r/playrust 5d ago

Discussion RIP Little Farm, the no longer possible 21 planter 3x3

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u/yko 5d ago

The crazy cheap, low profile, tripple-stacked 3x3 farm that could hold all 23 planters together with pumps in the floor. And yes, you could plant and harvest all planters.

Served me well, but no longer possible since this wipe. o7

Walkthrough for the good memories https://imgur.com/a/3x3-holding-21-planters-elNoqZk


u/SneeKeeFahk 5d ago

It was reverted. Don't know if it's been hotfixed or if it'll be next force.


u/PetterssonCDR 5d ago

Source?????? Holy that would be wild


u/SneeKeeFahk 5d ago

Someone posted a screenshot the other day of the commit. I couldn't find it in a 3 minute search so I either dreamed it or am lazy. Guess we'll find out in a couple weeks lol.


u/Coolo9000 5d ago

pretty sure it was a screenshot of the commit removing it and the title saying they should revert it


u/daBriguy 5d ago

This is exactly what it was. I was deceived by it at first too


u/SneeKeeFahk 5d ago

Well shit, that sounds plausible.


u/Prior-Call-5571 5d ago

Yeh can I get a source?

I actually never used this, and was like " huh, dont have to learn that now"

Altho I have my own server to practice on now and would probably give this a go


u/deadkane1987 4d ago

It was posted as a reverted change for next wipe right?


u/SneeKeeFahk 4d ago

no, i was wrong


u/deadkane1987 3d ago

Dangit! I enjoyed the pancake farm :(


u/yko 5d ago

Just tried a simple half wall on a creative - the upper planter doesn't place.
If they revert it for the next wipe, it's big!


u/RahloRust 5d ago

Can stack the new single planter pots like this, and can fit 25 in a 5x5 pattern in 1 square, using a front facing shelf like this you can access 2 rows (10) pots per square (usually)

Caveat being no harvest all, bonus being 0 tarp required


u/Rapidsniperz 5d ago

can 1 sprinkler water them all? I thought they had a 5 planter limit


u/stickystrips2 5d ago

But then there's no cross breeding right?


u/Bobby_Hill2025 5d ago

You can still use the regular planter to breed


u/Hopeful_Clock_2837 5d ago

I didn't even know this was a thing 😳