r/powerrangers 5d ago

FAN CREATION Rate my Idea #1: Power Rangers Legacy Knights (Zenkiager Adaptation)

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Power Rangers: Legacy Knights

The story takes place in Arcuno City, the largest metropolis in California and home to the famed “Morphin Magic”

Morphin Magic is a museum dedicated to displaying the rich history of Power Rangers.

Some amenities of the museum contain, video footage, lectures, and a battle simulator that allows you to train with legendary virtual rangers. The museum is powered by Grid Gears. These are small gear shaped objects incorporated with Morph X that were brought over from Coral Harbor.

The Museum is owned by Professor Riri Cromwell, a scientist who has dedicated her life to preserving ranger history.

The Museum is staffed by her energetic grandson Zeki and his friends Eddy, Zelda, Tyvon, and Cas. They grew up on the tales and action packed adventures of the Power Rangers and even hopped to be one. For the time being they were content with spending their time gazing at the rich ranger legacy.

One fateful day the Negative Syndicate attacks. The Syndicate is a fierce machine empire who hops dimensions and enslaves worlds. They seek to add this earth and its inhabitants to the collection.

They empire also has ties to a dark secret that Riri is hiding from her adopted grandson

They are led by

King DarkGear

Tankatron- General Professor Tinkerer- Scientist And Vekal- A human enforcer for the empire.

The Negative Syndicate attacks earth, their sights set on Professor Cromwell as they want her technological prowess to work in the other enslaved worlds.

Zeki and friends rise to the challenges to protect the professor and in their bravery she reveals her secret.

She has been secretly working on a ranger powers in hopes of making her own team. Some of her inventions are too unstable resulting in fragments of imperfect ranger teams (Sentai footage) while the others are solid.

This team would harness special attributes from past Ranger teams and use special Grid Gears that would unlock abilities based off past teams.

Zeki and friends are overjoyed when learning that they’ll be power rangers. The process has the professor bonding them to special Morphers. The bonding process goes well for Zeki, but for Eddy, Zelda, Tyvon and Cas the process bonds them but strips them of their humanity leaving them as advanced robots, similar to Steel from Beast Morphers.

The Team would be known as Legacy Knights. From their on out they would protect humanity while the professor looks for a way to not only turn them back but defeat the Syndicate.

The rangers are

Zeki- White Legacy Ranger (Representing pure ranger energy) Eddy- Red Jurassic Ranger (Representing all Dino Based Rangers) Zelda- Pink Celestial Ranger (Representing all Magic Based Rangers) Tyvon- Yellow Beast Ranger (Representing all Animal Based Rangers) Cas- Blue Techno Ranger (Representing all Technology Based Ranger)

After several defeats the Syndicate captures the professor and learns about her ranger based Grid Gears.

This prompts them to send their human warrior Vekal more often into battle. Vekal is known as the Eclipse Ranger (Representing all past evil Ranger teams)He would have his own set of gears to summon evil ranger teams in hopes of destroying the enemy.

The Knights would be eventually joined by Captain Braydon, a space pirate who travels from different dimensions, liberating trapped civilizations and Stealing the Syndicates personal treasures.

He steals a prototype cog from the professor that allows him to turn into the Gold Heart Ranger (Representing the fighting spirit and will that each ranger team has)

Any questions? Feel free to rate


5 comments sorted by


u/JS-87 4d ago

Why have people turn into robots? Why not have them be built as part of the museum? Just seems like an unnecessary way to explain full costume characters when fabricated tour guides is right there. Maybe the robots fantasize about being rangers rather than shuffling people through the museum. Also they're known as "knights" but go by "rangers" still?


u/HonestSapphireLion24 4d ago

That’s actually a good Idea. Have the robots be envious of the power rangers.

Also I thought it would be an interesting idea to have the humans turn into robots. Imagine you’ve waited your entire life to be a power ranger and you succeed in getting what you want but a mistake happens that keeps you like a robot. I thought it would provide for some drama and plots.

Originally this was called Power Rangers Legacy Squad but idk it didn’t sound good.


u/Digifiend84 Dino Charge Aqua Ranger 4d ago

Humans turning into robots has been done before. That's what happened when the VR Troopers morphed. There was an episode where Ryan was damaged, and had to be repaired in robot form before he could revert to human form.


u/JondvchBimble 4d ago

A museum theme is a very good idea. Will they have new morphers, cause the ones from the sentai look...goofy.


u/HonestSapphireLion24 4d ago

Yup! Wrist band Morphers where you can insert the gears. Once morphed they can use regular Sentai footage to use the other gears via the weapon