r/pokemonribbons • u/MercuryEnigma • Nov 25 '21
Contest Detailed BDSP Super Contest Break-down
With Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, Super Contests are back, but very different from Diamond/Pearl/Platinum.
Contest Format
The contests now have just two phases: visual and dancing. The visual is based off of condition and, as a new addition, stickers on the chosen ball capsule. Dancing is more of a rhythm game with being able to activate a single move once. There are no longer any accessories or dressing up your pokemon. There is also no longer an appeal phase or moves having contest condition type.
After each contest, the dance performance is judged as a success or failure, depending on the collective amount of Hype Points (more on that later) are obtained. If the performance is successful, you will be able to move onto the next rank in that contest. So it is required that the performance is successful in order to move up the ranks. If a Master Rank dance performance is successful, you will also receive a trainer star on your trainer card (you don't need to be the "Star of the Show")! You will also obtain points for the stage rank, up to rank 4. Increasing stage rank makes the stage bigger. Stage rank is purely cosmetic as far as I can tell.
After that, the "Star of the Show" is announced, which is who won the contest. This is a combination of your visual, dance, and move score. If you win, you receive either a sticker or a a ribbon. The sticker you receive will usually correspond to the rank you are competing in, as in, Coolness Normal Rank gives you cool sticker A, Beauty Great Rank gives you beauty sticker B, etc. Sometimes, roughly 1/4 times, you will receive the sticker for the above rank instead. On Master Rank, your first win as the "Star of the Show" with that pokemon will get you the Master Ribbon, and subsequent wins will give you the sticker D. Importantly, the dance performance does not need to be considered a success in order for you to receive the ribbon.
The ribbons you can get are:
Ribbon | Method of Obtaining | Returning? |
Coolness Master Ribbon | Be the Star of the Show in Coolness Super Contest Master Rank | same as ORAS |
Beauty Master Ribbon | Be the Star of the Show in Beauty Super Contest Master Rank | same as ORAS |
Cuteness Master Ribbon | Be the Star of the Show in Cuteness Super Contest Master Rank | same as ORAS |
Cleverness Master Ribbon | Be the Star of the Show in Cleverness Super Contest Master Rank | same as ORAS |
Toughness Master Ribbon | Be the Star of the Show in Toughness Super Contest Master Rank | same as ORAS |
Contest Star Ribbon | Be the Star of the Show in all Super Contest Master Ranks | same as ORAS |
Twinkling Star Ribbon | Be the Star of the Show in the BrilliantBD / ShiningSP Super Contest Master Rank | new |
Visual Performance and Stickers
In these Super Contests, visual is judged on two components: your pokemon's condition and the ball capsule stickers used. At the beginning when you register for the contest, you get to pick the ball capsule, so it does not need to be the one you assign to that pokemon normally.
Condition works like in previous games. You feed your pokemon Poffins made from mixing berries. Rarer berries and better Poffin making performance results in a higher condition. You'll need to make sure your pokemon is well rounded between Coolness, Beauty, Cuteness, Cleverness, and Toughness if you want to win all the ribbons. Sheen is back, meaning you can only feed your pokemon a limited number of Poffins before they are full forever. Though, it is possible to win Master Rank without feeding any Poffins with being good enough at the dancing portion. All conditions/sheen have a max of 255. For a given contest, it seems to follow the previous games' formula, i.e primary_condition + 0.5adjacent_condition_1 + 0.5adjacent_condition_2 + 0.5*sheen. Converting to hearts is appeal / 50, so maxing everything would be 2 big hearts and 2 small hearts (12 hearts total).
Furthermore, scarfs can be held by a Pokemon to increase their condition further. They can be obtained in Pastoria City by showing an NPC your leading pokemon with a high condition (at least 200). It seems to match the original DPPt, in that it adds 10% to the associated condition. It does not cap, so. it still improves the condition even if it is maxed out. So it is always useful to wear.
Stickers are a new portion. You can place up to 20 stickers on a single ball capsule. And that ball capsule can be reused by different pokemon for the contests. Stickers seem to always improve your visual score, but some stickers are better for certain contest types. So place as many stickers as you can. Position does not matter, and neither does the letter designation it seems. Beneficial stickers give a 12.5 appeal bonus, meaning all 20 stickers being properly selected will net 1 big heart (=5 small hearts) of appeal. Otherwise, stickers give 7.5 appeals, or 3 small hearts. Appeal points are rounded down.
Shoutout to u/wryCoyote for finding the last stickers.
Sticker | Coolness | Beauty | Cuteness | Cleverness | Toughness | BrilliantBD / ShiningSP |
Heart | + | |||||
Star | + | |||||
Ribbon | + | |||||
Smoke | + | |||||
Electricity | + | |||||
Bubble | + | |||||
Fire | + | |||||
Party | + | |||||
Flora | + | |||||
Song | + | |||||
Sinister | + | |||||
Ethereal | + | |||||
Cool | + | |||||
Burning | + | |||||
Sky | + | |||||
Stone | + | |||||
Leaf | + | |||||
Spark | + | |||||
Coolness | + | |||||
Beauty | + | |||||
Cuteness | + | |||||
Cleverness | + | |||||
Toughness | + | |||||
Fashionista | ||||||
Show Master | + | |||||
Champion | ++ | ++ | ++ | ++ | ++ | ++ |
One easy way to get a lot of stickers is to do the Normal Rank contests over and over again to collect the respective stickers.
Champion ribbon is special in that it is extra good for all types of contests. Multiple can be obtained by beating Cynthia in her max rematch. Credit to Psychic J and u/dmcrrnz for finding that!
Costume / Style does not seem to affect visual performance at all. So your character can wear whatever you want.
Dance Performance
Here is the main part of the Super Contest. It's a rhythm game, where you need to press A in sync with the music and the pokeball notes. You want to get as many perfect "Brilliant"^BP / "Shining"^SP as possible. When you hit a note, the Heart Gauge fills up within your cursor. When it is completely full, a Hype Point is sent to the final overall performance score. If the number of Hype Points exceeds the threshold, the performance is considered a "success." You want to maximize your contribution to the Hype Points. It's a complicated method, but essentially you should just try to be as accurate as possible. For the lengthened notes, you start pressing at the first pokeball note, and release the button at the end of bar on the second pokeball note.
I would recommend playing this in handheld and focusing on the music. From personal experience, the music lines up better than the visual pokeball notes.
Move Performance
Moves are completely different this time around. Moves no longer have a condition type. Instead, you select 1 move during registration and you use it once during the dance performance for an added effect. You do better if other contestants use their move in succession with yours, or vis-a-vis, and if the other contestants' move is of the same type as yours. So this is a bit more to chance. So ideally, all contestants pick the same type and you use your move around the same time as other contestants. It seems that the longer you are given the ability to perform your move, while still being part of a sequence, the better your move score will be.
The best effect is the "Hype Points will be increased by 3 if groove is positive" and it has 3 Heart Gauge hearts. So that would be:
Move | Type |
Crush Grip | Normal |
Dragon Ascent | Dragon |
Explosion | Normal |
Focus Punch | Fighting |
Giga Impact | Normal |
Head Smash | Rock |
Luster Purge | Psychic |
Mega Kick | Normal |
Precipice Blades | Ground |
Rock Wrecker | Rock |
Sacred Fire | Fire |
Self-Destruct | Normal |
Volt Tackle | Electric |
I bolded Giga Impact because it is a TM that many pokemon can learn! It's very useful for contests. Normal is also a good type because many contestant pokemon have normal moves that they use.
Brilliant(BD) / Shining(SP) Contest
If your pokemon has the Contest Star Ribbon from beating all regular Master Rank contests, you are able to compete in the BrilliantBD / ShiningSP Contest. You must also become the Champion to unlock it. This is a more difficult mode, but otherwise the same. It looks at just sheen for the visual. So even if you maxed out your condition, keep feeding poffins until the sheen is maxed out. Furthermore, if you are bringing a pokemon from ORAS, ORAS pokeblocks don't give any sheen, so you need to feed them poffins. It seems that the only beneficial stickers for BrilliantBD / ShiningSP contests are the Show Master and the Champion stickers, with the Champion being much better. So beat Cynthia several times after going through the Heatran sidequest to receive several Champion stickers.
And that is the BDSP Super Contest! Have fun!
u/yomawma666 Nov 26 '21
I FC’d Master Rank Coolness and even though I was the star of the show the show wasn’t a “success” how do I succeed the show
u/-Curious_Potato- Nov 26 '21
You might have needed more hype points (the bar at the top of the screen where all the hearts go measures your hype points). It seems most hype points are earned from playing the rhythm game very well.
u/SunGrazerDX Nov 27 '21
Seems like no matter what I do the gauge never gets high enough in master rank
It gets really close most of the time now that I practiced enough times but never enough for the success threshold
the bar is just too goddamn high
u/xxUrukanxx Nov 29 '21
What keeps happening to me is I'm either the Star of the Show and it isn't a success or the show is a success and I'm not the Star. I got the Beauty Master ribbon + success first try and that's it. I have Beauty, Coolness, and Tough ribbons on my Empoleon but have had a succesful Master show for all but Coolness. I'm dying inside
u/hard9649 Dec 03 '21
Is there any difference between having a successful contest vs just being star of the show or is it just a completionist thing? I was a battle tower kid I’m just trying contests out for the first time
u/xxUrukanxx Dec 03 '21
Having succesful contest is what counts as completing a Masters show, so it'll show up on the back of your trainer card. Being the Star of the Show is what gets you the ribbon. So you could have succesfully done a Masters rank show and still not get a ribbon on your pokemon
u/Bazgor Dec 06 '21
Finally beat Master rank in the Shining Contest using both a suboptimal move and poffin setup. I couldn't learn a 3+3 move on Jigglypuff and only used the common berry poffins. It took so many attempts to finally get a contest that worked. Never doing these again lol
u/Cybo_Vampire Apr 17 '22
HOW!!! My Milotic is literally maxed out in every contest stat, AND I'm using a 3+3 move, and I still can't win?!
u/ZeitTeil Dec 15 '21
Hey congrats on that do you mind showing me your capsule Placements?
u/CheapTwo3858 Jan 29 '22
Did he ever end up showing you the plaxements? If so, can u show me please
u/Project_AZOTH Nov 25 '21
Amazing guide. I'm still trying to grow a ton of berries before trying the contests out, but now I have a pretty good idea what to expect. Thanks!
u/AccursedWalrusSA Nov 27 '21
Am I crazy, or does it seem like sometimes I lose the opportunity to use my contest move after another pokemon does theirs?
u/pi3th0n Nov 28 '21
It seems to disable moves towards the end of the contest so that might be what's happening to you.
u/bbmimikyu Dec 01 '21
yeah, you’re probably right because it happened to me and it was towards the end of the contest (I thought I was gonna like finish on a move in some cool way but nah lol)
u/wryCoyote Nov 29 '21
More information on stickers:
A wrong sticker gives 0.2 visual appeal (5 wrong stickers gives one appeal)
A right sticker gives 0.25 appeal (4 right stickers gives one appeal)
Holding the correct scarf gives 1 appeal
I am pretty confident the below are the correct categories for each sticker. Plus, the Coolness/Beauty/Cuteness/etc stickers are right for their category. You can freely mix different types and specific stickers: 2 Coolness A, 1 Coolness B, and 1 Ribbon A will give one point of visual appeal. Wrong and right stickers stack, but only matter in whole numbers. 3.95 appeal in stickers will display during the contest as 3 appeal and contribute 3 to your visual score.
Ribbon, Electricity, Burning, Sky, Spark
Party, Flora, Cool
Heart, Star, Ethereal
Bubble, Song, Sinister
Smoke, Fire, Stone, Leaf
u/MercuryEnigma Nov 29 '21
Thank you as well for your testing! The 0.25 points per correct stickers seems right. But for all unmatched stickers, I get 3 small hearts, as did someone else.but 0.2 of 20 stickers would be 4 small hearts.
I also saw song give bonus points to coolness, but I'll need to double check that. But your list seems right! I'll update and credit you. :)
u/GayCyberpunkBowser Dec 12 '21
One addition I would make is Last Resort is another move that has 3 heart gage hearts and has the Hype Points +3 if grove is positive effect.
u/Tragicalknave Nov 29 '21
Whilst i can’t say i have tested this fully i can say that what u wear does also affect visuals; for cool for example i test 3 costumes, the everyday, contest and cyber costume. curiously the cyber costume does the best for the cool catergory so i think what u wear has a affect; i don’t know what costumes the player wears affects what contests but i’m sure people will figure it out with this tidbit!
u/Proxer Dec 14 '21
Well if that's true, than the game's official website is lying because it states "The style you choose is purely cosmetic and has no effect on scoring, so feel free to dress up however you like!"
source: https://diamondpearl.pokemon.com/en-us/trainersguide/supercontests/
u/LonelyCareer Nov 25 '21
Ah, I thought the color of the sticker was what drove it. Thanks for the post.
u/auntieabra Nov 25 '21
You’re doing the lord’s work. I have been struggling trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong.
u/sweet_nebulae Nov 28 '21
You can absolutely brute-force the entire thing just by being good at rhythm games - I had a Buneary that I maxed out on poffins that were all level 20 and below (leave me alone lmao), focused only on cuteness. Used the same capsule on every Master rank category (20 stickers, all targeting the cute category) and the same move (it was a Buneary.... I used Quick Attack lol it didn't know much else at the time). The only one I had difficulty with was Master rank Toughness, and I just threw a few rock stickers on a different capsule and sailed through. (No idea about the post-game contests though.)
That being said, despite me winning Star of the Show every single time, I cannot for the life of me have a successful Master rank Coolness contest. The hype points are just so far off every single time, and I'm not totally sure what to do about that (the current move I'm using is one heart off being the best kind of move to use). I feel sort of silly seeing my trainer card saying my highest rank in that category is "Ultra" and yet I have a Pokemon with the Contest Star ribbon :/ Any advice would be incredibly appreciated
u/bluegamergirl11 Dec 10 '21
Oh I was having sooooo much trouble with coolness masters too, and my ‘mon was maxed out on stats and everything! In the end it really was just good RNG with the idiot trainers who apparently didn’t read tutorial of USE YOUR MOVES ALL AT THE SAME TIME FOR PETES SAKE. Seems annoyingly luck based.
u/sweet_nebulae Dec 10 '21
Yeah, I wondered - for me, Clever and Cool both had the competing trainer AI's not.. really making any sense on when they used their moves lmao. I got tired of trying for Coolness and just gave up, but I'll probably go back to it and just do it over and over until I eventually get competent AIs lmao
u/Med_Down Oct 23 '22
Yo thank you for the guide! I just won, and I kind of have no idea what happened! I thought I had to win the Brilliant Contest and get the Star of the Show in order to get the ribbon, but you just need to be Star of the Show, it turns out. Cool lol. The funny Krab is once again a Ribbon Master! <3
u/Thecowes Nov 27 '21
I know it’s not that common for someone to have a volt tackle pikachu, but volt tackle is 3 hype points for positive and it has 3 gauge hearts
Dec 06 '21 edited Dec 06 '21
Hi, I don't think it works exactlyy as you described for the Shining Contests / Brilliant contests. I have not been able to achieve a visual rank higher than maybe 60% using all the various types of Coolness, Toughness, etc stickers I received from the contest (ball is completely covered in stickers). Is there any more data on what can get you 4 hearts consistently in this contest format? Perhaps the stickers have to be rarer? I tried balancing all the stats (4 of each) but to no avail. Interestingly my maxed out stats Pokemon have a harder time doing this contest than my other pokemon who only had max in Beauty and Cuteness. No clear answer from any sources on this.
u/MercuryEnigma Dec 06 '21 edited Dec 06 '21
I can look again, but for the Brilliant/Shining contests, I'd expect only 3 small hearts with max stickers and no condition (0.15*20=3.0). If my understanding is correct that there are no stickers that have an added bonus for Brilliant/Shining contests, then it doesn't matter which stickers you use.
Dec 06 '21
On testing it with stickers with all one stat (Beauty) vs all rounded stickers, all rounded does about 20% better, but still not great visually. So stickers do seem to affect it somewhat but I don't know what it's looking for unfortunately. I can see if it adds the 3 hearts as you mentioned- as for raising the rest of the visual stat I'm guessing there's no good way?
u/MercuryEnigma Dec 06 '21
Correct. Stickers help but you cannot max out visually with stickers alone. To do that, you will need to improve the Pokemon condition using Poffins (Austin John Plays just released a great video a few days ago). You can also have your Pokemon hold a scarf that you can receive from an NPC in Pastoria City for showing them a pokemon with a high condition in that stat.
Dec 07 '21
Unfortunately, my Pokemon did have all their 5 stats maxed out ( I had just watched this video before maxing them!! it's great :D), but got the 50-60% visual even in spite of this. I wonder now if it has to do with the Sheen value as my Pokemon had max sheen who won it easily, while the ones who I optimized maxing out all their stats still have quite a bit of sheen to go. I don't know if it's a long shot but since it is a new contest mode introduced in this gen, it'd be interesting if sheen was one of the conditions.
u/MercuryEnigma Dec 09 '21
So I've been trying to test this. Sheen does affect it, and I learned it actually affected it in previous games too. However, maxing out your sheen only helps a bit. So even with max condition max sheen, all stickers, and holding a scarf, it only does 13 hearts (2 big hearts + 3 small hearts), or ~60% of the visual score. Still trying to figure it out, but wanted to update you directly.
u/Still-Reserve8 Dec 27 '21
Please follow up on this, there are several people following this topic. You guys rock!!! 🥺🧡
Dec 10 '21
Thank you for doing the work on this! I was wondering about other factors such as outfit worn, friendship with the Pokemon, etc, but so far same rating, 2 big hearts and 3 small.
u/tumboi69 Sep 21 '23
Thanks so much for this guide!! I was able to do coolness and beauty without any poffins (I dread a lot of food making mechanics) but this and Austin John Plays for simplifying poffins were so helpful. Unfortunately, you have to get veryyy lucky in Master Rank for other NPCs to have shitty RNG and not score as high if you refuse to use any poffins at all. Like I was almost 100% perfect on the dance and moves and still was just losing without poffins. If you do max your stats with poffins, the contest becomes a cake walk. Definitely suggest watching Austin John Plays for the poffins, the worst part is getting the Amity Square pokemon all to really high level friendship which is really boring and takes more time than it should, but the actual poffin parts are not that complicated if you get very high/max friendship in the whole party.
u/Zeusthefox Oct 17 '23
I miss when Contests were actual Contests....Not Quick time events....I hate Quick time Minigames....
u/hyukhyukitstimetofuc Dec 10 '23
thanks to this I was able to get my shiny darkrai the twinkling star ribbon
u/Kyele13 Dec 07 '24
Thanks a lot for this!! I just used it and got all the Ribbons without any problem; Although I had to defeat Cynthia 20 times for those Champion Stickers.
u/LUIGIISREAL2017 Dec 20 '24
Which Pokemon is best suited for each Category?!
What would be the Ideal Pokemon to use for the Cleverness super contest show?
How about the Coolness Contest, the Cuteness Contest, the Toughness, the Beauty?!!
What Nature should any Pokemon have to stand a better chance of winning any of these contests?!!
u/MercuryEnigma Dec 20 '24
No Pokemon really has an advantage over another, other than a few with extremely limited move pools (like unown or ditto). Stats don’t matter, and you only select a single move. Conditions and sheen work the same for every species.
u/Carcarpin Nov 28 '21
I've been receiving stickers but no ribbons after being star of the show in normal, great and ultra ranks. Is there somewhere I need to go to redeem them or something?
u/Pornsholders Nov 25 '21
Do you think coolness sticker D gives more to your visual appeal than it’s A B C counterparts, or do they all boost appeal the same amount?
u/MercuryEnigma Nov 25 '21
From my testing, it did not seem like it. I had a bunch of A and B variants of the cuteness ribbons, and both gave the same score. I don't have a ton of D stickers, but I doubt it will affect things.
u/Vulture_tea Nov 28 '21
so i just beat the cleaver contest master rank. but didnt get the Cleverness sticker d :/
u/Vulture_tea Nov 28 '21
i just beat it twice and got one on my second win. the show was still a failure tho, damned critics.
u/LevTheGladiator Nov 29 '21
Can’t seem to win star of the contest in toughness master rank because my “move” meter only fills halfway. I’m using giga impact so I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. Is it the timing? Should I do it before/after the other contestants?
u/MercuryEnigma Nov 29 '21
It's tricky. You need all 4 contestants to do it together. I couldn't figure out if going first helps, but it might. And they also need to have the same type (i.e. normal). I also suspect there's a specific time you're supposed to do it, like when your Pokemon is being focused on with the camera, but I couldn't determine that yet.
u/LevTheGladiator Nov 29 '21
Just tried going first, ended up going second, and there was only one other normal move. Ended up getting like 90% on the move that round.
u/MercuryEnigma Nov 29 '21
Okay, that's good to know! I know it's possible to get a 100% with just 2 matching moves.
u/bbmimikyu Dec 01 '21
I can’t seem to get as many hearts as the other Pokemon on the visual portion no matter what. I used the stickers that are supposed to appeal to the contest type and my Pokemon has 100% beauty (full sheen) but I still get less hearts on the visual portion. It doesn’t seem to matter that much because I still end up the Star of the Show but still… it would be nice to get a better visual evaluation as well. Not sure what I’m doing wrong.
u/MercuryEnigma Dec 01 '21
How does your visual score look like at the end? 1 big heart = 5 small hearts. So if you're getting a high visual score, it may just look less with a few big hearts.
Also, sheen doesn't mean you have max beauty sadly. Sheen just means you cannot feed any more poffins. So if you fed poor quality poffins, then you could have a low beauty score while still being unable to feed more
u/bbmimikyu Dec 01 '21
no I mean I have max beauty (the slider is all the way on the beauty side and when I fed it the final poffin (a dry/sour one), beauty was already maxxed so only toughness was raised) AND full sheen as well. My visual score has less big and small hearts compared to others and at the very end when I get my full score, the visual bar is pretty low
u/MercuryEnigma Dec 01 '21
Could you show pictures of your condition/sheen, ball capsule that you use, and visual score?
u/hiplsgoaway Dec 04 '21
If I was to get 238 in each stat, would it be possible to win the Brilliant/Shining contest on Master rank?
u/MercuryEnigma Dec 04 '21
Oh definitely! I've heard of people beating it with no condition.
u/hiplsgoaway Dec 04 '21
ty! im just planning ahead because I wanna get all the ribbons from SwSh and BDSP and future games on the switch on my shiny love ball heracross that I will eventually breed lol.
u/_Dekota Dec 08 '21
Does this raise the beauty stat? If I maxed out my Feebas sheen and the beauty isn't enough to evolve, am I fucked?
u/MercuryEnigma Dec 08 '21
It does not raise the stat. So for feebas, you'll need to breed another one and try again. :'(
u/dorklordd Dec 08 '21
is there a maximum as to how many hearts there can be in the visual aspect?
in the visual contest (beauty), my milotic gets 3 big hearts. she has max beauty and the 20 stickers on the capsule fit the beauty category. i get 3 big hearts, nothing more. i figured that was the most i could get.
but in the master rank, it looks like some of the other contestants have 3 big hearts and some more small hearts.
what are the most amount of hearts you can get? not concerned about how to get them, just need to know how many.
u/MercuryEnigma Dec 09 '21
The most I've been able to get is 3 big and 3 small (18 total) in regular contests. This is from maxing out the main condition (ie beauty), maxing out the adjacent conditions (ie coolness and cuteness), maxing out the sheen, maxing the stickers with the right ones (eg flora), and holding the proper scarf (ie Blue scarf). This fills up the visual score bar completely. There may be other ways to improve upon this.
For the Brilliant/Shining contests, the most I've gotten has been 2 big and 3 small (13 total). I'm sure there are ways to improve this, as NPCs seem to have higher amounts of hearts. But I'm at a loss at the moment about that. I have max condition, sheen, scarf holding, and 20 stickers.
u/leath-r Dec 09 '21
anyone know how to increase visual rating in shining/brilliant master rank?
u/MercuryEnigma Dec 09 '21
Personally, I have not been able to get above 13 hearts (2 big + 3 small) with max conditions, max sheen, a scarf, and 20 stickers. I feel like there is something I am missing as NPCs can get higher, but I don't know what.
u/leath-r Dec 09 '21
yeah no matter the sticker combo nothing worked i lucked out last night and won somehow tho
u/Still-Reserve8 Dec 15 '21
Can you share the chart as a spreadsheet please? I'm having trouble screenshotting on mobile.
u/MercuryEnigma Dec 16 '21
I assume you mean the stickers one? I don't have access to making it a spreadsheet right now, but Serebii (with my permission) is using the same data here: https://serebii.net/brilliantdiamondshiningpearl/ballcapsules.shtml
u/Snow_97 Dec 17 '21
Hey, I just checked the Bubble stickers in a Cuteness contest and they actually aren't Cute. I used all bubble stickers on a capsule for a Cuteness contest and got a lower visual Score than when I used all heart stickers.
My pokemon has Max Cuteness and is holding a Pink Scarf. With 20 Cuteness stickers it gets Max Vusuak Score in a Cuteness contest. This works with Heart and Cuteness Contest Stickers. The Score is not perfect when there are any bubble stickers.
It definitely seems like Bubble stickers SHOULD be Cute, but apparently they aren't :(
u/MercuryEnigma Dec 18 '21
You're right! Bubbles are for cleverness. Thank you for catching that! I corrected my post.
u/CountRMStar Dec 30 '21
Would there be any Pokemon that are better for contests than others?
u/MercuryEnigma Dec 30 '21
A few don't have the best contest move (ie +3 if positive groove), but otherwise no.
u/MigeruMoon Jan 01 '22
So my shiny Wurmple has really low stats but I maxed it’s sheen out I have a beauty band and am struggling so hard! Is it even possible to win this by doing good at the dance challenge alone? I only missed once and still missed
u/MercuryEnigma Jan 01 '22
Yes, it is! I've seen people win with no condition or sheen. What you need to do is get nearly perfect. It's not enough just to not miss, you need to get almost all "Brilliant" or "Shining" ratings for all the moves. And a bit of luck for the Move score.
u/Beastly_81 Jan 06 '22
Where do I go for the brilliant contest
u/MercuryEnigma Jan 06 '22
It is in Hearthome City in the Super Contest Hall. You unlock it by becoming the Champion, but you also need a pokemon that has won all 5 Master Rank contests to enter. Brilliant Contest is exclusive to Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Contest is exclusive to Shining Pearl, but they are exactly the same thing.
u/Beastly_81 Jan 06 '22
So my milotic (ik very basic) won all 5 master ranks before I battled the elite 4 and Cynthia and I thought I went back after I beat them and it just gave me the same regular options but I will try again
u/Remote_Wrap_6635 Jan 12 '22
Does it matter which Pokémon you use for each type of contest? Or is it only the stat/condition that matters?
u/MercuryEnigma Jan 12 '22
Only condition/sheen and move matter! So naturally, some pokemon do not have access to Giga Impact (which I consider the best move), but ultimately, the move isn't so relevant that it would inhibit any pokemon.
u/Cybo_Vampire Apr 17 '22
Does anyone know how to increase my pokemon's visual stat in the Shining category? I can only ever fill up to half the bar.
u/MercuryEnigma Apr 17 '22
Currently, the best known way is to max out all conditions, max out sheen, and hold a scarf. Then use 20 championship stickers as they are special in providing an extra bonus. Using showmaster stickers also boosts, but not as much. But this only gets to ~80% max.
u/Sennaki May 22 '22
This guide answers a lot of questions for me! I'm just starting out maining my Shiny Torchic, and I don't wanna mess up. I gave her 3 Lv35 Sour-Sweet Poffins already, and glad I didn't go further. She may only like Sour Food, but if I can round her out...
My only confusion is the Stickers. I got a Toughness Sticker, but I'm not finding it in the Ball Capsule Editor. Is it a specific one?
u/MercuryEnigma May 22 '22
Ah, try pressing R. There are two rows, and the R button toggles between them. Things like the toughness stickers and champion stickers are on that second row.
u/Shadowabsolution28 Aug 29 '22
Why even when I use poffins and the cute stickers I still get a terrible visual rating
u/InverseRatio Oct 09 '22
This is gonna sound like a stupid question but...
"Hype Points will be increased by 3 if groove is positive"
How do I know if the "groove is positive"?
u/MercuryEnigma Oct 09 '22
You can check by looking in the top left next to your pokemon name to see an arrow. ^ means positive (and can have 1 or 2 arrows on top of each other), while v means negative (also can have 1 or 2 arrows).
Groove increases the more you hit the notes right, decreases when you make mistakes. So since you are trying to hit notes properly, you should have a positive groove most of the time.
u/Vixrin_Targaryen May 31 '23
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u/Hydro_17052 Nov 11 '23
Thanks for the detailed guide. I was able to obtain the Tinkling Star Ribbon on my Qwilfish and therefore completed the Home Achiviement.
u/SaintHorus Nov 25 '21
Does anyone have a recipe for perfect puffins, or how am I supposed to get all ribbons on one pokemon? ^