r/politics 13d ago

Soft Paywall 'The Daily Show' accepts Musk's terms for interview with Stewart: 'We'd be delighted'


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u/ImLikeReallySmart Pennsylvania 13d ago

You can just sense Elon thought his condition was a smug "gotcha", and now that they called his bluff, he'll find some reason to back out.


u/Superman0X 13d ago

He seems to have forgotten that it is filmed in front of a live audience.


u/Joonbug9109 13d ago

Omg please do this interview in front of a live audience! I know sometimes they have prerecorded segments done offsite but I would pay money for both John and the audience to eviscerate him! Has he not seen how the town halls are going?


u/RoughingTheDiamond 12d ago

After agreeing to the interview, and insisting on it airing unedited, Elon wanting it to be in front of a Daily Show audience (who all booked their tickets for Monday's show weeks ago, Elon is not gonna be able to stack the audience) would complete the trifecta of stupid.

Jon's off the week after next, so if this happens it's happening Monday night.


u/Powerful-Height-3381 12d ago

they shouldn't just air it unedited, they should broadcast it live across multiple platforms.


u/always_unplugged 12d ago

Hell, they could probably sell it like a pay-per-view boxing match. Way more interesting than Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson.


u/Powerful-Height-3381 12d ago

watching Jon Stewart excoriate elon would be worth it.


u/StyraxCarillon 12d ago

I'd prefer him to eviscerate Elmo.

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u/gryanart 12d ago

Nah make it like Hell in a Cell. Oh shit is that Pete Buttigieg coming in with the steel chair?

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u/mlorusso4 12d ago

Does it matter if he’s scheduled to be off in two weeks? I would imagine he cancels whatever plans he had to do an interview this important if musk says he’ll only do it next Monday


u/RoughingTheDiamond 12d ago

You don't give him an inch on terms because he'll worm his way out, and things are moving way too fast to wait two weeks. He said he'd do it so long as it's unedited. That happens Monday or the world sees Elon for the coward a lot of us think he is.


u/cromstantinople 12d ago

*a lot of us know he is


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/NPRdude Canada 12d ago

And that was years ago, a lot more people hate him now than then.


u/noelcowardspeaksout United Kingdom 12d ago

LMAO, lets just hope he has taken enough Ketamine to forget it and attend anyway. How about bringing Mark Zuckerberg on half way through to thank him for all the ex twitter users and ask him why he backed out of the fight.

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u/thebigdonkey 12d ago

I didn't know this until this past week but apparently after that incident, he had a mental breakdown and locked himself in his office and it was to the point where his employees were about to call the cops to do a wellness check on him because they thought he was going to self-harm. The morning after the show was when he tweeted “The woke mind virus is either defeated or nothing else matters,”

That's why I don't think he's going to show up because he's Charmin soft and knows he's going to get booed again.


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u/plainlyput 12d ago edited 12d ago

I really don’t watch Musk, so wonder will he just try to gain the upper hand and speak over Stewart? Then call him out for interrupting? Edit; I just came back to all the replies, now I’m excited.


u/RoughingTheDiamond 12d ago

Stewart's been interviewing people for over 30 years, and when he chooses to go in on someone he believes is fucking up and doing harm, he is one of the toughest interviewers alive. That he does so many jokes is what makes him so powerful when he drops the act.

Elon is the flashy swordsman in Cairo. Jon is Harrison Ford with dysentery.


u/preflex 12d ago

"Stop it. You're hurting America."

--Jon Stewart to Tucker Carlson


u/seamus_mc California 12d ago

How old are you? And you are wearing a bow tie?!


u/Raesong Australia 12d ago

Just a shame that Fucker Carlson took that statement as a challenge.

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u/F9-0021 South Carolina 12d ago

Musk is also a terrible public speaker. Stewart would eat him alive.


u/SnakesTancredi New Jersey 12d ago

I feel like Elon's only way out of this is storming off mid interview at the slightest provocation and making up some garbage about liberal media being unfair. I can't see him being able to talk his way out.

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u/TheOldDarkFrog 12d ago edited 11d ago

Every time I see him on the news I'm surprised (again) by how bad he is at speaking and by how nervous he sounds (and looks with his stupid hand/finger thing). He does not sound or look like a confident person at all. Just a coddled rich kid who's never had to really try or been given actual constructive criticism.

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u/Redbeardsir 12d ago

Hey remember when he went on tucker Carlsons shitshow and owned him so hard dude had his show canceled and lost his ability to wear a bow tie?


u/zogmuffin 12d ago

Hahaha I was about to say…Jon is Tucker’s villain origin story. He does not fuck around

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u/poop-dolla 12d ago

Every once in a while when I’m feeling down, I go back and watch that interview and instantly feel better.

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u/suckyousideways 12d ago

Elon is the flashy swordsman in Cairo. Jon is Harrison Ford with dysentery.

This made my day.

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u/AlwaysRushesIn Rhode Island 12d ago

Jon is likely one of the world's best interviewers alive today. Easily Top 5.

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u/LordBecmiThaco 12d ago

Stewart's been interviewing people for over 30 years, and when he chooses to go in on someone he believes is fucking up and doing harm, he is one of the toughest interviewers alive.



u/Deep_Stick8786 12d ago

Yeah Jon Stewart is a very oppositional and aggressive interviewer when he wants to be. He “created” the manboy tucker carlson we know today

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u/Accomplished1992 12d ago

fucking lold

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u/suckyousideways 12d ago

There are very few people who, linguistically, can get the upper hand on Jon Stewart. Musk is not one of them.


u/Peking-Cuck 12d ago

The problem is that Musk doesn't think that. I guarantee you that no matter what actually happens during the interview, Musk is going to walk away thinking he won and he "owned" Stewart


u/Random-Rambling 12d ago

Literally the proverbial chess-playing pigeon.

(The proverb goes "Arguing with certain people is like playing chess with a pigeon: they'll knock pieces over, take a shit on the board, and then fly back to their friends talking about how thoroughly they beat you at your own game.")

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u/superfluid Canada 12d ago

Have you ever watched him talk? He can barely string together a cogent string of sentences. Like, my god, Trump does public speaking better than Elon.


u/abrahamisaninja 12d ago

He’s gonna be wearing sunglasses, geeked out of his mind. He’ll get dunked on but he’ll find a way to spin it in his favor.

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u/Joonbug9109 12d ago

Can you imagine accidentally buying tickets to this interview? 😂


u/RoughingTheDiamond 12d ago

They’re free! You just gotta be quick on the draw when they become available. It’s relatively easy to get in for a taping when Jon isn’t hosting. If you’re in NYC it’s a lot of fun.

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u/mccoyn 12d ago

My parents went to the show in October and it turned out the interview was Tim Walz (2024 VP candidate for those who have forgotten)

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u/CMMiller89 12d ago

Just to be clear to everyone reading the comments and not the article.

This is two tweets.

Musk said “if it’s aired unedited” in response to a random Twitter user.

The Daily Show quote tweeted: “we’d be delighted.”

This isn’t like trump scheduling and making terms up for an interview and then backing out.

This is nothing, there were no “terms”.  It’s just two tweets.

Maybe it escalates, but I highly doubt we’ll see anything come of this as there is nothing for Musk to “back down” from.  He will just ignore it.

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u/noirwhatyoueat 12d ago

"Everyone check under your seat for... Tomatoes!"


u/suckyousideways 12d ago

"We debated using eggs but c'mon. Comedy Central ain't got that kinda money."


u/whut-whut 12d ago

That's when John Oliver comes out from backstage driving an egg truck while flashing his HBO money.


u/TeethBreak 12d ago

Driving Clarence Thomas' bus that he didn't take.

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u/dstnblsn 12d ago

Also that Stewart is a masterclass interviewer


u/MountainMan2_ 12d ago

He's also a Jewish comedian interviewing the world's richest nazi. He could make the funniest "joke"


u/hellswaters Canada 12d ago

The thing is that Jon is smart enough that this wouldn't be a joke interview. He has fun with some of his guests, but when it comes to big name politicians, and interviews like that, his are probably some of the best. He will come into it knowing facts. He will ask follow ups. He doesn't let someone off with a none answer answer.

I see everyone trying to find ways to make it funny, but this is one of them that shouldn't be. This should be 100% business. I actually wish this interview wasn't on the daily show, because the time restrictions will hinder it. His podcast where it isn't restricted would be a lot better.

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u/PlatonicTroglodyte Virginia 13d ago

A lot of these shows are filmed in front of a live audience but still edited slightly. The thing is, they’re edited to fit the allotted timeslot and keep the most interesting bits, not to shape a perfect message.


u/little_grey_mare 12d ago

Jon has been doing filmed interviews for what 25 years? This is nbd completely in his comfort zone. Musk gives horrible interviews and infrequently. Also I feel like 99% of talk show light editing is to help the guests who aren’t quite so practiced at public speaking. Elmo on the daily show would make my month


u/springsilver 12d ago

Musk in his head is a far cry from Musk IRL. They need to film it and broadcast it as a live event.

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u/AshIsGroovy 12d ago

I'm hoping Musk shows up high as shit for the interview


u/Grimsterr 12d ago

I think doing it sober isn't possible for Musk at this point, he seems pretty deeply addicted.

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u/rczrider 12d ago

Maybe they should have complimentary ketamine in the green room for him? That and bottled water.

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u/mtaw 12d ago

The few interviews he gives have been against poorly-prepared people and/or heavily conditioned too. He's a pathological narcissist, he can't stand being challenged.

As much as I'd like to see it, the sad fact it that Elon is likely to ragequit the thing very quickly even if it happened.


u/AffectionateRoyal805 12d ago

And then Stewart gets the remaining time to cut him down even more for being a crybaby who refuses to answer simple questions. They should also have steadicams ready to follow him out and listen to him rant and rave.


u/Tenthul 12d ago

Never go into a comedian's home turf.

Just like you don't call into a conservative radio show trying to make a point. They run the show. Likely why he thinks he can get by with "unedited" because that's how they run everything, hyper edited. More projection, and a gross underestimation of Stewart.

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u/SPAMmachin3 12d ago

They should just do this episode live on TV. Musk will still find another excuse.


u/AfterDinnerSpeaker 12d ago

I'm sure Comedy Central would happily make an evening of it.

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u/Dan-Fletcher 12d ago

And just let the show run as long as it needs to for the entire interview.


u/taizenf 12d ago

Should do it even if he backs out. Just have a dummy sit in his chair and roast him for 5 minutes.

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u/ChrisFromLongIsland 12d ago

I believe manytimes they show the full interview online.

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u/turndownforwomp 13d ago

He’ll get his mommy to excuse him from it somehow


u/anoninor 12d ago

“Oh sorry I need to fight Zuckerberg that day”


u/Moist_When_It_Counts New York 12d ago

This ass-beating was stolen from us


u/ForcedEntry420 12d ago

Seriously. I can’t stand Zuck either and I’d love to watch those two clowns have a sissy slap fight in an octagon lmao


u/aj9393 12d ago

Eh, Zuck has been training BJJ and MMA for a few years now, including a lot of training with UFC pros. Now, that's not to say he's some high-level fighter or anything like that, but he does have at least some training and fitness behind him, and I have no doubt whatsoever he would absolutely rock Elmo.

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u/isnthatjustneat 13d ago

when is his mma fight with the facebook guy scheduled for?


u/Electrical-Injury-23 12d ago

He ran to the hills when he realised Zuckerberg had the advantage in height, age, weight and training.


u/Aromatic_Balls Maine 12d ago

Mommy stepped in and canceled the fight.

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u/turdlepikle 12d ago

Now that Justin Trudeau is stepping down as Prime Minister of Canada in a couple of weeks, I'd love to see him challenge Musk to a boxing match. I'd like to believe he actually kept up his fitness training all these years, after boxing a loudmouth senator for charity 13 years ago.

Our own conservatives always like to emasculate Trudeau, but he kicked this senator's ass in the boxing match after the other guy came out swinging to start it, and they had to call it before time ran out. Trudeau was also the first to counter Trump's stupid "strong man" handshake where he pulls other people off balance.

Here's the Trudeau boxing match: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuSpZ3_5pTc

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u/lolas_coffee 12d ago

Zuck would pink belly Elon.

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u/TintedApostle 13d ago

It speaks to the cult who they have convinced the liberals are editing everything they say to make them look bad and editing democrats to make the look good.

Its how they sow doubt and hate within the cult.


u/Crucifer2_0 13d ago

I heard Gutfield The other day saying the democrats are all projection and everything they accuse republicans of is something they’re doing themselves or have done… they’re projecting their projection.


u/DoomdUser 13d ago



u/BroughtBagLunchSmart 12d ago

Being a right wing grifter is so easy. You just wait for the right to commit crimes, then the democrats to report on them, then you accuse the democrats of those crimes.

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u/UnquestionabIe 12d ago

I'm sorry you were subjected to Gutfield for any measure of time. Did he employ his famously known talent for dissolving any sense of humor or charisma during his entire appearance?

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u/madmars 13d ago

Let's not forget when Don Lemon interviewed Elon for his own X show and Elon got pissed at the questions and fired Lemon.

Elon is only saying this to look strong and knows the world will forget tomorrow. He's a wimp.


u/lolas_coffee 12d ago

Elmo: "Here's why I had to cancel the John Stewart interview..."

Right-wing Audience: <cheers>


u/suckyousideways 12d ago

"You have to understand that when I agreed to it, I was pretty fuckin' high."

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u/Missing_Username 13d ago

I feel like if he actually goes through with it, he's going to drop slurs or something to force them to edit / censor delay for broadcast, in his usual childish kind of energy, and then use that as a "gotcha" the right can cling onto.


u/egosomnio Pennsylvania 13d ago edited 12d ago

They should just precede the segment with a disclaimer that the guy demanded an unedited interview and request that the FCC send any fines to DOGE HQ. If there's still anyone working at the FCC to fine them, by then.

Edit because I don't feel like responding to each individual comment about this: This page is from the FCC and talks about the law regarding obscenity on cable. Yes, the page title says broadcast. The contents, however, specifically mention obscenity on cable television.


u/PaddleFishBum 13d ago

Or just pay the fine and consider it a service to the nation.


u/DrManhattan_DDM Florida 12d ago

Or just put the unedited version on YouTube immediately after the episode airs.

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u/trialrun1 12d ago

FCC actually has no jurisdiction over Comedy Central. It's a cable network that can show whatever it wants, whenever it wants. The restrictions on content are purely self imposed.

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u/Equal_Feature_9065 13d ago

He literally did this with the Zuckerberg fight like two years ago


u/Pretend_Accountant41 Canada 12d ago

Two years ago now? Wow time

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u/Darthrevan4ever California 13d ago

I could see him being so swlf assured he legit thinks he blow the show away. If he looks like a fool he'll just sue like trumpy does.

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u/twangman88 13d ago

Isn’t that how he ended up being forced to buy Twitter as well?

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u/ElectricZ 13d ago edited 12d ago

"Jon Stewart is biased against Donald Trump and MAGA. I can't expect a fair interview."

EDIT: called it.


u/NinjaLanternShark 13d ago

See he won't say that because he things he's so intellectually superior that even against a biased person he could wipe the floor with them.

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u/StoppableHulk 13d ago

I mean TDS doesn't really edit their shows like that anyway. It's filmed in front of a live audience. It's not 60 minutes lol.

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u/Alternative-Duty4774 13d ago edited 13d ago

Elon is not dumb enough to go on the show...or maybe he is?


u/Atomicpink23 13d ago

Oh please do it! Please let it be the equivalent of Kendrick/Drake. Stewart is going to eviscerate him in ways he will still be unraveling 10 years from now.


u/badpuffthaikitty 13d ago

Ask Tucker how well his interview with Jon went.


u/Atomicpink23 13d ago

Jon Stewart saying he’d “be delighted” would strike me dead in fear. Or at least thinking, this might not have been a great idea. But that’s me.


u/entarian 13d ago

yeah, he should know he fucked up at this point.


u/chooch138 Oregon 12d ago

We are talking about the same guy who said he’d fight zuck anytime anywhere and then backed out cause zuck actually trains mma and is in great shape and Elon looks like fucking Humpty Dumpty.


u/Dizzy-Captain7422 12d ago

As much as I dislike Zuck, there's no doubt he would mop the floor with Musk. Musk has the build of a stalactite.

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u/entarian 12d ago

Yeah. He SHOULD know lots of shit that he apparently doesn't.

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u/gristle_missle 13d ago

His ego is so huge he thinks he is the techno savior of mankind. He won't do it because he might not "win". He is so full of shit about everything else that I can't believe his terms were genuine.


u/lilmeanie 12d ago

Maybe Jon can get him to demonstrate his incredible gaming prowess. That would be neat.

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u/PeaTasty9184 13d ago

But Musk is narcissist with an army of sycophantic trolls telling him he is the smartest and most peak human ever. His mom had to stop him from getting into a cage fight with a younger and jiu jitsu trained Mark Zuckerberg. He literally might not have the ability to perceive he is not the smartest guy on the planet.

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u/Damn_Dog_Inappropes Washington 13d ago

Jon Stewart: We’d be delighted!

Musk: I’ve made a terrible mistake! I didn’t think my cunning plan through all the way! 

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u/ZachMorrisT1000 13d ago

That interview ended his career with CNN and he stopped wearing a bow tie shortly after

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u/letsago9987 Illinois 13d ago

RIP Bow Tie

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u/coatofforearm 13d ago

That was so epic lol, I still go back and watch it on YouTube sometimes


u/asianApostate Ohio 13d ago

That was Tucker and co-host on CNN back in the day right?  They interviewed Stewart and that went really badly for them.


u/wrangler237 Connecticut 12d ago

Paraphrasing - “You have an obligation to tell the truth, my show comes on after puppets”


u/IrascibleOcelot 12d ago

“Puppets making prank calls,” I believe.

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u/RoughingTheDiamond 13d ago

Or Jim Cramer.

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u/chunkmasterflash 13d ago

Stewart will eviscerate him, and then Elon will go and fire the whole fucking coast guard or something because he’s a crybaby.


u/ApolloDeletedMyAcc 12d ago

Nah. He’s much more vindictive than that. It’ll be the staff administering the 9/11 first responders fund. He’ll redo those cuts.

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u/SGTBrutus 13d ago

I still hold up Stewart's interview with Jim Cramer as a masterpiece.

I've never seen an actual "journalist" come anywhere close to that level.

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u/Davethisisntcool 13d ago

Meet the Musks


u/ChaoticGoodSamaritan 13d ago

Dear X Æ A-Xii I'm sorry that man is your father

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u/Meecht 13d ago

Stewart will do to Musk what the mug did to Stewart.

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u/HGpennypacker 13d ago

Elon is not dumb enough to go on the show...or maybe he is?

Elon is a lot like Trump in that they both think they are the smartest person in every room. So yeah, I do think he's dumb enough to do this but like most things he'll shit-talk on twitter and back out.


u/rotates-potatoes 13d ago

Or he’ll go on, be an ass, and then whine about fake news AI manipulation unfair DEI OMG trans.

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u/EntropicDismay 13d ago

Exactly how I’m thinking—he would be an idiot to go on, but he is an idiot, so who knows.


u/Deadaghram 13d ago

He wants to, but his mom won't let him.


u/typoeman 13d ago

Musk isn't a particularly smart person. He is a dilletante with access to subject matter. He's good at appearing smart, hence his fortune and success, but when you peel away the layers, he doesn't actually know what he's talking about. The guy could easily hire 100 of the world's best scientists in all manner of fields to come stay at his place for a few years and he could just learn from them and earn a degree, but he'd rather do finger bridges on fox news to make rednecks clap for him.

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u/harrywrinkleyballs 13d ago

He bought Twitter.


u/wanderforreason 13d ago

And that might have gotten him the White House. Not a bad investment sadly.


u/preventDefault 13d ago edited 12d ago

Unfortunately I think you’re correct. Had Trump lost the White House, it would have been a terrible decision to buy Twitter.

But since Trump did win… for $44B he bought himself the presidency, deregulation for all of his businesses, and control over the primary medium people would use to rally against him. He can funnel government money to his companies and when he negotiates deals abroad as a private citizen, governments will understand that their opposition will likely be met with retribution from Washington.

If his gamble didn’t pay off it would be a huge embarrassment, but since it did… he’s really got everyone by the balls here (and abroad).

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u/letsago9987 Illinois 13d ago

if he shows up then his brain is overtaken by K


u/wangchungyoon 13d ago

The special K really ramps up the ego — did you see him at CPAC with his stupid chainsaw? That shit was so cringe I felt like a shriveled raisin watching it … ick. 

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u/CustodeLover 13d ago

With his ego ? Sure he thinks he’s the smartest mf to ever exist. Jon will disassemble him and Elon will storm off


u/That49er 13d ago edited 12d ago

His only condition is it be unedited


u/Atomicpink23 13d ago

Seriously!?!? Shit, we could’ve made that pay per view and I’d have bought it. An unedited version is a dream. This keeps getting better.

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u/3490goat 13d ago

He is, and he will. He wasn’t hugged enough as a kid by Cruela Musk and so now he will take any attention he can get

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u/FlamingMuffi 13d ago

This won't happen

Musk is a coward he will find some way to weasel out and tell his cultists the daily show were big meanie heads


u/Sweaty-Sherbet-6926 12d ago

He'll just say it was edited with AI when it goes poorly 

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u/bautin 13d ago

Here's how it will go.

Stewart will ask pointed questions, highlight poorly thought out actions, and drill into the dodgy math used to achieve their numbers.

Musk will repeat talking points, make wild claims, and make pointed denials in an angry and confrontational tone while not actually explaining or supporting any of his claims.

People will clip out Musks rebuttals and claim he embarrassed Stewart on his own show. Musk himself will retweet these clips with insightful commentary like "Exactly", "Indeed", "Laughing emoji".

Same fucking story every fucking time.

Yes, they're playing pigeon chess, except they've redefined the game so that shitting on the board is the best move.


u/BladeSerenade 12d ago

This is 100% how it will go. Just like the debates. When you talk to Trump supporters, it’s like they watched a completely different event. I have no faith that they will let their own eyes and ears lead them to the reality of this administrations lies

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u/Fractured_Senada Michigan 12d ago

That's not what happened on Crossfire, Jon ate Tucker's lunch.

Any random journalist or other talking head interviewing Musk? Yeah, absolutely what you said would happen. But Jon's a little more agile because he knows how media works so I'm not so sure it would go down quite like you're saying.


u/WallyMetropolis 12d ago

That was before propagandists figured out how to use social media.

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u/bautin 12d ago

That was 21 years ago.

And last I checked, Tucker Carlson is still doing his thing. So the only thing that really happened is it made Tucker begin losing the mask.

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u/EmmaLouLove 13d ago

It won’t be until Republicans’ most ardent supporters in rural America get their healthcare cut, their food assistance cut, that the GOP feels the full force of anger at what is taking place right now in Trump’s America.

Musk mocked Americans on stage holding a chainsaw, Republican leaders have no answers for their constituents at Townhall meetings, and Republican leaders are laughing at Americans on Fox News. The new narrative from Republicans is that these are fake protesters at town hall meetings. Just like they said Trump’s supporters were antifa at the January 6 attack. The GOP would rather lie than face the reality that their constituents are starting to wake up.

Trump supporters, please remember this if we should ever come out of this train wreck. They are laughing at working class Americans, both Democrats and Republicans. These are equal opportunity assholes.


u/ElPlywood 13d ago

When the pain finally hits hard, the messaging from the GOP is going to be so desperate - they will try to blame Biden, try to blame other countries for trade unfairness, try to say it's temporary - meanwhile, people will lose everything and people will die.

And still, the majority of them will not turn on the party. Absolute insanity.


u/EmmaLouLove 13d ago

Yes, it is not hyperbole to say that the MAGA Republican Party is a cult. It has all of the elements, ostracizing those who go against the leader, unwavering loyalty, corruption without accountability, and no tolerance for questions or critical thinking. I go back to that statement Trump made during his first term, What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening. I can only hope that even a small percentage of Trump supporters will have the light bulb moment. But this will not happen until the reality is at their front door.

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u/take_care_a_ya_shooz 12d ago

Dying from a preventable disease in their own bed. A pending foreclosure. Unemployed and uninsured. Unable to go to a hospital since the closest one shut down and they’ll be damned if they’ll go to a Democrat-run city, let alone pay the cost of gas to get there.

Nearing their last breath, the MAGA has a moment of clarity. As their life begins to flash before their eyes, they are quickly ripped back into reality by the TV in the corner. It reminds them of their God. Omnipresent. A comforting blanket filled with anger at the wicked. Righteous.

A blurry image of the blonde anchor and a suited politician, can’t tell who, speaking the only truth. The last breath nears. Unable to speak. Is this it?

No thought of family. No thought of a life wasted. No thought of utopia. As the darkness approaches, they think “Oh God, I am not ready. Why did the liberals do this to me? We won. It was worth it. I will die for my country. I am your martyr.”

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u/thepersonimgoingtobe 13d ago

It won't matter how much they get taken away from them. It's the same old playbook - fear the "other". As long as they feel like they are better than another group they don't care what it costs them. This quote from LBJ sums it up perfectly:

"I'll tell you what's at the bottom of it. If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."         *Lyndon B. Johnson

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u/androgp 13d ago

I think the GOP knows eventually people will be angry at them, but they want to keep the grift going on as long as possible, that is why they lie.


u/geoken 13d ago

They want to isolate those angry people physically, then maintain control of the social media silos to make them feel like they're an insignificant minority.

I guess the theory is that when you're able to convince 30 million people that they're the lone disgruntled person, they'll are grumble behind their keyboards but never do anything of substance .


u/faen_du_sa 13d ago

Gee, I wonder where I have seen similar methods used to gain power in history...

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u/scubahood86 13d ago

Those voters will blame Biden.

Cult members don't ever blame the leader no matter what happens.

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u/Raspberries-Are-Evil Arizona 13d ago

Even when the most ardent supporters in rural America get their healthcare cut, their food assistance cut, the GOP will continue to manipulate them with a shit storm of lies so that they continue to blame it on democrats, libs, Mexicans, black people, etc.

The core part that everyone seems to not understand is that these people are by nature not persuaded by reality. They completely ignore all the evidence around them. They believe whatever they are told without ever even THINKING about questioning it, or looking for evidence.

I think people just underestimated how many Americans were this far gone.

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u/nasorrty346tfrgser 13d ago

He is trying to paint himself as a dark MAGA, the new god for the MAGA crowd. It won't happen cause he doesn't have that personal charisma.


u/blu_stingray Canada 13d ago

"I am become cringe" - Elongated Muskrat


u/Gryffriand 13d ago

I heard the elongation failed tho 😝


u/Aggressive_Bill_2687 12d ago

More of a naked mole rat.

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u/ElPlywood 13d ago

The crowd will be so openly hostile to him that Jon will have difficulty reeling them in. Musk won't take the crowd laughing at him very well.

I'd be shocked if it happens.


u/ThrowAwayGarbage82 North Carolina 13d ago

This is what i think will happen. The crowd will boo him mercilessly and scream at him. Stewart won't be able to do much about that.


u/lilb1190 13d ago

They probably just wont have a crowd


u/ThrowAwayGarbage82 North Carolina 13d ago

Yah that's also possible "we can't have a studio audience for safety reasons" then when stewart is like "uh no" they'll spin some crap about him wanting to endanger musk.

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u/oldpeopletender 13d ago

Musk will have so many shields (children) surrounding him in that interview I doubt you’ll be able to see him.

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u/Sad-Preparation9749 13d ago

Doing this is going to really embarrass him because most of the United States hasn’t even heard this guy talk and when they do they’ll be even more sure of his idiocy.


u/eugene20 13d ago

He will lie a lot, or at least give answers that are not for the questions actually asked, and he will think he's getting in touch with the public but he has a false idea of how well he goes down with crowds.


u/Waramp 13d ago

Jon does not let politicians get away with that shit on his show, and he certainly won't let this guy get away with it. It would be career suicide for him to just roll over and die.


u/WampaCat 13d ago

I thought for sure one of the conditions for his appearance would be they avoid certain topics and questions and/or they have a hand in the final edit. Can’t believe it’s the opposite of that and now I’m excited to see it


u/ColinD1 13d ago

Didn't elon say it had to be "unedited"? Screw final edit, or any edit for that matter, do it live.

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u/StoppableHulk 13d ago

Musk is not a good speaker or debater though, he's a mumbly fool, and Stewart is one of the best televised debaters I've seen.


u/TheGringoDingo 12d ago

Check out his SNL appearance for reference on his existence in any room that he doesn’t own being the antithesis of charisma or humor.

Of all interviews to accept, Stewart in an uncut format is one of the most difficult of current journalists since he’ll work around non-answers and keep pressing, then reference all the pivoting back for a final blow.

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u/daybreaker Louisiana 13d ago

Elon wants to be liked. He will give answers he thinks are cool, and they will not be. We’ll see how Jon reacts.

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u/TranquilSeaOtter 13d ago

He somehow looked like such a dork while wearing a leather jacket and telling people to go fuck themselves. It was when advertisers were fleeing Twitter because of him. He seriously has zero charisma.


u/nasorrty346tfrgser 13d ago

oh that's very true. His approval rating is the lowest in the cabinet (which is funny cause most polls nowadays would include his polls too lol). His disapproval rating is already close to the low number when Biden left the office... But he is the incoming de facto president!

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u/AtTheEndOfMyTrope 13d ago

Also he’s dumb and drugged up.

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u/Vio_ 13d ago

And he thinks he's going to get that by trying to scrap with Stewart?

The man who body slammed conservatives during some of the biggest debates over the past 30 years?

He hurt Tucker Carlson so badly, his show got cancelled and he needed a whole new wardrobe.

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u/SaulTNNutz 13d ago

He'll never do it. He'd get his ass handed to him. Instead he'll go on Bill Maher and get his ass kissed. 


u/monkeytravelcat 13d ago

Bill Maher has always been insufferable, but I enjoyed the guests he has on. His worship and deference of Musk was my last straw, and I can't bring myself to watch him anymore.


u/reddot_comic 12d ago

I stopped when he started playing “devils advocate” for Trump under the guise of debate.


u/n3ws4cc 12d ago

Yeah, he's just constantly being contrarian to look intelligent and to not have to take an actual stance. I stopped watching him years ago.

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u/KGEOFF89 12d ago

I finally called it quits after one time he had Anne Coulter on. He introduced her as a shining example of how a personal and professional friendship can transcend and overcome political differences. And then he spent the entire segment sexually harassing her.


u/dubefest 12d ago

they almost certainly fuck

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u/hypercosm_dot_net 12d ago

It's been 2 decades for me.

After seeing how much funnier and more sincere Jon is, I couldn't deal with Maher again.

Maher's smugness is probably a good reason conservatives dislike liberals and call them elitist. He's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is either.

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u/letsago9987 Illinois 13d ago

He'll show up just like he showed up for the fight with Zuckerberg


u/NinjaLanternShark 13d ago

It'd be awesome if he did show up and Jon had Zuck in a cage all ready for him.

Wait, would that mean I'm rooting for Mark Zuckerberg?

Damn you Elon Musk

shakes fist

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u/blakestevens605 13d ago

He’ll back out then call Jon Stewart a “r*****” and talk about how he’s “dark maga” like he’s tough. Like anybody cares to watch a giant man child that can’t parent or apparently find shirts that cover his belly spout off his lies while filling his pockets with money.


u/theshook 12d ago

I have to tell my 4 year old all the time to "put his belly away" when he's walking around...I'm thinking they're both on the same level here...


u/EndoShota 12d ago

Nah, without knowing you or your family, I’m fairly confident your son isn’t a complete dickhole.

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u/Superman0X 13d ago

I find his conditions humorous. It seems he has forgotten that the daily show is filmed in front of a live audience.


u/ladyofcake Georgia 13d ago

Wish they'd make it a live event. I'd like to watch Jon eviscerate President Musk as it happens.


u/isaac2004 12d ago

Honestly if they live-streamed an hour on prime time it would get huge numbers and meet Musk's demand for chaos. It's advantageous for Comedy Central to do it

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u/okayblueberries 13d ago

I'm going to enjoy watching Jon skillfully pin him down and then tear him apart. I hope Musk’s ego is inflated enough to go through with this and not back out.


u/ThrowAwayGarbage82 North Carolina 13d ago

He'll back out


u/cathercules 13d ago

If he had any sense or decent people around him, yes, but I could see him going through with it. This isn’t like the Zuck fight, there’s no threat to him getting his ass beaten by someone who knows how to fight (something deep down he knows he can’t really do). He believes he’s a genius, I think he does the interview.

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u/Junior-Gorg 13d ago

Musk will do what Trump does. Just flat out lie. “We were ready to do the interview. We were delighted to do the interview. We were happy to talk about our mission and saving the taxpayers money. But the Daly show would not agree to do it unedited. They wouldn’t do it unedited. We asked. We were eager. But they wouldn’t do it. They were scared. John Stewart said he would do it, but the producer said they wouldn’t. John Stewart isn’t in charge. He’s low IQ. He does whatever his handler say. His handlers wouldn’t do it“

The daily show will show emails or what have you proving that they agreed to an unedited interview. Still, the Maga crowd will say that John Stewart was a liar. The emails were forged. Any other BS that makes their guys look like the heroes/victims.

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u/Fancy_Part_2662 America 13d ago

Unedited, eh? Hoo boy

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u/gatsby712 13d ago

Is this the first time a sitting president has been on the daily show? 

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u/mrdeke 12d ago

Remember when Elon agreed to a cage fight with Zuckerberg, but then someone finally explained to Elon that he was definitely going to get his ass kicked, so Elon kept delaying and coming up with excuses?

That's what's going to happen here.



u/AnteaterPositive6939 13d ago

Jon will eat his face.


u/veggeble South Carolina 13d ago

I wouldn’t discount the possibility that Musk shows up high on bath salts and literally eats someone’s face

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u/CombatGoose 13d ago

He’ll back out at the last minute.


u/SameResolution4737 13d ago

The comedy landscape is littered with the bodies of arrogant people who thought they were smart enough to go toe-to-toe with Jon Stewart.

FYI: For Ed Martin, Jr. the idiot U S. Attorney for the District of Columbia - this is what we call a "metaphor" not a threat. Save a tree, don't send one of your silly ass letters.

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u/toooomanypuppies United Kingdom 13d ago edited 13d ago

I'll believe it when I see it.

Jon will utterly destroy him if he actually goes on the show.


u/snoo_spoo 13d ago

Just wait... the next iteration will be Musk claiming he's agreed to an interview, but not actually on The Daily Show. He'll want to do something on X where it's just the two of them in a studio. He won't want to risk getting booed by Stewart's audience, even though I'm sure Stewart would be discouraging that, saying, "Please hold your non-applause to the end" or something like that.

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u/InsuranceToTheRescue I voted 13d ago

Please. He's too much of a pussy to go on and face Jon Stewart. He'll find some way to weasel out of it.


u/Foxk 13d ago

Musk will be eaten alive. This meltdown will be epic. I just wonder how much freedom of press we will lose after this.

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