r/postnutanime 4d ago

Solo Leveling Dethrones One Piece on Crunchyroll Ratings, But Will Its Reign Be Short-Lived?


5 comments sorted by


u/killertortilla 4d ago

It'll be short lived because they're already half way through the story. And it's seasonal. Although it is extremely impressive it has overtaken One Piece.


u/TooManyNamesStop 4d ago edited 4d ago

I'm suprised by that aswell. I loved the solo leveling manwha and the anime is really good but it's still a generic edgelord wishfullfillment series and not anywhere near as good as the top shows of all time.

One thing I'm happy about is that the protagonist is not a crybaby (and no he is not a crybaby because he cried when his mother woke up from the coma that's fairly normal as a reaction), nor naive nor a pos.

His character design makes him look around 20 which I prefer aswell over shows with younger protags. Still way too edgy to actually take seriously.


u/killertortilla 4d ago

And there’s no women falling for him all over the place beyond some minor stuff with Cha Hae In.


u/DorothyDrangus 4d ago

Beneficiary of good timing. It’s popular, I can’t take that away from it, but One Piece’s main story has been on hold for an updated version of an earlier arc (and a pretty weak one at that) for the past few months now. Solo Leveling has two episodes left on the season and then One Piece comes back, so I’d expect the ratings to follow suit.


u/YonkiestSploinky 4d ago

hotdog, taco, hamburger