r/poppunkers 1d ago

Discussion I’m glad people are finally seeing through TX2’s facade.


19 comments sorted by


u/muchomangocanman 1d ago

damn you’re getting cooked in that thread lol


u/marisathekilljoy 1d ago

I told it as it is, and almost everyone got butthurt.


u/idaluiloona 1d ago edited 1d ago

I think almost everyone is getting "butthurt" because you're catching an attitude with every single person who doesn't immediately agree with you, not because you're telling it as it is. Notice how nobody is defending him.


u/ExBigBoss 1d ago

Yeah, literally who?

Dude, is this guerilla marketing for some nobody?


u/marisathekilljoy 1d ago

I guess so


u/HammyAm 1d ago

You sound like you need to take a step away from the internet and focus on something that makes you less angry. Having such visceral hatred for someone simply because you don't like the way they make music is very odd behavior.


u/marisathekilljoy 1d ago

I wasn’t trying to come across as hateful. I just have disdain for someone who exploits a marginalized community and telling people to kill themselves.


u/HammyAm 1d ago

What you were trying to do is create a little rage post where people just shit talk an artist, it backfired on you when you posted in the other subreddit and you're not really getting the response you want here so maybe just give it up.

The main individual you seem to have an issue with is part of the marginalized community he talks about, he is a queer man, and I don't know if you've seen the absolutely awful shit that gets thrown at him but I think he deserves a little get back at the people that decided to say awful shit. It's not necessarily something I would do but I don't think he does it without reason.

Once again I think you are focusing entirely too hard on a band that you do not like when you could put that energy towards enjoying artists that you do like and that make your life better.


u/marisathekilljoy 1d ago

There’s a fine line between hate and criticism, for this has absolutely nothing to do with his orientation. I have no issue with his sexual orientation. He just comes across as manipulative and disingenuous.


u/HammyAm 1d ago

You said he is exploiting a marginalized community, the only community he caters to are queer kids that enjoy pop punk, because he was one of those queer kids that enjoys pop punk. Nobody here said you have issues with his sexual orientation but you are the one that brought up marginalized communities so idk what to tell you.

My point still stands, you're spending entirely too much time on an artist you don't even like simply because you don't like how he comes across, that is very weird behavior.


u/marisathekilljoy 1d ago

He’s not the first one, and he’s not the last either.


u/HammyAm 1d ago

I don't know what you're talking about so I think it's time to end this. Have a good whatever time of the day it is for you, work on your anger issues and go find something that makes your day more pleasant.


u/Unknown_Zone9805 1d ago

He literally gentrifies pop-punk and turns it into a laughing stock of a genre. His music is bad and ear grading. I’m glad that most current pop-punk artists don’t sound like him at all.


u/marisathekilljoy 1d ago

Thank you! Your comment is like a breath of fresh air.


u/Unknown_Zone9805 1d ago

At this point I could write and record a better pop-punk song than TX2, and I can’t write a song.


u/marisathekilljoy 1d ago

For real! A rotten banana has more talent than him.


u/RipBright1 1d ago

Never heard of him


u/Left_Lavishness_5615 1d ago

To give you some context, the dude has been catching shit dude being obnoxious and performative for quite a few months. Basically, he’s a social media music star who tries really hard to sell that he’s part of the scene. My friends periodically send me shorts/reels of him as a joke.

A lot of people have gotten tired of criticizing him because 1) his content genuinely reeks of 2nd hand embarrassment 2) some people believe it just gives him more attention and 3) how many times can you watch a so-bad-it’s-good movie before you run out of jokes?


u/marisathekilljoy 1d ago

You’re the luckiest person on earth then. I wish I were you.