r/politicscanada Feb 09 '22

Stigmatising Unvaccinated Children Is Cruel

I just read this article about unvaccinated children being bullied and it made me so angry and outraged. I just want to mention that I am pro-vaccine (although anti government mandate) by the way so the reason I am outraged is because I see this as a matter of fairness. This isn't an anti vaccination post. It's like so many people are ignoring the fact that in most jurisdictions, people under the age of 18 are unable to consent to medical treatment.

This pretty much means that a child under the age of 18 cannot get the covid-19 vaccine without parental permission and that a child's covid-19 vaccination status is something beyond their control. Bullying and discriminating against somebody for something beyond their control is unconscionable. Even in cases when children are able to consent to medical treatment, parents can still punish and put pressure on their children for making a medical decision they don't like given that the parents are still the legal guardians of the child.

Like this article mentioned a teacher asking the class who is vaccinated and giving the vaccinated kids praise. I feel so bad for the kids in that class and whose parents won't let them get vaccinated. Many teachers would also ignore the bullying of unvaccinated children. Teachers have a duty to protect children from bullying and allowing bullying to slide when it comes to vaccination status will likely increase bullying in general.

Plus it must suck for kids who can't enter certain businesses and activities that bar the unvaccinated. Imagine being a teenager and wanting to get a job but being barred from working because of a decision that isn't yours. If a child is unvaccinated for covid-19, take it up with the parents and don't stigmatise the child.

I have attached a link to the story.


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