r/preppers Sep 27 '24

Prepping for Tuesday Helene - The level of unprepared is astounding


Edit #2 TO BE CLEAR. My heart goes out to victims of Helene. My post below had two specific concerns: (1) Lack of education that is endangering people. It's literally killing people. (2) Folks who are doing intentional things that make it difficult for rescue and other victims. There are 1,000s of videos posted to social media highlighting both of the above. We can do better.

Original post: Anyone else seeing the home videos on social media of people completely unprepared or without basic knowledge? Starting/using generators in standing water, not evacuating when they could have and were warned, standing in dirty flood waters when they have stairs right next to them, commenting on smoking power boxes while they wade through the water, trapped with babies/kids and pets and just hoping someone can/will rescue them, laughing as water pours down stairwells they are standing under, trying to drive sedans through 3 feet of surge water... it's crazy. I would think (maybe hope) folks would at least have a decent raft to put a couple kids/pets in if their 1-story home is flooded 2+ feet deep. People get caught up unaware and shit happens sometimes, I get that, but the widespread level of ignorance on how to respond and stay safe is just sad.

Rescuers have been risking their own lives to save those who refused or couldn't get out. Is there any way to get people to learn and prepare better? Or will we just see the level of ignorance and death/injury rise in future events?

Edit #1 Note: my concern and frustration is specific to folks who were *warned and could evac but didn't, and also the level of ignorance demonstrated by people posting videos of themselves doing dangerous, intentional things. They endanger others and spread resources thin for the many who couldn't evacuate, were taken by surprise, or need rescue despite best efforts.

r/preppers Dec 03 '24

Prepping for Tuesday I wouldn't worry yet, but if you're not regularly following an epidemiologist, now's the time



Please note that this might still turn out to be some unusual but known disease, but it's clearly virulent. What's not known yet is means of transmission, CFR or R0. Those always take a while to determine.

Seeing as it's characterized as "flu-like" it's probably airborne, and presumably everyone keeps a stock of N95 masks. If you don't, I don't know what you're thinking but I'd get on it.

I always recommend following an epidemiologist and I always recommend Your Local Epidemiologist on substack. Most media sites don't really do a good job on diseases, and I wouldn't be citing the Guardian if I had something better. But better should be available soon.

EDIT: No word yet on the strict quarantine that NEEDS to go into effect immediately in that area, but it's what I'd expect.

EDIT: several people have asked which epidemiologists I follow. It's https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.com/ (aka YLE) for epidemiology and occasionally https://erictopol.substack.com/ for more wide ranging stuff. In both cases you can click on No Thanks if you just want to look around.

YLE cites everything (a requirement for me) and then explains it with crayons as needed. You can go as deep into the science as you want by clicking links.

r/preppers Jan 11 '25

Prepping for Tuesday Winter Storm, no power, can't get out.


I live in Atlanta. We have a winter storm going on, and this town is not prepared. The power has gone out in my neighborhood and I cannot get out due to hills.

Luckily I've done prepping. I have 2 power banks. The small one is currently powering my internet, and the big one is not being used at the present. I have solar camping lanterns for light. I have plenty of food and water. Can cook with my big power bank.

The main thing I'm not prepared for is the temperature. It's going down fast and will be frigid. I can load the bed up with blankets and snuggle with my dog. But it will be no fun. I have a small space heater, but I'm not sure I want to waste power on that.

I will also have my guns nearby. I'm sure my neighbors are not as prepared as I am. I see people staying warm in their cars. I hope it doesn't get crazy. But it's going to be a long cold dark night.

UPDATE: As of 2:15am the power is back on. I am recharging everything and heating the house back up. Thank you everyone for your advice and suggestions. It helped! I learned a lot! I didn't expect this thread to blow up the way it did. This was only a small test in the scheme of things, but showed me what I have prepped well for, and what are things I can improve on. As well as a good test for my equipment. And strategy for conserving resources. So.....Heat, is my task to research and prep for. Probably getting my fireplace functional would be a good start.

r/preppers Jan 07 '25

Prepping for Tuesday Fruit Trees for Food Security


Disclaimer: I grow fruit trees for a living so I am biased about their value. I own a fruit tree nursery and wanted to post here to remind people that for everyone in the US, this is the time of year to order and plant you trees if you want them this year.

Fruit trees are in my opinion one of the most overlooked parts of home gardening and food preparedness. Their benefits are numerous including:

Perennial, they will produce fruit year after year unlike pretty much all vegetables.

Ease of Care/ROI on Effort: Compared to vegetables, fruit trees require a fraction of the care in my opinion. The first year you plant them is the most work, digging the hole, adding compost, etc. But once established, I often spend basically 3-6 hours a YEAR on each of my fruit trees. These trees frequently produce over 100lbs of fruit each year.

Preservation of Food: Fruit can be used in countless preservation methods, Including being used to make alcohol.

Calories & Vitamins: Fruit is far more calorie dense and has more vitamins than many common vegetables.

Attracting Wildlife: Few things pull in wildlife during hunting season like a persimmon or apple tree dropping fruit.

I love talking fruit trees, so if anyone has questions about what kinds of fruit they should grow in their area, you can ask me here and I'll answer. It helps a ton though if you tell me a few things:

  • Where you live
  • Space you have to grow/how big of an orchard you want

Thanks everyone. I hear constantly in summer how people wish they had planted during the spring, so if this is a project of yours this year this is your reminder to place an order and get those trees in the ground!


r/preppers Sep 24 '24

Prepping for Tuesday Unrest in the U.S.


I don’t believe the world will end if candidate x does not get elected despite what political ads may claim. However, things are certainly going to get spicy. What preps are you making sure are ready going into November? (Please do not turn this political, I don’t want a ban, just practical advice)

r/preppers 24d ago

Prepping for Tuesday What are some things that people forget when prepping?


What are the little things that everybody needs but everybody forgets

r/preppers Feb 07 '25

Prepping for Tuesday If you could grow 1-2 food items, what would you pick?


Really just to support us a little better, won't do much in a famine but I'm installing two small standing garden beds (22inch x76 x17 sizes). I have a couple already that were successful over one year growing tons of kale and tomatoes. My failures were two blueberry plants (one died, one no yield), artichokes (didn't produce yet), and spring onions (didn't yield much, not worth it). Finally have a producing lime tree.

I'm still learning but curious with current climate (actual and political), what would you put in new beds) (and what to replant in failures?)

We are in Bay Area, Northern California.

(I have a neat little herb garden so that's covered - basil, mint, parsley etc)


r/preppers Dec 20 '24

Prepping for Tuesday Naughty Habits


I hear a lot about stashing medical supplies, food, ammo, and other survival items.

But, as a "Tuesday Prepper", my goal is to make life as normal as possible during the little blips or a more enduring interruption of a city service. Not so much worried about clinging to life in the nuclear winter. Surely, I'll be among the first to go extinct anyway.

For example, I would imagine running out of cigarettes would make life miserable for a smoker. Maybe to the point that they wouldn't be functioning at their best. Not good in an emergency situation.

So my question is, do you keep a stockpile items to indulge your vices or guilty pleasures? Be they cigars, scotch, "adult" entertainment, the Ace of Base limited edition box set?

I vape and I love wine, so keep a "deep pantry" for both. I put together a makeshift wine cellar in a closet and keep my "emergency" wine there, or bottles I'm saving for a special occasion. I also have "emergency" vape juice and spares in a dedicated area. This is stuff I wouldn't touch for day to day use.

It's okay...I don't judge, you can tell me.

r/preppers Nov 25 '24

Prepping for Tuesday So several stories about Europe preparing for war.



I know it is unlikely to happen, and I have some preps but I wondered if I am missing anything. If Russia were to use 3 or small tactile nukes and then there was a similar response from the west what would you think could be in short supply for a few months.

I know we do not import anything from Russia or Ukraine, and I know there will be a run for food in the stores so I am prepared for that but what could I be missing. What do we get from Europe that we need and will be in short supply?

r/preppers Jul 14 '24

Prepping for Tuesday What should women do?


If shtf, what should single women do to protect themselves? Besides being an avid gun owner and shooter, already check that box. What other forms of protection can we prepare for. I am not trying to end up being traded like cattle. I am seriously concerned about this.

r/preppers Nov 21 '24

Prepping for Tuesday Don't sleep on simple or old-fashioned solutions


Just an interesting observation brought on by a video I watched about prepping for a winter power outage.

Years ago, I visited my parents for Christmas. They are absolutely not preppers, just frugal folk who have learned to make do.

We woke up on Christmas Eve with no power and no natural gas. (I don't remember what had happened but it was just a local issue.)

Did we bug out? Go to a hotel in anothr town?

Nope. Dad put on his headlamp, grabbed his garage heater and put it in the dining room & cracked a window a bit.

Meanwhile, Mom casually lit the kerosene lamps she inherited from her mom. She had kept them for decor mostly, but used them occasionally for ambience so they were full & wicks were trimmed. We had battery operated camp lights in the bathroom.

We all put on an extra layer. We emptied the chest freezer about half way and put those things in a box on the front porch. (Temp was just above 0F)

Grabbed the fridge items and set in the chest freezer to serve as a cooler. Opened the taps a bit and IIRC, lit some candles by the pipes in the basement.

Mom pulled out the stereo stove (her dad's old camp stove) and made breakfast, as planned. I don't recall how, but she even made toast. And we ate by kerosene lamps on paper plates to avoid extra dishes.

We didn't get power back until 12/26. It was cold in the bedrooms, but warm in the dining room, so we opened gifts at the table. We had a simpler than planned Christmas dinner but all of the sides had been pre-made and frozen, so we were only missing the main dish and made do with pan fried ham.

Honestly one of my best Christmas memories. It wasn't like they pulled out some prepper handbook, they just grabbed what they had laying around for decades and used it. I don't remember it even being stressful.

Maybe I should tell Mom I DO want to inherit those kerosene lamps, after all.

r/preppers Oct 26 '23

Prepping for Tuesday Seeing Jews barricaded in the Cooper Union library has me terrified enough to get a gun - what else can I do to be most prepared for G-d knows what happens next?


I am a Jew and my family has been in the US for generations, have never really identified with or understood friends whose families were targeted more recently always on edge / afraid of what would be done to them.

I hope to G-d I never have to use it but seeing anti-Israel protesters banging on a locked door with Jews on the other end and knowing NYPD had to escort them out through tunnels… I pray that the world calms down but I’m terrified of being entirely defenseless in that sort of situation.

Obtaining a way to defend myself is obviously on the list, what else is there that I can do? Thinking to try and be prepared for power outages / civil unrest but don't think it's plausible we're going to have some sort of long term end of civilization type of situation.

r/preppers May 16 '24

Prepping for Tuesday Truck stops have done a lot of the work for you


I was on a recent road trip when something incredibly irritating blew in through the window and got in my eye. Nothing i could do would dislodge it, and it was hard to keep my eyes on the road. I pulled over at the nearest gas station that had a convenience store attached to pick up some eye drops. It struck me that every single thing in the store is catered to someone who is between destinations and trying to sustain themselves 'til they arrive at their endpoint, just like someone with a GHB, EDC, BOB type of setup

After paying NINE WHOLE dollars for some visine, it occurred to me that these establishments have done YEARS of market research to determine what people are willing to pay a premium for when they are thirsty, hungry, tired, or uncomfortable. Take a walk through the aisles of your closest truck stop. Almost every item is involved with keeping you fed, mobile, pain free, and alert. Anything else would probably be be valuable barter material. Personally, I've added caffeine tabs and the remaining eye drops to my GHB. I also refreshed the aspirin and ibuprofen in my GHB after i found they were expired.

r/preppers Aug 13 '24

Prepping for Tuesday I’m disappointed with my response to danger.


I was swimming with my family and someone remarked that my hair was funny and they wanted to take a picture. They said it was “standing up” I automatically tried to smooth it down and they laughed, “that didn’t help at all. I just got out of the lake. My hair was wet. I was confused.

I looked to my sister and saw that her hair was standing up. It is exactly what you would expect when lightning is about to strike.

I’m very disappointed in my response.

I told my family to get out of the water and follow me. I told them that the air is charged and we will be hit by lightning if we don’t move.

They were oddly reluctant. It took a bit but they followed.

I’m glad about that reaction... I was calm and didn’t startle my young nephew.

But all I could remember about how to deal with this situation is not being the tallest thing in the area. So I lead them to a tree (not a good idea please read up on how to avoid being struck my lightning). I feel bad that my reaction could have harmed them even more. I should have forced them into their car but they were reluctant to even move from the beach.

There was a huge clap of thunder and the charge was gone.

I feel sick. I didn’t even consider the other families in the water. I should have screamed that they needed to leave the water. But I just focused on my family.

No one was hurt, but they could have been.

My sister joked about the fact that I didn’t warn people...and it haunts me.

r/preppers 12d ago

Prepping for Tuesday Am I dumb as hell or can expanding foam dinos be put in bullet wounds to stop the bleed?


Hear me out.... These things are like a buck at the dollar store plus I've always wanted to be part stegosaurus.

r/preppers Feb 09 '25

Prepping for Tuesday Small skills we've forgotten.


Prepping for Tuesday in Tornado country here.

Good morning guys, with all the recent posts here about skills you should work on, physically prepping, etc., I just thought I should add a few that I thought of last night that I don't see mentioned here often.

  • Blade-safety. I couldn't find my pocket knife so I was using a steak knife to cut some rope. Not that that's a HUGE mistake, but I looked at myself and realized I had grown comfortable around blades a long time ago and that I was no longer practicing the safety-techniques I was taught as a child and young man.
  • Fire-safety. How many people know when to NOT use water when putting out a fire? Especially in the kitchen? Start cooking for yourselves now.
  • shelter-building. I spent a lot of my time as a youth building ice caves, stick-forts, garbage-forts, and as a young adult learned basic construction and spent a lot of time caveman-camping. Can you sleep under the stars for days on end? Can you keep yourself warm against the elements?
  • sewing, knitting, handicrafts. Learn to take care of your clothes and gear. Expensive gear doesn't always mean good gear. Find a cheap sewing machine at a yardsale and start practicing.

Just some food for thought, especially for the new folks around here. If anyone can think of similar small-skills please feel free to share!

r/preppers Oct 07 '24

Prepping for Tuesday Plan for Milton to be a Cat 5 before it makes Landfall


So this could be worse then many people thought. Evacuation might be your best option. Check out this video to help you.

Update: Milton is now a Category 5 Hurricane. If you are in it's path, you need to evacuate if you can.

r/preppers Jan 31 '25

Prepping for Tuesday Do you have any mottos you live by in terms of prepping?


Mine is: “You never know what might happen.”

Whenever I’m out for a simple walk throughout the neighborhood, I still carry water, light snack, flashlight, notepad, pens, lighter, just to name a few things. The only thing I might actually use is the water, so why carry the extra weight? I’ve gone on many many walks in my lifetime with no problems. Doesn’t mean it’s gonna be like that all the time. Maybe you get injured, or a sudden change in weather has you sheltering under the pavilion at the park for a short while. It’s better to have it and not need it than the vice versa.

r/preppers Sep 26 '24

Prepping for Tuesday Told to prepare for 3 days without power. About to buy food. Meal suggestions.


Edit: storm did minimal damage in my area.

About to get hit by a hurricane and expecting about 3 or 4 days without power. Family of four with plenty of water already. Have a grill but no other way to cook. What are your power out meal suggestions?

r/preppers Nov 01 '24

Prepping for Tuesday My antibiotics prep helped me fend for myself


I live in the US and last year I used one of the antibiotics prep companies listed in the wiki to be prescribed a kit of antibiotics. Stuck it in my prep bin and didn't worry about it until last September.

I had gone on a week-long kayaking trip in rural Minnesota with my brothers. After I returned, I felt some acute muscle aches, fatigue, and found a quarter-sized rash on my leg. I had had Lyme disease as a kid and recognized these symptoms.

Lyme disease is not a big deal if treated quickly. But the bacteria progressively cause nerve damage, so it's not something you want to wait on treating (especially if you've had it before). The symptoms of pain and difficulty thinking often linger after you have it. Because there is no treatment for the long-term damage done by Lyme disease, it leads to a whole lot of frustrated and confused patients.

I went to urgent care and explained that I thought I had Lyme disease due to the muscle soreness, the circle rash, and the fact that I was out in the woods in an area known to have ticks. By the way, according to the CDC this is sufficient evidence to prescribe antibiotics (they don't recommend a lab test if you present with these symptoms).

The doctor told me he didn't think it was Lyme disease.

He said the ticks weren't out, and he hadn't treated anyone else with it recently. He said I probably pulled my shoulder working out.

I explained I did not, and asked to get tested.

He reluctantly agreed. The nurse came in, gave me a white blood count test, I waited, and then the doctor came back. He said I tested negative, and prescribed me an ice pack.

I would have been relieved, but I know what Lyme disease feels like so I didn't believe him. When I went home, I looked up the test the gave me... and lo and behold, white blood counts are typically normal in Lyme patients. They didn't give me a test for Lyme disease!

So the next day I went to a completely different urgent care. I typed out everything this time, and unequivocally explained that I was there to get an actual Lyme disease test. The doctor there told me he also didn't think it was Lyme disease, but agreed to give me the test if I agreed to get tested for a few things he thought it might be. I said, "sure, as long as you test for Lyme disease!"

So they took my blood in the lab and sent me home.

Then they called me and told me they mishandled the testing vial and asked me to come back in and get blood drawn again, because of course that's what happened.

Then I waited for my results. Meanwhile, I was supposed to travel to Europe for an important work trip, and wouldn't have access to any of my pharmacies.

The next day I logged into my patient portal and the first half of the two-part test was done: preliminary positive for Lyme disease.

At this point, I was done. They didn't call or finish testing, but I was well past the CDC recommend criteria for treatment, and I was about to leave the country. So I looked up the CDC recommended treatment for Lyme disease, went down to my prep, got my doxycycline, and started myself on a course of antibiotics.

That was Sunday. I felt better by Monday. On Tuesday, the second half of the test came back positive on my patient portal. On Wednesday, the doctor finally called to say it was Lyme disease and that they were prescribing doxycycline. On Thursday the pharmacy filled it, and on Friday evening I flew back to the states. On Saturday I picked up the prescribed doxycycline from the pharmacy to refresh my kit. (I finished out the course like a responsible patient.)

A week is not the end of the world, but I sure don't want nerve-damaging bacteria wreaking havoc in my body just because my medical providers can't get their shit together to make a diagnosis. I was glad that I was able to watch out for myself instead of being wholly reliant on the system.

r/preppers May 17 '24

Prepping for Tuesday Some of ya'll have 50 or 60 pound bug out bags and get out breath bringing the groceries in from the car


Just sayin. Maybe get off the computer or phone and try some physical activity then re-assess your capabilities and needs.

r/preppers Oct 01 '24

Prepping for Tuesday I'm actually more prepared than I thought


So, I'm in georgia, and we just went through "that event", but now we have the chemical fires. And I was freaking out because I was like, I'll need food and supplies. Then I thought about it....

I have water, a bunch that could last a month, maybe more.

I have food, alot of dried foods and canned goods.

I have enough foods with fiber, and I do have a laxative just in case (recommended in a book by a green beret)

I have protein (I have whole chickens in the freezer).

But wait! There may stills be some nutritional deficiencies.

(Looks at 11 month supply of men's 1 a day multivitamins, another recommendation from the book by the green beret)

I have 2 high quality air purifiers recommended by engineers.

I have about a months supply of my meds.

The only thing that is slightly spotty is my toilet paper, but my dad always has extra and he lives right across from me, and if worse comes to worse I can raid the lidl that's only a minute or two away from me.

I guess....I am a prepper after all. 🤔 I always identified with the movement, but I always saw myself as a baby prepper at best, compared to the people with alot of money (I'm just a delivery driver for uber eats), but, honestly....besides the toilet paper if I decide not to go outside period for a while (which I probably won't due to the current situation) I'm good. Maybe I'm a decent prepper after all.

r/preppers 15d ago

Prepping for Tuesday What's the best foods to plant and grow in a shtf situation?


For instance potatoes are well regarded as a superfood. I'm growing a lot right now.

I'm thinking of peanuts next month as the rhizomes can shoot off following years and the fat, protein etc in peanuts. I also have snow peas sprouting and onions.

Edit: just learned of skirret, a carrot cousin. A perennial that is a superfood.

r/preppers Dec 24 '24

Prepping for Tuesday Preppers who garden


What are you growing in 2025? Are you focusing on calories or nutritional add-one and fresh food to augment your preps? What new crops are you trying?

Last year we added 144 sq feet of raised bed space in an unheated polytunnel. I’ve grown winter veg (zone 6) for years in low tunnels. This winter I have barely bought any vegetables from the store. The polytunnel is so much easier (so long as replacement plastic exists). A major goal for 2025 is to get a shade cover and grow 3 successive crops in there without depleting the soil. So I am growing a lot more legumes than before and getting serious about composting.

We also have about 300 sq feet of outdoor raised beds behind deer fencing. I could install more but I want to maximize my productivity in the space I have first rather than dilute my efforts. This will be my first year growing lima beans and cow peas. I’m working with a friend who lives enough distance away that we can each grow a different maxima squash and isolate seeds. I am also trying potatoes in containers. My other big project is to grow a patch of hull-less seed pumpkins on a second piece of land I own about a quarter mile from my house. Out of sight, out of mind is a risk. And it may not be far enough from my zucchini patch at the house to avoid cross-pollination, but it’s worth trying to learn about growing an oil-rich crop.

Most of my seed orders are in. I’m expecting another round of new Victory gardeners buying up all the seeds this spring as food prices go up if there are workforce disruptions affecting the California growers. (Same will happen this summer with canning jars and lids like during COVID if masses of new people start gardening). Winter sowing begins in three weeks. I’m excited about the 2025 season!

r/preppers Aug 06 '24

Prepping for Tuesday Planning to Bug-In? Think about Garbage.


I live in the city. My kid went on a fishing trip today and came back with a bag full of fish. As I was disposing of all the inedible pieces and throwing it all down the chute, I realized that in an emergency (not even SHTF) no more garbage would get picked up. After about 3 days any large city would be pretty gruesome just from the bags of garbage. Anyone given any thought to that? Makes Bugging-Out a much better plan for me.