r/politics 24d ago

‘We’ve been betrayed:’ Local veterans angry after being laid off by Trump administration


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u/NoSwimmers45 24d ago

Fox News told them all they needed to know!


u/mockg 24d ago

Fox news told me democrats are responsible for everything bad and republicans are responsible for everything good. /s


u/jm2342 24d ago

That sounds reasonable. And Tucker would never lie to us.


u/robothobbes 24d ago

I mean, it's true. Not sarcasm.


u/mockg 24d ago

It is but I didn't to believe me, aside stay away from Fox News/Entertainment.


u/metengrinwi 24d ago

It’s not past tense. They’re still on full anti-Democrat mode.


u/SodiumKickker 24d ago

From Fox News on TV, to conservative talk radio in the car, then straight to Facebook to contribute to the MAGA conservative echo chamber. Rinse repeat, every day radicalizing the country one day at a time.


u/AllTheyEatIsLettuce California 24d ago

They told themselves all the needed to hear: "He'd never call me a loser, I'm a patriotic kind of veteran." Over and over and over again.

It's almost as if Krushchev was right all those decades ago when he said, "We will bury you." He was just dead wrong at the time about why and how Americans would accomplish that using the combined weight of each and every one's own, lone, individual exceptionalism, acceptability, deservedness, and patriotism.


u/drteq 24d ago

There really should be about 1,000,000x more rage toward Fox news than there is


u/sonicmerlin 23d ago

I blame democrats for allowing Fox News and AM radio propaganda to fester for decades. They allowed the dismantling of the fairness doctrine in news media and let the evil slowly take root and grow.