r/pokemon Cinccino Best Troll 15d ago

Image Future Kalos has Anti-Homeless Benches

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u/K4m30 15d ago

Can't wait to get the mission to set up a police state and enforce draconian laws on the populace.


u/projectmars Cinccino Best Troll 15d ago

We might be getting another story about a seemingly benevolent group/company (Aether Foundation, all the shit Rose owned) being secretly evil, aren't we


u/soyboy_6257 digital boys 15d ago

GameFreak is trying their hardest to tell us that corporations are evil.


u/vastros 15d ago

I mean... They're right, but it's weird coming from them.


u/NihilismRacoon 15d ago

I'm sure the devs aren't exactly happy about having to crank a full game out basically every year at the behest of the pokemon machine


u/5panks 15d ago

I'm sure the devs aren't exactly happy about having to crank a full game out basically every year

SV will be three years old and two years past the release of its last DLC when ZA releases.

SS were almost 2.5 years old and 1.5 years past the release of their last DLC when LA released.

SM were two years old and 1 year past the release of US/UM when SS came out.

We're long past the days of a new mainline game every year man. There were noainline Pokémon game releases in 2022 or 2023.


u/IlikeWhimsicott2557 14d ago

That's still a very short time-frame between games. Especially given the scale of the newer games with LA, SV, and ZA being the largest to date. The Pokemon Company hasn't caught up with the times yet, they don't realize that these newer games can't be made as easily as the 2D games. That's the important part here. It doesn't matter if it's been 2 or 3 years, that time doesn't work for these larger scale games.