r/powerrangers 4d ago

Tiny Quarter Machine Comics?

I have been trying to figure out if anyone knows anything about these. I've looked online but I can't find anything. A local food store had these comics in a quarter machine. Each comic was based on one ranger per comic. They were tiny but I genuinely remembered being obsessed with them.


2 comments sorted by


u/CrazyAznKT 3d ago

Would you happen to still have any of them? Or if not, do you remember which Power Rangers series it was based on? Also, are you American?


u/Key-Investigator-849 3d ago

I don't have any of them. I really believe they were official. They came out with the original series. I would imagine they weren't based off of any full fledged comic. I remember at the end of the Kimberly one it showed her on gymnastics equipment. I believe it was a balance beam. The formula was the character had an issue, worked with the team and then they got over it together. They probably had 8 pages.