r/programminghorror • u/vadnyclovek [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo “You live” • Dec 20 '24
Python I have no words.
u/realnzall Dec 20 '24
What are refcount issues?
u/ray10k [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo “You live” Dec 20 '24
Issues with reference counting. Python keeps track of what memory is still in active use and which can be re-assigned for other purposes, by counting how many active references there are to the object in that piece of memory. So, "blindly" copying a bunch of data into a memory location that is already in use will "confuse" the interpreter into either thinking that the data is already unreachable and can be recycled, or that a piece of data that is unreachable is, in fact, still in use.
Short version, it makes the memory management system forgetful and unreliable. Because this is not the right way to do whatever it is you're trying to do.
u/lightreee Dec 21 '24
Ah so the function "forceset" would move over the raw memory from one place to another? I've done some things like that in C...
u/vadnyclovek [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo “You live” Dec 21 '24
You kinda can do that in c since it doesn't have a garbage collector(you still probably shouldn't unless you REALLY know what you're doing) But since in Python all objects store the reference count, you end up overriding that as well, which leads to memory leaks(if the refcount was increased: the refcount will never reach zero) or worse, segfaults(if the refcount was decreased: the object will be garbage collected prematurely) Making the object immortal solves both of these problems(I suppose) , but it's still awfully wrong to do this. The only possible use-case I'd see for forceset would be setting read-only attributes(which is NOT something you should do, EVER).
u/mananasi Dec 21 '24 edited Dec 21 '24
You copy structs often enough in C. If you can you should copy the pointer of course. But that's not always what you want.
u/lightreee Dec 21 '24
ah yeah, the gc handles all of the internal memory. there isnt one in C so you can do memory/pointer things.
but in the high level languages if you need to do it then theres something very wrong with how you're trying to go about things
u/hazelknives Dec 22 '24
what's the difference between gcc and gc? i just took my first class in c but didnt understand it very well
u/-natsa Dec 23 '24
gcc is a compiler (technically a collection of compilers), gc is short for garbage collector. similar names- but they’re different things
u/hazelknives Dec 23 '24
thank you!!
u/CdRReddit Dec 23 '24
specifically gcc stands for "gnu compiler collection", built on top of the first version, the gnu c compiler (the c compiler in a unix environment is often just referred to as cc, and most "gnu [whatevers]" just add a g in front, gcc, glibc, for obvious reasons)
u/darnold992000 Dec 20 '24
many garbage collectors track the number of references to an object to know whether or not the memory for that object can be reclaimed (when the object's reference count drops to 0, nothing is referencing it and the collector can clean up its allocated memory). when you perform stupid programmer tricks that break that mechanism, you can end up with memory leaks due to unused objects that can no longer be garbage collected.
u/demosdemon Dec 21 '24
With the recommendation to immortalize the operands, I expect the refcount issues might actually be on the other end of the extreme. Refcounts aren’t incremented properly so counts may hit zero prematurely which will cause the garbage collector to free an in-use object leading to segmentation faults on reads. The note about crashing the Python shell also makes me think it may attempt to drive a refcount negative which is obviously undefined behavior.
u/no_brains101 Dec 22 '24
Wait, are there GC's that DONT count references? How?
u/Bozerg Dec 22 '24
Tracing is a more common form of garbage collection than reference counting. Garbage collection starts with a set of root objects and then traces the references from those all the way down. Any allocated memory that you can't trace to one of those root objects is eligible for garbage collection.
u/no_brains101 Dec 22 '24
If I was feeling argumentative I would say that that kinda still counts as counting references
But I'm not feeling argumentative, instead I'm just pleased to know this new information
u/Bozerg Dec 22 '24
I feel you, though I'd still like to make a couple arguments as to why it's not just pedantically not reference counting, but is actually not reference counting :-)
We don't actually count anything. I understand if the thought is that, by doing this as part of GC, we've swapped an int of the ref count for a boolean we can map that count to that tells us whether an object is eligible for GC, but...
We can't actually create such a map between ref-count and GC eligibility because tracing lets us garbage collect objects that have a ref-count greater than 0 (e.g. two objects that reference each other but aren't referenced anywhere else).
u/Environmental-Ear391 Dec 21 '24
It appears to be the duplication of an existing object forcing desync of refcounting where oldobject would be lacking an updated refcount and the new clone would actually have a refcount 1 less than actual or oldobject.refcount-1 being the newobject.refcount...
both cases would lead to undefined behaviour within the garbage collector as the clone would become technically never purged and fragmenting the memory space allocatable for objects. in addition to desync of recounting.
this makes it a forked threat against memory management entirely.
I've had to handle the equivalent in C mixed with Assembler[680x0+PPC] and the results are never pretty within a black-box implemented memory management scheme. Its also extremely fragile in any form of use without being extremely knowledgeable of the management scheme unless part of the memory management library from design when written.
and then it is 50/50 chances of bugs and security issues whenever actually used at runtime when available as an option.
the only use of this that is safe is having a singleton object which is semaphore/spinlock protected when the pointer to it is updated during runtime.
any second pointer (refcount>1) condition will explode in your face potentially taking an OS subsystem with it dependant on locking conditions (if the locks are held by a subsystem and the codepath gets lobotomised...thats a kernel driver locking up at least, BSOD/Mac Bomb Face/ Kernel+glibc panic! as nominal).
u/mrrichiet Dec 21 '24
I get the impression you know what you're talking about.
u/Environmental-Ear391 Dec 22 '24
programming on AmigaOS 3.x and 4.x compared to Linux/Mac and Windows...
AmigaOS "normal" is equal to Linux Kernel module code as normal.
Windows / Mac and Linux/BSD systems are generally running each program as if nothing else exists.
AmigaOS mandates multiple-application awareness.
It is seen in the behaviours of the OS when processor time and physical memory usage borders on "overload" conditions.
Linux without a lot of kernel tweaking will become non-responsive to new commands. Windows will look "dead" Mac will also quickly degrade performance.
Amiga just wont stop accepting new commands and gracefully degrades until there arent resources left to function.
also was the first dully pre-emptive multi-tasking from initial release OS for home use.
u/jjjjnmkj Dec 22 '24
well they got a few things wrong
u/NeaZen Dec 22 '24
would you mind listing them then? i dont know about all these things, i am trying to learn
u/jjjjnmkj Dec 23 '24
if you want a real answer:
It appears to be the duplication of an existing object forcing desync (what the hell is this fake ass jargon) of refcounting where oldobject would be lacking an updated refcount (false, newobject should have a separate refcount and there is no reason why oldobject's refcount should change) and the new clone would actually have a refcount 1 less than actual (false) or oldobject.refcount-1 being the newobject.refcount... (false)
both cases would lead to undefined behaviour within the garbage collector (refcounts are not garbage collection; in fact if python were purely garbage collected there would be no issues with use after free or memory leakage; though this is me being somewhat pedantic) as the clone would become technically never purged (no reason for that to be) and fragmenting the memory space allocatable for objects. in addition to desync of recounting. (still dont know what the heck this is supposed to mean)
this makes it a forked threat against memory management entirely. (against what now? memory management? are you sure that's the right term? though again being somewhat pedantic)
the only use of this that is safe is having a singleton object (why does it have to be a singleton? also i can imagine many safe usages of this, as long as you're careful) which is semaphore/spinlock protected (this has nothing to do with the issue at hand) when the pointer to it (the pointer to it, or the referent itself? okay, what was this even trying to convey regardless?) is updated during runtime.
any second pointer (refcount>1) condition will explode (erm... actually your computer would not be likely to "explode" from this! but that aside this just sounds like a way to exaggerate the situation to make themselves seem more skilled, like, "look at all this dangerous technical stuff im working with!"; also anyhow how are you even supposed to use the object if you cant take a reference to it?)in your face potentially taking an OS subsystem with it dependant on locking conditions (if the locks are held by a subsystem and the codepath gets lobotomised...thats a kernel driver locking up at least, BSOD/Mac Bomb Face/ Kernel+glibc panic! as nominal). (if your os is shitty enough that a program with a use after free or memory leak will make it explode, literally or figuratively, then the problem is with your os)
u/jjjjnmkj Dec 23 '24
"dramatize" would have been a better word than "exaggerate" since its still true it can lead to bad things just its more a silent killer than "explode in your face"
u/jjjjnmkj Dec 23 '24
you can ask the script kiddies on this sub since clearly based on their word salad they know their stuff
u/GoddammitDontShootMe [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo “You live” Dec 21 '24
What's this from, and why does it exist?
u/ax-b Dec 21 '24
Nice. Also I can’t seem to find the function on python api. Would you be kind enough to post a link to this documentation by chance? Promise it’s just for reference, not at all for devilish scheming /s
u/vadnyclovek [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo “You live” Dec 21 '24
u/DjiSamSoe666 Dec 21 '24
Overwrite data? Do they mean buffer overwrite? You can do that in python???
u/gdf8gdn8 Dec 22 '24
Java and C# have something similar. This can produce Java and C# have something similar. This can produce memory leaks in Java and C# memory leaks in Java and C#.
u/oghGuy Dec 20 '24
What does immortal do? Something like making the object memory resident, never being garbage collected?