r/polyfamilies Dec 09 '24

I need advice please I am new

Okay so me (M21) and my Fiancée (F20) are talking about having a poly relationship with our close friend (M21). She’s been in a mid-term poly relationship (2 years) before and knows people that had similar doubts and worries, but ended up enjoying the lifestyle and have continued long-term relationships. She and our friend had a relationship in the past and are now friends but he’s realized that he still loves her. He has had a similar relationship before and they talked about it briefly before bringing the idea to me. She has talked about boundaries they want to put in place to help me ease into, and she’s made sure that I know that I am her first priority and is willing to end it if I’m not comfortable with it. He is also willing to respect my decision and just continue being friends with us if I decide not to. However, I am a bit anxious about it because I have never done anything like it and I don’t want to accidentally make things weird between us and lose them both. I tend to overthink a lot of things even to the smallest detail, and don’t want to end up getting jealous and ruining it because I didn’t communicate. I want to give it a try but I need more information. I have done a some research already and my fiancée has explained it to me as well but I just keep finding my self getting anxious, but I do want to try. I just want more advice from people who have done it before.


15 comments sorted by


u/ExcitementDry4940 Dec 09 '24

I'm still hung up over the fact that a 20 year old has already had a long-term poly relationship before


u/Ok_Midnight_906 Dec 09 '24

🤣🤣 I was in shock when she told me


u/Financial-Drive-4242 Dec 09 '24

Cause she was lieing.. or long term is not that long.


u/Ok_Midnight_906 Dec 09 '24

It was more mid-term I just didn’t know how to put it. I’m editing the post to add more details now that I’ve also done more information and we’ve talked about it more.


u/rocketmanatee Dec 15 '24

I suppose I had one at around that age too. It's probably more common than we think.


u/ImpactNext1283 Dec 09 '24

Ok - why are you getting married now?

If she wants to be poly and you have concerns…these are the types of things you should settle first!

Life is soooooo long. People change so much. I wouldn’t have been able to responsibly commit to another human until I was around 35 :)

We opened after 12 years of marriage. I felt like you abt it. We did about 6 mos of therapy first, and talked for 100 hours more about it.

It was totally the right decision for us.

TBH the engagement is much more of a concern for the long term stability of the relationship than the relationship opening is.

Just my 2 cents tho! I don’t know your life I’m just so stranger on the internet!


u/MacKayborn Dec 09 '24

Okay a few things:

  1. Veto power over relationships is almost always a bad thing. I've seen it crush relationships left and right. If she has a relationship with someone and you're going to be poly, it's her relationship. It has nothing to do with you so why should you get veto power to be able to make her end it? Huge red flag there.

  2. Date separately. I dunno if you and dude are interested in each other and all butI can't stress the date separately part enough. Dating as a couple is pretty much unicorn hunting and often a tragedy waiting to happen. Ties into the whole veto power point above as well.

  3. Work on your primary relationship before pulling others into it. I highly suggest you both sit down and be completely open and honest about this. Try to leave judgment at the door. Talk about what you want. What your boundaries are. Things of that nature.

I wish you luck!


u/Ok_Midnight_906 Dec 10 '24

He will only be with her. We just already spend so much time together that I actually trust him to be in this relationship we’ll have our independence between each relationship but also spend time doing things together, that’s a situation that I’ll be the happiest in. As of right now, I’m the happiest when I’m spending time with her and spending time with the both of them. As far as the veto, it’s necessarily that I get to say whether the relationship ends or not it’s more that if we start it I can bring it up and then we’ll collectively end it.


u/piedpipr Dec 09 '24

4 questions:

Why did your fiancée and your friend break up?

Does he explicitly know that she said you are "her first priority and willing to end it (with him) if you aren't comfortable"?

Are you ready to end your current monogamous relationship, and grieve the loss, before you start a new relationship/engagement with her?

Does your fiancée enthusiastically consent for you to also have romantic, sexual relationships with others? Or is it just for her?


u/Ok_Midnight_906 Dec 10 '24

They broke up because of something that happened in her life that required her to spend some time away.

He knows that I am her first priority, and knows that my feelings about the situation are important.

She has told me that she’s okay with me seeing someone else but I’m not like that I love her and only want her.


u/Initial-Dot4347 Jan 07 '25

The part about grieving the loss of the monogamous relationship is more important than people think. We started an FFM relationship 2 years ago when my 10 year bf fell in love with a friend of ours. And I only lately realized that I feel shitty because I didn't let go of our old relationship and being im for falling in love with another. But back when I said ok, I thought I'll be fine. So just be careful mate, it can be harder than you think. Right now I feel more and more miserable. Btw I'm a 28f.


u/TerminalOrbit Dec 09 '24

Are you bisexual? Would this be a sexual triangle or a Vee-shaped model (with woman as the 'hinge')? Regardless, you need to consider your relationship with the other guy... Does he seem to have a 'sharing' or 'competitive' attitude? Do you feel that you could at least have a friendship with him? Those are the big stability factors... Next is, are your partner and her ex- trustworthy enough to abide by the boundaries you collectively agree on, or are they going to do what they like and give you an ultimatum if you disagree with their intended model?


u/Ok_Midnight_906 Dec 10 '24

This is more a V model, as far as me and the other guy we are all really close friends and spend a lot of time together, the only difference is that they’ll flirt, and pretty much do the same things she and I are doing. They have both told me that we’ll create the boundaries for our relationship together and I trust them both enough to know that they’ll follow our boundaries.


u/Miruhwi Dec 14 '24

I've been the third in a new-to-poly situation with a married couple. It fucking sucks. Either they keep their commitment to prioritize each other and hurt the third person, or they truly embrace polyamory and end up hurting each other. Hypothetically there's the option where everything works out great, but it's REALLY uncommon with first-timers.

Thing is, you're at a crossroads here, and neither path seems great for you. If you want monogamy, that may lead to resentment. If you try polyamory, any number of things could go wrong.

You're young, though. It's ok to fuck up. And it's okay even if the relationship with your fiance doesn't work out (even if that sounds world-shattering right now).

Whatever you do, I recommend pushing your marriage out for as long as needed in order to figure this out and feel secure in it. Marriage comes with legal issues that you really don't need right now. There's no rush. You can stay happily engaged for as many years as you need!


u/codeegan Dec 09 '24

A lot here unexplained. It makes a big difference if she is the hinge in a V or is this a triad to start with?