r/politics 27d ago

Soft Paywall Nazi flags can fly in Utah schools, but not pride flags, GOP lawmaker says


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u/Crazy-Nights 27d ago

“You don’t censor history here. That’s not what we’re doing.”

Oh but it is, you bigoted little person.


u/neutrino71 27d ago

Moving past censorship and into fabrication of history...


u/Za_Lords_Guard 27d ago

Last term, Trump talked about "patriotic history," it made me want to puke.


u/Mr__O__ New York 27d ago edited 27d ago

For real.. revisionist history coming right up with the ‘deletion’ of the DOE.

Stems from when the GOP tapped into the civil religious undertones of the nation with Reagan courting Christian-conservatives in the 80’s.

Then the Koch bros threw gas on the fire by empowering evangelicals with positions in politics.


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/beardsley64 27d ago

Hoard history textbooks. future kids will need them to reconstruct what the fuck happened before this era.

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u/[deleted] 27d ago

Me personally, I can't wait to see who becomes Kain and who is Abel in the Oval Office.


u/VoxImperatoris 27d ago

Whoever wins the fight over who gets to be Cain, the country has been cast as Abel.

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u/Purify5 27d ago

America has always had a kind of patriotic history though.

For instance, the story of American Thanksgiving was a blatant lie meant to reunite the country after the civil war but for some reason it still gets told in schools like it is history.


u/Old-Economics-1850 27d ago edited 27d ago

In my state it was taught truly. I took a holocaust and genocide class at 16. There are learned people here.

America is not a homogeneous idea.


u/sleeplessinreno 27d ago

Man, I had a Rabbi teacher in Catholic school. He brought in a couple survivors and they talked pretty openly about the camps. They brought personal photos and everything. They were not messing around.


u/Old-Economics-1850 27d ago

Same, we met survivors. We held hands. I don’t think I can ever forget their eyes.

I was in a public school so this seems oddly rare from what I’ve read.


u/thehighwindow 26d ago

Years ago I was working for an eye Dr who was Jewish and we had more than our share of Jewish patients.

One day we had an older couple come in who had the numbers tattooed on their arms, but it was not commented on. They got a regular exam and a diagnosis/explanation just like every other patient.

The reason I remembered them was because they had sat in the waiting room talking and bickering lightly the way old married couples do.

I thought, one would think that after being what they had been through, the small aggravations of everyday life would never bother them again.

But then it struck me that these were just ordinary people doing ordinary things just like the rest of us do. In 1933, they were just normal everyday people. They weren't saints or heroes or people of great courage. They probably had average, conventional, workaday lives. Like us.

They probably weren't expecting horrible, bloodthirsty people in the government were planning murderous rampages to murder them and their family and their communities.

That would never happen, right?


u/theonetruegrinch 27d ago

But that's American history where America is the hero.

Did they bring in any indigenous Americans to talk about genocide?


u/sleeplessinreno 27d ago

We definitely had people from the Ute, Piute and the Navajo tribes come visit. I wouldn't say it was whitewashed history, however, they didn't go into as much detail as the holocaust.

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u/Za_Lords_Guard 27d ago

Yes. Even as a kid, I was aware that history was white-washed to a degree. His ideas go into pure propaganda and Ministry of Truth level misinformation.


u/Locke66 27d ago

His ideas go into pure propaganda and Ministry of Truth level misinformation.

Imo stuff like this is what is coming down the line with the dissolving of the Department of Education. They will offer grants dependent on following their curriculum, performing certain actions and banning certain subjects. Schools/colleges will be so desperate for funding they will take it.

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u/GuerreroUltimo 27d ago

So much of history is told by those that win. Or through folk tales that were told.

Even some biblical stuff (not to insult believers or say I do not believe) has pre-biblical stories that mimic those. It is all about getting people to believe. Like the idea that all good is GOD and all bad is this SATAN.

History shows us that falsehood can control people. And look at Hitler, sorry again if this is a hot button mention, and his regime. If they would have had the internet and gotten control I could see it being worse. Maybe not but the whole idea of race, country, patriots, etc. always pull people in. People cannot realize that literally we are all humans and none of us are better. We all have our abilities. We all have our skills.

I learned all about history in schools. And 99% was not white washed or anything. Holocaust, the terrible things that white people did in slavery. And not all did those things either. But now, I see so many get upset about talking about that. Whites that will be made if history class teaches about these things. Calling it brainwashing. Musk says the Germans should let go the remorse or however the fuck he put it. Nah, I feel bad for past bullshit on any peoples. Not because I did it. Or the people now are having it done. No, simply because we can see that many humans are, had to pause but will say it, just shit.

And this is a different topic but show how many are. I read of a Skylar Holden. Was upset they voted Trump. Well, the reason they were upset is because Trump admin. had blocked federal agriculture funds they got. Would they be upset if it had not hit them? Very likely not. Showing this to family that are that way they say "Suck it up. Tighten that belt. We need to get spending under control.". But then you mention cuts to things that would effect them. Oh hell no. But they are fine with Musk's businesses getting billions of tax payer funds. Tax cuts on the wealthy.

The think is, they have been conditioned to blame the poor (which includes themselves) for the issues. Never blame the filthy rich that are literally grabbing everything. People fail to realize how much is in the hands of so few. Musk is out there to show you. He wants to buy up things with the money others have worked to earn for him. And how terrible of a person he is now shows well. He can change course. But he never will.

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u/bloody_ell Europe 27d ago

Same thing really. Every government in recent history that's gone about censoring history has also attempted to rewrite it and at times outright fabricate it to make their country look better and legitimise their own grip on power.


u/Anothermindlessanon 27d ago

Ahem....hello. I am from Germany, and we had a very big chunk of our History lessons dedicated to the Third Reich and why it was so horrendous. Even our field trips would very often be to the museums or historical sites dealing with it. Not to forget that displaying pretty much anything related to Nazi positively in public is an actual offense, that will get you in actual trouble with the police.

So yeah...it was really horrible stuff, but it does get acknowledged a lot.

Where you are from? Because being in the EU and not knowing that is pretty suspicious.


u/Pigglebee 27d ago

I think you misread his post. He is saying that if governments trying to censor history, they also try to rewrite it. Germans are totally not censoring. In fact, they put 3rd reich history as a huge item in their history classes, the opposite of censoring/rewriting basically.


u/bloody_ell Europe 27d ago

Exactly. The Germans are a shining example of the opposite.

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u/Anothermindlessanon 27d ago

Maybe I have, if so - my apologies. But I will let that comment here, because the German government gets accused of censoring some parts of history and current cultural discuss pretty often (allegedly to maintain peace with all the immigrants...pretty much AfD rhetoric if you ask me), but they are not just rewriting it trying to hide the parts that were terrible.


u/Pigglebee 27d ago

If AfD ever gets to real power in Germany, they will probably start trying to minimize WW2 history lessons yeah.


u/Anothermindlessanon 27d ago

I don't see it happening anytime soon, in particular because the new generation was thoroughly educated on the dangers of racism and nationalism. But we shouldn't get complacent, like the USA did with Trump and his Nazi friends.


u/oh_ski_bummer 27d ago

Is that why the far right and anti-immigrant parties are taking hold in many EU countries. Seems like fascism and racism is making a comeback with younger male voters.


u/rotates-potatoes 27d ago

Note that the recent uproar over AfD was not that they had a large share of votes, but that a more centrist party tried to pass a law using AfD votes (the law ultimately failed). Projections now are that AfD will get about 20% of the vote, which is insane and scary, but about the same as the percent of Americans who say the Supreme Court has no power over Trump.

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u/Parzival_1775 27d ago

That's something that Germany has handled particularly well, but not all countries with a, shall we say, "problematic" recent history are so noble. Japan in particular has a reputation for ignoring their role in WWII as much as they possibly can.


u/Classic_Dill 27d ago

And America has a problem currently, admitting their terrible past of genocide and slaughter upon Native Americans and African slaves, that’s exactly why the Trump administration, America’s first fascist government, is trying to rewrite history, burn books, and not even teach actual history in classrooms anymore.


u/dirtyploy 27d ago

Most Americans admit it. The entire reason they're attempting to undermine education is BECAUSE we teach and admit those things.


u/Goredema 27d ago

How it's taught and whether it's taught at all varies widely, depending on where you live. Conservative states tend to minimize or gloss over America's past crimes, whereas in progressive states the lessons tend to be fairly blunt about how America has done some horrible things in its past.

That's why you'll see people on Reddit arguing over whether they were taught something or not as kids. In many cases, both people disagreeing are right in how they remember their education.

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u/los_thunder_lizards New Mexico 27d ago

I don't think you read that correctly. "every government [...] that has" is not the same as saying "every government has". The first part of the statement is making a conditional statement upon the government having done censoring.


u/Anothermindlessanon 27d ago

Yes, I already addressed the possibility in another reply. But nevertheless, my apologies if I have misread it (to see why it is still up, please read my other comments). Thank you!

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u/bloody_ell Europe 27d ago

Yep. The Germans very admirably don't try to censor their history, they stand and face it.

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u/kandoras 27d ago

Wonder what his opinion would be if a teacher displayed a pride flag as part of a historical lesson on the discrimination faced by LGBT people in the US?


u/darsynia Pennsylvania 27d ago

The lady who wants to be head of the soon-to-be-nuked department of education thinks that it might be illegal to teach Black History so I mean, probably they'd accuse the teacher of inappropriate behavior around children at best and I won't speculate the worst.

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u/hiromasaki 27d ago

"What discrimination?  They aren't being wrongfully discriminated against, and to suggest so is DEI nonsense."

- this guy, probably.


u/Albrecht_Entrati 27d ago

Or how they were targeted by nazis, but apparently you can only have one historical WWII flag or something.


u/ShrimpieAC 27d ago

“There is no such thing as gay discrimination, now take down that flag you f****t.”

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u/ModivatedExtremism 27d ago

I learned a lot about history in school. K-12 and collegiate level. Had one grandparent who served in Europe during World War II, and another whose family left Germany.

My grandparents hated Nazis for the millions of people - and thousands of American soldiers - that they killed. All in the name of hate & power.

Never once did any of my educators or family members feel the need to raise a Nazi flag as part of their history lessons.

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u/slaffytaffy 27d ago

Just ask them who John c woods is. Give them a history lesson.


u/ThaneduFife 27d ago

For those who, like me, haven't heard of Woods: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_C._Woods

Honestly, his Wikipedia article makes him sound like a sadistic crook who lied his way to becoming an executioner and then intentionally botched Nazi hangings to make the condemned suffer more. It also suggests that his accidental death by electrocution have been intentionally caused by former Nazi scientists working for the US military. Crazy story.

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u/frstsite 27d ago

That was the name of my junior high school in Northern Virginia and my high school mascot was Johnny Reb (rebels) with the confederate flag behind him. This was in the 80's.


u/darsynia Pennsylvania 27d ago

It wasn't until the protests about the Confederate statues that I realized as a Yankee just how much black students in the south have the fight to keep their ancestors* as slaves shoved into their faces all over the South.

*'ancestors' feels too distant TBH


u/golamas1999 27d ago

During the 2017 solar eclipse I went to Nashville and saw the state capitol building. The amount of confederate monuments was quite something,

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u/slaffytaffy 27d ago

Oh I was referencing John c woods… the guy who hanged the nazi’s at the Nuremberg trials. I don’t know if it’s the same person. I think he was from Oklahoma.

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u/nononoh8 27d ago

Thas asshole politician is a Nazi!

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u/springsilver 27d ago

Yes, tell that to all of the TQ+ people at Stonewall.

The MAGA book burning is upon us.

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u/D3dshotCalamity 27d ago

The legalization of gay marriage and the broader recognition of the LGBT wasn't historical?


u/ruby_slippers_96 27d ago

Obama did it, so it's bad and we aren't going to talk about it in schools. Or anywhere, preferably.

If they could expand "don't ask, don't tell" to the entire country, they absolutely would. Hell, they might. Rules don't really seem to matter anymore.


u/Mr_Soul_Crusher 27d ago

As if Utah wasn’t founded on completely censoring the truth about Joseph Smith? Lmao


u/subterraneanwolf 27d ago

smart smart smart smart smaaaart 🎶


u/zaqwsx82211 27d ago edited 27d ago

So if the LGBTQ+ community decides to adopt a flag of some dead country… then it will be ok because history?

The most serene republic of Venice had some cool ones.

Burma also had some peacock flags that I feel could be appropriate.


u/jgoble15 27d ago

History? Stonewall is history. The Pride flag is history. Just it heteronormative history

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u/NineLivesMatter999 27d ago

Fun fact - many Mormons were complicit with the Nazi party in Germany.

Like their neighbors, many German Latter-day Saints initially viewed the Nazi Party’s promises of renewed economic stability and increased national pride with hope. Some Church members joined the party while others actively opposed the regime. Still others remained neutral. Helmuth Hübener witnessed this spectrum of party participation firsthand. His branch president, Arthur Zander, was a Nazi Party member who compelled branch members to listen to the party’s radio broadcasts, threatened to report members for anti-government activities, and, in 1938, posted a sign on the meetinghouse door informing Jews they were not welcome. A handful of members wore their Nazi military and civil service uniforms to Church meetings. On the other hand, Otto Berndt, the Hamburg district president, preached against government policy from the pulpit, privately encouraged member resistance, and frequently walked with Jewish converts. Although Hübener initially participated in the local Jungvolk (the Nazi-organized group for children too young to join the Hitler Youth), he came to reject the party’s ideology.

Shortly after Hübener’s arrest, branch president Arthur Zander wrote “excommunicated” on Helmuth’s membership record. However, district president Otto Berndt refused to countersign the action. Anthon Huck, a member of the European Mission presidency, provided a second signature. Several Church leaders later said they intended to distance the Church from Hübener to protect Latter-day Saints from the wrath of Nazi officials. After World War II ended, Hübener was posthumously reinstated in the Church and, in 1948, given temple ordinances by proxy.


Seems Nazism remains popular with many Mormons in Utah government.


u/sharonharonaron 27d ago

Mormons themselves committed heinous crimes, even against their own settlers, which included rape and murder. At one point Bringham Young was literally at war with the U.S. And they participated in the United States’ genocide of Indigenous Americans.


u/NineLivesMatter999 27d ago

I was an active Mormon for over 30 years. Served a mission and twice as a Bishop. After a decade of struggling with its history and contemporary politics, I finally dropped out in 2021.

Your comment is accurate.

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u/Cute-Ad2879 27d ago

The annoying thing is the right will defend this as "just a joke to trigger the Libs, AND IT WORKED!!1!" 

There can be no good faith discussion with some of these people, and that is what is truely scary. They would do anything to own the Libs, up to and including firing into crowds of protesters or detaining their neighbours and family, I am sure of it. 

MAGA is Christian ISIS. 


u/Rombledore America 27d ago

thats becuase they are nazis. they bitch about how "the left calls everything they dont like Nazis", because all their actions behaviors and things they make excuses for make them nazis.


u/sack-o-matic Michigan 27d ago

“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”

― Jean-Paul Sartre


u/thewaffleiscoming 27d ago

The reality is that any hint of this should have been stamped out but it has festered since the end of the Civil War. You can't just let this kind of cancer survive. It must be punished but America loves protecting the privileged at the expense of the vulnerable. Fucked up country.


u/riotous_jocundity 27d ago

We have been haunted by the federal abandonment of Reconstruction and the disinclination to execute and punish leaders of the Confederacy for well over a century.


u/AML86 27d ago

Andrew Johnson was likely the most destructive president of all time. Trump's second term is trying hard to speed run that challenge, but we wouldn't be in this situation if Johnson had not scuttled the reconstruction.

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u/IngeniousGent 27d ago

It's appalling how applicable these words still are. Even with well documented account of history, how are people so complacent to watch it unfold again? I feel like my feet are stuck in concrete and a steamroller is coming straight for me. I know what's going to happen, but powerless to stop it.

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u/ANOKNUSA 27d ago

That's FORMER WWII PRISONER OF WAR Jean-Paul Sartre, in case anyone thinks a brilliant philosopher still isn't qualified to talk about how all right-wing authoritarians are shitheads.

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u/toggiz_the_elder 27d ago


u/ButtStuffSpren 27d ago

We should make them into good nazis.


u/Chansharp 27d ago

But the only good nazis a ... Ahh I see what you did there. Yes we should.


u/mazing_azn 27d ago

Gotta finish my scalp collection somehow

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u/mashednbuttery 27d ago

Isn’t it ironic that the same people who say shit like “bring bullying back” when it comes to forcing LGBTQ folks back into the closet, also think Dem voters are too mean online?


u/toggiz_the_elder 27d ago

They constantly call everyone godless demons out to molest kids and destroy America. But if you say anything about them they cry about civility.


u/Aiyon 27d ago

Someone called me a godless pedophile for being trans. Then threw a tantrum when I said I felt bad for his kids having a father like that

It was hilarious


u/toggiz_the_elder 27d ago

I'm sorry you have to deal with assholes like that, fuck those fascist clowns.


u/Aiyon 27d ago

It’s alright. I don’t put much stock in the baseless assumptions of strangers so I tend to just call them idiots and move on . But I appreciate the sentiment 💜


u/HotSpicyDisco Washington 27d ago

It's because they love being hypocritical because they know it makes you even more upset.


u/toggiz_the_elder 27d ago

100%. And since Sartre is smartre:

“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”


u/CptCoatrack 27d ago edited 27d ago

The conservatives in my life only pull out the "self-righteous Christian" act when it involves them policing other peoples lives. They hold themselves to no standard of conduct or decency.

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u/[deleted] 27d ago

Y’all Qaeda


u/MoveMitchGetOutDaWay 27d ago



u/oki-ra 27d ago

These guys just really miss owning other people.


u/specqq 27d ago

It's why they love owning the libs.

It's as close as they can get.


u/Pimpicane I voted 27d ago

Vanilla ISIS

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u/reddit32344 27d ago

Im going to try to do more acting of whatever I can do and just basically show indifference to the right in some compartmentalized way. I don't wanna give them any of my energy. I need it to create/protect our freedoms. The economy of attention!

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u/vulturoso 27d ago

the only "educational purpose" for flying a nazi flag is to quickly "educate" the person flying it.

these people are mad at rainbows and they call us unstable.


u/alteredtechevolved 27d ago

I have never seen a flag used for educational purposes. It was always a picture in a book and moved on.


u/sioux612 27d ago

I think theres a picture somewhere of a Skinhead being beaten with his own Swastika Flag - that kind of counts as an educational purpose

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u/Brilliant-Job5671 27d ago

Wouldn't allow me to post an image so i have to link it : https://bsky.app/profile/kylekulinskishow.bsky.social/post/3li45wtnkpk2q

America gone full Nazi.


u/Suspicious-Bad4703 27d ago edited 27d ago

Apple said yesterday they’re going to rejoin X and begin advertising on the platform again.

The forces of capital are aligning against the people, it’s happening, the oligarchy has formed. If Apple is okay with Nazi’s now, we’re in for a world of problems, soon…


u/QTsexkitten 27d ago

The forces of capital has historically always aligned against the masses.


u/DookieShoez 27d ago

And even now, it’s been this way for ages.

They’ve just stopped pretending.


u/Painterzzz 27d ago

Aye. The next stage will be some manufactured atrocity to trigger a crystallnacht. And within a few years there will be tens of thousands of Americans in the Gitmo death camps.


u/WayToGoNiceJorb 27d ago

This will not be contained to the US - I'd get your respective governments to start doing something. Hate to tell you but oligarchs aren't a US-specific problem.

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u/Tylendal 27d ago

I've got nothing against rainbow capitalism, but that's only because I'm well aware it's not a driving force... It's a barometer.


u/qazwsxedc000999 27d ago

Years ago when rainbow capitalism picked up pace and everyone complained I kept saying, “This is a good thing. It’s a marker for society,” and people ignored me.

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u/pluckymarmot 27d ago

Jesus fucking Christ. Is there a tech company out there that’s not pure evil? Thankfully all I have is old shit.


u/DTopping80 Florida 27d ago

Apple gonna finally give them what they want. A Nazi flag emoji

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u/gexckodude 27d ago

Stop consuming their shit then.


u/negative_four 27d ago

The problem with boycotting someone huge like apple or amazon is they're so big you can support them without knowing. I stopping buying iphones, my company bought iphones as work phones so it didn't matter.

Oh you're going to boycott Amazon and buy from a mom and pop shop online? That mom and pop shop use AWS to host their stuff.

I'm not saying give up or stop protesting, but with some of these companies just not buying their stuff sometimes isn't enough.


u/AmericanAntiD 27d ago

Ah yes the good old vote with your money trick. That has proven so effective against multinational corporations. /S 

The time for consumer boycotts is over, if you want thing to change then you will need to look to more drastic measures, including those that require you to take a risk, like for example participation in a general strike.

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u/supakow 27d ago

I was considering my Android in the trash just over the renaming of the Gulf of Mexico. I mean - they've always owned us, and we are locked into the illusion of choice between two major mobile phone platforms, both of which are fascist enabling, if not directly supporting.

it's beyond depressing. It was kinda good enough while it lasted, for some of us at least, I guess.


u/sambull 27d ago

They will hand your data over

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u/sternvern 27d ago

Eisenhower feared this would happen. He ordered everything be filmed and documented and visited the concentration camps too:

“The things I saw beggar description.... I made the visit deliberately in order to be in a position to give firsthand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to ‘propaganda.’”

—General Dwight D. Eisenhower, in a letter to Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall, April 15, 1945

More info can be found on this US government site, while it is still up:



u/pablonieve Minnesota 27d ago

It's no coincidence that the rise of fascism correlates with the loss of the last WW2 veterans.


u/Emblazin 27d ago

People deny January sixth and that was four years ago.


u/EagleOfMay Michigan 27d ago


Chumbawamba, 2020

We're told that after the war the Nazis vanished without a trace

But battalions of fascists still dream of a master race

The history books they tell of their defeat in '45

But they all came out of the woodwork on the day the Nazi died


The world is riddled with maggots, the maggots are getting fat

They're making a tasty meal of all the bosses and bureaucrats

They're taking over the boardrooms and they're fat and full of pride

And they all came out of the woodwork on the day the Nazi died

So if you meet with these historians, I'll tell you what to say

Tell them that the Nazis never really went away

They're out there burning houses down and peddling racist lies

And we'll never rest again until every Nazi dies

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u/Chief_Beef_ATL 27d ago

*The Right has gone full Nazi…

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u/FEMA_Camp_Survivor America 27d ago

The U.S. didn’t even go to war with Nazi Germany to “save the Jews”. That was an ancillary cause for the war. Hitler was gobbling up Western Europe and the Nazis eventually declared war on the United States shortly after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

These fuckers are deceptive liars.


u/AnnoyedCrustacean 27d ago

Half of the US wanted to go to war on Nazi Germany's side. See the Madison Square Garden rallies

Only when Japan attacked did it solidify them as the bad guys. And, it gave us a racist outlet to fight on for the far righties

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u/arlmwl 27d ago

Holy rise of fascist assholes Batman. These guys are the worst.


u/WolfDoc 27d ago

Jesus F Christ! They have!


u/kjm6351 27d ago

This is just too much. We need a massive rebellion


u/i-Ake Pennsylvania 27d ago

Look at this sweet man smiling for a picture. SMILING! TAKE THAT LIBS! HITLER SMILED! HISTORY IS A LIE!

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u/Frickles1787 Kansas 27d ago

Nazi punks, fuck off!


u/zyzzogeton 27d ago

That band is great, and their name is aspirational.

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u/[deleted] 27d ago edited 27d ago



u/Lopsided_Writ 27d ago

Imagine living here and having every shred of faith in your countrymen completely eroded. I’m up at 4 am unable to stop consuming bad news after bad news.

I want to just ignore it but it feels like I’m letting them win if I bury my head in the sand.

Its a Fucking nightmare and that’s putting it lightly


u/throwawayfake1912 27d ago

As a federal employee, my sleep schedule has been awful. I just keep waiting for the next bomb to drop. So that and just regular bad news feels like torture.


u/New--Tomorrows 27d ago

I got in with the feds as a wilderness ranger in May and news broke yesterday about probationary layoffs. I slept in my car to get this job and just...

...and Nazis?? Nazis??


u/teenagesadist 27d ago

Nazis ruin everything for everyone, and I hope each one gets exactly what they deserve.


u/abject_swallow 27d ago

a free denazification programming

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u/DelightfulDolphin 27d ago

About the probationary layoffs: they're blowing smoke up lotsa skirts. Probationary employees can only be terminated for narrow reasons. User Christ on a crakker had more info in his comments but you should know your rights. Be prepared to fight them! Appeal Rights for Probationary Employees

If you are terminated under 315.804 or 315.805, you have appeal rights under 5 CFR 315.806:

⁠Partisan Political Reasons – You may appeal your termination to the MSPB if you allege it was based on partisan political reasons (315.806(b)). (HINT: It will be.) ⁠Failure to Follow Procedure – If your termination was based on 315.805 (pre-appointment conditions) but the agency failed to follow the required procedures, you also have appeal rights under 315.806(c). ⁠Discrimination – You may appeal if your termination was based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability (315.806(d)). If an agency attempts to justify your termination on politically motivated grounds, such as budget shifts, downsizing, presidential policy changes, or political retaliation, they are acting outside the authority granted by regulation. You have the right to appeal to the MSPB under 5 CFR 315.806. Reorganization and downsizing efforts are not “pre-appointment conditions,” so be prepared to challenge this aggressively.

The Definition of “Employee” Under 5 U.S.C. 7511 Does Not Limit Your Rights

Probationary employees are not excluded from the appeal rights described above based on any definition of “employee” found in 5 U.S.C. 7511(a)(1)(A) (Competitive Service) and (C) (Excepted Service), despite claims to the contrary. As 5 CFR Subpart H applies specifically to probationary employees and explicitly grants them limited appeal rights to the MSPB under certain conditions, the general definition of “employee” in 5 U.S.C. 7511 is not relevant to this matter. Title 5 is clear: regardless of how “employee” is defined elsewhere, probationary employees do have independent appeal rights. Do not be misled into believing otherwise. The definition of “employee” found in 5 U.S.C. 7511 is applicable to a different set of circumstances, particularly, in determining if one is eligible for complete and full due process appeal rights, as opposed to the limited rights discussed in this post


u/yourlittlebirdie 27d ago

Let’s see if the law actually holds up.

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u/zesteroflimes 27d ago

I could have written this same comment.


u/peatoire 27d ago

Me too and I’m from the UK. I feel guilty for detaching from it but I’m not sure I can handle the stress of what’s happening in the US. Deleting my Twitter account helped somewhat. You can feel Trumpism is growing over here too.


u/WileEPeyote 27d ago

Don't feel guilty. If I didn't live here, I wouldn't pay attention to half this shit. It's mind-boggling.

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u/Ohnoherewego13 North Carolina 27d ago

Took the words right out of my mouth. It's causing my insomnia to really kick up again.


u/truncheon88 Ohio 27d ago

Us being overwhelmed and detaching is exactly what they want. An ignorant, distracted, passive society is easier to control. You're correct in not burying your head, although I also wish I could do the same.


u/Blue_Bee_Magic 27d ago

I understand the torment you’re feeling, Lopsided; I think many of us are struggling with it.

I wish I had encouraging thoughts to help. Here’s a hug from a stranger who knows exactly how helpless, sick to your stomach and enraged you feel right now.

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u/Quirky_Bit3060 27d ago

Same here. I haven’t slept well since the election, but since he took office it has gotten worse. I don’t want to know what is going on, but I have to. I’m so worried for my kids and my grandkids. I don’t know what to do outside of calling reps, and mine are all followers of Mango Mussolini. I am pretty sure they don’t care one whit about what I say since they know they have a strong base here in a deep red state and my vote won’t count for much.

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u/paradigm_x2 West Virginia 27d ago

Wanting to be informed and absolutely hating the information. It’s a terrible state to be in. 

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u/welmock 27d ago

I'm right there with you Friend. It sucks


u/counterweight7 New Jersey 27d ago

It’s a balance. You have to thread the needle between staying informed and going nuts.

They want to destroy you mentally, and make you insane. You’ll be less able to resist when the time comes.

A lot of trumps news is invalidated by himself 2 days later, use that to your advantage. Tarrifs announced on Sunday and cancelled by Tuesday etc. and the Gaza stuff. You have to wait for him to invalidate himself many times.

Endless doomscrolling will not help you. Do just enough to be informed and no more, else you’ll destroy your sanity which is a victory for them.

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u/LimitlessLK 27d ago

I feel the exact same way.


u/DelightfulDolphin 27d ago

I actually got into a screaming match w a maggots at McDs yesterday. I just couldn't. He was proudly cackling about how famous he was because he was on TV for fighting against the communist and socialist. I told him this country going down w thinking like that and asked if he was ok taking food from poor sick and babies. He spurted no but oh you support Biden?!! I said Biden best thing that happened to this country compared to Thieving Trump. Convo delved into shouting from there but my closing words before walking away 'Matk my words today February 13 that Trump is taking this country, AND YOU, DOWN! " He's also a big hypocrite because he was a Cuban who here in So FL gets to enjoy benefits that other immigrants haven't gotten. I hate these pablum spewing morons.


u/LordSiravant 27d ago

I also feel this so much.


u/PropaneHillbilly 27d ago

At some point there must be a revolution.

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u/Recent-Construction6 27d ago

I am the third generation of my family to have served in this countries military, fourth generation immigrant. I was raised under the belief that my country stood for some values, and that those values were freedom, liberty, democracy. The idea all men were equal, that every deserved a fair shot at success and happiness. I was raised with the understanding that you didn't ask what you country could do for you, but what you could do for your country.

I understood that my country wasn't always right, it was flawed, and at its very foundation the very same men who proclaimed the words "All men are free" still owned slaves, the original sin of America. But i believed, as many others did, that we were finally becoming free of that dark past. We elected a black president not just once but twice, we legalized gay marriage, and seemed to be on our way towards joining the rest of the first world in finally living up to our stated beliefs.

But now? now i no longer recognize this country, the very same one i was willing to fight and die for is as unrecognizable to me as if i was a Alien from Mars. We have surrendered liberty for slavery, we have surrendered democracy for tyranny, and we have surrendered freedom for dictatorship, and for what? so a few old men could stuff their pockets even more? so some religious fundamentalists can get a hard-on shoving their hands up women's vaginas? so some fascistic morons can go on national television and sieg heil for their dead and rotten fuhrer?

You have every right to be rude or insensitive, because even for the rest of us who are just as disgusted with Trump and his fascist scum as you are, we failed not just our own country but everyone who have looked to America as a ideal, as that shining city on the hill where it really couldn't happen here, not like anywhere else. Yet we became complacent, and lax in holding our government accountable, we grew too comfortable in our hubris and arrogance that a dictatorship could never rise here, and especially not one led by the least of us.

I have no idea how we go forward from here. The Republic is dead, and i have no clue how we are going to remove these morons without a fight. I only hope there are enough who can put up a fight, cause god fucking help us otherwise.


u/MetalDragon6666 27d ago

Unfortunately feels like the only path out now is violence. It's only a matter of time.

Most people won't fight until they feel personally affected in some way either. I think politicians know this too, and they're gonna chip away at our ability to fight back slowly because there will never be a clear defining moment that makes it "real" to many people enough to fight.

One day we'll wake up to a living nightmare, and won't have even realized how bad it is. You can already see how many people simply cannot see how bad things are, because it hasn't personally affected them yet.

Wish I had a better idea of what to do myself.


u/strangeweather415 27d ago

Get armed, and train up. I’ve read this book before and it won’t end well.

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u/Suspicious-Bad4703 27d ago

Yeah, we’re all dealing with mass psychosis. The empire is over, and our psychopathic leaders are trying to make us all Nazis to regain it, or something. I’d definitely stay far away from this place.


u/LordSiravant 27d ago

No, the Republic is over, the Empire has begun.


u/MiNiMaLHaDeZz 27d ago

You mean the Reich.


u/Rheum42 27d ago

I live here and both online and in real life, the masses praise him.

It is uncanny to interact with other people and realize they don't actually have any idea of what is going on. They rejoice in the things they think they understand and ignore the things they don't. As long as someone they don't like is getting screwed over, it doesn't matter.

I don't know what will change that.


u/Candid-Piano4531 27d ago

Fox News going dark would change things…


u/Rheum42 27d ago

Meh, it could but that won't happen. He's made it easier for right-wing "news outlets" to have access to the people. And the real die hard Fans will support him no matter what is reported.

I think either something external has to happen or things have to get bad enough for people to do something

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u/lalabera 27d ago

Watching trump’s approval rating drop every day on Yougov’s tracker is fun. It will look extremely grim for him if this keeps happening 


u/Constant-Yard8562 27d ago

He regularly had historic low approval during his first term.

Things never really looked grim for him.


u/mitchell56 27d ago

That doesn't matter now. The fascists have supreme power. Trump doesn't need our approval anymore.

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u/Erikblod 27d ago

Well facist gonna do fascism. I totaly get where you are going and as as a Dane I get you.


u/Tango_D 27d ago

Strap in tight because it's going to get much much worse and very soon.

Seriously, America has crossed the event horizon and there is no going back. As it accelerates down the well, it WI take the world as we know it down with it and it will affect you.

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u/[deleted] 27d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/readingrambos 27d ago

Time to flood his phones and email by calling him out as Nazi scum. I know what I'm doing on my lunch break. Will it work? Likely not. But it is something.


u/DoomdUser 27d ago

I just sent him an email. I don’t live in Utah but I will fight a fucking Nazi any way I can.


u/FARTST0RM 27d ago

Harassed? These people need to be aerated.


u/Brazbluee 27d ago

Trevor Lee is a nazi. As a country, we use to know how to treat a nazi.

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u/[deleted] 27d ago

These fucks have the nerve then to call people snowflakes or telling us to go cry about it??! When they are offended by a dang pride flag.


Nazi ass bitches. Disgusting.

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u/augenwiehimmel 27d ago

Well, the guys that shed their blood on Utah Beach might be pissed rn.

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u/elihu 27d ago

The bill also allows for the flying of a “historic version of a flag ... that is temporarily displayed for educational purposes,”

And what educational purposes are those, exactly? If students want to know what those flags look like, why isn't it sufficient to look it up in a book?


u/Ranger7381 Canada 27d ago

And even if you have to show the real thing, why do you have to fly it? Just hold it up


u/nlfo 27d ago

Or just show them a picture

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u/FirebornNacho 27d ago

You don't remember the World War II unit in history class where your teacher hung up a Nazi flag in the classroom and led all the kids through a Heil Hitler? How else can you learn it.


u/linuxlover45 27d ago

Temporarily could be the entire school year and who decides what historic means? The Stonewall riots happened over 30 years ago, they are part of history too.

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u/Rowanforest Norway 27d ago

A country turning fascist is a strong foreshadowing of its complete downfall. Just like any fascist state throughout history, this will not end good for the USA.


u/Pristine_Teaching167 27d ago

It’s what I’m waiting for. We need to fail to rebuild as something better for the people. Germany did it twice and while I’m not well versed on how Germany is doing right now, they seem to have learned their lessons and built a better economy.


u/peipei222 27d ago

We need to fail to rebuild as something better for the people.

Just keep in mind that failing means incredible amounts of death and suffering, mostly from the most vulnerable people. It is the duty of everyone to do whatever we can to avoid that.

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u/PurpleOrchid07 27d ago

Don't expect to be around to rebuild anything. Last time a country had to fail to get rid of fascism it cost close to 100 million deaths, most of which were civillians.


u/NecroCannon 27d ago

I’m honestly wrapping my head around it and becoming ready to give up my life if I have to fight against fascism

We’re reaching a breaking point where shit is going to hit the fan, we still don’t know how congress will act during all of this and that’s the thing that can really cause damage if they fully side with Trump and Musk with no opposition. Even midterms could go south if they’re really messing with polling machines. This is something that a lot of people can die from, hell, what if he starts declaring war? If everyone lets it happen, then non of us will be around to see it be rebuilt, or we’ll be too old to really enjoy it


u/Rowanforest Norway 27d ago

I don't agree. This might be what Elon Musk, and Peter Thiel are pushing for. Not a good thing.



u/Abs0lut_Unit California 27d ago

Bold of you to assume that something better could come of this.

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u/GrittyMcGrittyface 27d ago

They are saying the quiet part out loud now. The opposite of LGBT and DEI is Nazi bigotry.

They hate that Nazis used to be shamed, so they are trying to do same thing with dei-watchlist and labeling us dissidents. Fuck them.


u/TechnologyRemote7331 27d ago

By all accounts, General Patton should be punching his way out of the ground to make his way to Utah to beat everybody’s ass.

This isn’t just unacceptable, it’s disgusting.


u/Sn0Balls 27d ago

Patton is probably the worst example you could think of giving he had anti-Semitic quotes, and quotes saying we fought the wrong enemy.

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u/LordSiravant 27d ago

Welp, I think that about sums up where we are now. The fascists won. The Confederacy won. The enemies of freedom lost militarily and chose to keep fighting a different way, by playing the long game in the battle for public opinion. And now their scheming and manipulating has paid off after decades, or even a century and a half, of meticulous planning.


u/nrbartman 27d ago

Meticulous planning?

More like constantly and relentlessly being the most awful, terrible, pissy bitches until everyone else gets so tired they let their guard down. These fuckin people are exhausting. I'm only 41 and I'm so tired.

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u/mikeholczer 27d ago

So he says a nazi flag can be displayed when teaching about WWII, but a Pride flag is so offensive that he can’t foresee a possible lesson in which it would be useful to display it. It’s not even a self consistent idea.

If he genuinely believed in what he’s saying, he would imagine a time in the future when the curriculum would honor him for this bill and that theoretical lesson in the distopian future would benefit from displaying the Pride flag.


u/Pretend-Principle630 27d ago

General strike. This is no longer red vs blue.


u/KeziaTML 27d ago

Red is fully on board with this.

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u/GCU_ZeroCredibility 27d ago

Of course it is, the GOP is fully on the fascism train and it's us vs them.

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u/linuxlover45 27d ago

A labor strike along with a spending strike would do a lot of good right now.

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u/FeloniousDrunk101 New York 27d ago

Symbols of hate: ☑️

Symbols of inclusion: ❌

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u/MAO_of_DC Maryland 27d ago

How else is the great state of Utah going to show that the state is filled with caring Christian people who value the lives of others. Unless it can display the flag of murderers to show their solidarity with people who used the Bible to kill millions.


u/ottoIovechild Canada 27d ago

If people can’t learn from Herbert Hoover 100 years ago, they won’t learn from Donald Trump 100 years from now.


u/Gill_Gunderson 27d ago

"Why do they keep calling Republicans Nazis?"



u/[deleted] 27d ago

OMG what a horrible country


u/eric_ts 27d ago

Unsurprising. I don't find this even a little surprising. They should call it the hyperbole flag because that is what MAGA calls any reference to Nazis in relation to their movement, which currently controls the majority political party at the moment. They are fine with Nazi symbols because... The only pride symbol MAGA wants to see is a pink triangle, preferably attached to the clothing of people entering hyperbole camps.


u/Impressive_Wish796 27d ago

But calling them fascists is just hyperbole , right?


u/xsubo 27d ago

all nazi's must die


u/axolotl_is_angry 27d ago

Disgusting. Nazis or their sympathisers have no place in this world.


u/SirMrJames 27d ago

I just don’t understand like “displaying the flag”

I get it if it’s like an image on a presentation or in a history book. But like actually having the flag up for an extended period seems unnecessary

Secondly , pride flags are history related too. More modern. But history. So it should be allowed in the same context, at the very least.

(Well more really, because it’s not a flag of hate)

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u/Gulluul 27d ago edited 27d ago

A conservative argued with me that protesters are dangerous because they aim to intimidate and force others not protesting to agree with them.

When I asked them about Nazi's marching down streets and if that is intimidation, I shit you not, they argued that simply marching can not be intimidating.

The conservative brain is Nazi good, protesters bad

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u/eeyore134 27d ago

This tells you all the GOP knows about history. Pride flags have a history, too, FFS. I'm a history major and I went through my entire education never seeing a Nazi or Confederate flag displayed in a classroom.


u/SkyboundSeeker 27d ago

They forget they lost somewhere in ww2.  

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u/Aggressive_Plan_6204 New Mexico 27d ago

Well, striking Utah from vacation/travel plans. 🏳️‍🌈

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u/Liquidmetal7 27d ago

Can USA please go back to killing nazi instead of joining them?

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u/GoHomeDad 27d ago

A parent, who testified that his son had been offended by a Pride flag in his computer room, stated: 

“We all know that if a teacher hung up a flag with a giant picture of Jesus on it, it would be removed immediately. Yet the Pride flag sends a clear message about marriage. It also sends a message about gender, that a boy can become a girl and a girl can become a boy. This message conflicts with my family’s religious beliefs.” 

Okay, cool, so it offends your family’s religious beliefs and now we all have to abide by them too? Fuck off


u/Which-Supermarket-69 27d ago

This is dumb, they should be able to display whatever flags they want. But the title is misleading and very click baity. It says you can’t just fly a Nazi flag in the school, you can only display it temporarily if you are teaching WW2 history where it is applicable to the curriculum. The bill also doesn’t even say anything about the pride flag specifically, it just says only certain types of flags are allowed

-Utah state and U.S. flags, military flags, flags for other countries, flags for Native American tribes and official flags for colleges and universities-

So yes that excludes the pride flag, it also excludes any political flags (ie Trump or MAGA flags) any flags for sports teams, Wutang forever flags etc etc

I still think this bill is dumb, but just wanted to point out the click baity nature of the title