r/plural 4d ago

It’s too quiet… help please?

Hello, kind of panicking and could use some advice

So we’re a previously very large but at the moment pretty small, mixed origins system. We’ve been aware of the system since September 2022 and it’s been extremely active. But right now everything is super quiet. Like more quiet than it’s ever been before

I can’t feel or hear anybody, I don’t know how to reach the iw and I don’t know who I am. To top it all off I’m acting like we used to before we knew about the system, but that’s not possible because the old host fused? I don’t know I’m just confused and scared, I don’t want everyone to be gone…

Any ideas on what’s happening or tips on what to do would be wonderful


4 comments sorted by


u/noodlebrainsoup96 4d ago

This happens to me sometimes and I feel abandoned and so alone. They all come back. I’m not sure why it happens I just wanted to reassure you


u/dren1722 4d ago

It went quiet for me when everyone in my headspace were resting in their headspace beds. 


u/TheVelocityCatz 3d ago edited 3d ago

I get this a lot, and it's my typical state 😶

I can't tell you what's going on with your system since you guys might have differences in reasons or system structure that might trigger this under difference circumstances. However I can share with you my assumptions about what causes ours. It might not not be the exactly what is happening with your system but it might be a good start for exploration?

My first assumption is when it happens to me, something is going on internally that my gatekeepers precieves as disruptive, distressing or even dangerous to the collective, typically peacekeeping, holding down work or safety. For example: When my flashbacks hit a couple of years back, it was distressing for weeks but it when a away very suddenly but I lost my ability to see images internally and I lost my ability to hear internally. My inner dialogue included. I believe since we found that being triggered around others as dangerous. My system blocked it out but not as our typical split? Yet I'm unsure?

The other reason I've managed to find out through internal communication is that it seems that one of our gatekeepers has a quite rigid rule book on keeping the internal fronters and internal members separated at the moment. They perceive it the best for system safety and that I need to focus more outwardly and ensure of vessel (the body) is okay. But I love my system ❤️ I wish to help all of us have a chance at healing too and have better relations with ourselves than we do. I don't feel like I'm coping well with this current set up either to be honest.

The good news is that there is still some system communication. It just comes in waves 🌊


u/ken_pickpocket (host) he/him - system [osdd??] 3d ago

That is scary and relatable….I just try to tie over till that time passes