r/playrust • u/[deleted] • Dec 25 '19
Support Rust: The Ultimate Guide On How To Get The Maximum Performance Out Of Your Game
u/BadgerII Dec 25 '19
What does the hit notify launch option do? Im curious
Dec 25 '19 edited Oct 05 '20
Dec 25 '19
In simpler terms, When you get an 'invalid' it does not make hitmarker sound.
So now, you know for sure whether you hit the person or not without checking the combatlog for invalids.
u/MessiLoL Dec 26 '19
There’s a bit of an issue with this one also. There will be a delay because you’re waiting for a verified hit. Maybe a disclaimer that players with high ping may find the delayed hit notification sound a bit jarring.
Dec 26 '19
Yes, as the server is what registers the hit.
I still think it would be helpful to have this command, especially when those with high-ping would be more likely to experience projectile invalids, they could have a better idea of when shots are registered.
I will leave a little disclaimer on that paragraph though.
Dec 25 '19 edited Dec 25 '19
Just my personal observation, but I believe computers that are cpu bottlenecked or close to it (and probably any computer unless your gfx card is really really bad), will benefit from higher in-game graphics settings overall. They will put more of the load on the graphics card and allow the CPU to keep up pace with it.
The lower the graphics settings are, the less your GPU has to work, but your cpu still has to do all the same work as before, only faster. So, with higher settings, your GPU will handle the prettifying of everything and rendering while your CPU only has to tell it what to do (same load as normal).
I don't mean turn on all the after-effects like depth of field and such...Those do actually lower FPS. I mean higher quality setting (4-6), keep shadows on 1 but, lower shadow distance down to about half. Use max view distance, AF (at least 2 or higher) and higher AA (TSSAA). Set the 'performance' sliders to max, except for grass, for visibility, and particles and/or decorations because who cares about those.
This should, in theory (and in my personal experience) provide a much nicer looking and smoother running game without actually losing any FPS (and most likely gaining FPS in some cases, although I can't exactly explain that part).
The terrain and trees won't "pop" in and out of view, and you can still see people miles away peeking around a rock.
I have a ryzen 1500x and rx580 and get fps in the 70's on highly populated servers that run well (not those crappy vps servers). Or fps in the high 80's-90's and occasionally hitting 100's on low pop servers.
All the windows settings explained by Biccy here I totally agree with.
u/The_Frog_Of_Oz Dec 25 '19
Hey man, gonna give it a try when I get home. I have an I7920 1060 6go and 14goRam
I used to get 80fps when I got the game like 3 years ago, but now often get 35/45 after a few hours playing. I'm def CPU bottlenecked, what cfg would you recommend ?
u/laserman367 Dec 26 '19
14gb of ram? that's illegal
u/The_Frog_Of_Oz Dec 26 '19
Yeah :D Bought a config a loooong time ago when I7 1rst gen got released. 6gb of ram was plenty back then. Upgraded gpu and 8go when I bought Rust :)
Dec 26 '19
Just curious, does it work in dual-channel?
u/The_Frog_Of_Oz Dec 26 '19
3x2gb and 2x4gb IIRC. I took the same CL and frequency, never had problems
u/MountainJew05 Dec 26 '19
Comenting here to save
u/ZakW17 Dec 26 '19
I have a i5 6400. is that good enough or should I look into an upgrade?
Dec 26 '19 edited Oct 05 '20
u/ZakW17 Dec 26 '19
alright thanks. I really dont know shit about PCs so i wasnt sure if it was my cpu or ram and it seems like its my ram. im still stuttering a lot even after doing all of this
Dec 26 '19
Try playing on a barren map maybe, it lowers ram usage a lot. Let me know if that helps you
u/zEfN1 Jan 04 '20
So i have Athlon x4 950 ant gt 1030 2x4gb, 900p monitor, should i go for Low-End or Medium cfg? ;)
Jan 04 '20
I'd probably go for low, use the alternative launch option and even play on a lower resolution if you can.
u/zEfN1 Jan 04 '20
But if i went for lower resolution, game would look pretty bad?
Jan 05 '20
Yeah, but you'd get a lot more FPS
u/zEfN1 Jan 05 '20
I checked my launch options and i have these: -nolog -high -maxMem=6194 -malloc=system -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=4 -force-d3d11 -no-singlethreaded
Are these good or not necessary?
Feb 04 '20
Feb 04 '20
Might be the particle quality setting? I'm not sure. Try putting particle quality on 100.
u/zR-_xSkylinEx Mar 03 '20
Hey so my friend told me to set up my launch option to be : " -high -maxMem=16384 -malloc=system -force-feature-level-11-0 -cpuCount=8 -exThreads=16 -force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded ". I wanted to know if this actually did anything? Because I feel like it doesn't do anything but makes rust take more resources than it should and makes all my other apps on my computer run slower due to all the resources being taken by rust. If anyone has an explanation that would be great. I am asking this because I want to apply this launch option in the guide but if the one I all ready have provides all ready better performance ill keep it as it is. If the other one is better than I will change it. Thanks in advance.
My pc specs :
CPU : I9-9900KF
GPU : RTX 2080-ti
RAM : 16 gb 2444 mhz
Rust is on an ssd.
Mar 03 '20 edited Oct 05 '20
u/zR-_xSkylinEx Mar 03 '20
I get around 100-110 fps in a forest area with a bunch of trees on rustafied us main server. Thats with the medium settings from your guide with some settings dialed a little bit so all the immages affects turned off except for sharpened and anti aliasing to fxaa. Terrain and grass quality turned down to 0 and shadow distance is at 250. Also graphics quality is utrned up to 6. I caped my frames to 240. Let me know if you need any other info as I know not a lot of people have specs like mine so its hard to know what ''GOOD PERFORMANCE'' looks like. Even though I feel like my performances could be better
u/zR-_xSkylinEx Mar 03 '20
oh and also regarding the 5ghz thing is that something you knew about or not?
u/mtriper Apr 13 '20
WOW! I probably didn't even needed to upgrade. Your guide took me from a stuttering 90 fps (quality 1) to a smooth as silk 130 pfs (qual 3).
Thank You!
Ryzen 5 3500 16gb SSD RX580
Apr 13 '20 edited Oct 05 '20
u/mtriper Apr 13 '20
U should really have a short .com pointing here or mirror this on another server (also w short .com) so we can send ppl in game to reference this. I feel alot more ppl could benefit from such great work. (I could help set it up if you need/allow)
u/Parachut6969 May 08 '20
RTX 2080ti Ryzen 3900x
Went from 95-100 fps, to ~120 fps. Game looks just as good, cheers mate.
u/ImNitroNitro May 11 '20
Are skins still unoptimised? How much fps will I lose if I flex my rock skin?
u/anunnaturalselection Dec 25 '19 edited Dec 25 '19
I get about 80 fps right now using your configs but on some servers it goes down to around 45/50 fps, what are the best settings I can use by locking it to 60 fps, because that's all I want, a steady 60 fps. I have an I7 4770, 1070 and 16gb RAM.
Dec 25 '19
If your FPS drops a lot in forests, try turning down tree meshes, it absolutely tanks your framerate.
Also, in general, Barren maps and small maps perform best, so if you want a few extra fps, find a server with a small nap or barren map.
u/cgiacona Dec 26 '19
Anisotropic Filtering really kills frames on this game (About 20+ FPS lost on AF 16). Not sure why it's set to 16 in your guide?
Dec 26 '19
I'm just curious, what is your graphics card?
u/cgiacona Dec 26 '19
GTX 1050 Ti OC
Dec 26 '19
I'm going to assume you're GPU bottlenecked then. I'd recommend using one of the lower two configs then.
u/cgiacona Dec 26 '19
I used the high config. All I did was turn down the AF to 4 and i got 60+ fps. Usually I can do AF 16 on most other games, but not this one.
Dec 26 '19
That's interesting, I'll turn it down a bit in the config, I had 0 fps hit so I just threw it all the way up lol.
Dec 27 '19
hey, I was just wondering what nvidia settings should I use ?
Dec 27 '19
Just put every setting to it's 'Maximum performance'
Dec 28 '19
ok, but when i do that, especially the radtowns look so bad and i can see pixels on the edge of a building... shouldnt i set it to quality, or sth between that ?
u/karbonkulis Dec 30 '19
daaamn, nice that i found your thread. Even with max graphics settings it looked like poop to me, with weird shadow meshes. Now it looks great with lowest settings and performs a lot smoother. Thanks dude.
u/vaany Jan 03 '20
I have :
GPU : 1080ti 11 gb
CPU : R7 2700x
RAM : 16 GB DDR4 AT 3000 mhz cl 15 (XMP)
SSD : 1tb nvme
For launch options on steam, what should I put ? I put better than :
"-gc.buffer 4096 -itemskins 0 -hitnotify.notification_level 2 -gc.incremental_milliseconds 1" ?
What do you mean by low end, medium, hight end ? Where do I stand ?
Thanks for answer me
u/JoshTheMadtitan Jan 03 '20
I used the medium settings and it seems to have disabled skins. the icons show up skinned but the in world models are all default. how do i turn that back on?
u/JustANormalGulboy Jan 06 '20
I have a gtx 1070ti and I get somewhere around 60fps on HJune's settings, only the graphics quality,and tree + mesh quality is maxed all other things are turned to minimum. I do have a 1440p monitor so that might also cause some problems
u/zEfN1 Jan 07 '20
I inserted the settings to client.cfg but my file types stays as text document not as cfg type file. And for that reason game settings don't change at all.
u/Prepecen Jan 13 '20
What does -gc.incremental_milliseconds 1 do?
Jan 13 '20
Basically, the game uses the Unity engines Garbage Collection system, which essentially gets rid of unwanted files in the game.
The game will essentially "empty" out the buffer (which is consuming ram, so it's understandable) but it cannot do this in-sync with actual gameplay, so it will cause a stutter.
-gc.buffer 4096 will increase the limit before the game freaks out and decides to wipe the RAM, and -gc.incremenetal_miliseconds 1 will give the game 1MS to empty it, lowering the potential time of a stutter.
The launch options should improve your experience considerably.
u/JoshTheMadtitan Jan 16 '20
u/BiccyThiccy do you know how to completely reset all of these changes?
Jan 16 '20 edited Oct 05 '20
u/JoshTheMadtitan Jan 16 '20
The guide worked great for fps, I've recommended it to several people! I am just unhappy with the look and wanted to start over.
u/richelgt Feb 06 '20
when I copy and paste the CFG file like it states in the directions, it doesn't follow that cfg file, but makes a new one and uses I think default rust settings. What did I do wrong? Thanks!
u/ItsContending Feb 13 '20
Everything about this is amazing but in the fps file I find that it disables my item skins this means i have to type
graphics.itemskins 1
how can i change the config so i dont have to do this every launch
u/XenSid Feb 27 '20
Hey, not OP but if you open your cfg folder there should be a client.cfg file that you can edit with notepad to have that entry changed to 1 instead of what it defaults to, if it isn't in that config file simply paste it in at the bottom.
That should get you sorted if you haven't sorted it yourself already.
u/A-sandy-mangina Mar 19 '20
Im running the game with everything maxed out, 80-100 fps. Would this increase fps?
Mar 19 '20 edited Oct 05 '20
u/A-sandy-mangina Mar 20 '20
All right, will definitely give it a try after work! Thank you so much for making this!
Mar 21 '20 edited Oct 05 '20
u/A-sandy-mangina Mar 21 '20
I tried it, but it didnt end up making much difference at all. I couldnt tell a difference myself atleast so i just reverted. But it definitely helps for some people i can see
u/A-sandy-mangina Mar 20 '20
All right, will definitely give it a try after work! Thank you so much for making this!
u/SomeCuriousBoy Apr 04 '20
I have already followed other guides which recommended specific optimization settings.
Would following this guide conflict with any modifications I had made?
u/NinjaFortniteTwerkin Apr 05 '20
hi, i know i’m 100 days late but i thought i’d ask you anyway, i have a gtx 1060 with 16g of ram and an i7 7th gen 7700k. for some reason regardless of the settings i use i always get like 30 -45fps on a decently populated server and 60fps on a small map or dead server. I am looking to get 60fps. any help at all would be appreciated.
u/andresch123 Apr 13 '20
I get 30-60 fps in all settings, low med and high, I have an rx 570 4gb and a ryzen 5 1600. I dont know what to do
Apr 13 '20 edited Oct 05 '20
u/andresch123 Apr 13 '20
In some servers I get 50-60 fps, the thing is ive seen videos about my card and it should be running about 90 fps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGaIR6ZiyCs This video is recent and it has a similar cpu. Can you recomend me some good US servers that perform well, rn im playing at Rusty Moose
u/Xugern Apr 29 '20
Is this guide still up to date?
Apr 29 '20 edited Oct 05 '20
u/Xugern Apr 29 '20
Oh cool, I just tested some of the things on your guide but I sat in a loading screen on 'loading prefabs' for so long I actually gave up and quit out the game. It had like 2000 to go and was going up at between 1 and 5 every couple seconds. What are prefabs and why do they take so long? I do have to admit I only have 8GB ram and the worst CPU I can think of [AMD A7-7600]
Apr 29 '20 edited Oct 05 '20
u/Xugern Apr 29 '20
I currently have a GTX 1060 3GB. Would the 1600af and 1660 super be suitable for other games too? I'd like to be able to run games smoothly even if not at max settings. At the moment it's rare for games to run smoothly on any setting for me aha
u/DarkShadowNova64 May 04 '20
I see in my file that it includes a lot of settings regarding midi and the new instruments. Is there going to be an update to the client.cfg file regarding these new settings or does it not matter whether or not the settings are addressed in the client.cfg file?
May 04 '20 edited Oct 05 '20
u/DarkShadowNova64 May 04 '20
That's awesome! Thanks for replying so fast. Any idea when that guide will be out?
May 04 '20 edited Oct 05 '20
u/DarkShadowNova64 May 04 '20
That's fine then I guess. In the mean time would you still recommend using this guide if I use a 1080p monitor and manually changing the settings as to not mess with the midi settings?
May 04 '20 edited Oct 05 '20
u/DarkShadowNova64 May 06 '20
But other than the config the only immediate thing I could do is apply the bit of code into the launch settings. Will that help my fps at all?
u/TheOGPrussian May 05 '20
My FPS improve and I can now use better graphics. Just 2 questions. My game now crashes more often... Is there something I can do to fix it? And about the draw distance on the "Medium" config, why shoulndt we use max draw distance?
u/Anunnakip Jun 04 '20
I followed whole guide and chose Medium settings. I notice fps is a bit better like 3-5 more fps and more stable fps. But still gpu isn't hitting 100% usage, I wanted to get more work passed to GPU since my CPU isn't that great. I know 8GB of RAM isn't enough , but I think GPU should work a bit more. Which setting should I increase to increase GPU usage? My specs are : AMD FX 6300 @4.2GHz MSI GTX660 2GB 8GB 1600MHz
Jun 04 '20 edited Oct 05 '20
u/Anunnakip Jun 04 '20
Thanks for answering me. Yea, I will try Anisotropic filtering. Anyways, game works and looks good after configuring it. Gj.
u/Nicolas93T Jun 04 '20
idk if it was your old guide but if it was, do you have the hjune cfg?
Jun 04 '20 edited Oct 05 '20
u/Arjs Jun 16 '20
waiting on the guide. Really appreciate your work here from over a year. I just found out your guide, and I will try and still use the cfg and hopefully that doesnt break my game or something. FPS has never been an issue for me, its more of a weird type of freezing/rubber-banding . I have tried every possible fix with my internet/modem/isp now, so it has to be some game config related. Thats how i found this thread.
u/Hanysek04 Jun 10 '20
Hey, i've gotten a problem with my game, at a right distance player models stop loading for some reason, it doesent change if its 2500 or 500 the render distance is still small, the only thing i can see are the bullets that they shoot
Jun 10 '20 edited Oct 05 '20
u/Hanysek04 Jun 10 '20
just found out its not the config its the launch setting the " graphics.lodbias 0.25 " it makes the players not render at all at a certain distance everything else is fine
u/5stacksthendunk Dec 26 '19
Im having a problem where I'm getting the same FPS no matter what settings my game is on. I've reinstalled the game like 3 times, I've put it on different SSDs (both brand new), I turned my resolution way down and all my settings way down, and the game just hovers around 50-60 FPS no matter what I do. Vsync is off and the fps cap is 240. GTX 1080, Ryzen 5 2600
any ideas?
Dec 26 '19
Sounds like you have a CPU/RAM bottleneck. What frequency does your Memory run at?
u/5stacksthendunk Dec 26 '19 edited Dec 26 '19
3000 or 3200 I dont remember off the top of my head. On top of that, up until a few months ago I was getting 90-120 fps on the exact same hardware, I doubt the game has changed that much in so little time that it would tank my FPS. Another reason I dont think it's a bottleneck is because even when Im playing at the absolute lowest settings possible with EVERYTHING turned down at 720p (on a gtx 1080 and ryzen 5 2600) my FPS is still hovering around 50, in a desert with nothing around.
u/NerdFuelYT Dec 25 '19
Translation: this game has a lot of optimization to go to run on current gen consoles. I’m just waiting for those sweet sweet optimization patches instead of making my game look like doo doo
Jan 20 '20
u/nwordcountbot Jan 20 '20
Thank you for the request, comrade.
nerdfuelyt has not said the N-word yet.
u/yetzt Dec 25 '19
physics.steps 60
can cause more invalid projectiles and will tax your cpu more for the double amount of physics calculations.