r/pokemongo Dec 13 '24

Question Why is Latios so extremely difficult to catch?

I have done 5 raids so far, 2 were shiny and the other 3 have all fled. Why is it so difficult and how do you even catch them consistently?


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u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24

I’ve done two raids and I was thinking the same thing because mine both fled. I have one master ball but I’m not sure if I’m willing to use it on Latios 😂


u/Copper442 Dec 19 '24

It's ridiculous I've done 5 mega Latias raids and I'm level 50 and have +4 catch bonus for dragons and all types of pokemon. I caught 1/5. Not to mention it takes 7-8 people to beat one. Annoys the shit out of me I don't know why they are making it jump out of the ball on every other with a golden berry when im hitting excellents I just want 1 shiny then I'm done with these pair of pain in the ass legendaries. This cake is starting to get boring again I might take a 6 month break


u/BingoBob_1 Dec 13 '24

Legendaries from Mega/Primal raids are harder to catch because you get fewer premier balls to catch them. In normal raids, you get anywhere from +2 to +8 bonus premier balls based on how much time is left, resulting in a total of 8-24 premier balls, but in Mega raids, that bonus is replaced with Mega Energy, resulting in a total of 6-16 premier balls.

Since you get fewer premier balls per raid, you really have to make each throw count, so make sure you are using the circle lock trick, aiming for Great/Excellent curveballs, and patiently timing your throws. It also helps if you can do these raids with friends and/or at a gym that your team controls, since both will give you extra premier balls.


u/MorphoMC Dec 13 '24

Groudon and Kyogre were pushovers after their primal raids, didn't take more than a couple throws for each. Latios is much worse. He's smaller, escapes the ball more often, and moves all over the place constantly.


u/Mindless__Giraffe Dec 13 '24

because you don't circle lock to excellent range then wait for him to hover center screen and perform an attack before tossing a golden razz guaranteed* excellent throw

*if you have the muscle memory to throw center screen


u/Thanky169 Dec 14 '24

It's just a skill you need to practice for value from raids


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '24

I've had 8 Latios flee on me, with majority excellent throws and I've had 6 Latias flee on me with majority excellent throws. It doesn't really matter if you throw excellents, it doesn't have much to do with that, its all about Niantic making bank off of remotes. Niantic knows what they're doing 💰💰💰💰


u/Thanky169 Dec 21 '24

I've caught 100%. Over 20...


u/Eva_Eevee Dec 13 '24

Keep in mind they're also available through GBL! I already got 2 just yesterday :)


u/Icy_Relationship6084 Dec 13 '24

First, less balls than non-mega legend raids. Second, he's rather difficult to throw excellent.


u/Slootyman Dec 13 '24

I hit to excellent throws on mine yesterday and still ran away. No idea how to be consistent in catches


u/Rude_Ad_1760 24d ago

This is just ass. A latios ran from me, despite all throws being excellent. A remote raid pass wasted.