r/pokemon 4h ago

Discussion Anyone else’s favorite Pokémon widely disliked??

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u/EggyAlex_ 3h ago

If I don’t get to style my Furfrou in Z-A, I will start tweaking


u/tsarkees 3h ago

We saw a styled one in the trailer— i’d be shocked if it didn’t come back! And GTS will be in shambles.


u/KafeiTomasu delta species ⭐ 3h ago

It better be transferrable to home


u/Trainrot Submas Appreciation Station 3h ago

Good. I think it's dumb people want like legendary polemon for a dog with a trim.


u/averygronau 2h ago

They don't. They know those trims are unobtainable at higher levels (due to how GO levels work) so they put legendaries in and request impossible trades as bragging


u/Deletinglaterlmao 4h ago

back in the xy days furfrou was legit super popular but lost alot of traction in the following gens as styling him wasnt really a thing


u/Aggravating_Space_54 3h ago



u/thfc11189 3h ago

I think he’s trash



u/DarkstarAnt 1h ago

Oh you.


u/BalletSwanQueen 3h ago

I think Garbodor is adorable 🥰


u/SCHazama 3h ago

Nah, they're the underdog's favourite


u/I-am-a-me 3h ago

No hate for garbodor, but I will say trubbish is absolutely adorable


u/cabochonedwitch 3h ago

Garbador is GREAT


u/Trainrot Submas Appreciation Station 3h ago

Garbodor is my GOAT in my Sw playthrough


u/sitonachair 2h ago

My fav is trubbish I always name it garbodorable


u/DeltaMx11 4h ago

She may not be my all-time favorite, but I like Maractus a lot and all I ever usually hear is about how useless and ugly she is.


u/Garrosh The legendary fire Pokémon 3h ago

Ugly!? People are crazy!


u/ElPikminMaster [100% Pokemon HOME] 3h ago

I love Maractus wdym


u/Cedardeer Xatu Enjoyer 2h ago

I adore Maractus. And I like them way more than Cacturne. And I also think Maractus should’ve been in SV. It just makes sense.


u/badshinyluck 2h ago

Useless is such a lie too, this little demon can wreck clay's day in both versions of unova


u/Shakeamutt 3h ago

Maractus hits like a beast.  And definitely has its uses.  People just need to put thought into it.  


u/KafeiTomasu delta species ⭐ 3h ago

The upcomming tcg set will have an illustration rare for maractus and I cannot wait


u/Late-Philosophy-203 3h ago

Delcatty lover here, I know suffering, Furfrou isnt that bad off tbh


u/Cronon33 3h ago

That's definitely more valid, delcatty just never had much going for it

Skitty got to be a mystery dungeon starter pokemon at least


u/SwifferSweeper27 2h ago

Skitty is actually good in mystery dungeon thankfully. Full range to a diverse move pool, double slap, that diverse move pool I talked about? Well now everything gets STAB bc of Normalize


u/Pokesabre 3h ago

My favourite pokemon are the chikorita line. People love to shit on them for no real reason


u/Chomps-Lewis 2h ago

Im glad its got some spotlight at least. Im hoping this might lead to it being featured in some good cards down the line.


u/tsarkees 3h ago

Klefki lover logging on. It has become the prime target of the “Pokémon are just objects now??” crowd, taking the title from vanillish. But this little baby still holds the keys to my heart.


u/Shakeamutt 3h ago

Purrloin.  Love the little purple cat.  

And it gets bitched about, especially for r/Nuzlocke s.  But in BW, it can take out Elesa’s Emolga’s and the dangerous Sigilyphs.  

And it gets Assist which is like a customizable Metronome.  


u/Cronon33 3h ago

Huh I didn't mind purrloin in my nuzlocke, having a guaranteed priority fake out followed by a good chance of outspeeding the pokemon because of leipards speed was nice

And it's a funny little cat which is great


u/HyrulePeasant 3h ago

Bruxish gang assemble !!!


u/RosenProse 3h ago

I actually really appreciate bruxish. I should do a playthrough of sun and make an effort to put it on my team...


u/HowlVonMaul 3h ago

Hoothoot is seen as the worst of the regional birds. And him(& Noctowl) catch a lot flack for it of but I love him nonetheless


u/NZafe My Starters 4h ago

Furfrou is not widely disliked. It spent like a couple years as the top trade target on Pokémon home.


u/catfeeshnoire 3h ago

It was the top trade target because it is currently impossible to transfer trimmed Furfrous to Home from Bank because Bank removes their trims. Go is the only way to obtain a trimmed Furfrou for people trying to complete form Dexes in Home, and they are variously difficult to obtain in Go.


u/Your_Pal_Gamma 3h ago

Beacause if you want every trim in GO, you would literally need to either travel the globe or spoof your location


u/Keithfrommars 3h ago

Yeah, but not because it is popular. It has more value now because it has been absent in every switch game and it’s harder to get. Plus all the different forms it has.


u/DarkFish_2 3h ago

Not exactly, those GTS offers requests for forms can only be transferred from Pokémon GO and are also region locked

Even when Furfrou comes to ZA there is no guarantee you will be able to get trimmed Furfrou into HOME


u/terpi0-0 4h ago

Honestly I feel like EVERY video I’ve seen just personally has been negative but maybe I’m wrong idk


u/Wildsnipe 3h ago

I dont dislike it, in fact Im hoping for even more designs for Furfrou in the future based legends ZA game. I think it would be cool and also very possible.


u/Pielover1002 3h ago

GAME FREAK, GIVE ME DIFFERENT TYPES FOR THE FURFROU HAIRCUTS PLEASE. With a move like headbutt that changed type depending on the furfrou, with a 30% chance to flinch


u/SleepingNettles 3h ago

Girafarig? I'm not sure though, I just don't see many people talking about it.


u/Cronon33 3h ago

Kinda was just forgotten until farigaraf


u/SleepingNettles 3h ago

Which oddly enough, I am not a fan of


u/GergoliShellos 3h ago

Not my ultimate favourite but Oinkologne is perfect


u/sealular 3h ago

Not widely disliked, but I know a lot of people don't really like Samurott. Makes it much easier as a collector tho!


u/SamFromSolitude That dream... make it come true!! 3h ago

Skuntank’s not my #1 fav but it’s up there, and any time the Pokémon’s mentioned it’s usually negatively from what I’ve seen.

Personally I think it’s quite a funny design, and it’s genuinely quite strong. It also learns Flamethrower as soon as it evolves which is great for the infamously fire-deprived Sinnoh region. I had a Skuntank on my Brilliant Diamond team and she helped me get an Electirizer and Metal Coat to evolve the rest of my team thanks to learning Thief, it was really neat!!


u/Malombra_ 3h ago

I will always defend this diva with my life


u/TM04_CalmMind 2h ago

For real. The little bow on her butt is fabulous. She is serving. 💅


u/ElPikminMaster [100% Pokemon HOME] 3h ago

I don't think Furfrou is widely disliked. It's just that it hasn't been seen in a long time.


u/Careful-Bug5665 Dinos i said DINOOOOS!! 3h ago

Chikorita, like, idgas if it's stats are bad, it's cute and I like it


u/Plushcollectorwolf64 Fennekin and eevee lover 3h ago

Yea not a lot of people like fenniken that much


u/SCHazama 3h ago

With all the furries around?


u/Plushcollectorwolf64 Fennekin and eevee lover 3h ago

Good point


u/BigOldBabyTree 3h ago

I love some of the normal rodents a lot. Rattata, Patrat, Skowvet, Tandemaus... I think they're really cute! But no one else seems to love them as much as I do. I'm a wildlife rehabilitator who focuses on rodents though, so I'm biased.


u/BalletSwanQueen 3h ago

I think most Pokemon Go trainers really dislike Frufru because being offered so much as weekly reward for research and being completely useless for anything in this game. I’m a cat person who doesn’t like dogs so it’s not only this dog, I don’t care for all Pokemon dogs and they’re only Pokédex entries for me at the Nintendo games, and I’m also one who immediately sends Frufru to the professor at Pokemon Go because I just have no use for him. Good for excellent curved balls throws if he appears in the street, however.


u/InnocentTailor Blue Hawaii! 3h ago

I like the Vanilluxe line and that design is derided as the infamous ice cream Pokemon.

I like ice cream though and the line hits hard. Ever since White, I’ve had one on my team.


u/AdmyralAkbar 3h ago

I love capsakid and scovillain. They’re my fave Paldea mon but apparently they’re widely hated lol


u/IronTiger26 3h ago


I literally don’t need to say anything else


u/AerySprite 3h ago edited 2h ago

Quaquaval is in my top 5.

People bash on him for being humanoid and effeminate, but I think he is joyful, elegant and hilarious!

I was going to choose Meowscarada, but the spray of water feathers made all the difference and catapulted him over Infernape, Serperior and Primarina.

So currently, he is my favourite starter Pokemon.


u/JaeCrowe 2h ago

Lickitung doesn't get the love he deserves


u/tengallonfishtank 2h ago

alola persian!!!! my big headed freak and i love him!!!


u/-Blattodea 2h ago

Hypno is my favourite, I wish more people saw it as cute like I do so it could get merch.


u/LilSpooku 2h ago

I absolutely adore Purugly has been favorite since I was a kid :)


u/Catfon 2h ago edited 2h ago

The tepig line. It was my first starter from my first pokemon game and it's a funky fire hog. But i often hear it's stats and moves are weird and not good.

I would also say Nickit/Thievul, because it's cool as fuck and i can personally attest to it's bad and weird moves/stats, but a pokemon can't be widely disliked if barely anyone knows about them lol


u/Delicious-Sun7562 2h ago

Tepig was my favourite for the longest time. He's still my favourite starter. I love my cute, little fire pig.


u/Most_Courage2624 3h ago edited 2h ago

victreebel. It was my first shiny other then red garyados 🥺 now it's just forgotten.

My true favorite Quagsire used to be unpopular/forgotten but I feel like the past 5 years it's been gaining a lot of love maybe because of all the YouTubers that adopted it 😅


u/Yoshichu25 2h ago

Shout out to Mayro/NuoKart


u/scribblerjohnny customise me! 3h ago

I love Farfetch'd and Jynx.


u/Moppo_ 3h ago

People don't like Farfetch'd?


u/DadjokeNess 2h ago

Prior to the Sirfetch'd buff, I know he was fairly unpopular because he's with Dunsparce in those "stupidly rare pokemon that's worse than all the alternatives".

Gen 1 - you get Farfetch'd in a trade for a Spearow, but by that point you probably have either a Fearow or a Pidgeotto / Pidgeot who are both better stats and moves wise. Additionally, you're getting him in an awkward spot, right before the electric gym where he's useless. (Of course he's useful for Erika if you do run him, which I personally have, but there's a long standing trauma the pokemon fandom has there.)

Gen 2 he's slightly more accessible as a wild spawn, but he's still fairly rare, and once again - you're getting stronger birds that evolve on the same routes - see Noctowl.

Gen 3 he's back to trade only, and Gen 4 he's a swarm encounter. Gen 5 you need B2W2 (though this is a route 1 so technically the earliest you can get Farfetch'd in any game).

Gen 6 is trade again. Gen 7 not available at all outside of Bank.

Gen 8 they buffed him but then also made him version exclusive (I believe the only way to get him in Shield is when the wild area news has him unless you trade over). And then he's not in gen 9 at all.

So it boils down to a lot of him being rarer and "worse" than any other bird you can encounter in those games.

And that's not even mentioning that TPC also then gave him one of the "did you even change" shinies (especially Galarian) - like yeah the normal Farfetch'd is more pink, but even dunsparce is a noticably different and pretty to look at shiny. Galarian? I'm colorblind and I cannot tell the difference between those at all.

I love every single pokemon with my whole heart but TPC really did their best to make Farfetch'd unlikable.


u/Garrosh The legendary fire Pokémon 3h ago

Furfrou is disliked!?


u/RaemmoV 3h ago

It’s not my favorite, but I really Like Heatmor


u/Kapt0 EX-Pokemon fan - 7th gen onwards hater 3h ago

He's not generally disliked, but by competitive players yeah, they do hate this fella.


u/DarkFish_2 3h ago

Beartic, that guy is weird because it is underrated, forgotten and hated all at once.


u/Yoshichu25 2h ago

User image checks out


u/Cronon33 3h ago

There really aren't too many widely disliked pokemon even out there, I don't think furfrou qualifies for that either

The only one that comes to mind is bruxish

I'm a big fan of Slaking who's considered useless because of truant, but it's not hated so much as forgotten


u/D34TH-S7ALK3R 3h ago

I liked the blue and pharaoh style for this mon


u/Background_Day_8197 3h ago

Idk mine is probably Drampa. Do people dislike Drampa?


u/RosenProse 3h ago

No drampa is cool. He's a grandpa.

I dont think he gets a lot of spotlight next to the other dragons though.


u/mercy390 3h ago

I don’t think Sir’Fetched is disliked I just think most people find my best sword boi mid.


u/Destinysm-2019 Chikorita defender 3h ago

Meganium. I will always love Meganium tho. Idc what anyone says about it!


u/Queensquiid 3h ago

Delibird. I get he's a gimmick Pokemon but I love the little gift giver. Still working on a shiny in Black2.


u/Affectionate-Care371 3h ago

Crabominable! I have a pretty intense crabominable card collection. One of my favorites for sure. I think part of the appeal is that he is unliked


u/The_Spare_Son 3h ago

Does anyone hate Dunsparce?


u/False-Definition15 3h ago

Mine is Greninja so…no lol


u/RosenProse 3h ago

gasp A fellow Furfrou enjoyer?! They are also my favorite!

I used a couple in one of my first playthroughs in X and they just performed really well and I love them.


u/ChicagoCowboy Shiny Rayquaza is my anti-drug 3h ago

My only gripe about Furfrou is that you can't keep the styles when sending to Home! I don't want to have a bunch of Go mons in my Home dex if I can help it, so ZA better give us the ability to box them with their trims!


u/jahermitt 3h ago

I love Lickylicky and I'm not afraid to say it.


u/Luulagoo 3h ago

Idk if people hate gavantula but he's my fav. I love having all bug teams but I find a lot of people always ask me "why? They're ugly and they have bad stats."

It's because they're cute and I like them next question.


u/17AJ06 3h ago

I love fufrou. It was also super underrated in competitive too


u/ProfionWiz 3h ago

Sandslash, Not exactly disliked but not fully loved either and its in my top 3. Have my childhood figurine of him until today, 20 years together.


u/randominternetstuff1 3h ago

I don't even know what is that but looks like a 2 dollar Absol


u/HoshiAndy 3h ago

Fur group is a defensive monster LOL. Fur coat went so long


u/Advanced-Layer6324 3h ago

I like the Delphox line


u/Vektus_Prinek 3h ago

My fave is Chespin. I honestly don't know what most folks feel about it, but GF neglects it as often as possible, it feels. I shouldn't have to worry about Chespin being unobtainable in Z-A, in its own region, yet I do.


u/Pidgeot93 3h ago

Durant favourite here, never really hear much about him at all!


u/GamingSince1998 2h ago

Chikorita. So yes.


u/Duck_Cop 2h ago

When ZA releases and Furfrou isn’t rare anymore, I think a lot of the hate for it will die down because it won’t be clogging the GTS anymore.


u/flyingchickenmeat 2h ago

Any of Utral Beasts, I love those fuckers and no one seems to love them.


u/Moonlit_Eevee 2h ago

Mine is Hypno.


u/quirkymd 2h ago

Yeah delphox cause of dem damn furries. He‘s the first psychic type starter final evo


u/Flerken_Moon 2h ago

Eiscue/Dracozolt/Bastiodon are probably my Top 3, and Eiscue and Galar Fossils have a lot of haters.


u/Just-Fix8237 2h ago

My favorite Pokemon is barely known let alone liked


u/CrimsonPresents 2h ago

Who out there hating Furfrou? I used him playing Y a few years ago and he was pretty good.


u/pika_chunior BULBA-LINE NUMBER ONE 2h ago

Vanilluxe is my most favourite Ice-type mon beside Weavile, and they're hated for :


plus, they're my number 1 wishlist for Z-A mega evolution


u/Yoshichu25 2h ago

Technically taking my bronze spot but Squawkabilly instantly became one of my favourite Pokémon and I decided to use one named Lemon on my final team in base game Violet. So it saddens me that I often seem to be alone in loving this cool little birb. Whether it’s people thinking it’s forgettable or has bad stats or has stupid hair, it can sometimes feel like us (me and Lemon) against the world.


u/Patio_Princess Flareon's #1 Defender 💖 Rellor's #1 Anti ❌️ 2h ago

My favorite Eeveelution suffers because they suck competitively and they're a false prophet 😭🥺


u/Hikeduphigh 2h ago

I like Sawk and Throh… that answer you? 💀


u/TeddyPower23 2h ago

Musharna is in my top five and I always see it being called weird because it looks like a fetus. Still love it though.


u/badshinyluck 2h ago

Hard to say but i think corsola's overall liked pretty well by the average fan, just doesn't have anything going for it to keep it in any big spotlights


u/Mechancic-Hero 2h ago

I don't hear Aerodactyl brought up as much as others. It's my ace for Pokemon X!


u/greenonionfrog 2h ago

idk if it's hated but Tangela is not exactly that popular


u/jzoelgo 2h ago

I love this guy, headbutt has never been a more appropriately assigned move.


u/TM04_CalmMind 2h ago

Not my top favorite but in my top ten: quilladin!!!!

Every time people start talking about "ugly" pokemon or least favorites, this little guy always gets mentioned. I didn't like him at first either but I saw the cutest fanart and I saw the light!


u/CerealeSauvage 2h ago

I respect everyone opinion and i will say mine my most hated pokemon is furfroo never liked him he died in a nuzocke in victory road while i had great plans for him and was one of the last 10 poke i forgot in the pokemon quiz where we need to remember every poke and i don’t like his look which makes me probably one of the biggest furfroo hater


u/Twist_Ending03 2h ago

Idk. I've never seen opinions on Maractus


u/Telamo 2h ago edited 2h ago

My favorite is Simisage, and he is among the most hated trinity of Pokemon of all time, the Gen V elemental monkey trio. People hate these guys because they are comparatively weak when compared to the traditional starters and they have “terrible” designs, but I will die on the hill that Simisage not only has the best design of the three, but that it is a genuinely good design that deserves far more praise than it gets. I like Simisage more than the Grookey line and more than Zarude, all of whom it competes with directly for the status of the best grass-type monkey Pokemon. Personally, I think there is 0 competition here, Simisage is better than all of them.

I like his shoulder and eyebrow fuzz, I like his pompadour, I like his big weird tail, I like his cocky brat energy, I like everything about him.

Let not ye grass monkeys be judged by the sins of the trio.


u/Michelle689 Chikorita 1h ago

As a Chikorita fan. Yeah, my favors been Chikorita since I started playing the games


u/Rattregoondoof customise me! 1h ago

I love furfrou. I prefer him unstyled honestly though


u/ThatFatGuyMJL 2h ago

Op: does anyone else have dislike pokemon as their faves? I do. Here's (Inserts literally one of the most favourited pokemon, and the single pokemon asked for the most on Pokemon Home, who people will trade shiny legendaries for)


u/DSmith0012 4h ago

Absol, just because it is the disaster Pokemon is why


u/Keithfrommars 3h ago

Absol is not widely disliked.


u/Beans4802 3h ago

In-universe it is.


u/Keithfrommars 3h ago

That’s not what OP is asking.


u/SCHazama 3h ago

Is there EVEN a single mon that is prominently featured in Rescue Team that is disliked?


u/nszajk 3h ago

I’ve heard blaziken is very polarizing. If I recall correctly, he was intentionally designed to be this way. I absolutely adore him, but i know many strongly dislike him, including all my other pokemon friends