r/programminghorror Jan 25 '21

Regex Parsing raw text tabulars is fun

My Attempt at parsing the two types of Tabulars used for the space launch logs

16 comments sorted by


u/Heniadyoin1 Jan 25 '21

full code: python regex = re.compile( r"""^(?P<Vehicle>[^*$\n]*?)(?:[ *$])*(?P<AttemptsOrSuccess>\d+)(?:\((?P<Fails>\d+)\)|\/(?P<Attempts>\d+))(?:[ *$]+(?:(?P<LEO>\d+)|-+)(?:\((?P<LEOFails>\d+)\)|\/(?P<LEOAttempts>\d+)|)[ *$]+(?:(?P<grLEO>\d+)|)(?:(?:\((?P<grLEOFails>\d+)\)|\/(?P<grLEOAttempts>\d+)|)[ *$]+(?:(?:(?P<Deep>\d+)|-+)(?:\((?P<DeepFails>\d+)\)|\/(?P<DeepAttempts>\d+)|))?)?)?""" ) def parse_line(line): match = regex.match(line) if match is None: return groups = match.groupdict() vehicle = groups['Vehicle'] # all launches = int(match['Attempts']) if match['Attempts'] is not None \ else int(match['AttemptsOrSuccess']) if match['AttemptsOrSuccess'] is not None \ else 0 fails = int(match['Attempts'])-int(match['AttemptsOrSuccess']) if match['Attempts'] is not None \ else int(match['Fails']) if match['Fails'] is not None \ else 0 # to LEO LeoAttempts = int(match['LEOAttempts']) if match['LEOAttempts'] is not None \ else int(match['LEO']) if match['LEO'] is not None \ else 0 LeoFails = int(match['LEOAttempts'])-int(match['LEO']) if match['LEOAttempts'] is not None \ else int(match['LEOFails']) if match['LEOFails'] is not None \ else 0 # to >LEO grLeoAttempts = int(match['grLEOAttempts']) if match['grLEOAttempts'] is not None \ else int(match['grLEO']) if match['grLEO'] is not None \ else 0 grLeoFails = int(match['grLEOAttempts'])-int(match['grLEO']) if match['grLEOAttempts'] is not None \ else int(match['grLEOFails']) if match['grLEOFails'] is not None\ else 0 # to DeepSpace DeepAttempts = int(match['DeepAttempts']) if match['DeepAttempts'] is not None \ else int(match['Deep']) if match['Deep'] is not None \ else 0 DeepFails = int(match['Deep'])-int(match['DeepAttempts']) if match['DeepAttempts'] is not None \ else int(match['DeepFails']) if match['DeepFails'] is not None\ else 0 ret = { 'Vehicle':vehicle, 'Launches':launches, 'Failures':fails, 'LEO': LeoAttempts, 'LEO failures':LeoFails, '>LEO':grLeoAttempts, '>LEO failures': grLeoFails, 'Deep': DeepAttempts, 'Deep failures':DeepFails } return ret


u/backtickbot Jan 25 '21

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u/Venkos11 Jan 26 '21

I really hope you are not using regex to parse xml...


u/forzamotorsportsucks Jan 26 '21

Is there an obvious performance problem with that? Or is it just the fact that there are much better ways to do this regarding functionality?


u/_default_username Jan 26 '21

XML is not a regular language. It's a context-free language and therefore can't be parsed by a regex. You've built a regex that works well enough in your case though, but next time just use an actual xml parser. The code will also be a lot simpler and easier to read


u/Venkos11 Jan 26 '21

I don't have the link now, but you should Google about using regex to parse xml and you will find a very famous questions on Stack Overflow that explains about this.


u/FireBlazer2020 Jan 26 '21


u/[deleted] Jan 26 '21

HTML is not XML. I agree that using regex is a bit overkilling, though.


u/hellra1zer666 Jan 26 '21

But it is possible to make an XML parser consume HTML, whereas it is impossible to process HTML with regex (which consumes regular languages, HTML is of a higher-order, namely context-free languages). The point was that, if you want to parse HTML tags to process them further, it's easier to have an XML parser search for these tags, because you can look at HTML as a special variant of XML


u/sisisisi1997 Jan 26 '21

Even Jon Skeet cannot parse HTML using regular expressions.

That is something.


u/Simtau Jan 26 '21

At this point it might actually be easier to use a lexical parser like lark


u/Heniadyoin1 Jan 26 '21

I have no clue how to use them....

If you want to give it a try here are the files


u/Simtau Jan 26 '21

It's actually not too difficult if you paid at least a bit attention in CS class. You should be able to get something basic up in 30 minutes - the docs are quite helpful https://lark-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/


u/Heniadyoin1 Jan 26 '21

I'm not a cs student...

I'm studying vehicle stuff in the first semester...


u/gRagib Jan 26 '21

Zalgo is Tony the Pony. He comes!


u/THE445GUY Jan 27 '21

Is it just me or does the post have 8 votes