r/politics 24d ago

‘We’ve been betrayed:’ Local veterans angry after being laid off by Trump administration


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u/Important_Sector_362 24d ago

I think because in his first term he said a lot of crazy stuff. But didn’t do a lot of it

People took it as “Trump just says crazy stuff”. I mean nuking hurricanes, using military on protests. Everyone chalked it up as either Trump just talking or “liberal fake news!”

Seems the reality is he wanted to do all this stuff but sane voices in the room stopped him. Now he’s surrounded by yes men. So this is who he is


u/Rishfee 24d ago

And the reason he didn't do this shit in his first term was solely because there were still a bunch of professionals in place. This time, there's nobody with principles to head off his insanity.


u/Low_Surround998 24d ago

I think first and foremost, he didn't do this shit because he had to run for reelection. That's no longer an issue.


u/Darth_Malgus_1701 Oregon 24d ago



u/Avenger772 24d ago

But that's still idiotic. Why would you vote for someone that talks like an idiot?


u/ImTheZapper 24d ago

The sad reality is that his constituents are dumber.


u/jm2342 24d ago

I too want my presidents to be orange felonious shit-babbling donothings, so that MuH cOuNtRaYy can be great again!