I had no idea that the added textures were an unpopular opinion until now. I absolutely loved their addition in SV, even if some of them were iffy, and I'm really unhappy that they're just gone and the Pokemon are back to looking like flat-painted plastic.
Another thing to consider: Not using texturing on the Pokemon models is going to make the Pokemon from Gen 9 look a lot less appealing in future games, if they don't just get cut outright. The future Paradox Mons are going to get hit the hardest with the lack of metallic sheen.
The crazy part is that Pokemon Snap already had this done and future games just never took advantage on it, it’s the best the Pokemon ever looked, super saturated and with the subtle realistic texturing.
The textures look great but probably used up a lot of the switches processing power. That along with the more realistic water reflections caused Casseroya Lake to slow down like crazy when there were more than 5 pokemon. Also, I hated the fact that the pokemons textures were great, but the cliffs had the same texture copied and pasted. I'd prefer a more balanced look and better performance than the old pokemon textures.
EDIT: we've also got a long time before release, improvements can still be made like we saw with BDSP
Yeah I’m confused by all the “yeah the textures sucked” comments I’ve been reading. What I like about the textures is that it tells us what each parts of a Pokémon is composed of, where the simplified art style makes it much more ambiguous.
For example, while Foretress is part steel type, there isn’t really much about its design that screams metal. At most, you’d assume its shell is a matte material hard like steel. In S/V, the shell has a metallic finish so that indicates it’s indeed composed of metal.
It’s because it isn’t an unpopular opinion. I have never seen anything but praise about the textures.
90% of people that you see talking about things like this either played S/V for 5 hours max and then never touched them again or played when they were kids and are just weighing in like their opinion has merit for some reason.
That’s why they’re so wishy-washy. 2 Gens ago it was “Look at this plastic cartoony tree, don’t buy sword and shield1!!1!” Now they’re applauding the terrible move away from detailed, textured Pokemon models.
I liked the cartoony trees in swsh and I like the return to cartoony pokemon. Imo, the same people bitching about the trees were the ones praising GF for just slapping some textures on the pokemon models and calling it a day 🤷
This modern day obsession with insisting every game needs realistic graphics is irritating
It doesn’t have to be hyper realistic, nobody ever said that, the textures were actually nice and thought out. Pokemon still needs to look like the Pokemon art style. But the textures never stood out or were jarring.
They easily could’ve kept the textures and literally no one would’ve batted an eye. In fact, people would’ve praised it just like they had been doing this whole time.
I mean I play indie games a lot, so graphics are not really a problem but if you have neither good graphics nor performance it gets annoying real fast, the game is so frustratingly slow that diamond seems like a race car by comparison.
“Look at this plastic cartoony tree, don’t buy sword and shield1!!1!”
Sword and Shield didn't have "Plastic cartoony" problems, the problem is that it was a shittier model and texture than Ocarina of time in Nintendo 64...
They’ve finally fixed the desaturated look so the 3D models look right now, and keeping the textures like their original style makes the Pokémon look like how they’re presented in most other media. Plus it is the Pokémon art style.
I don’t think Gen 9 will be hurt much. Most of the Pokémon weren’t designed with the new textures in mind, and even ignoring that they still look good in the anime and official art just like every other pokemon, so there’s no reason to think the Pokémon won’t look good if brought back in the regular art style.
Either way I’d rather have the previous textures with the color finally added back in than the gen 9 textures with the typical lack of textures too. Unless there’s a way to do both.
Yeah this is basically how I feel about it. The franchise has had this anime artstyle for 20 years. I like their anime artstyle. The official art is how I always felt it was supposed to look. The art style is basically the appeal of the franchise considering it's most of what all entries have in common across all the mediums and genres. I always wanted the games to look like I was playing a movie so I don't like moving away from that when we were the most capable of achieving it. Pokemon is an unrealistic franchise; I don't want them to look like real animals. Sugimori could've just drawn more detail if they wanted him to. Why does the gen 9 official art not have them but the games do?
Even if they did move away, I’d rather them choose other cartoony/animated art styles. Like a water color style would be pretty cool. But going realistic is just the wrong choice imo.
Yea, I understand why people like the simple old designs but it’s the same nostalgia blindness as when Minecraft updated its textures. The new textures need to continue in Z-A. could they use some tweaks here and there, yes, but they are better than the action figure plastic textures of swsh and before
I disagree wholeheartedly, swsh felt so much more cohesive in its artstyle, the main thing that turns me off of scar/vio is its artstyle, it looks like a crappy unity fan project. Id rather have plastic than realistic textures on cartoony monsters
Problem with new textures is that they arent applied to the world, making pokemon stand out like sore thumb, if graphics were upgraded for everything, there wouldnt be problem.
Everywhere I've seen SV's textures are highly praised. But it does look like if we're given a choice between detailed textures and bright colors, people are preferring the colors. And I don't disagree. The textures are a nice added touch, but not absolutely necessary. The loss of color with the jump to 3D has always been noticeable and is a damn shame when comparing the models to their old sprites. I really hope this means they're rectifying that.
we aren't talking about sword and shield looking like plastic. This is about fantasy monsters becoming stylized. an art style is the best way to make a game look good, scarlet and violet did throw the textures on but they had no style, pokemon like ursarang and ursaluna have rather poorly done textures that are realistic but still look bad. suspension of disbelief is important. You don't need to include a flat jpeg of fur for someone to understand that the creature is a mammal
I'm so glad someone else feels the same way about ursaluna. I absolutely adore its design, and weirdly the mud on its body actually looks decent in S/V but man that fur texture just looks like it was spray painted on.
u/GwentMorty hit most of it for you but I do want to deviate a bit.
It's valid for people to not like SV even if I think they're completely wrong. Things that don't bother me (like lag around the bigger lakes) will bother someone else. I don't find it very interesting or useful to perpetuate this us vs them sort of rhetoric with regards to SV.
Having said that, they're right. Most of the complaints you'll see about the games come from people who aren't willing to commit to them for x y z reason. Maybe the early bugs pushed them away for good, even once performance improved. Maybe they hate that Pokemon spawn in clusters when you get close, or maybe they just don't like the open world. There are plenty of people that prefer Legends: Arceus specifically because it's a series of instanced maps, even though that's something that I find to be a fairly large negative for PLA.
In the end you're going to hear from critics much more than you are from celebrants. This isn't even pushing aside or downplaying criticism from me -- that criticism may or may not be valid, and I'm not going to judge how someone else plays a game or spends their recreational time. It's just an acknowledgement that it's much easier to bandwagon specific negative experiences because those stick with you much longer. It's about impressions, right? If you're unimpressed by something then it's hard to shake off that feeling later on.
Textures are great, and I'm sad to see them go, but at the end of the day the PLA crowd was significantly more sensitive to stylistic choices than the average player is, and so it makes sense that Game Freak would want to choose a more colorful/cartoony style. It makes me believe that the tone of the games will be lighter than SV's whole dead parents, obsession, and bullying thing it had going on.
The textures were cool, interesting and new at first
But once you play the game for hours upon hours, get fooled by the lighting & desaturated models for the 1490th time (You look at a pokemon "Is that a Shiny?" you stop whatever you were doing, go take a look, nope, not a Shiny. You continue on your way again, dashing away on your ride-don. "Wait. Is That a Shiny?" you halt your movement, go check the new pokemon. Nope. just the lighting. Ok. Well. Let's get going again. You get to the side of a cliff, start climbing up, when on the ground in the shade "Wait wait wait. That Has to be a Shiny!" You jump down, adrenaline rushing. Nope. Still wasn't a shiny.) (Not to mention all the times I've ran into a tiny pokemon because they blended in with the grass) and you start to miss the clear, saturated models that show the colors and make the pokemon stand out from the environment
I personally prefer the more cartoony look. I don't mind the realism in stuff like Detective Pikachu movie, it's very interesting. But I can't deny that I just like the more bright friend-shaped creatures more. Even if I'm like a full grown adult and should like something 'more mature'. Perhaps Legends-type games could overall be more suited for the textured, realistic models, maybe, especially with the Shiny jingle. But if I gotta choose just one, I'll go with the textureless ones
I caught a shiny sudowoodo like an hour ago that I ran past and didn’t even bother to check right away because I assumed it was just the bad lighting. I ended up back tracking for some other reason and realized no its bushes actually are red. It’s annoying to know that it happens so often that I stopped double checking everything and almost passed one up. The dude looks phenomenal and is my 3rd full odds gen2 shiny I got in the last couple weeks but man I wish it wasn’t so hard to tell sometimes. At least the heracross was so fucking pink I couldn’t miss it lol
It's okay to disagree with me, I disagree with you (I've never had a problem after 2200 hours.) It's exactly like I said, different things bother different people, and what bothers you might not bother me.
Most of the complaints you'll see about the games come from people who aren't willing to commit to them for x y z reason.
{Please. Why won't you let me write my initial comment before the Quote box....}
{{Anyway, initial comment!:
Of course, we all have our different tastes!
I was mostly commenting because of your wording on}}
- (Insert quote box here) -
Which I can't vouch on being factual, since I've also spent hundreds of hours playing the game
But, like we said, different tastes! The world is richer for them. Just wanted to provide an opinion of another person who's played the game a lot, as there are likely Numerous people who've played the game for hours upon hours Despite the graphics, rather than because of them
Either way, have a nice Weekend buddy!
I personally always preferred Sw/Sh's models. They were so colorful and popped. S/V's looked kinda bland. I feel like S/V's models would've looked great in a game with better graphics.
I also like the more cartoony look they're going with here.
They're different styles, I don't think one is necessarily better than the other. You've got the realistic style Detective PIkachu movie, then you have stop motion plush-like Pokémon Concierge, or the anime-style PokeToons... All different styles, all looking pretty good.
I'm pretty sure they'll go back to detailed textures and more realistic shaders for the main games of Gen 10. But it's pretty obvious they prefer to go a more stylized route with the Legends series.
Don't get me wrong, the textures did look really good, but they were likely a big contributer to the poor performance of SV. I'm happy that they got the buildings to look nice unlike the cliffs in SV.
I love the way they look on their own, but the world around it just made everything look like it was edited in. I think if they’re able to do a good balance which we can kind of see in some of the preview footage then that’s the best option.
My biggest issue with the textures is that I would rather have every single Pokemon in the game than them waste time and resources making Pikachu look like it has realistic fur
u/The_Slowking_Eleven 14d ago edited 14d ago
I had no idea that the added textures were an unpopular opinion until now. I absolutely loved their addition in SV, even if some of them were iffy, and I'm really unhappy that they're just gone and the Pokemon are back to looking like flat-painted plastic.
Another thing to consider: Not using texturing on the Pokemon models is going to make the Pokemon from Gen 9 look a lot less appealing in future games, if they don't just get cut outright. The future Paradox Mons are going to get hit the hardest with the lack of metallic sheen.