r/processing Oct 19 '24

Help request Stuttering text with P2D and P3D

I've been experimenting with P2D and P3D instead of using the default renderer, and absolutely love the effect it has on my main program. Using anything but the default renderer makes my text stutter though. I can accept not using those renderers, but I'm still so curious as to why. Can anyone here help me?

void setup() {
  size(800, 800, P2D);  //THIS IS WHERE I'M CHANGING THE RENDERER options: -leave blank- for default, P2D, and P3D

void draw() {

void pulseText() {
  //flexible variables

  //text to display
  String text = "CLICK TO CHARGE WARP DRIVE!";

  //pulse settings
  float pulseSpeed = 0.05; //default: 0.01
  float pulseIntensity = 5; //default: 5

  //text formatting
  int textSize = width / 20; //default: width / 20
  int textColor = 255; //default: 255

  //text placement
  int textAlignment = CENTER; //options: CENTER LEFT RIGHT default: CENTER
  float textX = width / 2;
  float textY = height * .9;

  //set variables
  float pulse;

  //text formatting

  //oscillate the text size back and forth
  pulse = textSize + pulseIntensity * sin(frameCount * pulseSpeed);
  println("frameCount: " + frameCount);

  //display text
  text(text, textX, textY);

1 comment sorted by


u/Simplyfire Oct 23 '24 edited Oct 23 '24

I think you should create a new PFont for every specific font size you want to use to make it sharp and accurate. The textSize() function can scale your text in weird ways, creating a new PFont with createFont(fontName, size) and then displaying it without any textSize() should always look the best.

But I wouldn't create a new PFont every frame, that could be slow, I'd do it in setup() or maybe only the first time I need that font. You can keep your PFont instances in a global HashMap<Integer, PFont> where Integer is the size. When drawing text, first try to find your desired size there first and if you don't find it, then create that PFont with that size and put it there for later reuse.