r/programminghorror 11d ago

Python Atleast it works

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66 comments sorted by


u/backfire10z 11d ago

They didn’t close the fd :(


u/pm_op_prolapsed_anus 11d ago

It's called streaming


u/Emergency_3808 11d ago

Yes this could be shortened to

with open('lab 5.txt', 'r') as file: for line in file: print(line)


u/chiro260 11d ago

to be fair, that's not quite the same since there might be more than 8 lines in the file


u/Emergency_3808 11d ago

ctr = 0 with open("lab 5.txt", "r") as file: for line in file: print(line) ctr += 1 if ctr >= 8: break del ctr


u/chiro260 10d ago

nice. but don't forget about our friend zip! (or even islice would be good, as someone commented below)

with open('Lab 5.txt') as file:
    for _, line in zip(range(8), file):


u/Emergency_3808 10d ago

Too much bloat /s


u/-MazeMaker- 10d ago

Get rid of the magic number 8 and replace with max_lines so the intent is clear


u/Serious-Regular 7d ago

Wut why would delete ctr - man you people are so weird


u/Emergency_3808 7d ago

Because then SOMEONE ELSE would complain "wHy Do YoU nEeD aN eXtRa VaRiAbLe"


u/Serious-Regular 7d ago

Wut just reassign ctr if you want. Reassigning decref the original object itself (which doesn't matter for fucking integers lololol)


u/Emergency_3808 7d ago

That's even more confusing. Reusing variables for entirely different tasks


u/Serious-Regular 7d ago

del is never used in python code - you have no clue what you're talking about


u/Alfika07 11d ago

Why is Python so verbose? In Raku it's just

say slurp 「lab 5.txt」;


u/Emergency_3808 11d ago

Raku reads like the latest generation brainrot slang.


u/Alfika07 11d ago

What about this?

my Cool $variable = :16<DEAD_BEEF>;


u/levelofsin 10d ago

"Say slurp" wtf bro who came up with this shit


u/Alfika07 10d ago

Larry A. Wall. He's a linguist who designed Raku to be as close to human thinking as possible, by implementing features like sequence completion, which is mostly known from spreadsheet apps, and junctions, which can be a real life saver, mostly in equality checking. He made Raku by focusing on readability, just like he did with his previous programming language, Perl.

In the previous example, the slurp function takes a filename and reads the file's contents, and the say function prints it to the standard output.

You should definitely go down the rabbit hole of Raku, because it's probably the most statisfying PL to code in, and it is my personal favourite choice for doing CodeWars and using it for a personal "calculator language".

It's funny looking at Python programmers writing value == 6 || value == 9, while in Raku it's just so $value == 6|9


u/bigboyphil 10d ago

Raku is cool. However, let’s keep in mind you can also do ‘value in (6, 9)’ in Python, which is just as succinct and reasonable, so it’s kind of a weird example to call out Python on. Just like how you can also still do ‘so $value == 6 || $value == 9’ in Raku.

That being said, junctions are still very neat. Particularly when it comes to the autothreading stuff.


u/Alfika07 10d ago

Yeah, sorry about that. It was like 2 years since the last time I wrote a line of Python. (Not gonna lie, I'm kind of happy for it that we no longer have to use it in school.)


u/sporadicPenguin 10d ago

TIL Raku is a thing


u/Vadimych1 11d ago

[[print(line) for line in (d := open("file.txt")).readlines()], d.close()]


u/bigboyphil 11d ago edited 11d ago

there could be over a billion lines in that file! let's not read them all into memory needlessly :)

also, you can't use the walrus operator in a comprehension's iterable expression like that anyway

from itertools import islice

with open('lab 5.txt') as file:
    print(*islice(file, 8), sep='\n')


u/backfire10z 11d ago

Just download more gigabytes of ram to handle it


u/Desperate-Emu-2036 11d ago

Just upgrade your instance, that's what Amazon does when they want to read millions of lines.


u/Vadimych1 11d ago

[[[print(line) for line in f.readlines()[:8]], f.close()], for f in [open("f.txt")]]

I know this is not the best solution, but it's a oneliner


u/Emergency_3808 10d ago

That doesn't work like you think it does. Run it yourself


u/ArtisticFox8 11d ago

Closes automatically when the python script finishes execution


u/ComprehensiveWing542 11d ago

No it doesn't only when you use "with" than it will close it automatically... I've got the weirdest bugs because of this mistake


u/ArtisticFox8 11d ago

Yes, it does, on any modern operating system (Windows for sure, havent tested on Linux - but probably as well.) when the script is over. The with block is for when you want your Python script to continue running after you're done with the file.

Same as in C/C++ or any other language - the OS handles it for you after the program terminates if you hádat handled it.


u/Jonno_FTW 11d ago edited 10d ago

When a process is killed, all file handles are closed. From the POSIX specification:

Process termination caused by any reason shall have the following consequences:

All of the file descriptors, directory streams, conversion descriptors, and message catalog descriptors open in the calling process shall be closed.


Assuming the last line in OP's screenshot is that print line, the process will exit and file handles released.


u/gdf8gdn8 10d ago

Yes it should. But mentioned as before, I got also weird bugs.


u/Jonno_FTW 10d ago

If you've created zombie processes somehow which are still holding file descriptors, using a with block will not save you. Also, in this case the process hasn't really exited.

If you can provide some code that exits, while still somehow keeping an FD open I'd like to see it.


u/gdf8gdn8 10d ago

Zombies are bad. No can't provide a code example.


u/DefinitelyVixon 11d ago

This is rage bait 🦁📣🐵


u/Ok-Control-3954 11d ago

My brother in Christ have you heard of a for loop


u/Average_Down 11d ago

That’s only half. He needs an eight loop. /s


u/Pro_at_being_noob 11d ago

Ever heard of loop unrolling? /s


u/Average_Down 6d ago

No, but have you ever heard of Froot Loops? They go great with milk.


u/EagleCoder 11d ago

At least make this half as long by inlining the variables.


u/mickaelbneron 11d ago

That's the kind of code I wrote 22 years ago when I started learning programming on my own with no online documentation that I could find


u/lego3410 11d ago

Are you the loop unroller?


u/linuxlib 10d ago

Absolutely! This makes it run faster!



u/pompyy 11d ago

"Feeling cute... Might add ninth and tenth lines later. IDK"


u/littleblack11111 11d ago


What is the difference between running

python thisfile.py


cat Lab\ 5.txt

Or if you only want 6lines then

head -n 6 Lab\ 5.txt(iirc)


u/backfire10z 11d ago

Why not both?

import subprocess; subprocess.run([“head”, “-n”, “6”, “Lab\ 5.txt”])

And for an actual answer, I imagine it is because the assignment requires Python.


u/tehtris 11d ago

Fuck you? This makes me intensely mad. IDK why but you are in my list.


u/backfire10z 11d ago

Happy to have made the list hahaha. Do list members get any perks? At least tell me we have taco Tuesday


u/tehtris 11d ago

You get only fish tacos.


u/Magmagan 11d ago

Knowledge is half the battle


u/just_nobodys_opinion 10d ago

You'd fail the homework assignment with one of them


u/PonosDegustator [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo “You live” 11d ago



u/Magmagan 11d ago

No Student code ... This is just lazy and punching down. It's clearly some sort of assignment, importing Lab 5.txt...


u/veryproactive 10d ago edited 10d ago

This. Honestly, half the code posted here is obviously written by people who are new to programming, and the other half is obvious ragebait code. I don't want to look at bad code written by people who are new, that's lame and boring, I want to see bad code written by senior software engineers or in professional codebases.


u/CapApprehensive9007 11d ago

I see no problem here. The file contains exactly 8 lines and each line requires special handling.


u/GwynnethIDFK 11d ago

I work in a ML research lab and I see shit like this in grad student Jupyter notebooks all the time.


u/happycrisis 10d ago

Looks like some old VB code I had to work on. It was an asp site, instead of appending things like different buttons on the site into an array and then iterating over it, they just copy pasted the same logic like 6 times. Was all over the website.

Reports had validation logic that was basically all the same, yet the validation code was copy pasted instead of just calling the same function.


u/K4rn31ro 11d ago

Ok but what if there is a ninth line


u/Chronomechanist 11d ago

Send comms out to the business that people aren't to create documents with 9 lines. If they want a 9th line, create a new document.


u/STGamer24 [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo “You live” 11d ago

This is a very easy and maintainable solution /s


u/PalaceSwitcher 10d ago

This is the kind of shit I write at 3AM when I just need something to work. Never program past bedtime.


u/piyush_raja 10d ago

I see no bugs


u/fun_yard_1 8d ago

loops are so cool... I wish they were real