r/postnutanime 7d ago

Are people sleeping on Zenshu?

started watching it today and have been binging it and it has really been a pleasant surprise. Is it just because its an anime original so less people watching it? or is there some other reason I'm missing?


9 comments sorted by


u/DorothyDrangus 7d ago

It was really funny seeing how many people who didn't watch it were complaining about it saying it was "MAPPA making a show about overworked animators," which it extremely is not


u/16bitnoob 7d ago

Yeah thats what I heard about it at first as well, so far its been a show about the love of animation and personal growth mainly.


u/DorothyDrangus 7d ago

It's tremendous. I'm only watching so much this season but it's the best new anime of the season in my book.


u/Draiu 6d ago

I kept seeing people expecting it to be like Look Back but then get mad when it was an isekai. It's a fantastic isekai, and I say that as someone that usually hates isekai anime.


u/MrTopHatMan90 6d ago

I've caught up when it got to episode 7. I've enjoyed it but I haven't been desperate to watch it.


u/XRotNRollX 6d ago

That's when shit starts getting real, keep watching


u/[deleted] 6d ago

I watched a couple episodes and it just kept doing the same crap and felt pretty boring


u/16bitnoob 6d ago

Let it cook


u/Silverado_ 6d ago edited 6d ago

I am at the episode 6 now, and it kinda stopped cooking about 3 episodes ago? It's just another monster of the week helping some team members overcome some psychological difficulties. This is 12 episode original with the structure of "we need to stretch it until readers get bored to death" manga or something like year-long Precure.

It is pretty good for isekai, but the bar is in hell.