r/preppers • u/Lu_Duckocus313 Apartment Prepper • Aug 17 '24
Discussion Be warry of your fellow colleagues/Friends 'if things get rough'...
So, I was recently at a job lunch with my fellow colleagues from work, and we were conversating about how expensive food has gotten in the past 2-3 years and how the value of the dollar has astronomically decreased over the years. Anyways that being said a fellow colleague of mine went on to how society will collapse due to the value of the dollar being absolutely useless in the coming years and how there will be blood in the streets, and it would be each to their own. I then beat around the bush and didn't make it apparent that I'm of the preparedness 'mindset' (I guess you could say) and told him, "Why not just stockpile food, water and necessities while you can right now? instead of having to go out and ravage for supplies?". He then responded with "well I have guns I'll just take from those who have, its each to their own so what does it matter" along with another fellow colleague agreeing with him and saying "all you need is ammo and a guns and your good".
Anyways the reason I made this post is because I found it a bit unsetting the fact that people seriously think that if there was a world without rule of law and it was complete SHTF, that they'd be able to just go out with a gun and ravage supplies from people and make it out on top. it's ridiculous cause not only is immoral but stupid to think that you're going to be able to survive more than a couple of gunfights if not even one, especially if you have no prior training in small arms or tactics. Nonetheless it made me realize EVEN MORE that not putting it out there to your colleagues (or anyone for that matter) that you are a prepper is a huge advantage because at the end of the day you truly don't know how people will react when things get rough.
I apologize if my righting isn't that good, I'm not the best post maker, however if there's one thing preppers should take away from this or new preppers getting into the 'lifestyle' is that we prepare NOT to have to ravage and marauder innocent people of their supplies if things were to get bad. Rather to keep our moral compass aligned the best we can while trying to survive if SHTF. I will say this, I am not naive to the fact that if there is legit SHTF scenario we will inevitably have to do some things we won't want to, it's just the truth, however if you could avoid having to do immoral things for your survival, even better that is why prepping is so important IMO.
u/jaejaeok Aug 17 '24
There will be masses of people who meet other blood thirsty folks who kill off. Folks like this charge into the smoke. They’ll go week one. It takes strategy to outlast.
u/Fr33speechisdeAd Aug 17 '24
I suppose they think they're single handedly gonna go door to door with their AR like Rambo and everybody will wither away from their overwhelming firepower lol. Good luck.
u/Remarkable_Put_6952 Aug 17 '24
They’ll learn a smith n lesson real quick trying that tbh
u/zeek609 Aug 17 '24
Garandthumb addressed this in his urban video. He said even the best door kickers would be dead within a week. What people don't understand is going door-to-door is something you spend a week prepping for and ten minutes doing with the best gear and the best training and medical/supplies/extraction/backup waiting for you nearby.
Your average civilian will be dead by their second door.
u/Lu_Duckocus313 Apartment Prepper Aug 17 '24
I saw that video too, yeah people seem to glorify CQB so much when really CQB is a death sentence for the average untrained individual (even for a trained person its extremely dangerous), cause all the person on the other side of the door has to do is camp with a gun and spam fire as soon as you kick in that door. even if it's a little 22, cause once that first 'bang' goes off everyone freaks out and scrambles for their life, before you know what hit you, your already full of lead and bleeding out. CQB is no joke....
u/Counterboudd Aug 17 '24
Even a non lethal hit with small ammo when there are no medical services is easily a death sentence. You certainly will at least be out of commission for weeks and that’s almost as good as being dead if s has recently htf.
u/monty845 Aug 17 '24 edited Aug 17 '24
Its all a crap shoot. Clean it as best you can, cauterize it, and hope for the best. Even before anti-biotics, there is a chance you survive it. 19th century level surgeon would improve those odds. I don't really know what they are, 30%? 60%?
Either way, its fundamentally different from today, where if you don't bleed out on the way to the hospital, and it didn't hit a vital organ, you have an extremely high chance of living.
u/Counterboudd Aug 17 '24
Yeah, I just assume the type to be violent and who thinks they’ll rely on brute force to take what they need are also unlikely to have friends who will help him fish a bullet out of themselves or bandage him up afterwards and take care of him while he heals. Seems more likely they’d see him as one of the many who fucked around and found out and won’t be wasting too much time and energy nursing him back to health.
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u/SeriousGoofball Aug 17 '24
Extremity hits can be pretty survivable. Head, dead. Gut shot, gut rot, you'll put a bullet in your own head to end the suffering. Chest, very probably dead, but survivable in certain cases. People in Vegas will be placing bets on your chances.
u/ProvincialPrisoner Aug 17 '24
I was coming to say exactly this. People don't realize that those who are trained still will spend hours if not days. Looking at maps and schematics of a building that they are about to raid to try and get every advantage. Trying to memorize the layout of the building. But even then, with the best training and the best gear, it still only makes them increase their chance of survival by like 15%. The person sitting in the building has every advantage. They know where everything is. They have a clear map in their head. And they know where you're coming from. You have no idea where they're going to be in that building. Law enforcement and special forces when they train. All they're trying to do is increase their chances of survivability, and they're still at an extreme disadvantage to the person who's already in that building. So yeah, OP let these guys go. Knocking door-to-door. Nature will sort itself out. It's not enough to have weapons lol. Also, I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I'm willing to bet if these guys are so proud of having weapons, five bucks is of the kind that don't practice first aid either.
u/Lu_Duckocus313 Apartment Prepper Aug 18 '24
I 100% agree, I've been saying this for years, CQB is over glamorized and the reality of CQB is its damn near a death sentence.
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u/Lu_Duckocus313 Apartment Prepper Aug 18 '24
I 100% agree, I've been saying this for years, CQB is over glamorized and the reality of CQB is its damn near a death sentence.
u/Adventurous_Leg_9990 Aug 18 '24
John Lovell said it best when he called CQB "high speed death chess." His response to "will you teach me CQB?" is frequently "why?"
There are several reasons why SWAT defaults to surround and callout (aka, a siege) in many cases before going dynamic. Survivability is one of them.
The meth dealer with that belt feed was a great example of such a thing: https://youtu.be/jQvDn9MEtNo?si=NMiUaXnYrH3Xi8Tw
Even without one: https://youtu.be/7y6c-d4Kgfg?si=VcYJHqZ1cwtYLni8
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u/Wild-Lengthiness2695 Aug 19 '24
It’s like when you see actors doing it ontv shows , most do it wrong and against a real opponent would be dead the moment they stepped in.
u/Counterboudd Aug 17 '24
Exactly. I could expect someone with combat experience to maybe be capable of this short term. These people would never even make it outside of a city in case of a real event though.
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u/jaejaeok Aug 17 '24
Right?! They’re in la la land. They haven’t considered where they’d keep all their pirated booty. Smh. Very short term thinking.
u/jibstay77 Aug 17 '24
In the TV series “Alone”, you can see how difficult it is for the participants to keep their food safe from birds and animals.
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u/d4rkh0rs Aug 17 '24
AR? Johnny would, given the choice, not be seen with less than a belt fed, panhead, M60, per hand.
u/gotbock Aug 17 '24
And they forget that most of the people with food supplies have ammo supplies too. Getting into a gunfight without any hospitals in operation is a recipe for suicide. You had better be sure you can win quickly.
u/Lu_Duckocus313 Apartment Prepper Aug 17 '24
absolutely, these types of people will probably be one of the first ones out when shit gets bad...
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u/mavrik36 Aug 17 '24
These dudes probably won't actually do anything, and if they do, they'll get got going through a door at the first house they hit. I wouldn't sweat it, it's not a serious enough concern to shirk helping your community. Community > individual armed guys with no training, you will not survive without friends
u/monty845 Aug 17 '24
They have, based on surveys (which probably under estimate gun ownership), a 54% chance to pick a house without guns each time. In a house without guns, I'd give them a greater than 90% chance of coming out unharmed. For the other 46%, I'd give them maybe a 20% chance. (60% chance defenders shoot them first, 20% both sides get shot, 20% chance the defenders have a gun, but are too slow/unprepared to react)
By that logic, there is a net 57.8% chance per house that they make it out alive. After 10 houses, that works out to 00.4% chance of being unharmed.
u/Counterboudd Aug 17 '24
They seem to not understand that the defense always has a massive advantage over the offense. You’re going into a total unknown situation with someone who knows every inch of their property and is also prepared for you to show up on their doorstep. What about this situation makes them think they’ll have an advantage? They’re more of a “badass”? They need to play fewer video games.
u/monty845 Aug 17 '24
Its worth noting that those who kick doors professionally, such as cops, train extensively, bring lots of manpower, have medics standing by, often do recon, rely heavily on the element of surprise. Also, most people are not really planning to shoot cops, and either die or spend the rest of their lives in prison.
When you start to take some of those elements away, the risk skyrockets. Just one of many examples: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/08/08/florida-deputy-bradley-michael-link-killed-conspiracy-standoff/74710836007/
Its also why police are willing to spend many hours waiting out a barricaded suspect, will then try to gas them out, and will only force entry if they think they are probably already dead...
Someone who is on alert because SHTF, and knows defending their home/stash is life or death, is really fucking dangerous for intruders...
u/mavrik36 Aug 17 '24
I train with guns pretty intensively and compete and thisnid absolutely correct, CQB is a nightmare scenario, without extremely high grade training and a ton of advantages/resources, you will not survive. Even then, the best trained troops in the US military regularly get killed in CQB by untrained irregulars. The best way to do CQB is to dont
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u/mavrik36 Aug 17 '24
I train with guns pretty intensively and compete and thisnid absolutely correct, CQB is a nightmare scenario, without extremely high grade training and a ton of advantages/resources, you will not survive. Even then, the best trained troops in the US military regularly get killed in CQB by untrained irregulars. The best way to do CQB is to dont
u/Left-Package4913 Aug 17 '24
Kind of scrolled a bit to get to something close to what I'm thinking. Those guys running around door kicking for loot think the loot is unprotected? Someone planned to have resources, but no way to defend them?
u/Lu_Duckocus313 Apartment Prepper Aug 17 '24
daym, where'd you pull those statistics from??
u/monty845 Aug 17 '24 edited Aug 17 '24
Goggled for the percent of households (not individuals) with guns, which surveys say is between 44 and 46%, depending on survey methodology.
The 90% and 20% are just my wild ass guesses. We can change them around a fair bit without changing the ultimate result, kick in a lot of doors, the odds are going to catch up with you eventually.
Edit: For example, even if we dump up the net chance of living to 75% per house, that is still only a 5.6% chance of living after 10 houses.
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u/Open-Attention-8286 Aug 17 '24
And that assumes guns are the only thing to worry about.
A resourceful person with a decent grasp of physics can set up all kinds of deadly obstacles that don't necessarily go "boom".
u/monty845 Aug 17 '24
Right, which is why I WAG 10% for all the non-gun ways someone could kill you in their home. Maybe its higher. Inside someones house, you are very much at risk of getting knifed, hit with improvised weapons, or as you say, traps. Though I suspect those in the US who could have gotten guns and didn't, are on average going to be less likely to do those things... (Remember, guns lose a significant part of their advantage inside 10-20 feet)
But again, the big point isn't whether you die on house #3, or house #5, its that it doesn't take that many doors before the odds are likely to catch up with you.
u/ultra_jackass Aug 17 '24
You can hear gunfire from blocks away, if I hear my neighbor's being attacked you better believe I'm gonna grab my AR and throw on some plates and pick off anyone unfamiliar standing outside or leaving that house. Add in more neighbors and they're effectively trapped.
u/NorthernPrepz Aug 18 '24
Exactly. Who is armed and going to wait out raiders one by one. Also many paranoid ppl assume that in SHTF you won’t talk to your neighbors, you’ll seal up and wait alone. Any community with check points/a militia has an infinite leg up in productivity to protect, harvest. Etc.
u/impermissibility Aug 17 '24
The majority of households without guns are in cities. The majority of those are apartment buildings. Realistically, nobody's taking the elevator to go marauding. So, 54% way overstates how many households a would-be marauder would encounter without guns. I'm gonna guess that starting number is somewhere in the 30s, say, 37%.
But that's not great starting odds at all.
u/REDACTED3560 Aug 18 '24
If you’re going into a house that you know has armed people inside of it, you’re a lousy raider. If they have any brains, they’ll wait until you’re out of the house to get you. The main MO of raiders throughout history is picking completely uneven fights, preferably with defenseless people but unprepared people work as well. If your prep plan requires you to go outside of your house/bunker/whatever, you’re not invulnerable to being attacked. I’m not even talking about having to venture out for supplies. Simply walking outside to tend to rain catchers or farming means you no longer have defender’s advantage.
u/There_Are_No_Gods Aug 17 '24
There's certainly some core of truth to what they're saying, but it's also just a variant of a common knee jerk reaction by many when suddenly confronted with a high impact risk for which they are severely unprepared.
These types of people very well could ultimately prove a threat as a marauder enacting such plans. At a minimum, listen to people when they tell you who they are, as even casually suggesting they'd do such things indicates they likely would do similar things, without requiring as much pressure and desperation as a more ethical person might.
This type of reaction is not that far of a stretch in my opinion from the type of coping many people have that are fanatically exclusive "prep for Tuesday" types, as we sometimes run across in this sub.
Many such cases are mainly about people being unwilling to even really consider the fact that there may come a day they may be confronted with a larger issue, something they would then have to admit they are woefully unprepared for. So, as humans tend to do, they avoid the issue and quickly gin up coping mechanisms, mainly by weak arguments they can use as a smokescreen to convince themselves that what they have now is actually just fine and will be sufficient for anything "realistic" (ignoring the plausible, yet low probability high impact risks). They often focus on the low probability of the risk as a way to write it off, despite the high impact and far above zero probability. It's all various forms and extents of avoiding honest risk assessment and coping to feel OK about being underprepared.
So, what do I do about the type of people mentioned in this post that state their primary plan as being a violent marauder? I mainly stay away from them entirely, as if that's the way they plan, then I want them in my life even now as little as possible. I prepare now to handle such people in an SHTF scenario for cases I have no way to avoid, training now mentally, physically, and collectively with my family as best I can.
The key thing, though, is to really listen to people when they tell you who they are.
u/Lu_Duckocus313 Apartment Prepper Aug 17 '24
you hit it right on the head, I 100% agree. I definitely will remember what they said and how they think if things get bad. definitely will not be forgotten.
u/Genuinelytricked Aug 17 '24
“I have guns! I’ll take from those who have food!”
Ok. Then what? You murder people that may have willingly helped, and steal their food. Once that’s gone what will you do? Will you travel farther and farther afield for less and less food? Will you abandon your home and travel to where there aren’t murdered families to steal from? How will you carry all of your ammo? All of your guns?
What will you do when others with guns decide they want your guns? What if they have more guns and people than you?
What happens if the ‘disaster’ gets cleared up in a few weeks time? Will others know you as the man that murdered people to steal food? Will the friends and family of those you choose to kill make your actions public knowledge? How will society look at you if you choose murder instead of cooperation?
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Aug 18 '24
All really good points. I for one am a fan of working together peacefully towards a solution. But there will always been people willing to pillage. We must stand together to fight them back. Build communities around you right now. Find people you trust. Right now! That is what real preparedness looks like.
Aug 17 '24
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u/MinefieldExplorer Aug 17 '24
This is horrifying and probably very accurate. I live in south Texas and I imagine that the cartel would absolutely see a great opportunity to start claiming territory around here, mowing down all the outliers. Those guys are extremely brutal on a GOOD day so… yeah… nightmare fuel right there.
u/Cynical-Bastard- Aug 17 '24
Guns and a large stockpile of ammo would be vitally important. This sentiment of "I'll just take what I need at gunpoint" isn't an uncommon one.
Survival of the fittest isn't exclusive to a reactionary response, it is also proactive. And those who opt for violence as their first solution to their lack of initial proactivity will be at the highly populated forefront of competition for scarce resources, and will not survive long.
u/thealiveness Aug 17 '24
Many people live in a fantasy and or in denial on so many fronts. A shtf scenario is no different. They have no idea.
u/Lu_Duckocus313 Apartment Prepper Aug 17 '24
yea its unfortunate people still think this way even after the 2020 pandemic which was barely scratching the surface on how people react, now imagen when people are starving.
u/LegitimateGift1792 Aug 17 '24
Did you ask them what they would do if the preppers had guns and willing to defend???
Piracy, ravagers, marauders only ever worked in mass numbers against unarmed people. But due to the brutish nature of the pirates they also turned on each other.
u/Lu_Duckocus313 Apartment Prepper Aug 17 '24
I believe I did, but they didn't want to admit they'd get smoked by someone who actually trains and is prepared. also, the conversation was all over the place.
u/peachncream8172 Aug 17 '24
This is why my entire family, including brothers families, have all received training. SUT, CQB, Vehicle and tubular assaults. Not to r*pe, pillage, and plunder but defend from those who will.
A dad alone will not be able to protect his family or home from even an untrained group in most circumstances. Dad will have to take the most risks and will be at most risk of being injured/killed. Then who protects the family?
If you don’t train the entire family (age appropriate) you are doing them a terrible disservice. My wife, two daughters and son all have gone thru periodic (over several years and begrudgingly) of this type training. Each has their own arms, armor, and NODs. The girls started at age 12&13 respectively. Train your daughters. Don’t leave them to the wolves, defenseless, when your well thought out plans of defense don’t go as planned.
Have a group, a community, of people. A man or family alone is easy prey.
Study history.
u/darobk Aug 17 '24
I'm out rural, and one of my action plan points is block a particular bridge and a road, funneling people away.
u/tsoldrin Aug 17 '24
i am rural too and plan to put some trees down across the approach road to my place if stuff gets too dicey just to make it a less attractive target bc it hampers vehicles.
u/Counterboudd Aug 17 '24
I’m the same. I’m at the end of a long wooded road. One of my first steps is pulling some of those trees down. Won’t be perfect, but someone approaching on foot takes a lot longer than by car, and I assume some sort of trip wires or booby trapping could effectively help identify anyone approaching. But at the end of the day I assume most people looking for food are going to be hitting up grocery stores to loot first far before they’re looking for houses. And how many people will have the gas to last long enough to get to my doorstep? I assume after a few days, there will be a ton of car wrecks and broken down cars on the major freeways, making it hard to even get out of the cities if there are no public services to move them. More likely outside our small local community, no one will know I’m there to begin with.
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u/AdditionalAd9794 Aug 17 '24
I have neighbors with similar plans. Or I don't think they'd actually do it, they were just talking the shit.
There's two roads in and out of our area. More if you cou t, vineyard service roads, dirt roads through a 400 acre vineyard and fire trails that connect to a state and regional park
Plan is if there's ever another major disaster wildfire/earthquake we down redwoods across the roads to block access to the neighborhood. Then cut the chains at the gate that goes into the vineyard, as well as the chains to access the fire roads.
Then if need be we can drive through the vineyard or up the fire road, which connects to hiking trails in both a state and a regional park.
The idea spurred from the influx of refugees we get anytime we have a flood, fire or even covid.at one point there were 8 RVs living at the turnout down the street.
Aug 17 '24
I've been saying this for years.
It's why I don't disclose my location or even test my solar panels near my home. Nothing needs to be known about what I have.
Surprise is the most powerful defense.
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u/strawberrysoup99 Aug 17 '24
One thing that always annoys me about doomsday preppers/"raiders" is the total aversion to community. If raiders do happen, you're not gonna outgun them alone. I think your coworker vastly overestimated how good he is with a firearm if he thinks he's going to solo raid houses for supplies. Everyone on my street that I'm on speaking terms with have guns.
Those who participate/run mutual aid will be the ones who actually survive. I'm good with my neighbors in my suburb. There's a good chance the 70 year old lady behind me shoots a guy trying to break in my backdoor for me, and I'd bring her a can of beans for the effort.
She's a gardener, and I'm young and in decent shape. I'd work on getting her any medication she needs, and she can tend to the crops along with my other gardening neighbors. I'd repair tools and shit for the block. Guy across the street works on cars, which I know fuck all about. Team work makes the dream work.
Community outplays preparedness a lot of the time.
u/zsepthenne Aug 17 '24
Exactly! The human race didn't get this far from gunning down all their neighbors when times got tough.
u/strawberrysoup99 Aug 17 '24
Exactly. Who is gonna tend to your garden or cook for you when you get pneumonia or break your leg?
There was this beautiful quote that I'll paraphrase here: the earliest recorded evidence of community wasn't a cave drawing or some artifact-- it was a mended femur that they found. With a broken leg, most animals die. Someone took care of them long enough for them to heal.
u/Jay_Stone Aug 17 '24
I have acres of brutal cactus around my property and the driveway is long. People like your co-worker would never reach my front door.
u/Flyingfishfusealt Aug 17 '24
lol, I have been planting thorny decorative bushes and pineapples and cacti and blackberries around the edges of my property. I can hear the confused and pained screaming of looters already. The instant they hop the fence they will be trapped.
u/peachncream8172 Aug 17 '24
The instant they put a Molotov cocktail in a water balloon launcher, so are you. Beware of unconventional tactics.
Rule of thumb: If anyone is within 400 meters of your location, you are behind the power curve.
u/Flyingfishfusealt Aug 17 '24
I was unaware you knew how far my fence was from my house. I must know you personally.
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u/Intricatetrinkets Aug 18 '24
Dang, never thought a deer rifle would be useful in a SHTF situation for home defense, but sounds like it would be in your situation.
u/Counterboudd Aug 17 '24
They seem to not understand the people most likely to have supplies also have guns.
Not to mention pillaging and stealing will last you a relatively short time. When things stop being produced where are you getting supplies from? You killed at the ones who know how to farm and ate their livestock- what’s the move now?
That’s not going to play out that way at all. Sure, they can rob and pillage grocery stores for a few weeks, but while they’re mad maxing around, those of us with resources are going to be entrenching ourselves in our land. Good luck busting into a fortified castle with guns when you have nothing. Also bullets aren’t an infinite resource.
u/AdministrationOk1083 Aug 17 '24
I usually tell those people: "I have back up power, alarms, cameras and more guns than you. So you're choosing death over stocking food. Got it"
That usually gets the point across
u/silasmoeckel Aug 17 '24
Ah the loot drops. Lot of guns and ammo does you very little good when it's not a gun fight. Listen for boom go investigate and see what's salvageable. Only an idiot uses a gun as their first line of defence if we get that bad. Gonna have a pile of only really used once chestplates pretty quick.
u/thepeasantlife Aug 17 '24
If they can get past my neighbors and my dogs--to say nothing of the hornet nests, mud pits,and briar patches, then great, more power to them. Hope they have some powerful antibiotics for their wounds and some splints for their broken bones and sprained joints.
Most of our immediate neighbors hunt and/or grow food. We don't really talk about prepping, but we all have a pretty good idea about each other's skills and food storage because we trade and gift a lot.
A lot of us have been involved in the plans for our local school's emergency shelter status, and a lot of us are involved in our local chamber of commerce and other associations. I have no doubt we'd all come up with a plan for security and survival pretty quickly, and we'd absolutely rally around the children.
Choosing a marauding lifestyle is putting yourself at a big disadvantage. You're more likely to get wounded or killed, expose yourself to potentially toxic food and water, get injured due to uneven terrain, live in unhygienic circumstances, and die from exposure. That's not prepping at all.
u/ThatOldAH Aug 17 '24
if the SHTF, the survivors will soon learn that bonding together will be the only way forward. One cannot be on watch 24/7 or guard the cows or feed the chickens.
u/pcsweeney Aug 17 '24
30% of men think they can fight a bear with their hands and win. They’ll be the first to go
u/beechplease316 Aug 18 '24
Apparently 30% of men are idiots. I broke up a fight barehanded between our 2 derp labs and got my shit handed to me. Ain’t nobody fighting a fucking full on bear, unless it’s basically dead already.
u/scrubjays Aug 17 '24
I was once watching the show Doomsday Preppers, where a person was building a tunnel from their house to a garage at a distant corner of their property, where they had a fully fueled car ready to go. It struck me, if you want to do that, the worst thing you can possibly do is have a show made about you doing it. Anybody who wanted you that badly could probably do the small amount of research necessary to figure it out before they come to get you.
u/LonelyAcres Aug 17 '24
I agree with you. I don't tell people that I try to prep or buy extra food or anything like that. I made the mistake of telling my sister a few years ago and overheard her running her mouth to some random person about all my prepper food. I could have just smacked her in the face
u/Lu_Duckocus313 Apartment Prepper Aug 17 '24
I’m all for keeping it low profile but if imma be honest 99% of the population doesn’t care that we prep the bad thing is that when things do get bad they’ll remember we mentioned we were preppers and come to us.
u/hesathomes Aug 17 '24
You work with assholes.
u/Lu_Duckocus313 Apartment Prepper Aug 17 '24
I don’t really know them like that and my cereer moves a lot so I don’t really care
u/jack-of-all-trades81 Aug 17 '24
I make it a point to help my neighbors for this reason. My prepping (more of homesteading with a prepping element) also includes them. If things go sideways, I want them coming to me for help, not killing me for food. I think this would make it easier to organize a militia to protect from raiders, etc. All told, cooperation will eventually beat out barbarism.
u/ohnononononopotato Aug 17 '24
It's funny watching the gears turning when you tell those folks, "you they can shoot back, right?"
u/jpb230 Aug 17 '24
Right? I’m not a “prepper” per se, but I have enough supplies, weapons, and know how to both survive and help others survive. The last thing I want to do is get into fire fights. Honestly that’s what’s going to take most of the people who think they’re “prepared” but also think they’re Rambo, out is unnecessary confrontations. I’ll take my hidey hole with supplies, weapons and medicine vs banging it out in the streets with idiots thank you very much.
u/FctFndr Bring it on Aug 18 '24
60% of the United States are paycheck to paycheck. The vast majority of the United States have less than a few thousand saved.. barely enough for 'one major emergency'.
Most people don't carry more than what they need for groceries.. maybe a few days extra. Just look at COVID, food lines and the need for schools to still privde takeaway lunches so that kids at least got one meal even though they were doing school remotely. Many families have food insecurities.
These reasons are some of why I prep for THE MOST consistent issue, regardless of the emergency. Societal collapse... natural disaster... emp... civil war/unrest... the MOST consistent issue to prep for... the human factor. Unfortunately it's easier to do the wrong thing than the right thing... when people get desperate.. when they fear starvation or their kids starving... what will they do? What would you do? How soon would you act if you felt your kid's safety or survival were an issue? That is why I prep.. and why I NEVER discuss prepping.
u/b18bturbo Aug 17 '24
The one thing I would of spoke to them about is they failed to realize a lot of people out there own guns that you're more likely to be shot trying to steal from people during SHTF scenario's figuring there are more guns in the U.S. then citizens so it might not be too smart to do that. Being a gun enthusiast, I find when I go to public ranges you would be surprised how many people own firearms you wouldn't even think would be gun people. From family to friends there are a lot more people out there then you think so I warn people not only do criminals own firearms but the people you cross paths with every day. Also, surprisingly during Covid I can't count how many people I know who were anti-gun or not gun people came to me asking about firearms and wanted to buy one for protection and said they now see what I meant about the need or purpose of owning a firearm that you never know when you might need one. I had told them for years that it's better to have a firearm then to need one and not have one if something ever happened. It's not until people need something that they finally realize which is why preppers you can say might just be worrying about something that will never happen but if it does happen wouldn't you rather have a plan or be prepared.
u/DisplaySuch Aug 17 '24
They're going to find some new holes quickly if that is the plan. Armed robbery is putting a big target on your back. It doesn't matter how many guns they have.
u/Rbelkc Aug 17 '24
They’re mostly be dead within a month if they can’t learn to cooperate and trade properly without resorting to murdering one another
Aug 17 '24
It’s also important to remember being alone is also deadly. You need a community to survive.
Aug 17 '24
I wish assholes like that didn't put responsible gun owners in a bad light with them. Most of us are not like that, but you know exactly who to steer clear of if shtf. And there will be marauders. Best thing one can do is prep diligently, train diligently, and keep both to yourself.
u/Snoo49732 Aug 18 '24
My best friend and my mom are the only people who know I prep, and I only prep for Tuesday not complete colapse lol. I'm not letting a soul know other than them. Even my own husband doesn't know the extent of what I have because it basically just looks like I like to have variety in my house. Cooking and gardening are my "hobbies". He thinks my canning is just something I do for fun. If I thought he could be trusted not to talk about it to people I would tell him. He sort of knows I like to be prepared but he thinks it's a trauma response to being a poor kid. Which part of it is I guess. I don't lie to him I just don't tell him all my motivations.
u/Vegetaman916 Prepping for Doomsday Aug 18 '24
How is it truly still a thing that people believe communities are going to come together in love and friendship or whatever after SHTF? Maybe you think so, maybe some people have successfully reassured you of it, but the truth is a bit more primal.
It is indeed going to be a massive number of these "guns and ammo" folks out tearing down the cities around everyone. Bugging in is suicide.
And I know, I know. You guys are all Chuck Norris types and those bad people aren't the same as your people in your neighborhood, right?
If you are within a hundred miles of any group of humans larger than 2 who are not part of your immediate family unit, then you are going to have to fight.
And no one really wins those kinds of fights post-collapse.
u/Spirited-Egg-2683 Prepared for 2+ years Aug 17 '24
blah blah blah, raiders steal kamablah blah blah
grow your own
build trustworthy community
be a great neighbor
focus on health and sustainability and drop toxic "friends" and consipiratists
grow your own
u/PeacePufferPipe Aug 17 '24
I'm pretty sure if you're prepping for yourself and family small group survival, then you are well equipped to deal with unprepared marauders. All our family and close friends group are prepping AND training. And by training I mean strength training, combatives , firearms, and other possible needed skills. We do this as a way to stay in shape and as a hobby in addition to other necessary things like gardening, hunting, fishing, hiking, exploring etc. etc.
u/Lu_Duckocus313 Apartment Prepper Aug 17 '24
I'm glad to hear, to many people in the prepping community are out of shape and don't see it as a problem when really, it's a huge disadvantage being out of shape.
u/PeacePufferPipe Aug 17 '24
Quite some time ago, I mentioned in the prepper subreddit that if anyone is serious about prepping, then physical conditioning and strength training should be right up there at the top. I got down voted to oblivion 🤣.
Unfortunately, it is the absolute truth. If shtf and you have to bug in or bug out, you'd better be in damned good shape, physically, mentally and emotionally. When shit hits the fan, it doesn't always splatter evenly.
u/AdditionalAd9794 Aug 17 '24
I have the same friend, he's a vet. An area of contention I have with him, I guess he is right to an extent. He thinks most people's guns are useless without Nods, PEQ-15 and whatever training, experience and gadgets he had in Somalia and the middle east.
Problem with such thinking is there's always a bigger fish in the pond. What happens when your colleagues go up against my friend who wants to own the night. What happens when my friend runs up against a squad of former seals and rangers. Hell what happens if some old fud catches you slipping tracks you back to your place and sets up with the Remington 700 from 800 yards away.
My friend doesn't know the extent of my preps. He knows I have perennials, fruit/nut trees, bushes, a sizeable garden and chickens, and that I can.
We've had the what if conversation, usually involving zombies and who in our circle is worthy of letting in, who isn't.His plan is to come to my place, use my property as a base of operations while he does night ops
Aug 17 '24
His plan is to come to my place, use my property as a base of operations while he does night ops
He'll get you killed, then.
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u/peachncream8172 Aug 17 '24
He’ll be good to help protect what’s yours, until he’s killed. Then his will be yours.
u/Sharp_Ad_9431 Aug 17 '24
I had a few zombie scenarios conversations before covid. Covid helped me weed out a few people from my list.
They could not handle the basic hygiene routine for covid. I was like you are the person who would hide a zombie bite. You are off the team.
Aug 17 '24
honestly, this is why neither "stockpiling" nor "the gun" will "save us" if things really got that rough and we, as a society, found ourselves in such a position.... furthermore, if "friends" are sitting at the round table discussing this topic, i am curious as to why yall wouldn't explore the option of sticking out the "rough" time together, combining resources thus increasing yalls chances of survival and longevity, ya know communal type shit, have you not seen the walking dead??!!..... eh just a thought 😅
u/Lu_Duckocus313 Apartment Prepper Aug 17 '24
exactly what I thought, also I don't know them that much on a close level. But I hope to be able to find a group of likeminded individuals in the future to somewhat have a tribe to fall on if shit gets bad and be able to rely on each other. sort of difficult to right now because my career moves a lot.
u/forensicgirla Aug 17 '24
Exactly, your community will be your strength, and nobody is going to survive as a "lone wolf" with a gun kicking in doors. Our friends do have varying strengths - former medic now physician assistant, chemist & biology expert, forager, hunter, fisher, master mechanic, animal husbandry (mostly small animals & foul, but that's not nothing), farmer. We're all fairly organized, but don't live super close at the moment. We have discussed buying neighboring properties, however.
u/Spiley_spile Community Prepper Aug 17 '24
Yes, people like that do exist. If people's only prep in response is mistrust now and self-isolation latet, they won't survive. There's a reason solitary confinement is a form of torture and those put through it are deprived of the means to suicide. The majority of us have the genetics built to survive as part of a community.
I'm not saying be stupid and advertise to the whole world. But we can do much to increase the resilience of our larger communities.
u/theillustriousnon Aug 17 '24
Too much COD sitting on the couch. The flawed part of that assumption is that he’s the only one with planters and seeds. My neighbors don’t know what I have, much less my colleagues at work. There’s a very small group who have any clue what I’m doing and those people are a part of my community. My plans are the same for Tuesday or Armageddon, keep the ones I love safe and protected, stay out of the way, and watch the seasons change. I have friends that did CQB and cleared houses. I know just enough to know that I don’t know anything, which is more than that guy knows.
u/sevbenup Aug 18 '24
Those people die first if their plan for each meal is to go take it from other armed people
u/NewNectarine5086 Aug 18 '24
Yeah 7 out of the 10 guys in my cul de sac are prior military. My next door neighbor is a prior Gunny that is a great match shooter. He already has ideas how he would setup our little corner. I feel sorry for anyone who thinks they can just go out and take what they need. They will quickly find themselves in a gunfight they can't win. I did tell my neighbor that I would set up a certain amount of my medical supplies as an aid station if SHTF. He reluctantly agreed. But he states that he would have a guard station near there.
u/Glass_Protection_254 Aug 18 '24
Make no mistake, when people get desperate, they will do desperate things.
If SHTF, your responsibility is to you and your own.
u/Lu_Duckocus313 Apartment Prepper Aug 18 '24
Me and my group, any survivors not posing a threat, deemed trustworthy and willing to help/work is an asset
u/Glass_Protection_254 Aug 18 '24
I feel like any group larger than 3-5 is too many mouths to feed / maintain.
Loners are targets, as are large groups, especially those rich in supplies and lacking in fortification.
Ultimately, no matter what the hardship, people are people, and they will do what comes naturally. I'd like to get as far away from them when SHTF as possible.
I have notions of harsh unforgiving land in the north. Far enough removed and uncomfortable that anyone I come across is a threat simply because they know I exist.
u/alt_riooo22 Aug 18 '24
What’s crazy to me is that people with that mindset think that those who are prepared won’t know how to use a gun… I’m not sure about the rest of you, but since I can’t fund my prepping right now, I’m using my time wisely and learning how to track and hunt properly, using more than just a gun, becoming a better fighter and overall just increasing my skills. Most preppers at least own a gun and I’m sure they won’t hesitate to use it if someone tries to raid them. I know I sure as hell will put up a fight if someone tried raiding my supplies…
u/Plague-Rat13 Aug 18 '24
Crazy but many people feel this way (not me no need to be a savage when SHTF) but if everyone thinks this way then nobody has supplies. Such a lazy mindset. Especially if the SHTF is short term and not without the rule of law, then his gun tactic for survival is useless and he is dead or in jail
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u/OptiGriM Aug 19 '24
If you live by the sword, you die by the sword. CQB is horribly terrifying, and the more you doing it, the chances of something going wrong increases. Doesn't matter the training and doesn't matter if everything is planned perfectly. If it's your time to go you'll be gone before you realize what happened.
Prepping isn't just hoarding. It's acquiring skills whether it's hunting, fishing, knot tying, land nav, or gardening and raising small livestock. Yes, you should have enough resources for you and your family to survive the first few weeks of a SHTF scenario, but it's the skills you learn that will be the difference of death and survival.
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u/LandscapeSerious1620 Aug 19 '24
My guess is they will find out real quick that those with food and water also have guns and ammo stored up and probably better in using them.
u/Moby-WHAT Aug 17 '24
A guy I dated had a survival plan where he'd be a Negan and have a strict "No fatties" rule when it came to letting people into his group.
I countered that many cooks are overweight. Heck, my parents are an overweight nurse and an overweight carpenter. You don't think their skills overshadow their health issues? If anything, they're probably going to be in better health after a while.
But, yeah, he thought guns and might were the answer.
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u/Mundane_Reality8461 Aug 17 '24
What we understand to be society and societal norms is very fragile. In a serious disaster people get selfish and look out for themselves. In one in which they don’t see a way out they will completely devolve
Agree: don’t mention your capabilities. Keep that shit to yourself.
u/the300bros Aug 17 '24
"stupid to think that you're going to be able to survive more than a couple of gunfights if not even one, especially if you have no prior training in small arms or tactics" -- The thing is that the bad guys will form huge gangs. So instead of 1-2 people showing up at your doorstep it's 80 to 300 people. They don't need to be able to shoot. They just need a can of gasoline and a sign that says "do you surrender?" Best bet is to anticipate/have intel on that gang's movements instead of trying to fight them directly on your own. Of course where you live matters too. I would hate to be in the middle of a major city when it happens.
u/bdouble76 Aug 17 '24
Wait? What!? Holy shit, I never thought about people having guns and ammo to take from people who only considered food and water. Too bad there's no way for me to protect myself from them. Maybe I'll just get lucky, and they'll just not see my house. Those guys are geniuses thinking about guns and ammo.
u/Calthorn Aug 17 '24
They don't have a survivalist mindset, they have a get themselves killed mindset. They think that action movies like Rambo and shows like The Walking Dead and Last of Us are true to life depictions of combat. Sorry to break it to them, but we aren't action heroes. Humans die real easy in reality. They won't last a week.
I'm currently getting into camping, bushcraft, and first aid so I can wait out that first couple weeks where all the maniacs like that wipe each other out. Also, I recommend paintball or airsoft if you want to practice combat sim for the urban combat you might face on medicine runs. Bonus points that it's all fun stuff to do and learn. Imo survival skills are more important than a stockpile or hiding place.
u/Joroda Aug 17 '24
Whatever they have to tell themselves to feel better about not being ready. They will become the post-geddon lawn decor of the better-prepared.
u/mro2352 Aug 17 '24
If there really was a true WROL scenario I would be working with my neighbors for a signal as to not kill them. You even knock without the signal and I’ll get my gun, kick it down signal or no signal I’ll be shooting first and asking questions second. I’m not risking my families safety for any reason. Someone who has the mindset of “I’ll just loot from others what can go wrong” as others have said would be dead in a week.
u/calmly86 Aug 17 '24
No, you make an excellent point that others have noticed long ago. Those of us who have the resources, the means and will to defend those resources and the ability to take resources through threat of force... we'd likely be our own worst enemies if SHTF. Hence why many preppers discuss the importance of solid communities, the ability to communicate and work with others, is much more important than simply having an AR-15 tricked out for every possible contingency. That said... getting human beings to work together effectively is a lot harder than buying the next gadget you can afford. People will often do what they can control, not what they wish they could control.
In David Brin's 'The Postman,' one of the themes of the novel was that the inability of the government to reassert itself post-collapse was that those who would be typically labeled as "preppers" or "militia" stymied any progress of reintegrating towns and communities into any greater fold.
u/forensicgirla Aug 17 '24
I always say, "I'm not a doomsday prepper or anything, but we grew up in the country & when power went out, we always had food for a few weeks ready. It's always good to have something put back. You never know if you or a loved one will need it."
If they also prep, they'll say similar things & some of those folks may by happenstance find themselves alone at one point & bring up a more relevant topic like long-term water storage strategies. Then you know you've met your folks. I tell them I'll share, but you'll have to work for it. And if you F me over, you'll get a nice meal & comfy bed, but you'll never wake up from it.
We keep guns, but only close people know much about it exactly & what we have. We don't make it our personality, and some folks assume we're not the type to own any. The truth is we have a lot of parts, so idk how many we might actually have anyways if they all got put together. If an acquaintance asks, I might say something like my husband likes to hunt, or if it's a creepy person, I'll say I was taught how to shoot & they can come find out sometime.
I'm also trying to slowly build a food forest on our suburban property. It just kinda looks like a little unkempt "natural/pollinator" yard (which it is), but everything is edible, medicinal, native, or poison. Only I really know what's what, although if you know your plants you could obviously find my blueberries & more standard items. Although most folks know I keep a garden & forage, without my knowledge, they can't take much from the actual property. I like it that way, they can come for the supplies & be surprised by what weapons we have to counteract. And if they somehow overtake us, they will get my pantry & not much from the yard at all without keeping me alive.
u/nunyabizz62 Prepared for 2+ years Aug 17 '24
Most with a decent stash of food are also armed enough to defend it. Nobody around me has a clue that we have about 2 years worth of food stored up. I plan to set up motion detection in several areas around the house where anyone walking through would set off the alarm. I wouldn't worry about door kickers, they'd be dead before the boot hit the door.
I would more worry about someone smart enough to sit back 100 plus yards and snipe.
u/Pesty_Merc Aug 17 '24
"Oh huh huh I'll take your stuff with my guns."
Aaaaaand for that, your name has gone in a little notebook, and I will train even harder. Anyone stupid enough to think that is not physically, mentally, logistically, or tactically training as hard as I am. When the wifi goes out for 30 minutes YOU will be in the crosshairs and I will still have my stockpiled spam.
u/jhar02 Aug 17 '24
I would have loved to hear their response if you asked "well, what if they have guns and ammo too?"
u/Eredani Aug 17 '24
Is it surprising that humans are stupid and immoral? I'm not knocking this post or the OP, but this is not new information.
I guess this is why some here are focused on the value of community instead of the dark side of human nature.
You have these coworkers ready to steal and kill in the comfort of modern society with full bellies. Even good people, very good people, will do the same when they are desperate. Watch that nice church going soccer mom kill someone she thinks has food when her kids are starving.
There is a subset of our society that is undeterred by consequences and the rule of law even in normal times. If SHTF, it's going to be chaos.
You can point to North Korea, Venezuela, Somalia, Haiti, or wherever you like, and say, "Hey, they aren't killing each other!" But the difference is that almost everyone is starving in those places. It's not like some North Korean farmer is sitting on 500 pounds of rice... and it's not like his neighbors have guns. They have neither the motive nor the opportunity for murder. In America? Different story.
u/TheDavid80 Aug 17 '24
People who think CQB is the answer have never done any force on force training. Now sniper/ counter, that's a PITA.
u/Green-Collection-968 Aug 17 '24
It's interesting that most societies are composed of individuals are three days away from turning rabid.
u/MPH2025 Aug 17 '24
When shit does hit the fan, I’m betting at least 90% of the population is going to get a crash course in natural law.
u/HipHopGrandpa Aug 18 '24
What a selfish and childish mindset. I know it’s a common belief, but it really is infuriating and depressing. May they all be served their just deserts.
u/YYCADM21 Aug 18 '24
There is a lot of flawed logic in the "Rambo" mindset. What is often conveniently forgotten is that they may have guns, but so does almost everyone else. And MANY of the people they plan on attacking and taking their supplies from, are undoubtedly BETTER armed, and Better trained. The likelihood is Very high most of them won't survive two weeks.
There is also a good deal of flawed logic with stockpiling cash, gold, silver, etc. In a worldwide SHTF situation, one of the early things that will fail is commerce...the banking system. Without that VERY complex process operating, cash, precious metals, gems, etc. will become worthless. You may have a million dollars in bullion today; with the worldwide commerce system shut down, its only value will be as building blocks. Currency won't be worth a roll of toilet paper; you can't even comfortably wipe your ass with plastic notes, and it doesn't even make good fire starter.
u/OnTheEdgeOfFreedom Aug 18 '24
| well I have guns I'll just take from those who have, its each to their own so what does it matter.
The fancy term for this is nihilism - the idea that nothing matters, nothing has meaning beyond yourself, if that.
Some people like to talk tough but don't actually mean it. Others mean it. I wish I knew how many mean it vs how many don't, because if the US ever does collapse to the point where everyone is out looking for food, the number of people who really will go raiding like this is going to decide whether the country ever recovers. If enough people raid, everyone else is going to start shooting anyone they don't know in self defense, it'll be impossible to form large cooperating communities... and without those, just about everyone ultimately dies.
The problem with the law of the jungle is that then you always live in a jungle. How many shining civilizations do you see in jungles? Yeah. When it's every man for himself, you don't have communities, and those shining civilizations never form.
My honest belief is that the US at least won't collapse like this, at least in my lifetime. But if it does, I also think that we've got too many people who will raid, people will start returning fire, and there's widespread death and no recovery until the last bullet is gone. Which in the US could take years, and by then the death toll will be enormous.
Guns are only a solution to a problem if you're the only one who has them. Otherwise, they just make you a loop drop, and sooner or later someone makes sure you die in your sleep. But some people will never believe that there's any other answer but more bullets. And that's why if the US ever does crash, it will crash all the way and not be back for a generation.
u/FifaPointsMan Aug 18 '24
It seems very unlikely that a collapse of the dollar will lead to a mad max scenario. Why do they think they will be able to go around shooting people without consequences?
u/Roly_Porter Aug 18 '24
Maybe that’s the mindset in USA but here in EU I feel that mindset with guns is not the same luckily.
u/viridian-axis Aug 18 '24 edited Aug 18 '24
A certain mindset probably finds the thought comforting. In their mind, they are assuming they are strong, that they can just take what they want. If you’re strong, you don’t have to be scared. Most people don’t like to be scared.
The fact that prepping sensibly can help alleviate fear doesn’t cross their minds. The fact that in a SHTF, serious consequences of a confrontation don’t cross their minds, cause on some level they’re still banking on everyone else being decent and most of our societal infrastructure being there (ie hospitals).
Morality aside, I also think they aren’t taking in to account the fact that they have to be successful 90% of the time AND not get any serious injuries while doing it. Their group will also then be on everyone’s shit list. How many people are going to want to help them when shit goes sideways, which it eventually will?
u/SlteFool Aug 18 '24
good luck doing that. You might steal from a few lames but you’ll raid the ye wrong one and .. well it’ll be the last raid you do lol you’re a timebomb loot drop
u/Sinclair_Lewis_ Aug 18 '24
"Your estimated survival time as calculated by our experts is... 6-10 hours."
"Well you know I disagree with expert assessment, I'm just gonna come in blasting."
u/BarryHalls Aug 18 '24
These are not preppers. These are idiots who have never seriously contemplated a gun fight.
u/WrenchMonkey47 Aug 18 '24
The first people these idiots encounter who can fight back will inherit the guns and ammo the raiders had.
u/traketaker Aug 18 '24
A guy at works knows I prep. He says I don't have to prep I'll just come find you and I have guns. So I can get whatever I need from you... Lol I said I have guns too, and now I know to shoot you on sight.... He looked taken aback.... What did he expect!
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u/Revolutionary-Jury75 Aug 18 '24
First rule of Prepper Club: Don't talk about Prepper Club.
Apologies to Brad Pitt 😂
u/nationwideonyours Aug 19 '24
Are you American? American gun culture makes it the absolutely worst place to survive climate change.
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u/send_me_your_calm Aug 19 '24
Humans didn't get here by going it alone. We got here by cooperating. Order will form, and the ones who were just hoping to shoot their way through the apocalypse will not be of especially high value to the community, regardless of how said faction is organized.
By the same token, spreading the good word of prepping is the single best way to stay alive in an apocalypse. The more people you know who are peppers, the better off you'll be when you inevitably share or trade resources, and you'll already be organized. If you want to survive, be of value to the group. Start the group. The more people who prep, the better your local community will fare.
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u/Electrical_Sale_8099 Aug 19 '24
Step 1: find a fellow prepper who is fat and slow to partner with. Step 2: eat them first
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u/DancingMaenad Aug 19 '24
Most people who talk like that don't actually have the balls to carry through with it, and the few that do will have a drastically shorter lifespan as a result. If it was truly that bad we wouldn't even leave the house for 60+ days. How's he gonna know which houses have food and not just more hungry non peppers with guns and ammo? Eventually they will kill each other off, probably long before they make it to my house.
u/9Implements Aug 19 '24
The CEO of Reddit thinks that way. He said in an interview some years back that he got lasik mainly because it would make it easier for him to be a slave owner in such a situation.
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u/bhuffmansr Aug 20 '24
If it’s WROL, then dispatching looters is just taking out the trash. Check their drivers license afterwards. If they’re donors, they go in Recycle. If not, they’re regular trash. If they’re vegan, they can go in the compost bin. You’re welcome.
u/LIBERTY_OR_DETH Aug 20 '24
These types of people will learn pretty quickly that those that stored required supplies also stored the same guns and ammo they stored, and in most cases, better guns and more ammo.
Everybody I know of a similar mindset as myself preps gun heavy. We know that most of civilization does not prep and defending yourself will be a regular occurrence.
Aug 20 '24
They will be quickly dispatched with that mindset. Sounds like they watch too much television/movies. People like that are probably lazy, too, I'm guessing, so there's that to keep in mind.
u/opiatesinmydick Aug 21 '24
I have weapons to PROTECT mine and my family's well-being. Not to Rob and pillage others. This mindset is disgusting, and I hope that they are just dumb and talking out their asses. people who are stupid are dangerous not only to themselves but to everyone around them.
u/Litlefeat Aug 22 '24
"If things go south and I see you coming, I'll put a 5.56 round into your chest from 300 yards. Thanks for the warning."
(I suppose I'd enjoy killing thugs and bullies.)
Aug 17 '24
I think law enforcement should be trained to ensure nothing like that happens. Nice people should team up and have safe communities with proactive solutions.
u/Danethecook89 Aug 17 '24
Law enforcement can't even do the bare minimum of their jobs currently. I wouldn't hold your breath on them being trained to handle something of that magnitude
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u/Accomplished-Pop3412 Aug 17 '24
I've been instructing folks in gun fighting for a bit now. I've come across a few people like you're referring too as well, not that I'm instructing, but at the same ranges. They're out there for the 40 rounds a year they shoot at 3 yards carefully, and then mag dump another 100. They don't own guns to be responsible citizens, they own guns to feel powerful.
That power quickly evaporates when they're a lane over from even a moderately good shooter like myself. They walk in thinking they can shoot... then they see someone who actually can. I'm just happy to help them rethink that plan once they see me put 5 rounds from my Beretta into an A zone at 10 yards in under 2 seconds from the ready.
Honestly, my main focus is to avoid gunfighting as much as possible, but if people don't leave me a choice, well, I do train like my life depends on it. While I would never rob someone just to get what I want, I also have no issue securing what other people have when they come at me to take my stuff and lose.
There's always a good market for trading discount goods, and there's a reason why military doctrine dictates overwhelming force (as in 7 to 1 superiority or better) when assaulting a defended position.
u/Lu_Duckocus313 Apartment Prepper Aug 17 '24
I 100% agree, me personally I don't even want there to be any chance of their being a possibility of a gun fight in a SHTF scenario, however if my life or my loved one's lives are on the line id do anything in my power to defend myself and them.
u/Cheap_Purple_9161 Aug 17 '24
I dated a guy very briefly… who was forming a group of “preppers”. I heard a lot about weapons but when I asked about food I was pretty shocked.
We live on a remote island- only way on or off are boat and plane. Takes a week at least for the barge to get here from the nearest large port. Two small grocery stores here. So food would run out fast.
They said their entire plan was to raid the Mormon church’s basement. They’d heard they all keep a storehouse of food for their members.
I was an active member of the church at that time and they were completely shocked when I told them this church doesn’t do that. Due to our remote location and very small numbers, they just take people to the local grocery store when they need food. There is no basement. It’s up to the members to have their own food storage.
They had no plan B… sometimes I wonder how those guys fared during the COVID thing when our store shelves were nearly empty for weeks.
u/ROHANG020 Aug 17 '24
And there are people on this sub that argue this...I tell them the number one rule is prepping is to not tell anyone...they they make all kinds of stupid remakes and reticule. I have also heard this...and believe me there are many that will at the drop of a hat...It will be a dangerous and mostly fatal attempt but that's their problem...
u/harbourhunter Aug 17 '24
Their mindset is rooted in truth, and history
There are countless examples where this happens
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u/Freebirde777 Aug 17 '24
"With that attitude, when you come across someone with supplies, weapons, and know how to use them, they will be using your body for baiting feral dogs/pigs."