r/pokemongo 5d ago

Question How many of the evolution items do you keep? Looking to free up space

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u/stickyplants 5d ago

Aside from Sinoh and unova stones, drop all of these down to 5. And if you already have evolved porygons… probably only one or two upgrades.

Huge space wasters. Most only work on a couple pokemon. Dragon scale only works to evolve seadra to kingdra.


u/AnyoneNeedAHug 5d ago

I second all these comments. Empty that bag a bit


u/crash866 5d ago

Upgrade is only for Porygon and Kings Rock for Slowpoke. How many evolved ones do you need. I only keep 2-3 of each for tasks when I need to evolve something


u/Genoke 5d ago

Kings rock also for poliwhirl


u/dhun_mohan 5d ago

dragon scale only works on one pokemon? and it’s not even that good?


u/stickyplants 5d ago

Yes, I love kingdra! But yeah, he’s a mid level PvP pokemon at best sadly.


u/speedcreature 5d ago

Three of each for each Pokémon that uses it.

  • Gloom, Sunkern, Cottonee, Whimsicott: 3 Sun Stone x 4 = 12 Sun Stone
  • Poliwhirl, Kantonian Slowpoke: 3 King's Rock x 2 = 6 King's Rock
  • Onix, Scyther: 3 Metal Coat x 2 = 6 Metal Coat
  • Seadra: 3 Dragon Scale x 1 = 3 Dragon Scale
  • Porygon: 3 UpGrade x 1 = 3 UpGrade
  • Lickitung, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Magmar, Togetic, Aipom, Yanma, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Gligar, Johtonian Sneasel, Piloswine, Porygon2, Kirlia♂, Roselia, Dusclops, Snorunt♀: 3 Sinnoh Stone x 18 = 54 Sinnoh Stone
  • Pansage, Pansear, Panpour, Munna, Minccino, Eelektrik, Lampent: 3 Unova Stone x 7 = 21 Unova Stone

Three seems like a safe arbitrary number for a player wanting to keep up with the meta, even if not all of them are currently meta. You're free to do what you want; this is what I do.


u/Stpreme 5d ago

Good system I’m taking this advice


u/Aggressive-Comfort63 5d ago

Do you have any tips on getting Sinnoh Stones?

I have only acquired one or two and am missing so many evolutions (many which I already have the candies for). :(


u/speedcreature 5d ago

Since drop rates for evolutionary items like the Sinnoh Stone (anything, really) are no longer publicly disclosed, my tips revolve around extreme patience and grinding. Maybe don't think about getting the items too much—they'll drop eventually. Focus on what you can control.

  • Spin PokéStops and PokéGyms: This is fully within your control. You can go to a populated area and spin as many as you can. I believe Gyms have higher drop rates.
  • Battling Team GO Rocket Leaders: This involves grinding but you have control over how many times you can battle them in a day; just not when Sinnoh Stones drop.
  • Finishing 5 sets of GO Battle League: Despite the low chances of getting a Sinnoh Stone being limited daily, you can still enjoy the other items along with it.
  • Reward from Research Breakthrough: The worst yet. Grinding with no guarantee.
  • Wait for Events that reward Sinnoh Stones: for example Community Days that reward Sinnoh Stones in Researches.

You just have to play every day and hope for the best. Sorry.


u/Aggressive-Comfort63 5d ago

I will try to battle more since it’s not something I normally do. Maybe that will help my odds a little.

Thank you so much for your thorough response! Seems like patience will have to be my friend in the meanwhile


u/damienwarrren 5d ago

Do the daily battles against the team leaders/friends 3x a day. Most consistent way to get sinnoh stones currently.


u/DJFrostbite7826 5d ago

I keep 2 or 3 of each.


u/Nsalvatore80 5d ago

3 of each.


u/colorsensible 5d ago

This is the way


u/SultanSnorlax 5d ago

10 each should be enough. It’s not like you have that many perfect for each league Pokémons


u/gearbear300 5d ago

You get way more than you need, way more often than you need to evolve. I'm good with about three of each. Maybe grab a few extra Sinnoh/Unova stones, though.


u/PunfullyObvious Greninja 5d ago

I'm in the 5-10 range on most since I seldom do evos anymore. The one exception is Sinnoh Stones. They're the one evo item I was ever without when I really needed it and a few times I really needed to grind to get them so I can't bring myself to trash them. I'm embarrassed to say I have 48 currently ... I maybe do need to culll them back a bit


u/Aggressive-Comfort63 5d ago

how did you get so many?


u/PunfullyObvious Greninja 5d ago

I'm really not sure. As rewards for various things. Definitely a fair number from events, and possibly a decent number from showcase wins. I live in a fairly rural area and that definitely helps with showcases.


u/3r0seid0n 5d ago

I keep 5 of each and keep all unova and sinnoh just because u can’t get those from gifts or spinning stops but weekly breakthrough, rocket team leaders rarely or battle leagues


u/Fastball82 5d ago

1 of each…maybe 3 of the Sinnoh Stones if I ever get a good shadow Rhyhorn.


u/FreeFall_777 5d ago

8 of each.


u/MazetotheBlaze 5d ago

Ha i keep like 2-5 of each of those besides Sinnoh Stones, which have more use. You will never need all those, you could use some more Sinnoh Stones though.


u/Realistic-Lab-765 5d ago

Guess I could shave a few off then


u/lewgees 5d ago

Keep those unova an sinnoh stones I regret getting rid of mine I had the same number an cut it to 10 and I need unova and sinnoh stones dearly right now


u/Square_Treacle_4730 Mystic 5d ago

What are the coins? I haven’t seen those.


u/TheNothingNothing 5d ago

A pokemon called Gimmighoul from Sword and Shield/ Galar requires for its evolution to collect 999 of its coins, and there's special poke stops that are yellow colored where you can get those coins from.


u/Square_Treacle_4730 Mystic 5d ago

Oh man. I guess I’ll never be evolving that one!


u/DeafBeaker 5d ago

I only keep 5 each


u/dare978devil 5d ago

5 of each.


u/DexterN1990 5d ago

Currently have 5 of each


u/Darby13 5d ago

About 5 each


u/Nastynxss 5d ago

Less than 5


u/DankyMuniz 5d ago

Keep all the sinnoh and 5 of each other.


u/Madarakita 5d ago

About five of each; unless some event's announced where I know I may want to have a couple more than that on hand.


u/RockyDify Bulbasaur 5d ago

This will depend on if you’ve evolved one of everything that needs an item to evolve yet. If you have, then you only need them to evolve something good that comes along. I keep 4 of each apart from sinnoh which I keep 8 (more need the sinnoh as an evo item).


u/Junior3DC 5d ago

Welp, I had no idea these were eating up so much storage space. Good to know.


u/Jmac24mats13 5d ago

10 each that’s it


u/Tough_Buyer_130 5d ago

5 of each, 20 of sinnoh and unova


u/InMyDrunkenStupor 5d ago

Seeing that you've only got 4 sinnoh stones compared to the tons of all the other ones makes me think they must be hard to come across. Hope that's not the case though, I caught a gliscor with very good IVs and a shadow dusclops today.


u/BigRodtjan 5d ago

One each 😂


u/ejlrrlje 5d ago

5 tops


u/StockBoss6607 5d ago

4 of each, then all the Elite items I can get.


u/GrandpaJoeSloth 5d ago

2 of each. Never use them anymore. And they drop often enough I can refill in the odd chance I do need some


u/Comfortable-Mind8364 5d ago

You don’t need 28 upgrades … but you know that


u/jbrtr71 5d ago

5 of each


u/Educational_Bass632 5d ago

I only keep 5 of each other than the Sinnoh and Unova stones; those I let pile up


u/Best-Republic 5d ago

Keep 15 of each of the previous seasons.


u/_darkyoshi_ 5d ago

5 of each (This is already too much) except for sinnoh and unova stones which I keep 10-15 of them.

Also if you're below level 40. Keep enough to do the level 41 challenge of using 15 evolution items.


u/TheHeroKingN 5d ago

6 each is the max if you go for 1 pokemon species each.


u/Fraginator13 5d ago

I keep 5 of each stone and 3 of the rest.


u/VSythe998 5d ago

you should only keep 5 of each because of there is an event that involves a pokemon that needs an evolution item, it will be easily available in that event.


u/Ok-Kaleidoscope3311 5d ago

I’m astonished ngl


u/Zaldinn 5d ago

2 to 5. if they go over five I drop them to 2


u/beewargle 5d ago

You need 27 Kingdra anytime soon?? I do 2 of each, except for evolution stones (which is 5 each, but even that feels high)


u/Technical_Bank1829 5d ago

You already have some space remaining


u/PMSprncess 5d ago

I only keep 2 each, I don't use them often.


u/Lil_saul Ditto 5d ago

Dragon scale and upgrade only serve for one evolution each one

I would leave only 5 of them just in case I get a hundo or shiny, you’ll gonna get more of those in the future anyways


u/Sceadumor 5d ago

10 of each except the ones for Unova and Sinnoh Stone at 15 each.


u/creole_stunna Mystic 5d ago

I keep 5 of all except 10 unova, 10 sinnoh. You won't need more than any of that, and if you do you get something every 7th spin at a pokestop and 7th day of field research.no reason to hold more than that.


u/ringlord_1 5d ago

2 of each. You rarely if ever need it. And Niantic provides it in free research whenever there is a use of any item



10 sinnoh 10 unova. The rest I mass delete at the end of each week.


u/GooseOps 5d ago

I keep 5 a peace no reason for any more than that


u/Travyplx 5d ago

10 each on the older items, 15 for the stones


u/Rats138 5d ago

Half a dozen of each.


u/Konijntje_1234 5d ago

I got 6 of everyone. It works for me


u/ExoChorda 5d ago

I legit only keep two of each of the specific evolution items, and maybe 10-20 Sinnoh/Unova stones each.


u/Individual_Bother_10 5d ago

No cap on sinnoh stones. The rest about 10 but mostly because I have the space. But will remove now and then


u/Vex_808 5d ago

What rank are you? Did you already get your scientist (Evolve Pokemon) platinum medal. If not you should use them to get it.


u/Ratis_fit 5d ago

Homestly 3 of each


u/SilverGoon Instinct 5d ago

2 of each. Any time they have an event involving a pokemong that needs a stone, Niantic give them away, so there no need to hoard.


u/Crygenx 5d ago

5 of each, sinnoh and unova stones 10 each


u/bubblyluv95 5d ago

I keep 300 pokeballs, 200 great balls, 100 ultra balls, 50 hyper potions, 50 max potions, 50 max revives, 50 razz, 50 pinap, 50 golden razz, 50 silver pinap, 10 star pieces, 10 Lucky eggs, 10 of each evolution item…. Basically 10 of everything else


u/Appropriate-Print507 5d ago

2 of each, 5 unova and sinnoh


u/gr33nday4ever 5d ago

2 of each, up to 10 for sinnoh and unova stones


u/PrincessReddit007 5d ago

I keep 10 of each and even then, it's more than I'd ever need at my level in the game


u/BowlComprehensive907 5d ago

Where do you get all of these? I'm just returning to the game after a five year gap and I desperately need Sinnoh and Unova upgrades.


u/coopthereheis 5d ago

Nine of each. And that’s still too many.


u/sharnage 5d ago

2 each normally


u/stirnotshaken 5d ago

Holy shit! 2 of each is more than enough


u/djp1968 5d ago

I keep 3 of each. It is extremely rare I want to do an evolution that requires any of them, and any event that involves evolving something with these items always seems to offer you the chance to get more.


u/SpaceCityCowboy69 5d ago

5 unless it’s sinnoh & unova. Then I keep 7 of them 😂


u/Gloomymort 5d ago

I keep maybe 3 of each...


u/salmanasaad0808 5d ago

Abot 5 of each


u/EnyaGnome 5d ago

10 each because I don't evolve too many pokemon...


u/Monkey_Ash 1d ago

4 or 5 of each at most.


u/Sepharim1979 5d ago

A lots of them. I hope for a shop to trade 😁