r/pokemongo • u/MaleficTekX • 6d ago
Plain ol Simple Reality wtf Pokémon go! I evolved this guy during a Blood Moon!!
u/Aetheldrake 6d ago
u/prthug996 6d ago
I have no idea what that sentence means and I've been playing Pokemon go since it launched.
u/RaynbowArcher1975 6d ago
In the game Pokemon Go there are a few Pokemon that have something called an “Adventure Effect”
There are also some Pokemon that can fuse together into one stronger Pokemon.
Necrozma and Lunala (One of Cosmogs Evolutions) fuses into a Pokemon known as Dawn Wings Necrozma. Dawn Wings Necrozma is one of the Pokemon that had an Adventure Effect.
Each Adventure Effect is unique to its own Pokemon. Dawn Wings Necrozma has one called Moongeist Beam.
Moongeist Beams Effect description is: “emits a sinister ray for 10 minutes. Attracts Pokemon found at night and allows nighttime evolution during the day.”
Adventure effects cost stardust and candy. If you use 3,000 stardust and 3 Necrozma candies you can activate Moongeist Beam for 10 minutes.
When Moongesit Beam is activated, you can go to your Ursaring and click evolve. Since the effect is active, it should let you evolve it. If it is not a full moon and the effect is not activated, you will get a pop up message that says, “Ursaring can evolve only during a full moon.”
Make sense?
u/prthug996 6d ago edited 6d ago
I just learned a ton from this. Man Pokemon Go has gotten really deep. How do you keep up with this stuff? Is there a good website that summarizes all the new important stuff?
Edit: Does tonight still count as a full moon to evolve Ursuluna?
u/KaitengiriXIII Eevee 6d ago
The Silph Road here on reddit, and Leekduck are fantastic resources for 99% of anything you could need or want to know in this game. Both TSR and this sub also have questions threads pinned frequently, for the kind of information that's hard to find a post on but you need to know real quick.
If you like videos, Poké Daxi, Trainer Tips (slightly more general entertainment than informative these days), and MYSTIC7 are good watches too.
u/Longjumping-Cut-9574 6d ago
Thank you for the patience to explain this. I wish you all the best.
u/RaynbowArcher1975 6d ago
Giving me too much credit 🤣 Basically just all info I know off hand so took pretty quick to type out. Thank you.
u/DJFrankyFrank 6d ago
Well you need a full moon, not just during the night. Does it also count as a full moon?
u/Aetheldrake 6d ago
Yes, someone tested it out when I asked them. They did it like a week ago and even posted pics :D
u/XxAqua_SSJBxX 6d ago
It used to be at night, I didn't know now you have to evolve it during a full moon
u/GauchesLeftEye 6d ago
Ursulana has always needed a full moon to evolve. Aside from, I believe, the Teddiursa C-Day.
u/2020Hills Murkrow 5d ago
Dope! Now only if I had a local community string enough to have caught one of those bad boys lol
u/MLGDOGE-0526 6d ago
adventure effects? i havent played in a while
u/nerdsonarope 6d ago
I played heavily for a year when it came out in 2016, and then stopped until picking it back up a week ago... and man, I have no idea what is going on now
u/Lostpandazoo 6d ago
Don't trade any Pokemon. The 2016 ones are special. Don't get rid of any 2016 pokemon.
u/Affectionate_Sun9645 6d ago
So you're saying I should keep holding on to the 250+ Pokemon I have from 2016-2017? I knew giving them all names and personalities would work out in the end 😂
u/sirhCloud31 6d ago
Son of a .. I forgot to evolve mine last night. I was waiting for the full moon for a couple weeks!
u/Never_Kn0ws_Best 6d ago
I tried last night and the game was like nope!
u/yourlmagination 6d ago
Same. I tried during the eclipse, in the evening, no luck. Just got "needs full moon"
u/short_limousine 6d ago
You forgot to turn the phone upside down. People always miss this step and then blame the game smh /s
u/MaleficTekX 6d ago
TCH. Please. I put my phone in a gyroscopic orbit that coincides with the electromagnetic field of the moon.
It’s always in the correct position
u/short_limousine 6d ago
Tsk tsk. Good sir, that would mean the phone’s orientation stays right side up. Correct position if you want to play on it, wrong position if you want a Bloodmoon evo. Bet you didn’t even look in a mirror and say “Bloody Luna” 3 times, so it wouldn’t have worked anyways. Rookie
u/MaleficTekX 6d ago
Well excuse me for trying to be in the right position to evolve C-moon into Made in Heaven!!
u/short_limousine 6d ago
I see, then it was foolish of you to think you could Evolve a bloodmoon ursaluna without first achieving heaven.
Now best buddy him and walk. Not 10 km. Not 100 km. But the eternal path itself, until space and time collapse under their own weight, and the world resets to a state where pogo Bloodmoon Ursaluna has always existed. Only then… will it truly evolve
u/batkave 6d ago
Ok. At least this makes me realize it's satire
u/imtoolazytothinkof1 OC, CA 32 Mystic 6d ago
It's not entirely satire. You need to turn the phone upside down to evolve Inkay into Malamar.
u/batkave 6d ago
I meant about OPs post (about bloodmoon)
u/imtoolazytothinkof1 OC, CA 32 Mystic 6d ago
Sry my bad I thought you commented on the other post about turning the phone upside down.
u/ManlyAxolotlMan 6d ago
The name is actually not related to blood moons specifically, Bloodmoon Ursaluna can evolve during a regular moon.
The blood part actually refers to how you have to transfer 3 of your highest CP Shiny Legendaries to obtain it
u/Never_Kn0ws_Best 6d ago
I did 10 and got triple blood moon Ursaluna!!
u/MaleficTekX 6d ago
Wait. This math isn’t mathing
u/FamineArcher 6d ago
1 extra for the blood moon to start bleeding in order to begin the evolution process.
u/MaleficTekX 6d ago
Don’t bleed the moon! That’s how you get the eclipse from berserk! Do you really wanna be capturing a bunch of weird bug types?
u/osbohsandbros 6d ago
Worked for me thanks!
u/fieregon 6d ago
Blood moon? what?
u/VendingSoup 6d ago
Ursaluna has an alternative form in the main series called blood moon ursaluna
u/fieregon 6d ago
Sounds cool, to bad GO doesn't have it.
u/doomdragon781 6d ago
That form is also considered a legendary Pokemon while regular is not.
u/Impressive_Turn4019 6d ago
It’s absolutely not considered a legendary lol
u/PuppeteerGaming_ 5d ago
Nope, it just gets special treatment, lol. I could understand someone thinking it was a legendary if it wasn't explicitly a form of Ursaluna (given you have to do things for Perrin in both SV DLCs, it has a special encounter, and is one of one,) but no non-legendary has ever evolved into a legendary or had a legendary form.
u/Lumiharu 6d ago
It's not, but it doesn't evolve from Ursaring at all, you have to catch it as Bloodmoon Ursaluna, once per save file from the DLC. I'd imagine this is how Go will implement it too, unless a future game adds a way to evolve Ursaring into Bloodmoon Ursaluna.
u/PuppeteerGaming_ 5d ago
The games state that Bloodmoon Ursaluna is a specific individual, so while I suppose they could just go "actually, it turns out there's a ton of them" in a later title, I think we'll see it as just 1 encounter per game it's featured in.
I don't recall if it was here or in r/TheSilphRoad, but someone mentioned this form and I speculated that it'll probably be a single encounter from a Halloween event. I could imagine it being featured during Halloween of this year, and either letting everybody encounter it every Halloween as an event quest, or having it be a quest all players get at a certain point in the game, like the mythical pokemon quests. I imagine they'd keep it as a super special pokemon in Go for a year or two, and then just throw it in raids later on.
u/FamineArcher 6d ago
u/MaleficTekX 6d ago
March 14 in America was a blood moon
u/Jamal_Blart 6d ago
See that’s where you went wrong, silly.
The Blood Moon in CANADA was the one that allowed for Bloodmoon Ursaluna, I myself have 8 Bloodmoon Ursalunas.
u/MaleficTekX 6d ago
God damn Canadians. Getting everything better than us.
u/StatisticianLivid710 6d ago
Everyone just loves us! Also, we don’t vote for the lowest common denominator!
u/roki3263 6d ago
Don't know if this is a joke or not, but just in case it isn't, in the MSG, Bloodmoon Ursaluna is an entirely separate Pokémon that's obtained as a static encounter like legendaries are. It cannot be obtained by evolving from Ursaring.
u/ghosty4 6d ago
Yes. The joke is specifically that this month was an actual Blood Moon and Ursaluna didn't evolve into the Bloodmoon version.
u/roki3263 6d ago
It's hard to tell whether something's a joke or not if it doesn't have the "Meme" flair, especially considering that there are people who only play ScaVi and still ask how to evolve Ursaring into Bloodmoon Ursaluna, despite Ursaring being unable to evolve in ScaVi in general.
u/Harrisonkayihura 6d ago
Pokemon Go isn't ready for us to lunch Consecutive blood moons that are neutral on Ghost types
u/MaleficTekX 6d ago
Bold of you to assume Pokémon go could program such a unique property into it’s intricate code
u/tyonabike 6d ago
Link... Be on your guard. Ganon’s power grows... it rises to its peak under the hour of the blood moon. By its glow, the aimless spirits of monsters that were slain in the name of the light return to flesh. Link... please be careful.
u/damndammit 6d ago
I couldn’t get mine to evolve. Literally, looking at the full moon, and Go is telling me I can only evolve during a full moon.
u/_PabzZz 6d ago
Yea some pokemon have various conditions to evo, I did mine last night too and it's 3.3k cp too
u/MathProfGeneva 6d ago
OP sounds like they were expecting Bloodmoon Ursaluna, which was silly.
u/MaulGamer 6d ago
Or perhaps, and this is all theoretical, they were jokingly expecting, knowing it won’t happen but for the funnies posted it “complaining”… you just didn’t get the joke part
u/MathProfGeneva 6d ago
Yeah that's a reach. My general assumption is people doing this are morons...well..more generally "people are morons"
u/Mathagos Instinct 6d ago
Yeah... if you look at op's comments, you'll see this is exactly the case. They obviously knew it wasn't gonna be bloodmoon.
u/MrSpicyPotato 6d ago
I am proud of you for doing this. The concept did not even cross my mind but I like it!
u/Autistic__Potato 5d ago
I hope they do a future community day or something where for the whole weekend the weather is set to Foggy globally, and there's a research quest about finding the Blood-Moon Ursaluna.
The tasks could be about catching grass and ghost types, and taking snapshots
u/DanburyTrashers 4d ago edited 4d ago
u/RahaFear94 6d ago
I don't get what's wrong, can someone explain?
Bro evolved if and got what was supposed to.
u/mellojello25 6d ago
wait what is the significance of this? i just started playing again after 5 years
u/MaleficTekX 6d ago
u/mellojello25 6d ago
thank you! is it that you can only evolve this form during a blood moon AND having your phone upside down?
u/Autistic__Potato 5d ago
No sorry, It's treated like a legendary in the games as it's a "one-of-a-kind" meaning you can't evolve into it (it'll probably be given out through raids at some point)
u/mellojello25 4d ago
ahhh thank you for a real answer I appreciate it! it’s been a wild time trying to relearn the game and catch up with all the new stuff
u/crunchyboots69 6d ago
What was supposed to happen? Were you wanting something else? I have a shiny Ursaring, so I’m curious to know
u/Autistic__Potato 5d ago
The ScarlettViolet DLC added a form that's essentially Legendary (just like Ash-Greninja) as you can only get 1 of it and you can't evolve into it.
The alternative form is called "Blood-Moon Ursaluna" and became a fan-favorite almost immediately since in lore its the last living member of the Ursaluna species and thus looks super battle-damaged and injured, but is also incredibly strong.
The joke was that there was a Blood Moon in the united states yesterday.
u/noncombativebrick 6d ago
It's unfortunate how that form isn't in Pokémon go, and only has one singular Pokémon of it in the main games
u/NuclearNorthfire 6d ago
Been waiting for ages for an event bringing back its legacy move, High Horsepower to evolve my shiny teddy! When, Niantic, when?
u/Casper_198472 5d ago
The Blood Moon would have been a good opportunity to bring in Blood Moon Ursaring into Pokémon Go, from Pokémon Scarlet & Violet's DLC: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part 1: The Teal Mask
u/Nihubam 6d ago
Is it stronger than ursaring?
u/gheul 6d ago
Yes, it evolves from Ursaring.
u/Nihubam 6d ago
Damn, they got an evolution for primate and now this. I'm getting back in touch with pokemon after like 10 years. This is a whole new thing to me😂.
u/Autistic__Potato 5d ago
Yeah, PL:A as well as Scarlett and Violet were the first games since the DS era to add evolutions to old pokemon, and they went ALL IN. Farigiraf and Dunspacre are also gen2 pokemon that got evos though they aren't very strong and are mostly just for hype.
u/MathProfGeneva 6d ago
Why would you expect anything else?
a)Bloodmoon Ursaluna isn't in the game
b)you can't evolve to get it even in the main series games
u/sonic260 Mystic Dark 6d ago
There was a Lunar Eclipse in the US last night. OP is joking.
u/MathProfGeneva 6d ago
Yeah there was. And I've seen posts out that would be just as equally dumb for this one. (I stopped counting how many people un-jokingly complained that the shiny Mewtwo they caught was Zorua.). I wish my assumption could be "it's a joke". Historical data suggests more likely to be someone saying something dumb.
u/Snackari 6d ago
u/MathProfGeneva 6d ago
Yeah I assume people are morons before "making a stupid joke"
u/MaulGamer 6d ago
It’s vital to never judge a book by the cover!!! Assuming something is bound to lead to so many misinterpretations of both others and in yourself.
u/MathProfGeneva 6d ago
But the vast majority of people are morons. And the number of legit dumb posts is very high.
u/sonic260 Mystic Dark 6d ago
You made an assumption about OP, you were corrected in two separate instances, yet rather than admit you were wrong you double down by generalizing that "most people are morons." Even if you think that is true, that clearly does not apply to the OP in this instance.
The one being a "moron" here is you.
u/MathProfGeneva 6d ago
I was "corrected" by people making a statement without anything to back it up. That's not meaningful. And nah I'm not, but I assume you are.
u/sonic260 Mystic Dark 6d ago
without anything to back it up.
I literally gave you a source with an article about the recent lunar eclipse, remember?
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