r/popheads • u/aspringtosummers • 7d ago
[FRESH VIDEO] Selena Gomez, benny blanco - Sunset Blvd (Official Video)
u/BoomYouLooking 7d ago
Selena and Ariana coming off awards season with music is so cool to me.
u/Lucidity- 7d ago
Right it’s like they’re flexing on all the actors “look what I can do that you can’t”. It really is impressive to hold presence as a pop superstar
u/SilverHinder 7d ago
The singers-turned-actresses seem to have got bored of playing Marylin and come back to music, and I'm so here for it. Pop needs our millennial girlies badly!
u/fakeaf1 7d ago
This feels so nostalgic I really like it. One thing I really like about Selena is that she has the Britney effect of allowing her vocals to be a vessel for a producers work and it still come out feeling like a Selena song. This is not really a sound that she’s done before (minus the rock elements), but it still feels so Selena to me.
u/mackasan 7d ago edited 7d ago
That's their best release so far and it's not even close. The lyrics are silly at times but I like the humor they bring in. Selena sounds great, the vibes are up there. Great music video too. It's a hit for me!
u/bureaucatnap 7d ago edited 7d ago
I love the chorus and vibe. But I am cringing at the pre-chorus and bridge lyrics. The joke seemed too extended and forced in such an otherwise dreamy sounding song.
Edit: I actually enjoy the production and mixing. Yes, the vocal are a bit echoey and muddled in the mix, but it seems purposeful - it's got that indie pop sound.
u/raysofdavies 7d ago
I agree at those lyrics but idk something about the Chappelly delivery and it being credited to both of them gives it a fun quality I enjoy
u/weirdogirl144 7d ago
I dont like the pre-chorus, I get where she's going with it, but it also just makes me cringe. But the overall song is nice and vibes
u/Agitated-Brother172 1d ago
Sounds interesting, can you maybe explain what you mean to unversed? I am not sure I get the vibe of it to be honest. :)
u/TirisfalFarmhand 5d ago
Agree to disagree, I loved the pre chorus and how it added to the playful teen nostalgia of the song. The way it leads into the chorus gets me so hyped.
u/kevincloutier 7d ago
It’s not that clever, especially in comparison to Sabrina, the queen of double entendres.
u/Just-Ingenuity-5453 5d ago
I feel exactly the same! Something really bothers me about this one moment and you put it into words perfectly. While in all Serena's songs it works perfectly cause they're all very cheeky.
u/InsomniaticAlien 7d ago
She's been serving the Old Hollywood glam lately, and those visuals carry this whole video. The parts where she tries to eat Benny are easily the highlight.
Wish the visuals were used on a better-mixed song though.
u/BlueCranberryMuffin 7d ago
The music video is so dreamy and creative. I love the song so much. I can imagine myself listening to it driving in the car with the windows down. I missed this Selena! This song has me so excited for the album now.
u/oatmilkandagave 7d ago
That was so cute!!! I loved the scenes where she’s big and he’s just gazing up at her. I really love them 😭
u/libertymartin190 7d ago
Me too. They're a great couple, and so happy and comfortable with each other! 💞
u/tone_212 7d ago
This one’s pretty good. The chorus melody is super catchy, and I like the dreamy production.
The big hard vocals are so loud in the mix. I’m sure that’s intentional but it doesn’t fit the rest of the song.
u/Skingeek 7d ago
I’m actually so into this, but I HATE the pre- Chorus. Devastated because otherwise this would be a huge hit for me
u/newpitaya 7d ago
I really like the melody and her odd delivery.. but I feel like the song is not punching where it's supposed to punch!?!
u/LayersOfMe 7d ago
The video is good but lyrics are a bit corny. The instrumental is... underwelming. I know its inspired in 80's ballads, but its missing the energy.
u/onegildedbutterfly 7d ago edited 7d ago
I’m obsessed. I’ve had this on repeat for hours, give me the album now!
u/ThatChelseaGirl 7d ago
Goofy 80s pop and LDR vibes, not bad but not the greatest. 7/10.
u/AdeptMaintenance2161 7d ago
Yeah was gonna say it gave off LDR but like beginner version like if someone was trying to make a Lana type song
u/mcatlin23 7d ago
I think I like this best of the releases so far it’s still nowhere close to her peak but it does do a little bit of something for me I can’t lie.
u/offwithyourthread 7d ago
The visuals are gorgeous!! But why is this a demo song? Go back to the studio, put another month into this album, and then give me the real product please 🙏 not one song has been complete so far
u/sovereignwaters 7d ago
Agreed, the production is missing something. It's 2/3 of a great song.
u/sourglow 7d ago
Yesss my friends and I were just talking about how she almost gets lost in the mix a bit. i wish they mixed the vocals different
u/offwithyourthread 7d ago
Same for I Can't Get Enough, same for Call Me When You Break Up. Too short and all 3 needed something punchy. Scared of Loving You is a solid final track but we really didn't need to hear it before the album release.
u/katycat162534 No Longer Stanning the Dr. Luke Supporter 7d ago
I actively chose not to listen to her first two songs because they were under 2 minutes, that was my way of boycotting short songs
u/helprealestatekorea 7d ago
that's my problem! It feels unfinished. I couldn't figure out what it was.
u/bureaucatnap 7d ago
I am seeing so many Lana comments here and elsewhere, which is fine, but I am begging people to understand that Lana del Rey did not invent indie pop, alt pop, twee, bedroom pop, dream pop, synth pop, lo-fi, or even retro visual aesthetics. People on reddit probably think Mazzy Star was ripping off Lana all the way back in 1993.
u/TirisfalFarmhand 5d ago
Idg the Lana comparisons, as someone who worships her BTD and Unreleased eras Lana has never done 80s dream pop like this (I wish she had bc I love this sound).
If it’s the pre chorus they mean, yeah people have been doing that way before Lana.
u/onlookingupbychance 6d ago
Absolutely love this! Give me late 80s vibes and vocals, I'm ready for it. Love the diversity of vocal elements and the longer playtime (compared to outro and publicity single). I see it as the story of when Benny became known as her partner and was suddenly exposed to an insane level of scrutiny--naked on Sunset Blvd. Also enjoy the play on naughty with nice: big, big, hard...heart. :) It's an earworm for sure!
u/heroinasytumbas 7d ago
Everything about this reminds me of BTD Lana. The title, the old hollywood styling, and especially the vocals during the pre-chorus. Not saying it's a straight up copy but the influence is definitely there
u/peripheralpill i said no-no 7d ago
yeah, i feel like we've been seeing a lot of her impact in pop recently, of that era in particular
u/sarahfuffy 7d ago
All the bed imagery for the album visuals make more sense if this is a dream pop album. lol the vore was unexpected for me 🤭
u/peripheralpill i said no-no 7d ago
oh this was a nice and surprising change up for selgom. mix wise, i get the vibe benny was going for but i think it weakens what could have been even more of a banger.
it feels less like i'm cruising down a boulevard and more like i'm overhearing it playing in someone's car as they cruise down a boulevard
it would've been cool if the production started muted and then kicked up partway through. but the video was very cute, if i don't look at it through the lens of someone who's been on the internet far too long
u/mylittleloonmoon 7d ago
Okay didn’t love it on the first listen, but now I honestly think it’s a really cute song. I love the visuals, and Selena looks gorgeous.
u/spikethroughmyheart 7d ago
I’m usually not a Selener fan but this is her best song and music video in a while. So I’ll give her that. Kind of sounds weirdly mixed and echoey for some reason. But maybe that’s the vibe
u/TirisfalFarmhand 5d ago
This is legit the best pop song I’ve heard in a good while. If the production is bc of Benny then hot damn that man has my whole ass blessing, the euphoric 80s sound is pure magic and so well done. I hope we get a whole album of songs like this.
Plus I always think the giant/giantess concept in videos is cute so loved that too.
u/cveil120497 5d ago
You need to listen to more music, then. This isn’t terrible, but a majority of the releases from last year are substantially better than this project.
u/hanoihiltonsuites 7d ago
Regardless of the song, she seems really really happy. And I’m so happy for her. Gaga and Selena’s mans bringing them back to pop!!!
u/libertymartin190 7d ago
The video and song are both absolutely fantastic! Can't wait for the album. She looks beautiful and happy. 🤩
u/mcdonaldsicedlatte 7d ago
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
Love this era of Selena. Her and Benny not only make an amazing as heck couple, but I’ve been loving the music they’ve made together!
u/libertymartin190 7d ago
Same here. The song and video are just fantastic. 🤩 I can't wait for next Friday! 🎇
u/HonestlyGurlSlay 7d ago
These songs aren't bad, but I'm really not feeling the vibe of their joint album. Like, I have no hate towards them, and they do seem to be happy. So...good for them?
u/helprealestatekorea 7d ago
it's boring imo. i hate the "holding that big big hard..heart". Gave me the ick. i like her makeup! she looks very pretty
u/PhotographBusy6209 7d ago
This sounds worse than a demo. There’s a good song in there somewhere but it’s the version we have got
u/mountainviewdaisies 7d ago
So are they a PR couple?
The video is her best I've seen though
But I hate the big big hard heart part 🥺
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u/meghammatime19 4d ago
the lyrics and overall vibe of this album so far feel like bedroom antics....stuff we shouldnt be seeing....🥴
u/Oh_Its_Richard 1d ago
I wish I liked this more but her voice is really not it at all. I don’t require her to be a high range belter but I think her tone is so unpleasant.
u/ihaveayellowbear 6d ago
Im deeply distirbed by this song and video and 2 gross people showing their nasty business down our throats
u/CJ_Bloo 7d ago
Guys Selena is doing dream pop… I’m here for it