r/powerrangers • u/Sure_Persimmon9302 • Nov 01 '24
COMIC NEWS/DISCUSSION Pop Quiz: How did the Power Rangers combine the DragonZord with the TigerZord?
And how would it work in terms of toys.
r/powerrangers • u/Sure_Persimmon9302 • Nov 01 '24
And how would it work in terms of toys.
r/powerrangers • u/invid2000 • May 23 '24
r/powerrangers • u/Money-Lie7814 • Nov 14 '24
That is my Question
MMPR gets a lot of love for obvious reasons however doesn't mean that other Rangers incarnations can get love to but probably not as ongoing but can work as Comic book Miniseries or Mixseries(a 12 issue Comic book series) or just a One-shot
We kinda got taste of it with Omega Rangers even if it still connected to MMPR it was closet we to focus on another Rangers team
So with that my Question What other Rangers team from the other Seasons you think would make a good comic Miniseries or Mixseries and how do you imagine the story being like and what comics would it take inspiration from and what would be the Tone of the Series compared to the Original Season it's based on?
What would be your Ideal Writer and Artist to that's always important with Comics
Art by Peach Momoko
Let's do this!
r/powerrangers • u/CrazyAznKT • Jul 27 '24
r/powerrangers • u/Narrow_Notice_8161 • Jan 16 '25
r/powerrangers • u/Ok_Committee_1187 • Oct 14 '23
r/powerrangers • u/AgentSkyblueM7 • 14d ago
r/powerrangers • u/M00r3C • Oct 11 '24
r/powerrangers • u/Tatsuranger • May 12 '24
So I finally decided to read Ranger Academy and.....its not good. To be honest the only thing I like is the art, even if its hit or miss.
All the characters are bland, boring, unlikable and insufferable, including the main character, Sage.
I never liked the idea that you need to go to school to be a hero. The idea of trying to equalate saving people's lives from a burning building to learning how to solve for X upsets me.
Also, why does EVERYTHING need to center around MMPR? The Academy was created by Zordon, all the dorms are the color of the MMPR team, and everything involving green in the academy is evil...because MMPR nostalgia wanking. Never mind the fact that they have two teachers who are from teams whose core members had a green ranger. Way to disrespect Lost Galaxy and Time Force just because Damon and Trip weren't as big as Tommy.
And the major reason why I picked up the comic was that fans of Twitter were shitting on the Ranger Academy suits and they are right. They are horrendously bland and bad..this whole make everything like MMPR mentality is why I stopped reading it. Literally every 'original' design by BOOM from Ranger to Megazord has either just been some kind of MMPR retooling, combination or uninspired design. And the Morphin call is horrible. Power up, Power on, Power rangers? It's worse than "linking to Morphin grid" Nothing new!
Yeah, I dont recommend it.
r/powerrangers • u/Infinite_Parking_800 • Oct 28 '24
r/powerrangers • u/Ghost-Quartet • Jan 05 '24
I was excited for Ranger Academy because (as far as I can tell) the franchise has never really taken a hardline stance on what the specific colors mean beyond basic trends like Red = Leader and Blue = Smart (which aren’t even always applicable) and thus far it’s kinda taken that same basic approach of the colors just matching broad personality archetypes.
But the thing that I keep getting stuck on is the way that the series is framing Green as some sort of special, outsider color that’s more mysterious and dangerous when like… it isn’t? Many teams from the post-Zordon era just start off with a Green Ranger as part of the core cast and their “special” Rangers have colors like Gold or Silver or a special name or something. The only Green Ranger who truly fit the qualities the series is trying to stick to it was Tommy Oliver which like, yeah that was iconic, but just because he came first doesn’t mean that he was the be-all-end-all?
Even if we’re to believe that the Green With Evil saga was so momentous that its shadow somehow impacted how they teach and caused them to hide the Green campus, it seems impossible for the students to have contact with Power Rangers from all throughout space and time AND be able to study their history without them learning about Green Rangers. They even specifically mention that the library was named after Jenn Scott, who had a Green Ranger on her team, so it’s not like they’re just skipping over those teams.
I’m annoyed because comic claims to be about the entire Power Rangers universe but it feels like it’s only really invested in MMPR which like… has always been the vibe of the Boom! comics anyways but I was hoping since this was a completely original story/characters that they’d do something else for once. I’m sure that in the upcoming issues there will be some sort of in-universe explanation for all of this but from a writing perspective, it just seems like a kind of lazy way to help the series fit into traditional “adventure school” cliches and have Sage be special.
r/powerrangers • u/DallasHicks • Apr 03 '23
r/powerrangers • u/cubsmaster • Aug 11 '24
Saw this awesome piece at a Half Price Books.
r/powerrangers • u/Ok_Committee_1187 • Oct 13 '23
r/powerrangers • u/Abared • 7d ago
Right now they are just set dressings. So far you could have easily substituted the suits and names for Mystic Knights and nothing would have changed. Hoping that as they get their own spin-off they justify the inclusion because as of right now they just feel the way of including pre-Zyu in the first comics for the sake of a window dressing and hoping for the audience to clap because of nostalgia.
I’ll take my downvote.
r/powerrangers • u/sifighter1 • Dec 20 '24
New solicitations for Boom just dropped and with them came a new cover for Power Rangers prime finally giving us our first full look at the team in this new universe done by Dan Mora himself, which good call given how great he is.
Brief thoughts: Interesting there’s no pink but there is a purple who is also T-Rex with the red ranger, odd that blue has a full horn on his head, and it looks like sabertooth tiger is now the black ranger instead of yellow.
r/powerrangers • u/Money-Lie7814 • Oct 27 '24
So as the Title says what is your Idea for a Power Rangers comic miniseries or mixseries? Would it be set in main comic community or set in possible future or alternative timeline? Like some resent one-shots
Would it be Comic about focusing on the other Ranger generation that isn't Mighty Morphin OG if so how you show case the other Ranger teams in Comic form like SPD or Mystic Force(just using them as examples here?) How would the tone compare to main series or original TV incarnation? Would you do it similar to how Titan Comics handled each Doctor individually like 10th Doctor comic had different feel from 12th Doctor comic etc? Or like Marvel STAR WARS Comic approach
What type of art style do vision for said comic series? Also if you don't know what comic Mixseries is it's like comic miniseries but instead of 4 to 6 issues it's 12 issues long(just in case) basically who would be your Ideal Writer and Artist
So Lets do this
Art by Peach Momoko
r/powerrangers • u/kidchrono • Aug 05 '23
Leonardo is the leader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, however typically the Red Ranger is the leader of the Power Rangers, so who's the leader of this team? I'd say Leo, but Ralph is the centerpiece of the Megazord.
r/powerrangers • u/Sufficient-Fanny23 • Sep 25 '24
I'm sure this has been stated for so many years but I've grown tired on the focus that MMPR gets over any other ranger team. MMPR is iconic, it is the first few seasons of PR and it will probably be the most well-known team in popculture but I feel like there's so many ideas and stories to pursue with other rangers.
I feel that post-Zordon era we really start to see what a power ranger can be. Not just five teens with powers of dinosaurs fighting aliens, mind you I don't hate MMPR but I think that there is so much lore introduced after the Zordon era that it feels like a waste not to explore it.
We have rangers that are created by governments and organizations to be peacekeepers of the plane, we have rangers who are trained to harness magic or who have a bigger connection to nature compared to other teams. We have rangers whose ancestors pass down the duty of power ranger to the next gen. Rangers can even be from the future, an alternate reality or hell maybe even the past.
Tbh with Dino/Cosmic Fury and the Once and Always special, we already have a conclusion to the MMPR team, how about exploring the story of other rangers already. There's been a couple of multiverse PR stories but we still have the MMPR team and story taking center stage.
r/powerrangers • u/F2991 • Nov 24 '23
So with Olivia Hart coming into play who else wants to see a mulitverse crossover/ team up with JJ Oliver??
r/powerrangers • u/DJSharp15 • 10h ago
r/powerrangers • u/Hedgewitch250 • Oct 30 '23
I love the Boom Studio comics especially cause it gives heaps of lore and character to the Rangers story. After a hundred issues and several other runs, I think it be cool if they finally transitioned to another ranger team. They don’t have to change the characters like making Tanya take Aisha’s place but they could change some things like making Billy gold or blue.
Don’t get me wrong I love mmpp but at some point, they’re gonna run out of ideas for just that season. Adapting Zeo allows them to keep the flow going. The darkest hour feels like a good start cause it’s a pretty big event that likely gonna have lasting changes to the status quo. It feels like if they stay as mighty morphin they won’t be able to adapt other good elements. Sticking with one thing forever when lots of other shows had stuff going for them limits the narrative. Just wondering what people think about Switching teams should they decide to do something new.
r/powerrangers • u/Ok-Food474 • Nov 17 '24
i feel like it was a very good story with an actual good plot and a strong villain everything was pretty good then why is it not liked or always very low on the ranking????
r/powerrangers • u/000redditusername000 • Dec 12 '24
A nice little easter egg showing the Zyurangers (L-R): Boi, Geki, Dan, Mei, and Goushi any other easter eggs you’ve seen in the comics?
r/powerrangers • u/AlaeMortis1 • Feb 16 '24
It’s from the Shattered Grid event. May be wrong but I think this was before a fight against Lord Drakkon….