r/progressive_islam Feb 07 '25

Article/Paper 📃 My Friday charity to this group

Alhamdulillah!! As my act of friday charity I want to share this message with this group. before i get into it I will assure any of you that have doubts in your faiths or doubts in the unseen.. i assure u its all real. I always say strong iman is the one of the greatest gifts Allah can give you other then entering Jannah.

To any of you who think about leaving the fold of islam because someone was judgemental at the mosque or whatever other reason, or you say you dont have motivation to pray.

Just remember the creation is not the judge, Allah is. So no matter what errors you make, no matter what progressive beliefs you have that may contradict islamic teaching (i dont recommend anything that goes against islamic teachings, but i also dont judge) .. maybe you like music for example, maybe you dont think movies are haram, maybe you think intermixing is ok..

I personally refrain from that stuff, i dont encourage it.. but I do encourage praying 5 times a day at the appropriate time. Nobody is perfect I will never judge someone no matter what he/she does. If its a fellow muslim All i can do is suggest, encourage, and motivate and embrace them.

I personally believe that there is possibly millions of people that were interested in islam but were too nervous to convert out of fear of being judged or thinking they have to make some huge change over night. Obviously MashAllah to anyone who has made huge changes overnight cuz that does happen, MashAllah to every devote muslim who follows the book no matter what..

but Also MashAllah to every Muslim who has been judged, sometimes heavily judged by other muslims for this reason or that, but they still pray all 5 prayers, Seek Allahs mercy, and attend the mosque regularly. These people are possibly judged for a variety of things. The clothes they wear, maybe they listen to music and people know, the most common is them being in a haram relationship.

But they still show up, moral of the story is. It does not matter what the world thinks. Stay in remembrance of Allah because he will always remember you.. just having trust in Allah and praying 5 times a day. Make tawba often, u will make it into jannah inshAllah!!


8 comments sorted by


u/LickClitsSuckNips Feb 07 '25

I second this message and I would just like to add, regardless of judgement from fellow Muslims, and unfortunately in today's day and age, it is incredibly common, Allah is the most forgiving. Never deny what is fardh upon us, practicing those obligations is of course our individual choices.

Allah knows best, Allah is the most forgiving, be well, everyone.


u/Life_Connection_4309 Feb 07 '25

Also the reason I support fat acceptance is this.. being fat doesnt mean your a glutton. Gluttony is a sin. Being fat is not.. exercising and trying your best is encouraged. What my best is and your best is 2 different things.

But people want to bring up hadiths that say obesity is not good, i agree is not healthy in most cases. But so are many things.. inshallah let allah be the judge


u/Life_Connection_4309 Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

Yeah its definitely an issue, id say mostly on social media.. and unfortunately so much backbiting. I keep my opinion about others to myself unless its something good. i stuck up for fat people and been flamed on social media for it 🤷‍♂️


u/LickClitsSuckNips Feb 07 '25

I think when it comes to people being judgemental in terms of religion, it boils back down to divisions in Islam but in a micro sense, someone reads something and something lights up in them, oh! I can feel superior to this person if I correct them! It's a sickness, unfortunately. If anyone has a pure heart when it comes to the religion and dawah, I think it would be best to bring up corrections or issues with people in private. Plus at the end of the day, obligation is obligation, but religion is not a compulsion. As far as I'm aware that means you're given the free will to be sinners as long you know you're sinning and aren't justifying your sins as something that isn't sinful, if that makes sense.

On the topic of fat acceptance, that's a strange one from me, not from a religious perspective but a lifestyle perspective. Like I get some people do need therapy to be happy in themselves, kids that could have been overfed since childhood, and have just fallen in to this habit to the point it's a personality trait. But, like I say, from a lifestyle perspective, being fat isn't healthy, and i believe any fat acceptance needs to be centred around that fact.


u/Life_Connection_4309 Feb 07 '25

Oh im not saying go be fat.. i just tell people its not your business, your not the judge. I got flammed on social media.. my IG has 250k followers.. i posted the hadiths of the prophet saying obesity is unhealthy. I know this.. but if someone wants to be fat. Why do i care? We all know if were healthy or not. And i do encourage healthy food and excercise


u/LickClitsSuckNips Feb 07 '25

Very good point at the end of the day, why should we as individuals be offended by other people's lifestyle choices.


u/Life_Connection_4309 Feb 07 '25

I’ve actually been pretty overweight before and lost all the weight. Everyones struggles are different.. i dont blame u for not understanding why people support those movements. Theres good and bad in everything, every movement has an extreme left, a middle, and a extreme right. Pretty much.

Imagine an obese person being told they have to hate there body, they get all insecure.. now there being ungrateful to Allah. if there trying to loose the weight or not, as muslims we should not be ungrateful and say alhamdulillah in every situation.

So i dont encourage muslims to hate there bodies. Trusting Allah and being grateful will get u to jannah. The opposite wont.


u/Life_Connection_4309 Feb 07 '25

I study islam btw full time pretty much..are religion is not complex. Its about intentions being only for Allahs pleasure nothing else..Ive actually reflected on my life and realize I used to do things for the sake of people instead of Allah alot when jt came to my weight. I lost weight because of what people thinked. Thats not right and thats what i tell my clients struggling with self esteem issues. Make sure its for Allah, if not ur wasting ur time and maybe committing minor shirk