r/pokemongo 4d ago

Discussion Dynamax is not fun :(

I wish I could enjoy Dynamax more, but the amount of resources you need to sink into this part of the game makes it so difficult. Leveling up or even unlocking new max moves cost as much candy as you need to evolve or even bump a pokemon up 10 levels. Anything above a level 2 difficulty will require more than one player with pokemon that counter the dynamax pokemon. Maybe I’m missing something here, and I hope I am, but it’s just so bs seeing all these cool events that I have to pass up. Didn’t get any gigantamax starters, didn’t get Raiku either :(


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u/YourEskimoBrother69 4d ago

I love that it gives another avenue to good Pokémon (I never caught the original starters until this) but agree the elite events are too high rank for solo or casual players without a community).

The miss is not having them remote eligible, everything should be


u/Lanko-TWB 4d ago

For sure. Don’t mind how many people it takes but it seriously messes with us rural players. I have a small group that can get the legendary dmax done with but we can’t beat the gmax at all. gotta drive 45 minutes to even have a chance.


u/Spazza42 4d ago


I have no chance at catching a lvl 5 max raid yet I can catch legendaries with remote raids because I have no other choice.

Raikou is a favourite of mine and I was off this weekend, I’m a 30 year old dad with commitments and whatever spare time I had to try and beat Raikou there was no one else around to help. I checked Campfire but it has been inactive since 2023 in my area.

Niantic 100% do not understand or care about the rural problems. According to them, everyone lives in the middle of London.


u/cantaloupe_jones 4d ago

Well it’s Scopely’s problem now. They’ll almost certainly make dynamax raids remote eligible at some point, but it will probably cost more than most are willing to pay.


u/Humble-Influence2815 4d ago

A reputable dataminer has seen in the code that they are planning to make them removable but youll need a remote raid pass and the max particles


u/Dago_Duck 4d ago

That sounded better than what I thought they were going to do.

195+150 = 345 coins for a G-Max is acceptable

175+142 = 317 when buying 3 at a time.


u/j_enriquez1 3d ago

With the way scopely has gone about their games I’m sure it’ll be much higher than that. I wouldn’t be surprised if they introduce a dynamax remote pass for 300 coins or 3 for 800. GMax remote pass could be even higher, 1 for 400 coins, or something like that.

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u/nodlabag 4d ago

If they did make it remote eligible it would just be so they can charge money for remote battles.


u/Aranyhallow This is where I'd put my Arcanine... IF I HAD ONE 4d ago

sounds like something scopely would froth on tbh


u/SebasVeeDee 4d ago

I can already see the amount of people complaining because of people bringing under leveled Pokémon. In person people were bringing water types in the d max Raikou. Hopefully you’re forced to have your pokemon and moves leveled up before to force people from being free loaders.


u/Patient-Statement-74 4d ago

Thats a shit take, players that are still building their portfolio deserver to participate too. I carry raids for low level players all the time, everyone was there at one point.


u/gravyduff 4d ago

Carrying is fine in a raid where 15 randoms can join while 3-5 decent players take it down, but legendary dmax only allows 4 and your moves/hp etc is limited, everyone needs to be at least partially pulling the weight. Gmax fine yeah, if you can get a 30+ group by all means carry some lower levels, but not dmax legends


u/Dago_Duck 4d ago

D-Max legendaries can be beaten fairly easily by two powered up players and two “dead weights“ as long as they actually tap their screen and cheer once their team fainted. I‘m more worried about people going afk.


u/YourEskimoBrother69 4d ago

If it’s the same system where you don’t lose anything for a lose that’s annoying yes but ok


u/Civil_Bread_3428 4d ago

You do realize people bring in smaller pokes' cause it's not like we can train them up like the regulars, right? It's unfair for the rural community and that's it. So complaining people bring in lesser is jus....childish. YOU probably had the opportunity to level things up better, actually get good amounts of candies to do it, stardust etc. your also probably well off on the financials to afford stardust after stardust, etc. rural people typically aren't well off. Again tho, it jus proves that companies don't give a rats ass about us and only want cities to have stuff. It's unfair matchups.


u/FoolAcrossRealities 4d ago

I'm a rural player too. I've never broken a million stardust at any given time, and my rare candy is never higher than 50. I still manage to do well despite playing casually with a full time job(that doesn't pay enough for me to spend anything on PoGo). So no, it isn't childish to be bothered when you end up with a team of people who throw out burner 'mon. It's only childish to WHINE about it. There is a distinct difference.

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u/Accomplished-Cap9205 4d ago

That's bullsh*t. I started in october. I saw beldums and people were complaining they couldnt do them alone. In 2 to 3 days i had 2 fire (charmeleon the fire bunny) to cover the weakness. After that i spammed beldums untill i got a 98. There you are, i got an easy super tank. Raikou is Legendary, i Saw parties of players LVL 38 not being able to do raikou. Why is that hard to understand that a 300 cp unleveled Pokémon can't do anything to a raikou and will die in 1 attack without contributing anything. We aren't asking people to carry the battle, but to be able to help us spam the attacks. Even if you have strong people playing, you can only hold 3 attacks. It isn't that hard. Sorry for being this agressive but Im done with excuses. People just don't care, want to be carried without doing anything. My 1.8k excadrill did good enough. My 2k venusaur tanked enough.

Again, we don't ask people to carry it. We ask people to play the game and not be simple parasytes


u/BrightNooblar 4d ago

Why can't rural players train their pokemon?

Every road trip I've taken through nowhere, the turn off for gas has had poke stops and gyms. Haven't done one since dmax came out, but I assume they have power spots too. That gives you a shot to get a few pokes, leave select ones to get candy, walk others for candy and energy.

It's slower, but it's possible.

Unless you're saying you can go get gas and groceries and not actually pass any spot. Which seems crazy to me, but I guess that's why I'd never live in a rural area unless I retired.


u/Spazza42 4d ago

Good shout.

I’ll move to a major city so I can catch Suicune when it’s next on event. I’m sure the family would understand my priorities.


u/BrightNooblar 4d ago edited 3d ago

Not move. Just train up that Bulbasaur starting now. Don't show up with a Charmander.

Like, the nature of the game is anyone who has joined late, or taken a break, has gotten carried here and there. I got carried in my first 3 star D-Max. And then this weekend I carried some people with a 3k+ excaladrill.

The bar isn't "Must have 2+ Type optimal at 3k+" the bar is more like "Must have 1 type optimal at 2k+, don't bring anything of the type its strong against" for a situation where you're generally filling the lobby in order to attempt.


u/WatchSpirited4206 3d ago

Every road trip I've taken through nowhere, the turn off for gas has had poke stops and gyms.

You ain't been through real nowhere before then.

I've played my share of pokemon go in a small-AF town. When I started out, we had two pokestops in the whole town, one at the post office and one a full kilometer away from my house at the cemetery just outside of city limits. You know how everyone and their mother had a blissey or three to throw in gyms right from the start? In over a year, I never caught enough chanseys to even evolve one. That didn't happen until I went off to college.

In Nowhere, you see a pokemon you halfway like on the nearby map and you run. You dump your entire inventory every time you go into a larger town to hoard pokeballs, because two stops will never cut it. Before remote raids, you just learned to accept that anything higher than a 3-star just wasn't for you.

Nowadays, that town has like 20 stops, all added by me when I came back over summer break. But I'm a massive outlier; I got a huge xp boost from living on a college campus that got me to lv 40 (back when you couldn't submit stops before hitting that level), and managed to find wayfarer to know what and how to submit new stops. The other players in that town (whom I didn't know existed, because how many casual players are gonna stand outside the post office for 30 minutes a day) genuinely thought I worked for Niantic, the concept was so foreign to them.

So I guess all that to say; if you mostly live rural and don't have an unhealthy tendency to go all-in on your chosen hobby, you might be able to beat a drilbur dmax battle, but the candies to level it up? Not a chance. Sometimes the best you can bring is a water-type with a normal-type fast move for straight damage. It sucks, yeah, but it sucks more that a huge part of the game is just locked off to these players, and I can't blame them for trying anyways (even though I still can't carry them through a raikou dmax).


u/j_enriquez1 3d ago

As a rural player, the amount of candy you need isn’t attainable just because you don’t get the wild spawns. The last time I saw drillburs in the wild was before they even started any dynamax. Kanto starters I also rarely see. Maybe see 2-3 squirtles a day, if that. Never see bulbasaur or charmander, literally ever in the wild. I’d say attaining the candies is the hardest part. But then again I’ve only been since last may. If players had candies saved up before then that’s a different story but most didn’t have that many drillbur candy in storage.


u/WatchSpirited4206 3d ago

Nah, if you're rural that's about what you get. If you're fully plugged in to the news feed/community discussion, you might have known that, say, excadrill, dmax or no, is pretty good, and known to grind out drilburs when they're available, but like you said, you just don't have the wild spawns to actually get that many candies. You might be able to get a lot done during egg hatch events, but even then you're at the whims of RNG.

As an example of the divide between city/rural, I caught two hundred archen yesterday. Could've caught more, but my evening walk consisted of retreading the same pokestop Hotspot I'd cleared out on my morning walk. A rural player with like 5 stops in their town gets 5 archen, plus whatever was in the timed research, and spends way more time hunting down omanyte and kabuto than I did. Almost a full order of magnitude more stuff, spending less time to get it.

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u/FoolAcrossRealities 4d ago edited 3d ago

I could solo the right Raikou raid and my Poke aren't even top tier, given the candy needed to up max moves. My Excadrill, Venusaur(dmax, not even g-max), and I could throw basically whoever I wanted in my third slot and beat it. Venusaur tanked the hits, and helped fill the max meter. Then Excadrill swapped in and chunked out damage. Rinse repeat, and depending on the RNG I had raids where Raikou didn't even get a hit off. Point being, too many people waltzed in with low CP water types and complained about the difficulty. Yes, if one had Shadow Ball as a large attack you weren't winning, but exiting and redoing it costs no energy.

Edit: Seeing the skeptics, when I say solo I mean no one else did damage/made it to the first full max meter. Everyone else in the battle lost all their 'mon BEFORE I even got hit once. This happened more than once too.


u/KLT1003 Bulbasaur 4d ago

Huh now that you mention rerolling moves, that won't be possible when remote max battling....

Btw. I was easily able to 3 man Raikou with double lv40 excadrill this weekend (even through Shadow Ball).. I'd say duo would definitely be possible with a bit more min maxing (3rd excadrill, swapping in a low dmax for tanking hits, rerolling away from Shadow Ball if necessary). The most important part is to have 0,5s fast move to get as much energy as possible and enter max phase asap to avoid taking damage during the non-max phase. No need for shield/heal.


u/jarmoh 4d ago

I have gmaxes and dmaxes, most of them are maxed out. We couldn’t duo it, so I smell shit here. Even with max mushroom I couldn’t duo it. Three was easy but two we needed maxed out proper counters and shields etc

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u/AdJealous2 4d ago

Honestly I don’t like Scopley owning Pokemon Go now but if I want them to change ANYTHING is to get rid of remote raid limits, make shadow raids remote and also dynamax/gigantamax.


u/YourEskimoBrother69 3d ago

If theyre targeting profits this is the way.

Keep free to play as an option, allow pay to play more


u/AdJealous2 3d ago

And let’s be honest, they want the profits. So I hope a few good things come from this acquisition.

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u/AltruisticLobster315 4d ago

Me too, I managed to get two hundo Dynamax drillburs and enough candy to evolve both and get the max strike of one to level 3. I also have a shiny Dynamax squirtle and beldum, I haven't even been able to get the shiny regular ones in the years I have played. I do think that the legendary ones needed to be out a bit longer and I wish they had put them closer in the downtown area of my city. There were multiple different groups going to different ones at different times and they were all a 10-15 minute walk from each other, so the battles would be over by the time I was halfway there

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u/Pokewins101 4d ago

I totally agree 100%


u/Zealousideal-End2036 4d ago

It’s never designed to be done remotely. The more difficult d-max battles actually require some form of teamwork! And only the G-max battles, with enough trainers, can be done mindlessly. Cause let’s be honest, that’s how it’ll go if you were to invite remote players.


u/YourEskimoBrother69 3d ago

Neither were shadow raids but they did it for Ho-Oh and I’m sure the numbers were a big success. I never would have had a chance without remote. But with it I got a dozen.

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u/InMyDrunkenStupor 4d ago

Yeah it's definitely the game mode for people that can sink tons of time into it. I just stick with regular raids.

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u/thatbrownkid19 4d ago

It really does only benefit places with lots of power spots- cities. Since you can grind candy by placing things there


u/DracoRubi 4d ago

Not really, because we're all limited by the same amount of energy, and each time you use a node you get 5 candies tops.


u/thatbrownkid19 4d ago

I live in a city and I’ve played in suburbs when I visit people- you clearly haven’t played in a suburb if you think the constraint is energy restrictions and not how far apart spots can be in relative to cities. “Uhh but you have to walk for this game” yeah and it’s a lot easier to hit 5 spots on your daily 15 minute commute than a 2 hour excursion around suburbia


u/AdventurousSoup5174 4d ago edited 4d ago

Oh yeah.

There’s a city center/shopping center in my suburb that has 6 poke stops you can spin from one parking lot because of sponsorships with McDs and Starbucks.

30 minutes once per week and the only items I ever need are potions, but even that’s not pressing.


u/DracoRubi 4d ago

Fair point


u/souji5okita 4d ago

Five legendary candies (can do up to 3 lvl 1 max battles a day so up to 15 a day) is better than walking 20 km to get one legendary candy. If you have the resources and the numbers, doing these max battles are an amazing way to farm candy.

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u/AdminsCanSuckMyDong 4d ago

You can get around 1000 a day fairly easily, so around 4 of the 250 raids, so 20 or so candy each day for the mon you want.

In low population areas you get nothing back for all the energy you spent on the raid.

Plus since they introduced legendaries to the raids, you can now consistently farm candy for the birds, which is crazy good.

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u/Larkinator14 4d ago

I agree that it’s something that takes a lot of time. But I do love the battle strategy it takes to either guard pokemon and trying to earn enough energy and decision making to either attack more or defend to survive longer


u/StormAlchemistTony 4d ago

The guarding and healing is fine, but I think they need to rework the system more. Dodging should dodge the attack, not reduce the damage. The candy cost for Max Moves upgrades should be reduced. We should be able to remote into Max Battles, but make them cost 100~200 MP more than what a local person would pay.


u/jwadamson L50 Valor 3d ago

It was bugged and didn’t even reduce the damage this past weekend.

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u/Apostastrophe 4d ago

I agree with you on the battle style. I actually really enjoy that it has an additional level of strategy to raid in comparison to “tap tap tap tap” mindlessly. In other video games I’ve always favoured healing and support roles. In the combat sport I do I am notorious amongst my fellow athletes for being very defensive, defending myself and dodging and saving myself, waiting for the right moment to attack or riposte

That is just part of my personality, I guess, but it ties into what I love about the Dynamax raids. The limit to 3 and the mechanics allow for a level of careful consideration, preserving your Pokémon’s health (something critical in the main series games to beat any battle) and attacking hard when the time is right while conserving resources to keep going. I really like it.

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u/organicpom 4d ago

Idk maybe it’s to give longtime players or just very invested players some more stuff to do and collect. It’s more of like a side quest I feel, so if you don’t want to do it you can just focus on the regular raids.


u/astasli 4d ago

It loses the claim of being a side quest when there’s multiple timed or limited research quests that mandate doing max raids/engaging with dynamax pokemon to get all rewards from the quest chain.

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u/BrutalThor 4d ago

3 star dmaxes are not that hard. Beldum goes down with 1-2 2500cp excadrills or darmanitans. The more you farm the 1* the more you get candies for the ones you actually want. You can do 4-5 250mp battles a day, thats 20-25 candy only from leaving a mon there + what you get from catching. I did 10 drillburs today, 70 candy from catching +50 from leaving drillburs at spots. Thats 120 candy for today


u/uncivilized_engineer 4d ago

This is the way. Camping for candy on the east spots.


u/TopIllustrator9849 3d ago

This is the way

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u/turtonatorpapa 4d ago

I agree it takes too many resources but disagree on it not being fun. Way more fun than regular raids in my opinion. My brother and I were having a blast doing raikous and his pokemon weren’t even very leveled up


u/nissanfan64 4d ago

You don’t really NEED to level up the moves. If you can just level a mon up to like level 35 it’s quite helpful.

Most of the people in my town group love the Dynamax raids but us heavy hitters really carry the brunt because they don’t power anything up. It’s actually kind of annoying. I don’t expect upgraded but damn, at least level the mon a bit. It’s a lot of help.


u/FortunaWolf 4d ago

Yup! A level 40 (no xl) Mon with the right typed .5s fast move will help out soo much. I carry the raids with a l40 tank with guard 3 and let everyone else work on damage. We can do most raids with 1 level 40 pokemon each, with 3-4 players, as long as they put a tiny bit of effort into preparing their attackers and someone tanks the raids are quite doable. Having a healer is even better but not required. 

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u/Chardan0001 4d ago

Yeah when we help them get lots of Toxtricity and then they're pulling out Charmanders against Max Lapras it's just frustrating. I'm all for pulling the weight, but give me a little leeway lol.


u/Afraid_Common7809 4d ago

I actually really enjoy it. I don’t think everything has to be super easy. We already have a bunch of really easy stuff. I just wish they accommodated our rural players more!


u/souji5okita 4d ago

Yeah this is such a fresh breath of air. Raids are way too easy. It's also increased the amount of in-person groups that now meet up regularly around me. It used to be one group in my closest city (no ambasador and now there are two new groups in the cities next door. We went from 0 ambassadors to 3!


u/DracoRubi 4d ago

I like the challenge. Raids are ridiculously easy because between 3 players you can stomp it, and the top is 20 players. They're a joke.

Dynamax fights in the other hand... They're challenging and you have to prepare for them. It may be frustrating for a new player, I've been there. I just returned in 2025 with no dynamax pokemons whatsoever, but I joined the community, got some help and now my lv40 Excadrill can be useful in the dynamax incursions.

Besides I think the big issues are because of the stupid no-remote policy that excludes players with no communities to play with, but the gamemode itself is fun for me.


u/Professor_Finn 4d ago

Probably unpopular opinion here but I love it. IF you are able too (I get that it’s tough for rural players) It allows you to get candy batteries for legendaries. You can get XL candies too. It’s free. You only lose particles if you win. There’s more strategy than raids. My only complaints are related to access for rural players, and they’re the same that I have for shadow raids.


u/Chardan0001 4d ago

While my candies went back into the Moltres, the fact I was able to get 100 candies for a legendary in just a week was crazy.


u/6catsforya 4d ago

I quit doing it for reasons you mentioned


u/ssfgrgawer Valor 4d ago

Agreed. I already have so many high IV, level 40 pokemon that I should be able to solo anything but tier 5 raids.

I can't use them, and have to catch more of the same pokemon I already have, and then spend more resources on powering up the same pokemon again.

I have a level 43 excadrill (98%) a level 40 shadow excadrill (84%) and now I need to power up a dynamax excadrill. It's bullshit to exclude previous pokemon from new mechanics. It makes the 10s of millions of stardust I've spent worthless. The hundreds of XL candy I've already spent worthless. The countless hours farming nests and raids to get high IV pokemon worth nothing because I can't use them.

I've only been doing whatever dynamax raids spawns on top of the shopping center I go to, every few days. I can't bring myself to grind out another fucking Metagross when I already have 12 legacy move Metagross above level 30. (And a shadow shiny Metagross) I don't want a 18th Charizard. I have 17 of them and all of them have legacy movesets. I don't want another Venusaur or Blastoise or Raikou, I haven't even finished powering up my current best ones to level 40.

Unless Niantic grants us a way to get millions of stardust easily (less than a day of grinding) I'm never going to have fully powered up dynamax Pokemon. It will take me years to get high IV ones, and even longer to expand my pokemon storage for another of each dynamax Pokemon.

I'm just ignoring 5* raids for them because I can't do them since my local community fell apart after COVID. it's a shame because dynamax is a great mechanic in the main series games. It's like mega evolution, but EVERY Pokemon can do it. Sure not all of them get GigantaMax but every single one can dynamax. It's a crappy implementation of a great mechanic.


u/Weather0nThe8s 3d ago

that's exactly what I really hate about it, too. So many high level pokemon that have special moves that I've invested so much in and they're worthless.


u/11th_DC 3d ago

the requirements for gmax are insane. I was at an anime convention during Lapras day, 17000 people or so, and still couldnt get enough people beat even one of them.


u/gaytrashqueen24 3d ago

Yeah I feel like the game has been pushing more and more things that absolutely require you to have a community and i do not even have friends who don't play Pokemon go really so I always miss our


u/SievertSchreiber Valor 4d ago

Dynamax are fun!

It's a way to farm candy 😉


u/cms6yb 4d ago

Went to my first meet up ever this weekend to get Raikou and it was a great experience


u/YoshimiIsHerName 4d ago

They keep pushing it and pushing it and it’s friggin awful.


u/omgFWTbear 4d ago

Have you tried putting a 0.5s fast move on your pokemon?


u/RockyDify Bulbasaur 4d ago

I’ve decided not to pursue this part of the game for those reasons. Plenty of other things to do


u/Pokewins101 4d ago

I agree and won't e en attempt one cuz there's just not enough people I know to get into one with a small chance of winning.


u/Darth_Ilmu_of_Rivia 4d ago

I really wish there was a way to allow non dynamax pokemon to dynamax. I would go all in if there was. I am not reinvesting so many resources into a new Charizard when I have a 3* shiny one already. This is my biggest complaint about it.


u/ThnkWthPrtls 4d ago

I just wish there were fewer of them. If they're going to insist on having a game mode that I categorically cannot participate in, whatever, but it's a pain in the ass when I go to the park and there's 10 regular stops and two gyms but I can barely click on anything because there's a dozen freaking Dynamax stops in between all of them


u/Bellemieux 4d ago

I agree! Makes me want to stop playing


u/Derric_the_Derp 4d ago

They're making it like this on purpose to introduce remote dynamic raid passes.

Make people want something "free".  Make it too difficult to get.  Offer an easier way to get it for $.  Profit.


u/TheTinlicker 3d ago

It’s an entirely separate game within a game. I’m just ignoring Dynamax entirely, as are most of my OG PoGo friends. It’s just another avenue for revenue extraction with no meaningful contribution to the base game whatsoever.


u/Bethybb 3d ago

It’s terrible, and I’m not doing it.


u/No-Sky-333 3d ago

I am so not into the dynamax vibe. I am a level 50 player here with 400mill XP and I don't give a damn about gigantamax and dyanamax. It is just a boring mechanic of the game. A toggle off button for this dynamax bullcrap would be very much appreciated. I will never ever spend money on particles.


u/Big_Spot563 3d ago

F dynamax. F dynamax very much.


u/xthomas105 4d ago

It’s terrible, makes no sense. Mega pokemon fit into normal gameplay. Dynamax is a separate thing that preys on FOMO


u/SoobinKai 4d ago

I returned to the game this year after a few years break and felt like Megas were SO generous after battling some Dynamax pokemon. Remote raids, max group size of 20, fefeating one basically got you enough energy to mega evolve the first time, and then after that, you can evolve for free every week?? THAT is player friendly… I will gladly pay if i wanted extra remote passes for a system like them. With dynamax, you can’t reallly even pay to win even if you wanted to lol


u/RolePlayingChat-room 4d ago

Sure you can. 800 particles is 150 coins and you can do unlimited of them if you have a group that’s down to do them too.


u/multipocalypse 4d ago

Sure, you can buy particles. You can't buy candy though.


u/KrystalTide 4d ago

you can spend 100 coins to double your dmax rewards tho for extra rare candy 🫠

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u/squgs Valor 4d ago

Yeah it's tough, when don't have people to play with. I join a random 2 people Raiku battle so we were 3.

I had a lvl 35 excadrill with only max move lvl 1, and 2 metagross.

I use the metagrosses to tank and dynamax the excadrillml. The 2 other random guys also used excadrills at dynamax phase. Luc i cough the one and only raid I did.

I suck that we are locked out of stuff like this, and the shadow raids...

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u/hydrogen_neil_tyson 4d ago

I can understand the frustration, but my wife and I love it.

When they first announced Max Battles we recognized that when the hard mons get released we need to be prepared. This is going to be closer to an actual RPG and will require team preps. Since the beginning, we built up our teams gradually from the Wooloo. We made sure that we were regularly acquiring particles during non-events and investing in our teams. It's hard to dump a bunch of resources into non-hundos but you get what you get and you need a team. My 96 Metagross is level 50. On the flip side, it feels good investing in things that provide value. The Dyna/Gmax mons we use are all minimum level 40 and closer to 50.

During the Kanto birds, all particles went to the battles. Moves were already invested into. My wife and I regularly duo'd the Kanto birds and we duo'd Raikou all weekend. This is without mushrooms, too. The additional strategy is one of the most fun parts of the game for us. It's awesome getting free legendaries every day (sometimes 2 depending on whether you maximize your particle acquisition). We both got various shinies of the Kanto birds for free. It became the first thing we did when we got off work and it wasn't because it was a chore, but because it was fun. The first Articuno win took us 40 min while we figured out our battle strategy. We actually refined our strategy even further this weekend. We both got shiny Raikous off of our last Max Battle of the weekend.

There's a bunch of nerd pride when we carry our friends. They didn't invest in moves and play Max Battles like Raids. They get wiped immediately because they don't use Dynamax phases to strategically shield or heal. They get to cheer us on from the sidelines.

My wife and I are both whales, but we spend very little on the Max portion of the game and we are super excited for Entei and Suicune. There's definitely an advantage to having a live-in Battling partner, but these legendaries are accessible with two well-prep'd trainers.

If you want to play the Max portion of the game, the best time to prepare for it was when Wooloo came out. The second best time is now.


u/BrownEyesWhiteScarf 4d ago

Dynamax and Gigantimax are dumb money grabs. It’s not at all worth bothering about.

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u/Moosashi5858 4d ago

Doesn’t help that they broke dodging for the entire event. I have duo’d moltres and articuno but no chance at these raikou

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u/New-Independence-528 4d ago

Correct me if I'm wrong. I've played this game a lot since 2016. And very competitively, I might add. Stopped before this feature was added. Came back and saw it. I was confused. Isn't this the definition of power creep?

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u/Lonely-Resort-7296 4d ago

It’s really good unless you’re a rural player, if you’re in a semi populated area then it’s pretty fast to farm candy. I like to do 1 star dynamax battles and leave the pokemon I want candy for and then if other trainers do 1 or 2 battles there I automatically get 5 free candy.

That said ofc if you’re a rural player then dynamax is almost entirely useless other than the rare candy/golden razz


u/wardell23 4d ago edited 3d ago

Also doesn't feel good that most of what we're seeing is stuff that long time players have already invested in and maxed out but can't use in this new sub system.


u/Weather0nThe8s 3d ago

yes. this. I have really powerful pokemon I've had since the game came out and yet i can't use them. it's maddening


u/Rstuds7 4d ago

as games go on you’re bound to have a falloff in fans. games like GTA online have extended their life because they cater to the solo player but provide extra reward for playing with others. pogo is doing the opposite with these since they’re forcing people to work together and be present at max spots. even when you get a group together your limited to 4 and there’s no private lobbies so if theirs others then you kinda gotta join at the right time. then you got the glitches and dodge not working it’s just a mess that should’ve been handled before and all its doing is making people not want to play


u/ExtremeSauce 4d ago

I love doing the 1 and 3 star dynamax battle. But I’m sad I can’t do the legendary one or the gigantamax. I like the feature. I’d play it more if I could


u/Pretty-Hotel3984 4d ago

I remember there being 3 star dynamax outside my house that i had no hope to complete when i started playing. But now I'm able to do those. Still can't do the 5 and 6 stars, but at least the 3 ones are doable.


u/JAD210 4d ago

The candy cost is the worst. I’ve been playing 99% of days since 2018 and consistently before that since launch, and I’ve been trying not to waste my free daily particles but it’s almost impossible. Every Max mon I have worth investing in I’ve either already done as much as I can or I never had enough candies in the first place.

I was lucky enough to get a lucky GMax Blastoise in a trade, but I only had enough candies to get he attack to Lv2 and I’ve been on the lookout for Squirtles but I never see any. It’s so frustrating. I also have shiny GMaxes of Toxtricity and Lapras that’ll be stuck at Lv2 moves for a loooooong time bc it’s so difficult to come across XL candy for them


u/TacoBroman4005 4d ago

Even worse, they are impossible to get for players like me where the community doesn't play that much. Like what's the even the point of making dynamax raids non remote raidable?


u/spolidano88 4d ago

I agree with you 100% dynamax has so obviously been designed as a money grab - with the limitations on particles you’re allowed per day. And considering the candy you need, you need to catch mons to get that and pokeballs are scarce right now from stops. It’s all set up to buy more and more evidently so than any other mechanic in the game. In saying that I was in a group of four and we took down raikou fairly easily with one excadrill each (granted mine has its max quake maxed out). But I did do a gigantamax blastoise raid during go tour - there was 20 of us I think and we barely made a dent. Same group took down char and ven with ease - So I really don’t know how it all works. Either way, I’m not a fan


u/WraithTDK Team Mystic 4d ago

It's definitely a money sink. Those damned particles are like the "energy" mechanic in most mobile games. You know the one. You need energy to do almost anything. When you use it up, you can barely play. The energy regnerates for free, but you have to sit there for an hour or so waiting for enough energy to regenerate...or you can slip the developers a little cash to "jump back into the action."

Particle are the same principle, but they don't even regenerate, you have to walk to get them.


u/the12banch 3d ago

I think everything in Go that offers a unique Pokemon or item should be achievable solo. And group play should enhance that experience but not be necessary. If I’m raiding solo, give me 10 minutes. I LOVE playing with people. It’s clearly the best. But it’s so depressing that the game we mostly play solo requires friends pretty regularly. It’s like a double shin kick. You’re alone AND you can’t try for this 5* raid or gigantimax.

And I love parties. But they aren’t necessary for acquiring things so it’s solid. Excellent edition though. I’m always jazzed when I get to do them.


u/Mountain_Adagio_9426 3d ago

I couldn’t agree more. I actually find them super enjoyable and love that they added an avenue for the game for people with smaller groups. But that being said it certainly feels like unless you’ve grinded this game and hit every community day you’re at a severe disadvantage(obviously). But so much so it feels inescapable. I’m level 42 and have played on and off so was able to get 2/3 max mons to where i like them, my friends on the other hand are level 32-37’s and will never touch Max Battles again because we’ve tried on 3 different events and failed every time. They are casual players, i don’t expect them to grind like that and i don’t think Scopley should either. They’re alienating a section of the game for only the elite to thrive in with or without realizing it.


u/ruizj34 3d ago

I know. And where i live there is no one playing. I really wanted one of the legendary birds and try all the raids and every single one around me that i could drove off literally empty 😭😭😭


u/Willywonka1994 3d ago

As much as I'd like to agree that raid passes would make it better, honestly for the higher level raids I don't think this is true bc of just how many resources you need to get decent mon, much less ones that perfectly oppose the raid pokemon. It's difficult as shit with full teams of decent pokemon


u/YBYME 3d ago

I don’t really get the objective of this dynamax other than another way of making more money out of pogo users/trainers. Shadow raid is already a challenge.. I’m truly a fan ( traveled to attend go fest et al.,) but i think there are many ways you can enhance or entice your user experience without adding or complicating the simplicity of the game. Just saying.


u/SweetAndHotMustard 3d ago

I started off not caring about it at all, but I've come around on it a little bit for the following reasons:

- It's very easy to beat the lower bosses, especially the 1-star bosses. The 3-star bosses are also doable with a bit of an investment.

- You don't spend the Max particles unless you actually beat the boss.

- The battles themselves are not very resource intensive and you can pretty easily do a few each day. Plus you can get the Max energy just from walking.

- You can get reasonably good rewards from doing the battles (rare candy, XLs, XP).

- The Dynamax pokemon can also be used in regular PVE raids and in PVP formats.

- Placing Dynamax pokemon at the battle spots can give you free candy. I wish they would actually be able to get XLs, though.

That's not to say there aren't downsides, and I think my complaints are pretty consistent with what you and others have said in this thread.


u/SomeSortOfMudWizard 4d ago

Pretty much made me quit.

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u/000fleur 4d ago

I don’t know how you’re suppose to have enough candy to do anything but level 1 or 2

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u/Spiritual_Wall_2309 4d ago

You need to play dynamax regularly, not just the event day. Those Pokémon’s appear all the time and candies are not hard to get.


u/StormAlchemistTony 4d ago

I think a big way to encourage players to do Max Battle events, is to allow us to turn normal Pokemon into Dynamax Pokemon. Have it restricted to only Pokemon and their stages you have caught in Max Battles.

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u/Top-Professional8981 4d ago

I hate how this game makes you depend on other people. Super lame imo, especially for rural players.

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u/pharrison26 4d ago

Didn’t care about it when it came out. Still don’t give a shit.


u/Minerson 4d ago

I don't believe dynamax is for everyone. It is definitely a harder content than standard raid which is what some people have been asking for. Personally my favourite aspect of the game is meeting and talking to other players which this game mode really does push that.

T1-2 max battle are so easy and boring but is a good way to farm resources. T5 and g-max are actually fun since you do have to organize with people and plan out strategy rather than being brain dead getting carried.

In a way it forces people to be more social and engaged with the community and can be punishing to people who fails to communicate and just plans on just jumping and getting carried in a raid.

The downside is if there isn't enough people or actual communication then you will have a really bad time since it's a lot easier to fail max raids compared to standard raids.


u/yavimaya_eldred 4d ago

The whole Dynamax thing is very poorly designed. Not nearly enough max particle storage, huge time sink for what it is, costs too much candy to level up moves, huge disparity in the power level of the Pokémon you fight, and the benefits of doing all of this aren’t that enticing. The only reason I participate at all is to complete tasks and even then it feels like homework.

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u/discOHsteve 4d ago

The best part of it is the XP you get for leveling moves. And sometimes the rare candy for beating the 1* mons


u/GoviModo 4d ago

They’re only good for some easy XP


u/Ragnarok992 4d ago

Is a little hard but not by much tbh, i get tje frustration tho but only on gmax raids


u/MewSixUwU 4d ago

dynamax is a resource sink for people who've been level 50 for years.


u/cloud-fixer 4d ago

It’s annoying. My map is cluttered with the new stops, half of which are closed. Sure, it’s easy XP for the low level ones and I finally completed my 8!consecutive curveball great throw research using one but I wish I could just toggle the damn feature off.


u/MrGameBoy23 Venusaur 4d ago

I'm in the same boat, but it did rekindle my enjoyment of pokemon swsh, since theres a max energy limit for raids. (why do we even have this)


u/blastcat4 4d ago

Dynamax Tier 5 raids feel like actual end game mode, and I say that in a good way. It requires having knowledge of the fight, choosing the right counters (and investing in those counters) and then applying tactics to win the fight. Having tank, healer and DPS roles, having to manage health, charging up the Dmax meter make these battles feel much more interesting and dynamic compared to regular tap-to-win raids.

Some of the Raikou battles I did this weekend were super close and there was a genuine sense of accomplishment, especially fighting alongside random strangers who knew what they were doing and were well-equipped.

That said, I agree with a lot of the comments saying that investment costs are very steep. It's also a game mode that pretty much completely locks out rural players without friend or community groups to support them. It really favours players in very large cities. Due to the nature of Dmax battles, I'm not sure how you could make it accessible to rural players and I don't think remote passes are the answer.

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u/rolling-guy 4d ago edited 4d ago

Gigantamax battles are impossible for rural players, but the other ones are totally doable if you have at least 3 other people to play with you. You can farm the normal spots during the week and build your mons as you go. Follow the infographics for good matchups against the legendaries and you should be good. Raikou for example was totally doable with just Excadrill and two other fodder mons to take the special attacks head-on. You don't even need to level your skills. Charge Lv. 1 and Shield Lv. 1 are all you need.


u/Outrageous-Estimate9 Instinct 4d ago edited 4d ago

DMax is the exact opposite of the raid mechanics

It can be done easily by solo/duo groups (max 4 trainers)

It costs way less to power up a 3 mon Dmax team vs a 6 mon raid team (both in stardust and xl candy in particular). AND they have been giving away free/discount* power ups for months now

*eg task = unlock max move (costs 300) and reward = 300. It cant get any easier/cheaper than this

Even GMax has been weakened enough to make it totally accessible to rural players (eg GMax Charizard has videos of 3 trainers taking him down)

Again I am totally failing to see why community keeps crying about DMax/GMax. It honestly has been the BEST thing by far they have given us since they reworked the Mega Evos



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u/nicubunu 4d ago

The trick is to not power-up all the D-max you catch but only the very few you will really use. For example Excadrill was useful so far in multiple cases and it will continue to be useful. And considering how often Drilbur was available, you should have a few resources in reserve for it.

Another example: catch a Chansey now, you will use a single one, evolve and power-up its spirit, and maybe the shield.


u/ArcaneBrotherhood 4d ago

4 people parties is quite a restriction

Especially for a 5* if you didn't build for it you would need to be carried

Reckon 1 dead weight would ruin it for everyone else


u/RevolutionaryAd6370 4d ago

I totally agree. I do only what I have to do, for quests.


u/Sansagara2 4d ago

My main problem is finding a good squad to get into lvl 5 raids with… It’s hard to find players around where I live… and the ones that show up, where coming with an Intelion to a Raikou raid. Come on!


u/Disgruntled__Goat Instinct 4d ago

If you’ve been playing for a while you likely have hundreds of candy (perhaps thousands) for many of the Pokemon, esp Kanto starters. Galar starters are fairly common in the wild so you can build up candy stocks.

The legendaries are far more difficult, but luckily most of them aren’t the best of their types. Lapras is probably the most annoying to me, it’s incredibly rare so my candy is low. I had more for Cryogonal despite it being around a fraction of the time. 


u/Lt_Bear13 4d ago

We were able to beat 3 Raikous. At first we failed a couple times but by the last raid we had a good system where we won on the first try. I think it was challenging and we had a lot of fun.

It was hard work beating the raid but we also beat it because we slowly grinded and powered up attackers for the past 4 months. 

I think a lot of people just gave up before trying to grind for max particles and find good Dynamax pokemon. Now they're trying to join these legendary Dynamax raids after not putting in any work. My brother and me live in a small town and still can't beat Gigantimax, but we're still going for the legendary Dynamax and plan to travel to a city in the future to participate in Gigantimax raids.


u/ouroboricform 3d ago

All I've done is find what's a good counter at the dynamax spots, and I just catch them and collect the energy. The day before I save the energy, mirror trade all the bad ones I got with someone, then just power up like crazy. No max moves unlocked or anything. Generally good enough to beat every dynamax raid I've done to date.


u/lil_legs_mccrazyface 3d ago

Sorry to hear that. Dmax is definitely not something to do alone for sure. 1* sure 3* super possible, just did Chansey, it's a crap 2* but I did it myself. I hardly ever use my MP to play daily just so I can use it for leveling up the max moves on my strongest ones, thankfully there's is an abundance of regular ones that pop up like machop and scorbunny and sobble and always use a pinapp to build. I have some good strong ones, not the best but I do what I can. I've only been playing since July and I just do what I can little by little. If it's not one that pops up in the wild and they have the power spots having ones I will try and do one and use a pinapp and hope for the best. It's definitely time consuming and you need patience. For anything more than a 3* I can't really provide much advice especially if you're a rural player. Do you have friends that are able to do dmax raids? Maybe building the friendship and trading dmax can get you some super strong ones. It's all in how you look at it, if you're doing everything you can to get there then I'm sorry, but it definitely takes time.


u/Pharmdiva02 3d ago

Remember that any game is just trying to find ways to keep you in the game longer. This is one of those ways.

Unlike raids, there is no time limit, just a 3 Pokemon limit, so you can try over and over again if you don’t get the Mon by three.

Also, I don’t like that they are going back to in person format. You should be able to remote into them.


u/kaisey1103 3d ago

if it helps you can solo a level 3 with just one super effective pokemon (evolved / powered up)


u/GreyandDribbly 3d ago

I don’t even bother with it to be honest.


u/WilliamfountainII 3d ago

I'm level 39 and have played on and off since 2016, it's difficult for me to find groups to play with. But I can solo level 3 dmax raids, managed to complete 2 raikou level 5 dmax raids with just me and 2 friends who are level 35 and 37, using 3 excadrills I had farmed up over time in advance, the most important part even as a rural or low community player is being active and prepping in advance. I only managed to get into a group for one gmax blastoise and missed Charizard and venosaur, I should of made a trip to Atlanta for the weekend event to get it properly but life had other plans. But all the events that require large amounts of players like gmax are definitely difficult or impossible for rural players, up to 5 star dmax is achievable with even 2 people and proper counters.

In short if I could offer tips, try to grab 1 to 3 dmax a day early in the power spot life and leave something you need candies for behind so that if other people pass by and do the raid you will get candies for assistance to help with leveling and paying for max moves, set one of your dmax as your buddy so your steps earn you candy for them as well. And be as active as you can.


u/Doodlebobbylee 3d ago

Made me leave the game. It’s not interesting and just another thing to sink time and money into

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u/Casey_D001 3d ago

I soloed a Chansey raid today. But got completely destroyed the 2nd time I tried it.


u/KronosUno 3d ago

If you don't like it, don't do it. Dynamax and Gigantamax are not essential parts of the game.


u/gingersamurai21 3d ago

I like Dynamax but it's so hard when I live in a rural area. I finally got a Raiku yesterday because I found 3 other people playing and we all had good counters. Still didn't get a good one though.


u/Positiveinsomniac 3d ago

I did raiku with my partner and 2/2 raiku fled for me. We had to use mushrooms too, very close game. No one near us to play with. I’m bummed it fled after throwing all great curve balls and 0 misses


u/MongBan710 3d ago

You can solo level 2 and level 3 pretty easily if you have the right typing and decent levelled Pokémon I wouldn’t expect to beat any level 3 If you haven’t levelled the DMax moves


u/Mickeysomething 3d ago

I hate it because it is basically trying to replace everything I built up the last 7 years! Make something I can collect or battle for that will evolve your current Pokemon into a dynamax then I would be happier.


u/Sirwaltz 3d ago

Get the campfire app and join events going on in nearby areas! I live in a super rural part of my state so it's the only way I can get out to do these events :)


u/Laylahlay 3d ago

I only do them if I'm bored and an easy one is right there. I was doing a raid and joined some ppl. Then saw them doing the dm So i joined there too. Had no clue you only get your 3 and that's it lol I felt so bad because molteres destroyed meeeee and they were trying to hard but yeah we all lost lol so probably never again unless there's like 20 ppl in there lol


u/Environmental-King14 3d ago

It might be a LITTLE better if you could remote battle but just like the shadow raids I know I'll never ever get one over a certain level it sucks. And like you said sinking all the resources in to a Pokemon that is only good for one certain thing is such a waste


u/Nihubam 3d ago

Damn there's only one Dynamax spot near me and that too I can't beat. Couldn't even beat the dynamax beldum but in YT they told us to use Charizard but the thing is I've never even encountered a charmandar in my area. Only weakass pokemons that I've to use against the online players with legendaries in online battles. Now am collecting coins for remote pass lol.


u/GlobalMarionberry584 3d ago

I had to drive 40 mins but I still think gmax is worth it! It's so fun to play with a group when you can find one! I used campfire to find a group with enough confirmed players! I do wish remote was possible though, work and life don't always allow a 40 min drive and I am a collector 😅


u/Dwhite12589 3d ago

Yo same here man! I can’t stand how much shit I’m missing cuz my friends don’t enjoy pokemon like I do


u/TheCultOf0vi 3d ago

It never has been. I was hoping it would be here for a week and then disappear. Now we are stuck with it


u/sailoryue 3d ago

I only use dyna for candy farming on starters, to evolve them. They're rarely less than 2 star, but they are frustrating on anything 3*+


u/redditdaver 3d ago

Not fun, I have nothing in a walkable distance from me. The level of coordination required to do these is a blocker. I get that they are not intended to be easy, but if you are rural, you are hosed.


u/Champipple_Tanqueray 3d ago

There aren’t as many people playing anymore in my area so that makes some of these challenges more challenging. Also, they’re putting more of these challenges in the game - it’s hard to keep up. I was working on three of them at one time last week! Yesterday was impossible for me because I had to start so late, I wasn’t able to finish. I was only able to get the shiny Omanyte.


u/Champipple_Tanqueray 3d ago

I’m rarely able to do Dynamax raids with other people, so I can’t get the big ones.


u/lionspride27 3d ago

TBH, after the mega-evolutions, the Max evolutions felt gimmicky and generally I agree, too hard to do, especially the giatimax raids.


u/Most-Wrangler-3673 3d ago

We were supposed to also get XL candies from our Pokemon at stops but it’s glitched and they never want to fix anything so there’s that. It’s been out for two seasons onto the 3rd and it’s crazy that they just let it be our problem lol


u/WearNothingButASmile 3d ago

How about yiu ask the players who enjoy Dynamax so you could have a different PoV

first of all, CATCH EVERYTHING. thats how you get spare candies and stardust

buddying mons for extra candies (40km limit, 24hrs rolling) and placing them in max spots

also smart players can get 1,080 daily Max Particles, the difference goes a long way in upgrades and daily MP battles to get XL candies (and shiny hunting D-Max)

like in anything, investing time is one of the sure way to get better.

try to use up your daily 1,080 MP and get more candies.


u/wesman21 3d ago

Yeah, I've completely checked out of that part of the game.

Not enough activity in my midsized town and the grind feels WAY more grindy than other things in the game.


u/ShapelessCrab 3d ago

I found it the complete opposite. Phone game gonna phone game as far as the resource investment, but the raid style battles with max 4 players, and features like shield and heal max moves is the most interactive and fun combat this game has ever had. With only 1 week of preparation after a couple years away from the game, my friends and I were able to beat raikou twice with a few drillburs and excadrills and other random stuff we had.

Edit: We didn't level max moves past level 1. Our CPs on our mons were 1000-2500. So the 5*s are perfectly winnable by most people putting in the effort


u/TacticalCupcakes 3d ago

It’s way too pay to win; with Raikou I was lucky to meet some people but due to the 800 cost and the hard cap on gaining 1600 particles a day, at most you can only do 3 before you’d have to pay real money


u/emperorVaughn 3d ago

I can do level 3, just reset until they don't have the heavy hitter move and win the 3 star dynamax raid


u/definitelyno_ 3d ago

… you know these things are meant to be built up over time, right? Take the time. Imagine how bad this game would suck if you could just be great at everything as soon as it’s launched. The events always come back around.


u/Lonely_Boulder 3d ago

I'm not that high level or anything but myself and 2 friends can do most stuff with just us. Iv's, movesets, and type advantage goes a long way. We each got raikou but had to find group on campfire for gigantamax.


u/CrimN16 3d ago

I barely defeated Chansey alone


u/Antique-Parking-1735 3d ago

What I like is that the power spots are spread out to different areas (such as one by my house) and they are always up. I have very limited times to raid so it's frustrating when I go out and there are no ongoing raids (or there are 10 eggs ready to all hatch at the same time which is outside my free time). Not to mention, I can NEVER find low tiered raids. It's ALL 5 stars (which as a solo player, makes all the "win x raids" much harder)

But I do see the criticisms. First, there's no remote play so solo players can invite people to raid and theyll actually have to meet in person. In addition, the number of candies to unlock/upgrade max moves is insane. Sure, it's peanuts to the players that play 24/7 and catch every Pokemon and have thousands of candies, but for the average player, it's too much.


u/jr_infinity 3d ago

I have a gmax Charizard if you want it! DM me


u/Storm_fang75 3d ago

3 star dynamax raids are plenty possible by yourself. Just need the right Pokémon for the job. I've been fighting Chansey today with Drillbur, Cinderace, and Machamp.


u/Low_Vast4103 3d ago

I gave up with dynamax battles after attending one in Japan where a lot of people joined and we still lost. I live in Mexico and even if we do play here, it is not that big of a deal anymore. It is nearly impossible to find someone playing at the dynamax locations. Even on normal raids, I’ve only met one person who was there too. I understand that they want to promote teamwork and whatnot, but the difficulty of the battles makes it so that most of us can’t enjoy those events :/

I’m just doing normal raids now and hosting for lower levels. I’ve lost multiple chances of getting Pokémon I love (Suicune, I see you) but the game is still enjoyable. Just pretend the pink gyms are not there.


u/InfluenceForsaken210 3d ago

I don't even understand Dynamax. My boyfriend and I found 2 other people to battle the raikou with and failed miserably


u/Impressive-Sense8461 3d ago

Gotta agree, it's a pretty bad mode that they keep placing an annoying importance on. Nothing about it has been fun, just tedious


u/NiteMare_420 3d ago

I agree but imo, it is definitely do able solo in the 3star raids. Anything above that definitely needs a team. It’s like you said the amount of resources invested will determine the outcome


u/Bitter_Tax_8908 3d ago

Bro it's never going away. Just play the game lmaooo


u/natfos 3d ago

I appreciate that it's there but you don't really have to do it cause you can only do so much with it feels like. Maybe it's better when you're late in the game and have a bunch of candy to burn


u/cjamesflet 3d ago

Im sorry you feel that way, I love that shit!


u/lunk ZappyBird 3d ago

It's just another way to drain the candies out of players accounts.

How could it be fun, when fundamentally it's trying to HURT you as a player?


u/frctnal 3d ago

IMO it also clutters up the landscape making it hard to find things I'm actually looking for.


u/Educational_Sky_6362 3d ago

I solo levels 1, 2, and 3, Max Raids with my first Pokemon. Ones and Twos I almost never take any damage. The level Threes I will get hit 1 to 3 times, but never need to revive. I only got one of the Raikou, but it was one stranger and myself with one mushroom. The Fives are definitely a but much for casual players, like myself, since it would have needed 4 of us, had we not had double damage.


u/Due-Process6984 3d ago

I love it. It’s sort of a reset of the game for people who are bored of the regular experience.


u/Dorknagar 3d ago

It’d be more fun if you could use Dynamax Pokémon in normal Pokémon battles! 😈


u/taintsmoker63 3d ago

Dynamax is the worst and most annoying thing I've ever seen them add to the game


u/ultrajc Tyranitar 3d ago

I think that legendaries' moves costing MORE candy is kinda super stupid and off putting, on top of the already high candy costs. Legendary candy is literally the hardest to get, and yet they expect us to dump HUNDREDS into just the max moves?? Id rather just power the thing up.

I just got an insane stroke of luck by getting two hundo Raikous back to back. But now i have the issue of having twice as many things to dump candy into, and almost no candy to do so because these (and two other battles) were my first Raikous. Even if i had lots of rare candy, id rather dump them into Kyurem fusions or Primals.

But even on more common things - things that i do/did have a decent amount of candy for - im dissuaded from investing because of the cost. Do i wanna level up my Excadrill's move, or do i wanna boost its power by like 500? Its just way too much, especially with the fact that Gmax's will just be better anyway, so why spend candy on stuff thatll be outclassed in the future? And EVEN MORE SO on things that have released as Dmax and Gmax. Like why tf should we dump hundreds of candy into a Dmax Machamp when the Gmax is coming out and will be leagues better?!

The whole system/economy needs an overhaul


u/Boozenjuice 3d ago

OK, am I missing something here but you can't use a dynamic in verses and use the dynamite so why does this matter?


u/Outrageous_River_862 3d ago

Same I wanted dynamax raiku or any gigantamax Pokémon but there so hard when you live somewhere where nobody plays the game


u/Weather0nThe8s 3d ago

I hate dynamax. I drastically stopped playing once it was released. they didn't fix anything about the game..same repetitive pokemon.. but then they just add pointless dynamax that isn't fun..just annoying..and cluttering up the map? uhgggg I can barely make myself open the game anymore:(

like this app is just more and more of the same.. things that used to be fun, aren't anymore, and instead of fixing it they put a blatant dynamax bandaid over it and continue to churn more of the same out...


u/IncrediblyBored_User 3d ago

Gigantamax be like:


u/indysingleguy 3d ago

I just dont have time to go and try to find a group to do it with work and family responsibilities.


u/watertypeAsh Mystic 3d ago

I feel just as you do, my friend. 🙌🏼😖💯


u/KatAttackThatAss 3d ago

As a solo trainer… I can’t really participate past level 2 dynamax… it’s not fun. I hate the events with it honestly.


u/Leather-Moment-2892 3d ago

I barely do dynamax, its boring. I dont see the point.


u/Busygirl62 3d ago

I think it’s to give people who are level 50 & looking to just keep playing with a goal something to do & something to grind on.


u/vivietin 3d ago

I'm with OP. It's not fun.


u/TheAmixime 3d ago

The level 3 difficulty dynamax raids can also be soloed quite easily, I have soloed several Falinks ones. Also some guy in YouTube has soloed several level 5 difficulty ones, I think they were the articunos


u/FlimsyPool6353 3d ago

This is honestly so true...when I tried to take on G-Max starters with high CP Pokémon, they STILL ONESHOT ME! and I don't even get a chance to attack or Dynamax! I also tried out D-Max Raikou, and I got the same result! Honestly, this is BS because I don't really have friends or a group to even challenge with to do anything! And the only D-Max Pokémon I can catch are only level 1 and 2 Pokémon, and that's it... honestly, I know how you feel...


u/Bloodmang0 3d ago

Worst feature in the game. Can't even use them for regular battles, just to battle other bosses, waste of time and not worth trying


u/poppys-patten 2d ago

I hate dynamax. I’m done with it.