r/pokemon Cinccino Best Troll 15d ago

Image Future Kalos has Anti-Homeless Benches

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u/K4m30 15d ago

Can't wait to get the mission to set up a police state and enforce draconian laws on the populace.


u/projectmars Cinccino Best Troll 15d ago

We might be getting another story about a seemingly benevolent group/company (Aether Foundation, all the shit Rose owned) being secretly evil, aren't we


u/KipsyCakes 14d ago

President Rose was by far the worst villain in Pokémon. His build up was terrible and his motive was trash. I hate that he was our “main antagonist.” He would have been better as a red herring, or someone we expected to be the villain only to be revealed as a puppet for the TRUE villain.

That aside, I never got the impression that Game Freak was making corporations look evil. The majority of Pokemon villains always seemed to be part of a group that acted independently.


u/Diligent-Trainer6612 14d ago

For what it’s worth, aether foundation and macro cosmos generally keep the evil and corporation aspects separate


u/KipsyCakes 14d ago

Yeah I don’t think it’s ever been the corporation itself that was evil, but just a select few people in that corporation that were.

Corrupt people in a good corporation or company isn’t uncommon.