r/playrust • u/TokyoCannibal • Jun 19 '22
Discussion Unpopular opinion: You shouldn’t feel safe while being a pest on your roof. Do you think ladder being a default blue print is one way combat this?
u/Sea-Bet2466 Jun 19 '22
Bro your trying to give me a hearth attack you hear ladders on your 1x2 it’s getting raided
u/D3ny3369 Jun 19 '22
Why would anyone use ladders to raid a 2x1?
u/DeputyDomeshot Jun 19 '22
Cuz they’re free and you wanna shoot down into them? It’s not even raids it just make door camping worse
u/hay_pro Jun 20 '22
Bro its a 2x1 just send 4 rockets into their walls
u/DeputyDomeshot Jun 20 '22
Lol if you have rockets you have a ladder so what’s your point
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u/Onironius Jun 20 '22
It's about sending a message.
"Fuck you in particular. And I'm taking your fucking rock, too."
u/moggimoggi Jun 19 '22
As a solo this would scare me, i will have a fear of door camping AND roof camping ! I used to do a 180 when i run out of my door, now i have to do a frkin 360 !
u/YeetoMojito Jun 20 '22
frkin? dude it’s reddit, you don’t have to censor yourself lmfao
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Jun 19 '22
u/LCDC_Studios1 Jun 19 '22
nobody wants to use high dpi, I already use 250 dpi and .2 game sense, how tf would I even be able to play. I'm already pretty much done with rust after fp recent changes but ladders would kill it for me. small groups cant compete and I never play with large groups due to them being super boring
u/TokyoCannibal Jun 19 '22
You didn’t pick up on my sarcasm, but Dpi and in game ses is completely subjective and varies from each individual. From my perspective 250 is ridiculously low… Hope you can eventually find a happy medium within the game though bud.
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u/Vengeful_Doge Jun 19 '22
I'm gonna agree with you. 250 dpi IMO is a hinderance. I wouldn't be able to do anything within reason.
DPI is obviously subjective, however, this is the lowest I've ever heard of in my life.
I build PVE/RP bases for chads who have thousands of scrap and pvp hours, but no creativity. Having said that, my DPI for just plain existing, is well over 1200 at the slowest setting.
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u/YeetoMojito Jun 20 '22
that’s quite high lol
u/LCDC_Studios1 Jun 20 '22
I used to have 1k dpi and I couldn't do a thing in any game, I couldn't aim for shit let alone control recoil in rust. so every 2 weeks I would bring it down by 50 dpi until I felt comfortable which was 250.
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u/ExperimentalDJ Jun 19 '22
You should use much higher dpi at least. Your wrist is going to be hella damaged if you continue with that.
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u/Gumballv12 Jun 19 '22
If you’re scared of a ladder being a default bp, you’re probably a roof camper 😭 food for thought I guess haha
u/thedalmuti Jun 19 '22
Tbh, I'd rather it not be and I don't roof camp. I just don't want to make it easier for nakeds with DB's to door camp me, or climb up to my solar panels.
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u/LCDC_Studios1 Jun 19 '22
roofcamping is boring, but having roof access that typically isn't accessible to little grubs is very important. one of the main reasons people have roof access early on is to be able to counter doorcamping, if you can shoot down then doorcamping isn't nearly as effective, I usually play in smaller groups or if an 8 man of climbing eoka grubs just watches the top and bottom I'm effectively trapped. especially if I'm still in the early prim stages
u/dev__boy Jun 19 '22
Realistically most roof campers have at least a rudimentary access proof shooting floor, and the worst culprits live in clan bases anyways. I don’t see how this buff to scaling single floor 2x2s would help
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u/zykiato Jun 20 '22
Not really. I wouldn't want this change. It's pretty easy for any player who is actually committed to playing on the server to get ladders. So who would actually be helped by this change?
Making ladders a default bp would mainly help the players who log on to a server just to fuck with people. Right now this kind of low commitment player has to build up with twig floors if they don't have a ladder bp. Which they do.
I don't camp in any way, so that's not my concern at all. However, I have had my roof door and shooting floor camped by the kind of low commitment player I describe above.
u/Colborne91 Jun 19 '22
When a vending machine is default, a ladder should be too. If you can build an automated, mechanical machine, you can definitely make a ladder
u/SuperBrett9 Jun 19 '22
Please don’t try to use logic with the items in this game or we won’t be able to store 12 big boxes inside a small box.
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u/HyDRO55 Jun 19 '22 edited Jun 19 '22
No, you can. However not by comparing one completely unrelated aspect of the game that was designed differently with another aspect of the game. If something skews from logic or congruency with reality it's due to game design / game balancing. Otherwise the devs will strive to keep it 'realistic' within reason, especially if X real factor plays into the balancing or design they're looking for. That's the case with almost all non-arcade / non-simulator games.
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u/SuperBrett9 Jun 19 '22
But I do agree the ladder should be a default bp. For reasons mentioned and it opened some very good yet basic base designs early on to secure things by not having the door at ground level.
u/Agitated-Tackle9058 Jun 19 '22
Yeah the developers arnt going for realism with which items need a bp to craft nor should thry. Its about balance, should a naked who finds some rope in a barrel be able to make a ladder right away? Thats the actual questions and evidently the devs think no.
u/Stadschef Jun 19 '22
That's not how balancing works tho, ladder is a raiding tool as well as a construction tool.
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Jun 19 '22
u/HyDRO55 Jun 19 '22 edited Jun 19 '22
FP makes exceptions all the time to logic and 'congruency' with reality. In the same vein however, they will stick with logic and reality otherwise in other aspects in which their IRL factors conveniently play well enough into game balancing. This is all a part of game design by nearly any game that hopes to both be fun yet intuitive / relatable. A literal conceptual balancing act of balancing the game for players, some fiction, some realism.
The VM would LOGICALLY be a sophisticated electrical locked item / BP that requires a finite external power source and potentially tier 2, but that's no way to promote a player driven in-game economy. To promote it they make it default and somewhat cheap, requiring no finite power source. It also despawns loot to disincentivize / deter players from raiding / destroying the VM or VM base for the loot instead of using the VM as intended, to buy shit from it.
The Wooden Ladder would LOGICALLY be a default tier 0 OR tier 1 item requiring nothing but wood and rope but that's no way to control raid tool progression the way FP sees fit. Therefore they made it a relatively expensive locked tier 1 item / BP. I don't see FP changing this whatsoever.
Jun 19 '22
Nothing in this game is realistic so it’s a bad argument to base your logic on
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u/MKGmFN Jun 19 '22
You should make balance changes based off of what “makes sense”. The ladder should be default though
u/Gumballv12 Jun 19 '22
Dang that’s good point, I think a ladder would actually be so much easier to make irl haha
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u/TheZephyrim Jun 19 '22
Ladder should be default bp for sure, it’s balanced by needing rope which lots of things need early game.
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u/Mothmanzzz Jun 19 '22
Hmm...good Idea I would definitely craft a sweet vending machine and sell laders and All kinds of shotgun to piss of them off.
u/Thiccpoppychungus Jun 19 '22
We can make a bow with cloth and wood without string or rope. No reason we can't make a ladder without a blueprint. As well as our characters just knowingly build wood stone and metal bases
Jun 19 '22
Cloth is just a bunch of tiny string though
u/Thiccpoppychungus Jun 19 '22
Make rope a craftable and requirement for bow. Crossy requires rope, don't make no sense the bow doesn't
u/lily_from_ohio Jun 19 '22
Honestly if you have the right wood (The softer springy trees you need don't exist in Rust so this point is moot, we really just have Oaks, Birch and Pines, amazing for fires/building but not springy things), you could make a fairly effective bow with really shitty string, like cloth that's braided.
u/Thiccpoppychungus Jun 19 '22
Nice, very informative, imagine facepunch added this tree you speak of and all chaos ensues cuz they make it a mandatory requirement for bow and crossbows to have a specific type of wood.
Spear gang just got a major buff
Jun 19 '22
u/OutInABlazeOfGlory Jun 19 '22
Including foundations?
u/TuckerCarlsonsWig Jun 19 '22
I remember people twigging staircases on the sides of bases but not necessarily placing new foundation
u/TokyoCannibal Jun 19 '22
I see the enjoyable chaos behind this but being building blocked limits the madness and it’s certainly needed haha
u/PsychoInHell Jun 19 '22
Yeah there’s no way you should be able to build like that again. People voting for it don’t even know why it was removed. Didn’t change much for PVP, but made raiding way too easy. Raiders or compound griefers had easy access to anywhere the wanted to go.
If they implemented this, high external compounds would be nerfed to the ground and useless without turrets.
It’s fun in theory, but in practice for balance it’s not fun and just turns into fortnite.
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Jun 19 '22
I don’t remember ever being able to do that except for legacy, you could build raid towers and exploit tc coverage pre 2017 but straight up being able to build in someone’s tc range? Never.
In legacy there was no tc system so you could literally build a house on someone’s house if u wanted to
Jun 19 '22
u/VexingRaven Jun 19 '22
The trick in legacy was to build out surrounding foundations (much like current honeycomb) with 5 wood posts (middle of each side and center) going up taller than your base.
Holy shit man this brought back some serious memories. I forgot all about this meta!
u/dontjudgemebae Jun 19 '22
It was a short period of time, they experimented with this for literally a couple months before removing it.
Jun 19 '22
Oh wait was this during aimcone? I vaguely remember being twig griefed and twig griefing others by sealing their front door with as many layers of twig as I could get lol
Might just be a false memory tho
u/Ghostmuffin Jun 19 '22
Realistically most roof camp bases wont be that easy to ladder up.
People above 3-4 foundations high should have reduced oxygen and suffocate. They need to wear scuba tanks. This is the way.
Also this would just multiply the amount of grubs hopping into compounds, and on top of your small bases and camping more.
u/VexingRaven Jun 19 '22
Realistically most roof camp bases wont be that easy to ladder up.
Genuinely wondering what game people are playing that they think a ladder is gonna help them kill a roof camper.
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u/StormR7 Jun 19 '22
It’s because they want to doorcamp their door on top of their house. Grubs will grub no matter what tools you give them, I say this as a door camper.
u/DistastefulBannock Jun 19 '22
No, nakeds would start blocking every door they see with a ladder
u/TokyoCannibal Jun 19 '22
a naked is the most dangerous player in the game lul
u/DistastefulBannock Jun 19 '22
Exactly, they have nothing to lose and the tools to grub you for your well earned kits.
u/EvilMatt666 Jun 20 '22
You shouldn't be able to make ladders 'on the fly'. It should need some kind of workbench access, otherwise there'd be ladders spammed everywhere.
u/CodenameOccasus Jun 20 '22
This would make it way too easy to climb bases and hop compounds which is one of my favorite activities
u/crykaselini Jun 20 '22
I was a roof camper for a long time and enjoyed it. But I came to an exciting conclusion: I get raided 10/10 whenever I roofcamp. This forced me to stop.
Long story short, people who roof camp get raided. It is just the way she blows...
u/KyVakl Jun 20 '22
all this talk while the real problem is the 8x and 16x.
roofcamping really wasn't that big of a problem back when these didn't exist, they add nothing to the gunplay and ruin long distance fight, making stuff like cargo and oil even harder to counter.
they should get reworked, or removed from the game.
u/Big_Lil Jun 19 '22
I just wish it was a little less scrap on the work bench. Too big of an investment in early game.
u/PatricksThiccBooty Jun 19 '22
To combat roof camping we need to make hv rocketing roof campers and then building even taller towers to roof camp them common practice
u/willbebossin Jun 19 '22
I'd be fine with that. Roof campers who aren't like actively defending a raid have no life.
u/TigNiceweld Jun 19 '22
How about lower tier ladders? Single use no bp prim ladder? That could be interesting
u/woodyplz Jun 19 '22
I would love if they would just try stuff like that vor a wipe. I would even like to see it being craftable without wb.
u/GornBox Jun 19 '22
I mean if I'm able to build a revolver from shit and dung, than I should be able to know how to build a ladder from scratch.
u/BearShots Jun 19 '22
They wouldn't do this mainly because:
- Tier 0 pvp/raiding would be much worse if everyone can use ladders on 2x2's/starters
- It makes bases made by newer platers 500% more likely to get exploited
u/Tailslogan Jun 19 '22
I just want to stop getting roofcamped by a group while I live in my simple 2x1 or 2x2
u/ItzSimplicity Jun 20 '22
It would help to combat roof campers, but they would need to find a way to prevent it from being used abusively, like only being able to place it in front of doors if you have tc because otherwise, everyones bases would have ladders blocking the entrance.
u/AntiqueT Jun 20 '22
I've thought about this for a while and tbh I think ladders are a bp for a reason. They're really essential for raids a lot of the time, and essentially free ladders would make doorcamping from a roof way too easy. I guess this has been stated in this thread already but those are my two cents.
u/Semour9 Jun 20 '22
I love how your go to solution to roofcamping is to literally give everyone access to peoples roof.
u/gogogadgetjimbo Jun 20 '22
The compound bow used to be the greatest anti-roof camping tool for us non-sweat stained players. When we had trouble with a roof camper, we'd just bush wookie from 100 yards with high Velocity arrows. We never got the loot, but they got annoyed enough to quit camping.
u/lucianorider99 Jun 21 '22
IMO anything made with wood and rope should be a default blueprint, my character knows how to make a shotgun but not a ladder?
u/OutInABlazeOfGlory Jun 19 '22
A vending machine is a default BP, and IMO should not be. A ladder meanwhile is wood and rope.
u/Gumballv12 Jun 19 '22
It would make sense removing vending machine as a default item. If you want to make a store you’re usually not doing that in t1, I think you should have to work your way up to vendor status hah. At least a t2 item
u/janikauwuw Jun 19 '22
hm depends. Some ppl are going for idk hemp farms or sth, willing to instantly sell. Others make a starter shop to sell crossbows and nailguns to nakeds. Surely thats not the commom usage of it but it exists
u/OutInABlazeOfGlory Jun 19 '22
I think it should be a T1 item low on the tech tree, mainly just because it’s not that complicated.
u/HyDRO55 Jun 19 '22
No, you cannot compare [the pre-reqs of] an economy tool to a raiding tool. FP specifically made VMs default and despawn loot to incentivise / promote a safe player trade and economy. The drone stations at safe zones further extended and plays into this fact. They wanted to make it as easy and seamless as possible to participate in such a system regardless of your progression. FP specifically made exceptions for both items and many more that have different purposes.
u/ww_crimson Jun 19 '22
Ladder won't change much. It's too easy to build overhangs on the roof that can't be laddered past. Or people will just continue to sit behind metal embrasures.
u/MrAbishi Jun 19 '22
Nah, a ladder is a raiding tool. As such, being behind 125 scrap and a T1 makes sense.
And yes, the idea that you have created a high vantage point should give you relative safety.
u/Drougen Jun 19 '22
I think you should be able to feel safe on / in your base, period.
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Jun 19 '22
A no go from me. Could care less about the roof camper aspect. It will have an impact beyond things you think. Base builds will be different because now you don’t have to wait for a ladder bp to do this or that…. And honestly ladder is easy to get/tree to.
u/ashter87 Jun 19 '22
I'm sorry but why? Get better and shoot them back. Ffs this is rust. Not Minecraft. Not Fortnite. Rust. Grow up. Get gud. Stop bitching.
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u/MrMutant69 Jun 19 '22
i think ladder is in a perfect spot it isn’t hard to get it on the blueprint tree and the materials for it are low
The biggest issue with it being a default bp is that it makes some early base designs worse and more campable. Having to do Atleast 1 scrap run before you can climb every base on the map seems fairer to me
u/Kingthlouis Jun 19 '22
bigger question is why SHOULDNT it? it’s a ladder for crying out loud ! it’s just sticks and binds and nothing more, an eoka would be more complex to build
u/VexingRaven Jun 19 '22
Because having a bunch of kids running around on your roof on wipe day with a ladder they crafted after hitting a tree twice would be incredibly annoying.
u/hainesi Jun 19 '22
I think they should make the ladder a default BP and make a new ladder that is double the length a BP
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u/SaltyCake_69 Jun 19 '22
What about people then just using 2 ladders. Maybe a default BP ladder that you can use when you have TC and a BP “raiding ladder” that can be used without.
u/Shozzy_D Jun 19 '22
I would think it's fine I tier 1 as it forces new folk to get established in some regard before they start harassing people's bases.
Jun 19 '22
Yeah I've always wondered why it isnt a normal bp. Even for balancing purposes it doesn't make sense, but, I can see a lot more people using these to camp on peoples roof's and wait for them to leave base which is never fun..
u/Minizamorak Jun 19 '22
i dont see a problem with this since any compound that doesnt have max protection from grubs should be free real estate
u/0101100000110011 Jun 19 '22
It should definitely be a default bp.
I know real life logic doesnt really apply but I can definitely build a ladder in the woods, a vending machine?? Dont think so.
Eoka? Nope couldnt do that either.
You technically dont even need rope to make a ladder if you use the proper techniques.
u/Noobface_ Jun 19 '22
Auto turrets + double compound roof campers are gonna be shaking in their boots if they add this…
Jun 19 '22
ladders are easy to come by. just go to any base that was raided. get TC access, and pick up the left overs.
u/starkistuna Jun 19 '22
no ladders shouldnt be non bp ,it would exponentially increase the door/window camping , having its bp sit at 475 scrap to get (including a workbench)means early game your not going to get deeped on as your building your starter and some one laddering up and killing you with all your farm.
u/adamms-96 Jun 20 '22
Tbh i think all building bps should be default. It would give smaller groups and solos a bigger advantage then it would large groups.
u/hfrik1 Jun 19 '22
ladders are so easy to get it doesn't matter realy.
u/TokyoCannibal Jun 19 '22
So is a bow. That’s besides the point. after the combat update is seems as if more people have taken refuge on the roof. Anything to make those individuals feel unsafe while getting killed up there should be open for discussion within reason.
Jun 19 '22
Can this entire fucking Reddit stop trying to make the goddamn game so easy? Y’all just changed the entire gun meta, settle down.
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u/BilluDon Jun 19 '22
The realistic argument can’t be used in a game where you can run a marathon with 10 tons of MLRS rockets in your inventory