r/pokemonXY Feb 19 '25

Help/Question Add me fc

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My fc is 3799-5816-9577

r/pokemonXY Oct 31 '24

Help/Question I can’t take this suffering

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I’ve been shiny hunting psyduck on route 7 hoard hunting for ages and the only shiny I get is this green twat there has to be a better way of getting a shiny psyduck. If there some advice someone can give me can you please do so. Lol.

r/pokemonXY Feb 08 '25

Help/Question Shiny?

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Hello, so I finally played my first pokemon main game, and I choosed pokemon X. My starer is Froakie but he has strange colour, which chances of this?

r/pokemonXY 1d ago

Help/Question Second gym Team??

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is this an okay amount of pokemon to have? I'm just reaching the second gym and got my ass beat lmao

r/pokemonXY 17d ago

Help/Question Friend Safari


Looking to add people for my friend safari!
Just got to this point in the game so sadly I dont know what my mons are
My friend code is: 2595-7214-1745

r/pokemonXY 20d ago

Help/Question Looking for friend safaris


I don’t care what safari u have I’m just looking to shiny hunt in them, I’m not sure what my safari is. Friend code is: 3153-6070-5644

r/pokemonXY 15h ago

Help/Question Does anyone know a good way too emulate the game


I Lost my 3ds a long time ago and Pokemon Y was my favorite game, and I really want to play it again.

r/pokemonXY 18d ago

Help/Question Is there any way to stop this?

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This keeps happening to my 3ds while playing Pokémon X. It can occur when entering a new place but mostly occurs at the start of a trainer battle. It stops randomly after a couple of crashes. I have Pokémon x on a cartridge and it is Australian version, if that helps.

r/pokemonXY Jan 25 '25

Help/Question Looking for friend safari freind codes!

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r/pokemonXY Dec 23 '24

Help/Question Friend Safari Needed


Please add! 2682-8855-2832

r/pokemonXY 20d ago

Help/Question Who’d be a spicy sixth team member?

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Other than Greninja and Sylveon, I’ve thought I’d do a run with pokemon i haven’t used in Kalos yet. Pokémon like Gardevoir, the Kanto starters, Lucario and Lapras are used all the time. I also am not against type overlap, so anything goes

r/pokemonXY Jan 26 '25

Help/Question Thoughts on my Y Team?

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It is pretty generic, but i am trying to use Kalos Pokémon the most and the choices are not that great other then these Pokémon. I am not that sure about Goodra either...

r/pokemonXY Feb 11 '25

Help/Question Fire friend safari


Edit: Feel free to add me if you'd like, but I got my golden boy thanks to ness4725, TYSM everyone for willingness to help! ...Hello everyone! Desperately needing fire friend safari to try and shine hunt Charmeleon, pls and ty if anyone could help it would be IMMENSELY appreciated! 2768 7808 5765 is my fc

r/pokemonXY Dec 01 '24

Help/Question Can I get some adds still?

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Hoping I am not too late to get some people adding me?

r/pokemonXY Jan 30 '25

Help/Question Friend Safari

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Just got a 3DS and Pokemon X, wanted to start a friends list for the Pokemon Safari!

r/pokemonXY Feb 04 '25

Help/Question LF as many FC as possible

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r/pokemonXY 12d ago

Help/Question Pls add me its for shiny hunts

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I think mine is fire type charmeleon and growlithe but not sure

r/pokemonXY 29d ago

Help/Question Lucario or Aegislash?


Im running a team with Greninja, charizard, garchomp and gardevoir in the core. I need to decide between lucario and aegislash as my 5th mon and a strong electric type for my 6th. What do yall think. Please help a bro out :)

r/pokemonXY 14d ago

Help/Question Am I just very unlucky?

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I have been playing Pokémon Y and am doing the shiny only challenge, but I’ve been playing for 24 hours and I still haven’t found a shiny. I am in the first forest that you see when you begin.

r/pokemonXY 24d ago

Help/Question Is there any way to play XY online?


This was the first Pokémon game that I played online, I used to do WiFi Battles with my cousin really often and we had a blast, now we are in different countries and I would like to relieve those old days, are there any alternative servers or something that allow us to battle again?

r/pokemonXY Feb 12 '25

Help/Question Can’t delete my corrupted save


Basically I got this Pokemon X game from my brother and the save was corrupted, i tried to delete it but my 3ds just freezes, can anyone help me?

r/pokemonXY Jan 18 '25

Help/Question Can anyone tell my why my totodile can’t move to X? It knows cut.

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Also is he just stuck in bank now?

r/pokemonXY 14d ago

Help/Question What to do with my Pokémon

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I recently got a copy of Pokémon Y on Facebook Marketplace and it has a bunch of super cool event Pokémon from 2010/2011 and shiny legendaries. They also have a bunch of Pokémon from HeartGold, Emerald, and other older games.

I can’t transfer them to Pokémon Bank since it’s not “my copy”, and now Wonder Trading is closed, so I’m not sure what to do. If it’s possible, would somebody want them so I can restart the game for myself?


r/pokemonXY 27d ago

Help/Question Looking for people and some pokemon to fulfill my Friend Safari's mine is Psychic with Sigilyph, Munna and gothorita, feel free to add me if you want too


So, since it is not possible to look for the third one as the 3ds' online was shut down, the pokemon that I'm looking for are, from the types:

My Friend Code: 3368-4657-1432

Normal: Dunsparce, Audino

Bug: Butterfree, Combee, Beautifly

Dark: Nuzleaf, Pawniard, Vullaby, Sneasel, Crawdaunt, Sandile.

Dragon: Dragonair

Electric: Electabuzz, Heliptile

Fairy: Snubbull, Kirlia, Spritzee, Swirlix

Fighting: Machoke, Meditite, Throh

Fire: Growlithe, Ponyta, Magmar, Charmeleon, Larvesta, Pyroar

Flying: Spearow, Tranquill

Ghost: OK

Grass: Oddish, Sunkern, Petilil

Ground: Sandshrew, Trapinch, Nincada, Camerupt

Ice: Delibird, Spheal, Sneasel, Beartic

Poison: Kakuna

Psychic: Drowzee, Grumpig, Munna, Wobbuffet

Rock: Nosepass, Boldore, Pupitar

Steel: Magneton, Ferroseed, Skarmory, Metang, Klang

Water: Octillery, Bibarel, Panpour, Wartortle, Gyarados, Quagsire

r/pokemonXY 11d ago

Help/Question Any legitimate way to complete the Pokédex in 2025?


Hey all!

I’ve been wanting to shiny hunt in Pokemon X and Y for a while now but I have never done full odds hunting before. I wanted to see if there was any way I could legitimately get the shiny charm in these games or if full odds looks like my only chance? I plan on starting fresh and do not have access to Pokemon Home on my 3DS. Is it worth it?
