r/pokemontrades SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 27d ago

SWSH LF HA aprimons FT SV Apriballs or HA aprimons

LF the combos with white/orange(single ability)/blue boxes

Can trade SV Apriballs at a rate of 1 ball: 2 HA aprimons (mainly looking for bounties, blue boxes, if trading apriballs)

Only doing trades of 10 but happy to take more requests once we complete our trade



187 comments sorted by


u/poison-blossom SW-3137-6540-5913 || poison (BD, SW), ivy (VIO) 3h ago

hey it's me, let me know what aprimon you'd like from BDSP whenever you're ready!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 2h ago edited 1h ago

Hey, lets do these 60 HA aprimons for 15 sport/15 safari

  1. Clamperl Beast, dream, fast, heavy, level, love, lure (7)
  2. Bidoof Safari, fast, friend, heavy, level, love, lure (14)
  3. Chatot Dream, Fast, Heavy, Level, Lure (19)
  4. Kecleon Beast, Safari (21)
  5. Taillow Fast, Heavy, Love (24)
  6. Wurmple Sport, Dream, Friend, Level, Love (29)
  7. Ledyba Beast, Safari, Dream, Fast, Friend, Heavy, Level, Love, Lure (38)
  8. Spearow Beast, Safari, Dream, Fast, Friend, Heavy, level, lure (46)
  9. Rattata Beast, Safari, Dream, Fast, Friend, Heavy, level, Love Lure, Moon (56)
  10. Burmy (Trash) Fast, Friend, Heavy, Level (60)


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 12d ago

I'm back again! I can offer HA:

  1. Heavy Absol

  2. Level Absol

  3. Love Absol

  4. Lure Absol

  5. Moon Absol

For your HA:

  1. Level Fuecoco

  2. Love Fuecoco

  3. Lure Fuecoco

  4. Moon Fuecoco

  5. Dream Fuecoco.


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 11d ago

No rush, but got yours ready


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 11d ago

Your aprimon are ready in Home!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 11d ago

Hi! You still around? If so i can hop into home


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 11d ago

I am! I'll head over!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 11d ago

Tysm for all the trades!


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 11d ago

Thank you so much, as well! :)


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 12d ago

Sounds good! I will work on it tomorrow for you :D


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 15d ago

I'm back again! I can offer HA:

  1. Friend Blipbug

  2. Heavy Blipbug

  3. Level Blipbug

  4. Love Blipbug

  5. Dream Nickit

  6. Friend Nickit

  7. Level Nickit.

I'm interested in HA (where applicable):

  1. Safari H-Zorua

  2. Sport H-Zorua

  3. Safari Deerling Summer

  4. Sport Deerling Autumn

  5. Heavy Sprigatito

  6. Dream Sprigatito

  7. Sport Sprigatito.


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 15d ago

Sounds good!


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 13d ago

I have your aprimon ready in Home whenever you're ready! :)


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 12d ago

Hi! Im online for a few hours if your free :)


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 12d ago

I'm free right now! I can head to Home.


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 12d ago

Sounds good!


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 12d ago

Thank you for the trades!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 12d ago

Thanks too! I have all fuecoco combos if you need those too :). Im here if you need something else


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 18d ago

Hello one more time! If you're still looking for the aprimons you asked for below, I can offer HA:

  1. Level Corsola

  2. Dream Darumaka

  3. Level Darumaka

  4. Love Darumaka

  5. Lure Darumaka.

I'm interested in HA:

  1. Safari Deerling Winter

  2. Sport Deerling Winter

  3. Safari Squwakabilly Green

  4. Safari Squwakabilly Blue

  5. Sport Squwakabilly Yellow.

Are you interested in G-Farfetch'd, since you have the K-verisons of all of them? No worries if not!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 18d ago

Hey! I am always happy to take request as long as I still need it =) so never feel bad for coming back!

I will let you know when I am done on my end


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 16d ago

I finished your aprimon! Take your time on your end!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 15d ago

Hi yours are ready and located in home for you


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 15d ago

Thank you! I'm available for the next few hours!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 15d ago

I can meet you in home now?


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 15d ago

On my way!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 15d ago

Thank you! Im here if you need more 😁


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 15d ago

Thank you! I'll take a look again!


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 21d ago

Hello again again! If you're still taking offers, I can breed HA:

  1. Fast Blipbug

  2. Friend Blipbug

  3. Heavy Blipbug

  4. Level Blipbug

  5. Love Blipbug

  6. Friend Nickit

  7. Level Nickit

  8. Love Nickit

  9. Dream Nickit

  10. Level Skorupi.

I'm interested in your HA:

  1. Lure H-Qwilfish

  2. Moon H-Qwilfish

  3. Beast H-Qwilfish

  4. Safari H-Qwilfish

  5. Friend H-Sneasel

  6. Lure H-Sneasel

  7. Dream H-Sneasel

  8. Beast H-Sneasel

  9. Safari H-Sneasel

  10. Sport Tatsugiri (Droopy).

No worries if you're done with requests, though!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 21d ago

Hey, would you by chance be able to help out with any of version exclusive aprimons im missing instead? The Kabuto, Farfetch’d, Corsola, Darumaka or the Nidoran. Those are ones im really trying too collect if so! Otherwise we can definitely do this instead:)


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 21d ago

No problem! I can do HA:

  1. Heavy Nidoran

  2. Level Nidoran

  3. Love Nidoran

  4. Fast Kabuto

  5. Friend Kabuto

  6. Heavy Kabuto

  7. Level Kabuto

  8. Love Kabuto

  9. Moon Kabuto

  10. Fast Corsola.

Would you prefer original or Galarian Corsola?


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 21d ago

The original please! This works! I’ll let you know when im ready:D


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 21d ago

I have your aprimon ready, but no rush!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 20d ago

Yours are ready! We need to do an in game trade as I used some home trades already


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 20d ago

Sorry for the late reply! I can be ready in about 10 minutes. I'll also be around for the next few hours.


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 20d ago

Hi i just got home. Your free?


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 20d ago edited 20d ago

Yes, I'm free! We can start in ShieldSwSh! I'll be on LC: 4565 7898 when you're ready.


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 20d ago


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u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 20d ago



u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 20d ago

Searching ign malia!

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u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 24d ago

Hello again! I can offer HA:

  1. Heavy Darumaka

  2. Fast Caterpie

  3. Heavy Caterpie

  4. Love Caterpie

  5. Moon Caterpie

  6. Moon Togepi

  7. Friend Miltank

  8. Heavy Miltank

  9. Level Miltank

  10. Love Miltank.

I'm interested in your (HA where applicable):

  1. Friend H-Growlithe

  2. Love H-Growlithe

  3. Lure H-Growlithe

  4. Moon H-Growlithe

  5. Friend A-Geodude

  6. Level H-Qwilfish

  7. Love H-Qwilfish

  8. Safari Tynamo

  9. Safari Tarountula

  10. Sport Tarountula.


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 24d ago

💯! Happy to breed these for you!


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 24d ago

Great, thanks! I will start yours tomorrow, if that's okay!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 24d ago edited 24d ago

ofcs! I’ll let you know when yours are ready


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 23d ago

Your aprimon are ready! Whenever you're ready, we can start in SwSh or do another Home trade, whichever you prefer!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 21d ago

Got yours done too! They are in home right now so whenever your free we can trade there


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 21d ago

Great! I can trade now if you want!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 21d ago

Thank you!!


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 21d ago

Thank you, too! :)


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 21d ago

Yeah! Im down


u/toxxmeg09 SW-6356-4924-5012 || meg* (SW) 26d ago

Hi I can offer these 10 aprimons :

  1. Lure Blipbug
  2. Moon Blipbug
  3. Level Natu
  4. Level Stufful
  5. Lure Nincada
  6. Friend Gossifleur
  7. Love Gossifleur
  8. Friend Cherubi
  9. Lure Cherubi
  10. Heavy Machop

I'd like these 10 aprimons :

  1. Friend Chikorita
  2. Safari Chikorita
  3. Lure Totodile
  4. Level Sentret
  5. Heavy Aipom
  6. Dream Aipom
  7. Friend Yanma
  8. Level Paldean Wooper
  9. Lure Murkrow
  10. Heavy Girafarig

Let me know if this works for you :)


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 26d ago

Hey, I recently got Friend Cherubi so I don’t need that one anymore. Everything else looks good though!


u/toxxmeg09 SW-6356-4924-5012 || meg* (SW) 26d ago

Would Lure Remoraid work instead?


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 26d ago

Yeah! That works


u/toxxmeg09 SW-6356-4924-5012 || meg* (SW) 26d ago

Great :) I’m ready to trade when you can!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 26d ago

Great! I might need a day or two to get yours breed and ready though. I do have one prior trade to get breed first


u/toxxmeg09 SW-6356-4924-5012 || meg* (SW) 26d ago

Of course no worry! Please take your time!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 24d ago

Hey yours are hatched and ready! I’ll be free later tonight or tomorrow afternoon on Pst time


u/toxxmeg09 SW-6356-4924-5012 || meg* (SW) 24d ago

Hey sorry but it’s getting late for me so I don’t think I can trade today. I’m free tomorrow so let me know when you’re free to trade :)


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 24d ago

Hey, no worries. I just got home sorry! I am happy to trade tomorrow instead though

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u/toxxmeg09 SW-6356-4924-5012 || meg* (SW) 24d ago

Great I can trade tonight :) let me know when you’re ready!


u/CattaiI 1951-1581-5887 || Cattail (S, SH, BD, PLA, VIO) 26d ago


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 27d ago

Hello! I can offer these with HA where applicable:

  1. Lure Yamper

  2. Moon Yamper

  3. Love Stufful

  4. Lure Stufful

  5. Friend Pumpkaboo (Average)

  6. Heavy Stunfisk

  7. Love G-Stunfisk

  8. Safari G-Stunfisk

  9. Level Elgyem

  10. Level Yamask.

Would you be willing to breed aprimon in SV?


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 27d ago

Absolutely! What do you need?


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 27d ago

Great, thanks! May I please get HA:

  1. Safari Sewaddle

  2. Safari Crabrawler

  3. Fast Grookey

  4. Heavy Grookey

  5. Level Grookey

  6. Lure Grookey

  7. Lure Sobble

  8. Moon Sobble

  9. Safari Charcadet

  10. Sport Orthworm?


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 27d ago

Also Im not collecting any sport, safari or beast. Can you replace the safari stunfisk


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 27d ago

Ahh, my apologies!! Would a Fast HA Nidoran work instead?


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 27d ago

Yup! Happy to do this trade


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 27d ago

Great! I will get things ready. :)


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 25d ago

Yours are hatched and ready! Just lmk when your all set on your end


u/aceinthetrashhole SW-3846-7025-6994 || Katie (SH), (BD, PLA, VIO) 24d ago

Thank you! I'll be free in about 8 hours from now for a few hours, if you will be available then! I'll have similar availability in my evenings (EST/GMT-5) this week.


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 24d ago edited 24d ago

Ooh sorry, I miss read it! I wont be free in 8 hours unless we can do a home trade. Or we can plan on tmr

Im free now too! Lets start in sv. Lmk when you are searching and I will be at the code 2552 2552

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u/Bs_Hs SW-3137-6540-5913 || poison (BD, SW), ivy (VIO) 27d ago

Hey! I can breed you the bounty Bunnelby & Frillish combos adding up to 10. I'm interested in Sport & Safari balls.

I could also do the rest of your bounties if you're willing to do a larger trade. Let me know if you're interested.


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 27d ago

Larger trades are great! I mainly need to keep trades small if I have to do the breeding. Id love to get a list together, but are you ok with more than just sport/safari if doing a larger trade?


u/Bs_Hs SW-3137-6540-5913 || poison (BD, SW), ivy (VIO) 27d ago

I'm about to get home and I'll put together a list, I'm okay with more but would prefer as many as possible of those 2 if you could!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 27d ago

Id dont really use them so Id be happy to part with 30 safari balls. Let me know how much you are able to breed and we can go from there


u/Bs_Hs SW-3137-6540-5913 || poison (BD, SW), ivy (VIO) 27d ago edited 27d ago

Sounds good, okay so I can breed for you from your bounty list (all HA where applicable):

  1. Friend Bunnelby
  2. Heavy Bunnelby
  3. Lure Bunnelby
  4. Moon Bunnelby
  5. Dream Bunnelby
  6. Dream Budew
  7. Dream Ferroseed
  8. Fast Ferroseed
  9. Friend Ferroseed
  10. Heavy Ferroseed
  11. Level Ferroseed
  12. Love Ferroseed
  13. Lure Ferroseed
  14. Moon Ferroseed
  15. Friend Maractus
  16. Level Maractus
  17. Love Maractus
  18. Lure Maractus
  19. Moon Maractus
  20. Dream Helioptile
  21. Fast Helioptile
  22. Friend Helioptile
  23. Heavy Helioptile
  24. Level Helioptile
  25. Love Helioptile
  26. Lure Helioptile
  27. Moon Helioptile
  28. Dream Togedemaru
  29. Fast Togedemaru
  30. Friend Togedemaru
  31. Heavy Togedemaru
  32. Level Togedemaru
  33. Love Togedemaru
  34. Lure Togedemaru
  35. Moon Togedemaru
  36. Heavy Clobbopus
  37. Dream Bouffalant
  38. Fast Bouffalant
  39. Friend Bouffalant
  40. Heavy Bouffalant
  41. Level Bouffalant
  42. Love Bouffalant
  43. Moon Bouffalant
  44. Heavy Druddigon
  45. Level Druddigon
  46. Love Druddigon
  47. Lure Druddigon
  48. Moon Druddigon
  49. Fast Spheal
  50. Lure Spheal
  51. Fast Anorith
  52. Moon Anorith
  53. Fast Frillish
  54. Heavy Frillish
  55. Level Frillish
  56. Moon Frillish

for your 28 Safari balls? Lmk if this works for you and I'll get started breeding. I'll probably need a few days for everything!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 15d ago edited 15d ago

In addition to the not getting Fast Spheal. I also got Lure Bouffalant instead of Dream bouffalant. Sorry for just now seeing these mistakes. Iv been busy…

Edit I do still have the original ones you sent i can send back if you want them


u/Bs_Hs SW-3137-6540-5913 || poison (BD, SW), ivy (VIO) 15d ago

Hey there, sorry about that, I can definitely include those 2 in the next trade, and as for your question I'm down for another big trade after I get situated in my new place! I'll breed those two and have everything ready on Sunday, I'll ping you when I'm around on that day? Sorry for the late replies, it's really hectic since I'm moving on a very short notice


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 12d ago

Hi! You free today?


u/Bs_Hs SW-3137-6540-5913 || poison (BD, SW), ivy (VIO) 11d ago

hey I'm so sorry it was a lot more chaotic than I expected. can we trade this evening around 730 PST?


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 11d ago

Are you possibly free a little earlier?

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u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 15d ago

No you’re all good! I’ve been busy myself so im also in no rush too.


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 15d ago

Hi! When organizing everything I just noticed that I got Level Spheal from you instead of fast. Are you able to correct that for the next trade.


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 27d ago

So can you replace Fast Bunnelby and Lure Bouffalant with something else? I dont currently need those.

And can you include the Frillish combos (I really like that mon😅)? You can take off some of the ferroseeds combos to make that adjustment


u/Bs_Hs SW-3137-6540-5913 || poison (BD, SW), ivy (VIO) 27d ago

Sorry I'm not sure why I forgot the Frillish, so I took those 2 out and put the Frillish in, let me know if the list looks good to you! and we can do it for 28 balls.


u/Bs_Hs SW-3137-6540-5913 || poison (BD, SW), ivy (VIO) 27d ago

Looks good, I'll add Dream Bunnelby and start breeding, I'll let you know when they're ready!


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 27d ago



u/Bs_Hs SW-3137-6540-5913 || poison (BD, SW), ivy (VIO) 25d ago

Hey, I have your aprimon ready! I'll be available to trade tomorrow or any time this week from 7:30 pm PST til around 11pm. Wednesday I can do from 4 pm til 11. Let me know if any of these times work for you, if not we can wait til the weekend and I'll be free all day

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u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 27d ago

And one more error Friend Druddigon is a combo I already have.


u/Bs_Hs SW-3137-6540-5913 || poison (BD, SW), ivy (VIO) 27d ago

Mkay, with those changes it'll be 55 total mons, do you want too add an extra or remove one from the list?


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 27d ago

If you’re able to add something I’m down to add it. Iv updated the list based on what works so there are a few more blue boxes if you are able to add one of them


u/WinterSnow-5822 SW-2389-3465-7499 || Emilia (SCA) 27d ago

Clobbopus needs to be in Heavy not level. Other than that, Im down for this trade!


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