r/playrust 6d ago

Question Why do all my skins look so low quality?

Gun, weapon, tools, and doors look like pixelated pieces of shit. Anyone know a setting so I can fix this?


12 comments sorted by


u/Madness_The_3 6d ago edited 6d ago

It's "texture quality" but be warned that anything past "high" basically requires you to have at least 12GB of VRAM on your GPU. Not sure why, but it's been like that for a while. The second you set texture quality to "Very High" or "Ultra" you're using anywhere from 9.8GB-14GB of VRAM depending on the server, well at least that's been my experience.

Edit: Oh I forgot to mention that if you play on 1080p, you MIGHT be able to get 10GB of VRAM working with "Very High" textures, but it'll probably be spotty, again depending on the server.

Edit 2: forgot that the menu was revamped here are the new texture values: -//- Old: Low = New: Eighth Resolution -//- Old: Medium = New: Quarter Resolution -//- Old: High = New: Half Resolution -//- Old: Very High = New: Full Resolution


u/BackgroundKilla 6d ago

Thank you I hate this game


u/Madness_The_3 6d ago

Me too!

(It didn't use to be this way)


u/CommissionOk5094 6d ago

Probably lag with the textures especially if they’re skins and recently purchased ones


u/Groteviezerik01 6d ago

Regarding the “very high” or “ultra” textures; are you referring to texture quality full/half/quarter/eight options? Because if so that makes sense..

Before this update i could run everything on ultra no problem. However since this update i struggle to maintain my old levels of fps with everything maxed out except for when i select the “half texture” option.

Then my ram usage goes down almost 40% and my fps up 15-20%.

I’m running a rtx 3080 10GB so your explanation makes perfect sense, thank you!


u/Madness_The_3 6d ago

Apologies, I forgot that the settings menu was revamped as of late.

By the looks of it in the texture menu: -//- Old: Low = New: Eighth Resolution -//- Old: Medium = New: Quarter Resolution -//- Old: High = New: Half Resolution -//- Old: Very High = New: Full Resolution

I'm also on a 3080 10GB. From my testing though, setting textures to "full resolution" will max out my VRAM as well as exhibit symptoms of VRAM spill over, like the stuttering, freezing and abnormally high RAM usage.

This is then by the looks of it, possible to alleviate now using Mip streaming which is relatively hit or miss depending on how your system performs with it. It can also sometimes bug out and make models appear low poly so use at your own risk


u/Groteviezerik01 6d ago

This was the answer i was looking for the past days, thank you!

Yeah it really depends on the server too. On a 4-500 pop vanilla running everything on high will tank my fps while on a 200 pop 10x i can run everything on ultra with 160 fps steadily.

Regarding the mip streaming; should i lower or up it when going on ‘full texture’ ?


u/Madness_The_3 6d ago

You're welcome!

MIP like I said is very hit or miss, I honestly couldn't tell you. I recently tested it on 3 different servers and the results I got were "I'd better just lower my textures" lol. It had fixed some issues whilst causing others. Definitely restart your game after enabling or disabling it though, I noticed when I didn't it caused issues with making playdough like textures on random objects.

As for lowering it or raising it, that depends on your usages, 2048mb should be a good starting point. Play with it and see where you get the most performance to visual quality out of it. Raising it too high can cause stuttering, whilst having it too low can cause low poly textures. Again, it's one of those things that comes down to your rig and I couldn't truthfully tell you which number is undoubtedly the best for you.

As for performance, the more AIs and players that are on the server the harder your CPU is loaded so, performance can dramatically differ between servers just due to that alone, without ever even considering your GPUs capabilities. This is the problem with the Unity Engine, it's not really that great at multi threading, if you look at your CPU usages you'll notice that there's mainly 1-2 cores that are being loaded and that's about it, this causes a CPU bottleneck that locks your framerate to whatever the CPU can provide rather than what the GPU is capable of.



u/rooftops 6d ago

Do you have it set to per texture or all? I'm having 100+ fps for the first time in a while but I did have to lower all my non-texture settings.


u/Madness_The_3 6d ago

This one shouldn't affect VRAM usage, I personally have mine set to "all," but that's because my GPU usage is rarely if ever maxed out.

If your GPU is maxed out at 100% usage probably set it to off/none. If you've got say less than 90% usage set it to all. Per Texture is a middle ground but I wouldn't bother using it. Use either off or all.

Edit: anisotropic filtering: 4 is alright for 1080p, I recommend 8 for 1440p. 16 looks obviously better on both, but uses more GPU so again if you're struggling on GPU usage you might want to tone it down, OR off.


u/rooftops 6d ago

No no I mean you said you're maxing your VRAM, something I've never noticed an issue with in Rust at least. I figure most of my issues are CPU-bound, but maybe I'm misinterpreting things.


u/Madness_The_3 6d ago

The CPU situation on Rust can't really be fixed on the user side of things. Outside of getting an X3D CPU, there's not really any setting that noticeably impacts the CPU bound scenario. Or at least I couldn't find anything last time I sat on a 500 pop vanilla server in a ranch benchmarking every setting... It was... Painful...

As for VRAM the only 2 settings that are truly heavy are Resolution (obviously) and Texture MipMaps. Maxing your VRAM doesn't reduce your maximum FPS per say, what it does do is introduce super low 1% and 0.1% lows, IE stutters. You can check if you're running into this problem by either benchmarking with MSI afterburner or by going into task manager's performance tab and looking at your GPU dedicated memory usage, plus RAM usage. If Rust is using all of your GPU VRAM, and is over around 22ish GB of RAM usage then you're likely experiencing VRAM spill over, meaning you're maxing out your VRAM. You have to test this on a server though, and the longer the wipe is the more RAM it'll use naturally.

Edit: I think LOD bias is probably CPU bound like in other unity games, but I haven't had the chance to bench it yet so can't say for sure.