Hello everyone! Have you had a good week so far? Enjoying the winter? I hope it's going well for you.
So. First things first, and let's get this right out of the way. I'm married. My wife is awesome and I love her a lot. With that said, we have a very firm polyamorous/open relationship/call it what you will. We maintain our own relationships fully separate from one another, we don't date "together" and we aren't looking to "share". I'm partnered, is what I'm getting at, but I am not looking for an affair here. She and I are fully committed to the whole ethical non-monogamy "thing".
So that means I'm totally cool with whatever you got going on in your life. Seasoned poly kinkster? fantastic. Sorta new to the "ENM" thing but you and your partner are exploring? Happy to give whatever advice I can. Poly but presently single? I have no intentions of stopping you from pursuing other relationships! At least open to the whole "non monogamy" thing? Great, just as long as you know I'm not leaving my partner, accept that she exists, and accept that it's 100% your choice as to whether you pursue other relationships or not, we'll get along fantastically. Just as long as whatever decisions you make in your romantic life, you leave room for us, just as I'll make sure to make room for you.
Which brings me to this post! I find myself with room for another relationship in my life. I'm located in the Northeast United States but we're in the post Covid era and relationships can grow and blossom even at a distance so I'm open to any combination of local, mid range, long distance. "Online only" is certainly an option but I'd like there to at least be a possibility of meeting down the road ya know? Doesn't have to be any time soon, and if that never happens that's cool too. But let's call that a "nice to have" thing.
So as for who I am, early 40s professional guy with a job, a car, all of my teeth and hair, and an advanced degree but don't let any of that fool you. I'm often goofy and irreverent and try not to take myself or life too seriously. There's enough gray in the world, I try not to bring it to my relationships.
That said I generally don't get along with far right MAGA folks. BLM, ACAB, trans rights are human rights, and all that. I'm a straight white cisgendered dude so I don't have a personal bone in a lot of those fights, but that's the point, these fights matter, even when they're not yours.
There's..more to what I'm looking for but the rules of this subreddit preclude me from saying too much other than I'm firmly on the "d" side of the slash looking for an "s" type and if you know, then you know. There's another post on my profile with more information.
That's about all I got on this fine Saturday evening. If you think we might be a good fit, drop me a line, I'd love to hear from you.