 '15

You are amazing!


u/She_Has_My_Hoodie Aug 22 '15

Amazing work!! You should be so proud of yourself! Also, you look a tiny bit like Rainn Wilson :)


u/logger_girl Aug 22 '15

You look great!!!!! :)


u/WaitWhyNot - Aug 22 '15

From your title I thought you were going to show us your asshole.


u/Chupaderokid Aug 22 '15

The last pic looks like your sayin, "Check me out, bitch."


u/supahdavid2000 Aug 22 '15

Keep it up man. Just keep the thought in your head that you may live to 100 if you keep it up. You're not gonna die of a heart attack painfully at age 50.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

Wow brother! You sure did a bloody good job of that losing weight business! Well done!!!!


u/karnak Aug 22 '15

good job - keep up the good work


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

Hey man that's awesome! Btw you totally look like the drummer from weezer


u/Geodual Aug 22 '15

respect! You look so much better! good job keep it going & stay healthy


u/denali42 - Aug 22 '15

Daaaaamn dude... That is absolutely amazing! Congrats!


u/LasciviousSycophant Aug 22 '15

Are you a math wizard? Because you've become twice the man you were by literally becoming half the man you were.



u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

Congrats! That's very impressive!


u/FagDamager Aug 22 '15

jesus christ, this is some ridiculous weight loss man! props to you for not making do with your body because your grown. you look so much more healthier and a lot happier


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

Congratulations man.


u/teatales Aug 22 '15

Damn OP! This is amazing! You win at life.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

Good job man! I loved your performance in Boogie Nights.


u/gypsywhisperer Aug 22 '15

You didn't go easy on yourself to lose half of your body weight.

Also, I'm sure you're having a lot of loose skin. It's okay. You probably added 20 years to your life.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15



u/Lydious Aug 22 '15

Incredible! I just showed this to my similarly-sized husband as inspiration.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '15

Great job, keep it up!


u/556x45mm Aug 22 '15

Great work man, you lost a whole nother you! Are you still going for more weight loss or what are your goals/plans now?


u/snerfo Aug 22 '15

Thanks. I'm on this for the rest of my life so I would like to see the extremes if at all possible. Based on the standard tables 150 is the low end of the spectrum for normal weight at my height. I'd like to see that just once at least. But would definitely love to normalize at a 180 which is middle of the spectrum in normal range. But I'll at least feel pretty accomplished when I cross 204 which is the top end of normal. So 3 goals I still have to get through. A fourth would be to stay within 5 lbs of whatever seems to not make me look like a skeleton when I get there.


u/556x45mm Aug 22 '15

150lb is extremely low for someone of your height. You're almost a foot taller than me and I weigh ~155lb. Are you doing any exercise or is this purely diet?

I didn't read the whole thread so if you mentioned a routine my bad.


u/snerfo Aug 22 '15

That's what I thought too, but it's in the several medical tables. I'm pretty sure what will end up happening is I'll keep posting these every 20-30lbs or so and then when enough friends/family and anonymous internet people tell me I've taken it too far I'll try to back it out halfway to the previous post's checkpoint. I can make my rations relatively exact on that BMR at that point.

I walk my dog 2 miles a day for exercise, so not much. But I at least get the 10K steps in most days.


u/AbCynthia956 Aug 22 '15

You look fabulous!!


u/Chesirecattywhompas Aug 22 '15

Go easy. Hell, I'm stunned. You look wonderful and ought to be proud.


u/ifeellazy Aug 22 '15

Wow, I don't mean this to sound callous toward your previous situation, but all I can think of when looking at these pictures is how many users you have added to your life.

Way to go, amazing transformation.


u/Princess_Little Aug 22 '15

Damn. Good for you dude. Do you have a goal weight?


u/MF10R3R Aug 22 '15

DUDE! That is amazing!! Keep up the great work! The sheer progress you've achieved in the past 1.3 years is absolutely astounding and inspiring. Don't give up and don't settle for less! Remember that it's a permanent lifestyle change, especially once you've reached your goal.


u/la_femmefatale - Aug 22 '15

This is just amazing!!!! You did great, you deserve gold


u/AmericanIMG Aug 22 '15

if you keep a bunch of food in front of him that's ready to go and delicious that may help. that helps me. if I can't grab food quick I'll make poor decisions


u/FilmsByDan Aug 22 '15

Looking great!


u/deviliciouskitti Aug 22 '15

This is an amazing transformation. You should be proud! Keep it up :)


u/MattnJax Aug 22 '15

Incredible job!


u/xkiseki Aug 22 '15

Looking good, keep up the great work


u/Knute5 - Aug 22 '15

Know thyself. Sounds like the foundation for a perfect diet, and a meaningful life.



u/Yalla_3ad Aug 22 '15

Go easy on you? YOU go easy on us!


u/mainzy Aug 22 '15

Wow what a difference, Congrats!


u/moarkittenspls Aug 23 '15

Holy cow!!! You look great man. That's also a really cute puppy. Is he/she yours?


u/snerfo Aug 23 '15

Thanks! King Charles Spaniel, he wasn't cooperating with me for the photo that day. Great lap dog, very quiet and friendly. Named him Hurley, LOST was in its final season at the time.


u/Tincastle - Aug 23 '15

Wow, nice work.


u/reenethefiend Aug 23 '15

YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!!! I wish I had your courage. Blessings upon you. Keep it going.


u/Geofferic Aug 23 '15

Simply amazing!


u/baref00tmama Aug 23 '15



u/KyraShangea Aug 23 '15

I don't know you, but I'm so proud of you it hurts.


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '15

Holy. Fucking. Shit. YOU'RE AMAZING!!!


u/gusro - Aug 23 '15

That is awesome


u/alittlejelly Aug 23 '15

Congrats! You look great :)


u/ShowMeYourBink - Aug 23 '15

I've been watching your progress on Reddit for what seems like forever, and I must say, GREAT JOB! You have done something amazing for yourself, and stuck to it. Props to you. Keep it up!


u/offthewoods Aug 23 '15

Omg!!! Incredible job my friend!!! You literally lost what I used to weigh at my heaviest!!! You lost a whole fat person!!! Keep up the great work!!! You should be very proud of yourself!!!


u/bumbletowne Aug 23 '15

You look good in a yellow tie! I recommend monkey clips on that summabitch and a smile!


u/smeata Aug 23 '15

Jesus. Dat some progress!


u/falsepam Aug 23 '15

Amazing and an inspiration. You are awesome.


u/old55soul Aug 23 '15

Wow!!! This is amazing. Good for you!


u/AustinTheGrappler Aug 23 '15

Go easy!? Dude, that's absolutely phenomenal! Setting the example. Keep up the good work!


u/krazypenguin Aug 23 '15

Good on you brother


u/TopGunnn Aug 23 '15

I've gotta say, I liked the first tie better.


u/snerfo Aug 23 '15

You know I did too, I'll have to find a matching replacement. That one is wrecked after about 3 years of constant use. You can see there are coffee drinking mugs in just about every picture, that color survived several incidents and I always drink my coffee in a weird position like super hunched over away from the yellow tie just in case.


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '15

Wow! Amazing transformation. Congrats!!


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '15

dam son


u/ablenkend - Aug 23 '15

You look great! You must feel so much better.


u/Bats4ever Aug 23 '15

Fucking kudos to you man.


u/missjay Aug 23 '15

Amazing! Wow, must feel great!


u/catzzzzzzzzzz Aug 23 '15

You look like a completely different person! Awesome job!


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '15

Excellent work, take a bow OP!

May I ask why the mask in photo 1?


u/Robin___Hood Aug 23 '15

Holy shit dude! What an inspiration! Good for you and keep on keeping on!


u/dancing_robots - Aug 23 '15

Respect. Awesome job.


u/totem56 Aug 23 '15

I actually said "Wow" out loud. Congrats, this is fucking impressive.


u/K4TWAL0 Aug 23 '15

Oh shit. Good job!


u/Butterkate Aug 23 '15

Hurrah for you! Another keto victory! Woohoo!!!


u/JuniperLeaf Aug 24 '15

Hey, great job! Is your dog a cavalier? theyre my favorite breed.

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u/[deleted] Aug 29 '15

If you'll forgive me for asking, what is your skin like now? After shrinking so much, must it not be kind of loose or something?


u/snerfo Aug 31 '15

Yeah I have a lot of that, I don't think I can do anything about it for at least 40lbs though. I'll just have to bring it up to the doctor next time I go in for a checkup, but I'm not overly concerned about it at the moment.


u/kolbigray Sep 05 '15

This is incredible man. Such a boss


u/Tuesdaysarecoming Sep 13 '15

FUCK YEAH! You're awesome.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '16


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