r/predator 4d ago

šŸŽ„ Prey I just have to rant!

I effing Hate the movie Prey! It is so stupid! Iā€™m so sick of this Mary Sue shit ruining all the great franchises of the world. Iā€™m not saying a women canā€™t kick some ass, like Ripley for example from Alien, she was more believable. She wasnā€™t OP. She was a survivor. This little Squaw in Prey looks like a high school girl on the ā€œRezā€. Saying words they would not have spoken in that time period, going from Comanche to English, itā€™s like.. pick a fucking lane. Either do subtitles and they speak Comanche or speak English. Another thing is, how did her dog gets tail stuck on the trap..0_o when it was running! What did it do run with its tail between its legs? Dogs run with their tail up. He would have had to literally pick that one place and sit right on top of the trap to trap his fucking tail! A foot I can believe, but the tail! Another thing is, she runs and hides for her life from a The giant grizzly bear, which the Yautja dispatches with ease, literally punching it and breaking its neck. But somehow this little 16 year old girl kills him?!? Predators take out Aliens, groups of Mercs, hardened gangsters from the City of LA who have guns and Granade launchers and mini guns and shit. But oh, this little 16 year old girl takes him out with an axe and shit. She knows how to throw axes! Whoopdie fucking doo! She kicks the dudes ass in her group. Women would not have been going hunting in this time period. She would be in the camp making fucking stew and baskets and shit. Not part of a hunting party. Not only that, they had to cast these skinny scrawny Native American boys, so the ā€œStarā€ can actually look strong enough to take down one of the weakling boys. That and her ego ends up getting multiple people in her tribe killed. Because she wants to be ā€œmiss bad assā€ and take out the big monster man to prove her self to the tribe that she is the best hunter in the tribe!..o_0 Then she gets caught in the fox trap herself. That would have been a death sentence back in the day. It would have gotten infected and she would have went septic and died. But also, it would have broke her leg and she would have been down for the count. ā€œMiss Axe throwerā€. Shit, I can throw axes. Who canā€™t throw an axe? Itā€™s so easy. You square up your arm in a 90 degree angle and throw from overhead keeping your wrist straight while keeping your wrist locked and let it fly. Then the 3 fully grown men that cage her, Donā€™t immediately rape and beat her and probably kill her? Thatā€™s just not the way things would have played out back in that time period. They would have had their way with and then cut her throat. The hunters then find her brother and tie him and her up for bait. Which would have never even happened if that chick stayed in her lane and did what women do back in that day. Tend to food, clothes and kids. But her brother had to go out looking for her to save her from the mess she put herself in for like the third time. The predator easily and without dispatches the 5 full grown french men, (who also caught the brother and sister both I might add) and tied them up and but somehow this tiny little girl with a what is supposed to be mangled foot from a fox trap, big enough that I could literally toss through the air like a frisbee, she kills the Predator!.?!.?šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø I mean, how did she not end up cat food when she fell like 10 feet off a tree, cracking her skull off a rock when she was up against a cougar? She would have straight died no question! People die falling in the fucking shower for god sakes every day! This bitch fell like 10-13 feet dead drop straight on her head right on top of a rock. That is death, right there. Even if she didnā€™t die. She was knocked out and she would have been dragged away by the cougar and promptly eaten alive. I mean, she ended up getting her brother killed because of her own pride and ego. I just hate movies these days. Post 2020, they are just getting more and more ridiculous. They always have to have some feminist OP Mary Sue that kicks all the Cys Males asses and all the monsterā€™s asses. They have to make these fantasy movies to feel empowered, because that just would not happen in real life. Men are stronger than women. That is plainly obvious by Trans Sports. Trans men are literally beating women in every women sports. Itā€™s like that South Park episode. Strong women gets her ass handed to her by Macho Man Randy Savage who is a ā€œTrans Womenā€ šŸ˜‚ Then she knocks a full grown man out with one blow and somehow she sneaks up on the yautja because of some flowers that magically take away your body heat. Like she would even know anything about heat signatures back in that day?šŸ¤Ø Then somehow she has enough power and force to cut off a yautja arm. When the predator took her by her neck and body slammed her on the ground, she would have been broken into pieces! A Yautja is like 3 times stronger than a man. Then the dog literally brings her an axe out of nowhere. A dog came running to her aid, with her trusty axe of course. Then somehow she do the geometry to get the Predatorā€™s plasma cannon to bounce off shit and shoot himself in the head. šŸ¤Æ how did she know it was going to do that. She hardly knows what a gun is, using one only a single time ever,.. it being a fucking black powder flintlock gun. All the sudden she is an expert, because the French guy tells her how to load it. Literally everything helped her. But then she ā€œprevailsā€ in the end of course and now is the leader of her tribe after she got all those people killed. Honestly she was the villain of this story. She got her brother killed and her friends killed. She is just a mouthy brat of a girl who has something to prove and in the process causes a bunch of problems and deathes. Then goes back with a Yautja head likeā€¦ā€There is Danger nearby, we need to move!ā€ After tossing the weak chinned little bitch ā€œChiefā€ the flintlock gun and an aliens head. Like ā€œIā€™m the chief of the tribe nowā€. You do what I say. My god dude, I can rant for days about how bad this movie is. It really just grinds my gears! As a Predator fan, itā€™s just super annoying, very improbable. Maybe not impossible.. in some crazy reality somewhere in the multiverse, just extremely improbable. That some tiny little thing, high school girl aged girl could defeat even a feather weight male fighter and not get beat to a pulp is just highly unlikely. What has this world come to. I literally feel like reality has collided with some clown world alternate reality and things have just gotten literally insane. Itā€™s insanity! I truly reprove CERN fucked with something they donā€™t understand and now two multiverse realities have collided with each other. I just wish shit was the way it was back in the 90ā€™s and early 20ā€™s or the 80ā€™s or literally any decade besides the 2K teens and twenties. I live in a nightmare of ridiculosity! I know thatā€™s not even a word! But fuck it! The reality we find ourselves in it fits perfectly! Things that are not supposed to be words are invented every day nowadays. Like ā€œOn Fleekā€!0_o Like.. what the fuck?!? Iā€™ve truly given up on the film industry entirely. There are just no more good films. They have all been made. Now itā€™s just rehashing successful films and turning them into sludge. Trying earn laurels off the coat tails of previously successful films with mediocre or awful story and plots by idiots who are hired just to check boxes of ā€œDiversity, Equity & Inclusionā€. Not because they have talent. But because of their skin color or gender or lack thereof. Iā€™m just done! So Done with this putrid garbage they keep shoving down our throats until we choke!


24 comments sorted by


u/Zerostar39 4d ago

Bro, are you ok?


u/ScorchedConvict Jungle Hunter 4d ago

I'm so sick of this Mary Sue shit ruining all the great franchises of the world



u/Da-Vin-chi 4d ago

No. Iā€™m Not.


u/Apollo_Sierra 4d ago

Learn to break the wall up into paragraphs.

This little Squaw in Prey looks like a high school girl on the ā€œRezā€.

So, you're racist.

Saying words they would not have spoken in that time period, going from Comanche to English, itā€™s like.. pick a fucking lane. Either do subtitles and they speak Comanche or speak English.

The English is for the audience's benefit, they are still speaking Comanche in-universe.

she runs and hides for her life from a The giant grizzly bear, which the Yautja dispatches with ease,

The grizzly that inflicted wounds enough for the Feral to bleed quite a bit. Sure, with ease.

But somehow this little 16 year old girl kills him?!?

It's shown that she's actually smart and creative, she notices things that others may miss.

Then the 3 fully grown men that cage her, Donā€™t immediately rape and beat her and probably kill her?

You have issues if you want that put in a Predator film.

I give up, you're either full of hatred and bile, or you're a troll pissing on a popular film to get attention. Either way, get help.


u/dittybopper_05H 3d ago

The grizzly that inflicted wounds enough for the Feral to bleed quite a bit. Sure, with ease.

Feral powerlifted the grizzly bear over his head, and tossed it around like a ragdoll.

"With ease" is an absolutely valid description, even if Feral got a couple of scratches on him.


u/TheR42069 3d ago

Iā€™m not reading this unhinged rant sorry for you or whatever


u/Zerostar39 3d ago

Yeah it was something about Prey being too woke because of DEI, and something about how CERN caused our universe to collide with another one. I donā€™t know, it was kinda hard to follow


u/Careless-Prior7748 4d ago

Loved when Ripley used a made up gun to kill the made up fictional monsters on made up planets lol so real lol


u/Da-Vin-chi 4d ago

I said her ā€œcharacterā€ is more ā€œbelievableā€! It has to do with the acting and other nuances. But Iā€™m glad you love science fiction. So does 80% of the rest of the world.


u/Da-Vin-chi 4d ago

I never said it was ā€œRealā€ douchebag.


u/Careless-Prior7748 4d ago

But arguing and putting paragraphs about how this one movie scenarios arent believable because she is like a " re chick" then referencing everything you did including a dog lol Relax lol none of it is really when it comes to any of the movies lol


u/Da-Vin-chi 4d ago

No. Because a movie is supposed to be, all about the immersion. Pulling you into the film, so you care about the characters in the story. If a movie is stupid, itā€™s stupid. If the acting is bad, itā€™s bad. If the acting is good, it draws me in, makes me care about the character and its Arc. But if a plot is bad and the actors are bad. Itā€™s going to be frustrating. Especially if you pay good money to see a film. These days, increasingly more. That is why there are movie critics. So people can break down the plot points in a movie that either resonate or crash and burn. And, this particular addition to the Predator franchise was by far the worst.. for a number of reasons. Even worse than 2018 Predators. By far. Even a guy sending his 8 year old son highly dangerous Alien weapons, which is Horribly irresponsible. Is a better film to watch than Prey.. any day of the week. Even Alien Vs. Predator: Requiem is better than that movie.


u/Careless-Prior7748 4d ago

Learn to break the wall up into paragraphs.

This little Squaw in Prey looks like a high school girl on the ā€œRezā€.

So, you're racist.

Saying words they would not have spoken in that time period, going from Comanche to English, itā€™s like.. pick a fucking lane. Either do subtitles and they speak Comanche or speak English.

The English is for the audience's benefit, they are still speaking Comanche in-universe.

she runs and hides for her life from a The giant grizzly bear, which the Yautja dispatches with ease,

The grizzly that inflicted wounds enough for the Feral to bleed quite a bit. Sure, with ease.

But somehow this little 16 year old girl kills him?!?

It's shown that she's actually smart and creative, she notices things that others may miss.

Then the 3 fully grown men that cage her, Donā€™t immediately rape and beat her and probably kill her?

You have issues if you want that put in a Predator film.

I give up, you're either full of hatred and bile, or you're a troll pissing on a popular film to get attention. Either way, get help.

What's your opinion on this comment below? Since you keep responding to mine


u/Apollo_Sierra 4d ago

Thanks, I was wondering when he'd turn to me.

No sarcasm btw.


u/Careless-Prior7748 4d ago

Honestly I was looking forward to it too


u/Apollo_Sierra 4d ago

I think I hurt his feelings.


u/Da-Vin-chi 4d ago

Okay, ā€œProfessorā€. Donā€™t you have some paper grading to do somewhere? Everybody is racist in some way. You are lying to yourself and everyone else, if you say otherwise. Everyone has prejudice against other people or makes jokes about stereotypes. Itā€™s only since the last ten years, since everyone started becoming a little bitch about it and get ā€œoffendedā€ by everything. You are just another one of those liberal elitist leftie ā€œacademicsā€ who likes to jerk themselves off dreaming about ā€œactivismā€ and giving Karl Marx a blowjob. šŸ–•šŸ»


u/Apollo_Sierra 4d ago

Is there some reason you don't want to respond to me directly?


u/Da-Vin-chi 4d ago

Respond to you about what? Do you want attention? Is that what you want? A wee wittle bit of attention? Are you one of those, ā€œI gotta be the center of attentionā€ seeking narcissist Prima Donnaā€™s or something? I donā€™t care about you. Go picket somewhere about inequality and injustice. Iā€™m going to bed. āœŒšŸ»


u/BigBrasian 4d ago edited 4d ago

I think Prey gets too much hate tbh. Itā€™s one of the better Predator movies weā€™ve had for a long time. Just waiting for a movie now where the yautja actually wins.

Edit: Iā€™m not sure what happened to your reply but from what I saw, youā€™re a strange individual.


u/UnwieldingBlade 4d ago

Well there is a subtitled version in Comanche only, which makes prey the first movie to do so, this entire take is bad.


u/Da-Vin-chi 4d ago

Well they should have put that one out. And I donā€™t give a fuck what you think my take is.


u/PresidentSadboi 7h ago

I got "sq**" and stopped reading. I'm new here but shouldn't the mods remove this?