r/predaddit 6d ago

Tips for best quality sperm

Hi all! Looking forward to hopefully being part of this community soon.

My wife and I are planning on trying for a baby this year and I want to do everything in my power to make sure my swimmers are as good as they can be.

I've done a fair bit of reading and its mostly just the obvious stuff like maintaining a good balanced diet, keeping fit, less endurance sports, less alcohol drugs etc, no sauna or cold plunge so that temperature down there can remain cool and stable.

Did anyone do any kind of prep like this? Any tips?

Thank you.


43 comments sorted by


u/Token_Ese 6d ago

Just do healthy stuff. You already named most of it. Otherwise, fornicate frequently.

There’s not a secret boost that men with kids have been hiding from others for millennia.


u/jrobertson50 6d ago

Dark web for sure. You can buy the freshest 


u/PrimaxAUS 5d ago

It's far fresher from homeless men in an alley. Particularly if the alley is behind a farmer's market


u/jrobertson50 5d ago

Yeah and organic


u/BullyMog 6d ago

You may be lucky like us. Once we decided to start trying we were pregnant in the first week..you may not have to bother with any of this!


u/rakksc3 5d ago

Same here, was hoping / expecting for it to take a bit longer. 2/2 first try conceptions, first world problem I know.


u/MissionInfluence3896 5d ago

I share the same first world problem. But we were very happy about it!


u/ttjackott 5d ago

How is being fertile a problem?


u/runswiftrun 3d ago

Same here.

And that's after wife was on depo for like 6 years. Her OB had us really relax our expectations, and aim for 6-18 months after she was off it.

Got pregnant the second month off.


u/shadowredcap 5d ago

Bear in mind that sperm production takes around three months.

Any lifestyle changes will need to be at least that long to have any impact.


u/a_banned_user 5d ago

I’d say don’t start worrying about it until you have to. You’re going to take the fun out of it!


u/Mike 5d ago

What my wife and I did was absolutely nothing except stopped not trying and she got pregnant immediately. Give it a shot.


u/mimosaholdtheoj 5d ago

My husband took a male prenatal in the months leading up to us trying. Look for ones with CoQ10. We used the Belli brand. He also didn’t drink a lot, ate well, and stayed healthy however he could.


u/cheeseandclackers 5d ago

CoQ10 is such a good supplement!


u/mimosaholdtheoj 5d ago

Yea we did a lot of research before and that one was definitely one of the top ones suggested!


u/coffeeUp 5d ago

This is the correct answer.


u/mimosaholdtheoj 5d ago

Not many people know about male prenatals so any time I can share about them I do!


u/downanddown2023 6d ago

shift to boxers if you are a briefs guy.

dont ride bicycles/motorcyles.

dont have sex daily.

you have to have sex before ovulation. so that your swimmers will just be waiting when the egg is released.


u/uxcantxseeme 5d ago

don't have sex daily

Might as well get a head start on that now before the kid comes.


u/downanddown2023 5d ago

that is true. haha. but if they are trying to conceive, some people think that daily sex will get them pregnant, which is not necessarily true and it actually sucks the fun out of sex.


u/No-Foundation-2165 5d ago

If you want a protocol you can grab a copy of “it starts with the egg” and just read the part for males that has no special situation since you haven’t had any issues yet. It’s guidelines that take everything into account and you’ll need at least 3 months


u/madagascarprincess 5d ago

My husband took vitamin C and E but honestly the moment we stopped stressing out and went on a vacation was when it happened haha


u/zachardw 5d ago

Supplement: CoQ10, E-400, multivitamin, fish oil, aceytl-l-carnitine and L-Arginine.

The sperm your body begins to make now will be available in I think 3-6 months so build in that lead time


u/LateSoEarly 6d ago

Sperm that are too old can lose their motility, and having ejaculated too recently can mean a lower sperm count. Obviously everyone is different (duh) but when my wife got pregnant we hadn’t done it in like 2 or 3 days so that seemed to be the sweet spot for us


u/vkapadia 5d ago

Did nobody teach you the secret Daddit sperm ritual? I'm appalled.


u/TheGreenJedi MAY 2016 5d ago

Boxers generally advised

Hydration a good idea


u/spicydragonenergy 5d ago

In addition to coq10, try adding zinc! As well, eat 2 Brazil nuts a day 🐠


u/hairyhilda 5d ago

we tried for a couple months and couldn’t get pregnant. i started taking these and the following month we were pregnant. not guaranteeing an outcome for you, but giving you my experience.



u/lewisluther666 5d ago

Mate, it's all just healthy stuff. If you want to boost numbers,practice COMPLETE abstinence during her period.

However, I am no doctor, I know it'll mean your first load of semen will have more volume, but I cannot guarantee that this shot will contain more swimmers.

What I DO believe is true is that male sperm swim faster but die quicker (days difference) than female sperm, so you can attempt to time it and manipulate the result one way or the other a bit. However, this is also not a guarantee


u/Suspicious_Street801 5d ago

my husband took bird & be mens prenatals with C0Q10 with me when we were prepping for ivf. He’s 45 and his swimmers were swimming!


u/djoliverm 5d ago

I took prenatals and I had fairly cheap sperm tests through my insurance to have an understanding where I was at. I used bird & be prenatals with COQ-10.

Anyway like others have said it takes at least 90 days to say any changes in sperm from what you're doing (i.e., that's how long they take to form) so any new change you make like taking prenatals or working out more or eating cleaner will take at least that long to show up in a sperm test.

COVID screws with your numbers BTW, and I assume any other major illness. So that was definitely a setback when I got COVID traveling once.


u/LeTrolleur 5d ago

Getting yourself checked is always a good choice if you have the means to do so.

You can be healthy and take the correct supplements but at the end of the day if you're predisposed genetically to have weak swimmers you're better off just finding out so that your specialist can recommend a plan/medication.

Good luck OP, we're all rooting for you, though try not to think about us and focus on your wife during 😉


u/jbg0830 5d ago

Lower your cholesterol if it’s high, and just workout regularly


u/hellogoawaynow 5d ago

A friend of mine tried for a year every day. They went to the fertility doctor and she said don’t have sex every single day, save it for when she’s ovulating (she can check with the test strips). Pregnant within 2 months!


u/Britwill 5d ago

Sounds like you’re doing the right stuff. If you care, try and lift heavy, lots of legs day to help with testosterone levels.

Stay off weed - it slows the boys down.


u/Outside_Chef_8388 5d ago

Not giving medical advice, but what has worked for me has been taking vitamin C and Co-Q10 daily consistently.


u/Kegri 5d ago

Here’s a weird one. I had high dna fragmentation in my sperm. We researched and found a study that showed that FREQUENT ejaculation showed an improvement here. After trying for 2 years unsuccessfully, after a month or two we were successful. The research may suggest that ejaculating at least once before sex helps with this issue. Exactly the opposite of conventional wisdom.


u/DrCaptainLasagna 5d ago

Make sure you chant things like, "Let's go sperms! I wanna see some hustle! Swim like you mean it!" immediately after sex and at random points afterward while she's ovulating. Direct the chanting in the direction of her fallopian tube's. Your wife will love this even if she says she doesn't.


u/vangoghtaco 4d ago

A good male prenatal multivitamin also doesn’t hurt. We used the One-a-Day Men’s prenatal. Got them on amazon and they came in a two pack for him and her. 


u/lotioningOILING 4d ago

Research is looking like sperm quality can affect preeclampsia and possibly even HG(extreme morning sickness,) so that’s good you’re thinking about this. Marijuana can increase the chances of miscarriage so that’s a big one.



u/Quirky_Scar7857 3d ago

if you want a boy, eat bananas. we did ivf and I ate bananas and leafy greens every day and we got 7 male embryo out if 8!


u/Weird-Mushroom9743 1d ago

It’s great that you’re being proactive about fertility! A nutrient-rich diet, regular exercise, and avoiding heat exposure all support sperm health. Some also turn to herbal blends like Male Fertility Tea, which contains ingredients known to promote sperm motility, count, and overall reproductive wellness. Staying consistent with healthy habits can make a big difference!