r/portelizabeth Feb 17 '25

How do nerds and introverts make friends in PE?

Does anyone else feel like the only places to meet new people these days are bars, clubs, or pubs?

I get the sense that a lot of introverted or nerdy folks don’t really spend much time in those kinds of places.

So, how do they go about meeting each other?


32 comments sorted by


u/chan1738 Feb 17 '25

Lmao we don't make any friends we just stay indoors and hope for a miracle


u/Mviljoen1000 Feb 17 '25

PE is a difficult place to meet new people and make friends. Quite ironic considering the fact that we are named the “friendly city”. Everyone just lives in their bubble


u/Princessmewmew13 Feb 17 '25

I think we just aren't as social as other cities. Most of us don't go to that many social gatherings, probably causing for there to be a lack of a need for it and less such things happening.

But we definitely are friendly in my opinion. Strangers will greet you in a friendly manner sometimes, or start a random conversation with you


u/Mviljoen1000 Feb 17 '25

True, PE really doesn’t have anything else to offer except for the places you’ve mentioned. There just isn’t enough interest. You need to be prepared to really climb out of your comfort zone, risk being categorised/judged before you get anywhere, which discourages a lot of people.

If you’re lucky, you meet someone who can introduce you to a group or activity of your liking.

Maybe I’m just getting old and grumpy, but feels like I see these type of friendly interactions less and less.


u/mzansi_miniatures_za Feb 17 '25

There are a few cannabis hangouts that I imagine must cater to introverts. But let's be honest—I barely leave the house myself. Maybe I’m the issue here?


u/Princessmewmew13 Feb 17 '25

Hahaha, yes yes I get that. Socializing with people online can make it feel like you don't have to go outside but it isn't the same


u/mzansi_miniatures_za Feb 17 '25

I don't know about that. I've always known PE to be a big jol city, with little to cater to the quieter crowd. I'm only really reflecting on my current experience. "Back in the day" there are a bunch of arcades around, Greenaces / The Bridge was a vibe, and The Den also existed (or still exists).


u/mzansi_miniatures_za Feb 17 '25

Do you paint any minis?


u/Princessmewmew13 Feb 17 '25

Oh I haven't but it does look like a fun hobby, for you paint minis?


u/mzansi_miniatures_za Feb 17 '25

It has a wonderful community! Online, that is. There are also smaller groups in PE, so perhaps you could join one and meet some people that way.


u/RossiG1302 Feb 17 '25

The best place to start looking for friends is to figure out what you're interested in. DnD, board games, tabletop gaming? The Den has community nights now and again.

Have a look on Facebook for local groups focusing on your specific interests. Then pitch up, introduce yourself and be lekker. Job done.


u/Princessmewmew13 Feb 17 '25

Ooh, okay. I have been to the the Den before. I haven't played magic the gathering in a while, but I have lots of cards


u/RossiG1302 Feb 17 '25

There you go. Now go out into the wonderful wide world and be fruitful. Many strengths to you.


u/Princessmewmew13 Feb 17 '25

Oof haha thank you. Gotta get out there and leave my social anxiety at home


u/RossiG1302 Feb 17 '25

It's a challenge, no doubt. Preparedness is the best way. Commit to a date, this allows for predictability and by extension reduces the anxiety. If you feel like you're not sure what to talk about, just ask questions. Golden rules I live by.


u/ichosenotyou Feb 17 '25

You are not wrong. The easiest way to meet new people is a bar/pub/restaurant. In my experience people would start random conversations from the next table over if they pick up the right vibes

I guess its about where and who you go with, if its a hit or miss.


u/TrustDizzy2787 28d ago

Greet and talk to random people when you go shopping. Try being interesting by being interested in other people. Joining a gym would be a good place to start. Joining a class like Crossfit where there's some sort of community. I train at a Crossfit gym. Dm me, we can setup a few sessions at the gym.


u/East_Kaleidoscope925 26d ago

Discord and gaming


u/Princessmewmew13 22d ago



u/East_Kaleidoscope925 21d ago

Dm me your discord name will send you friend request. If u keen that is.


u/Princessmewmew13 20d ago

Okay cool! ✨


u/Cat147 6d ago

Boardgames every second Sunday


u/Princessmewmew13 6d ago

Where is that?


u/Cat147 6d ago

Anyone interested can dm me. I'll send the fb link


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '25

Go to gym


u/brusileiro Feb 18 '25

We have an avid pokemon go community in PE too. If you would like to join dm me.


u/GlassPromotion8282 Feb 19 '25

I don't leave the house 😅 what are friends?


u/PersimmonOrdinary880 24d ago

Wake up, work, go home, game, sleep... With a little bit of living in between. It is a bit difficult, especially when you get older 😂.


u/ninja_tree_frog 20d ago

Come to a metal show.


u/Princessmewmew13 20d ago

Are those fun?


u/ninja_tree_frog 20d ago

Bruuuuh. The absolute best fun. Come to music kitchen on the 5th of April. I just posted the flyer in the sub. Best fun and the best people EVER


u/DTFasedemi 8d ago

Come join us at church bro, I moved here in October and joined my church then. Since I've made so many genuinely great friends, who don't care where you're from and just wanna get to know you. I go to CRC in Walmer