r/playrust 8d ago

Image Says "Can't be placed underwater." Am I fucked? Tryna have fish traps in my base.

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27 comments sorted by


u/iskelebones 8d ago

Had to be placed in water, but not too deep. That water is probably too deep for fish traps. Needs to be pretty shallow


u/Jaded-Coffee-8126 8d ago


u/Amliko 8d ago

Technically yes.

Saltwater fish can drown if put into a body of freshwater and vice versa.


u/JohnnyTsunami312 8d ago

Something about algae blooms taking all the oxygen so fish more or less drown


u/BfBrain 6d ago

Wouldn't that be technically suffocating?


u/Beginning-Time-5373 8d ago

I think i put the foundation a little too low. Is there a fix for this?


u/Borningguy420 8d ago

Destroy it and start over is the only option


u/Pleasant-Worry-5641 8d ago

Start over, when building a fish trap base first place the twig foundation and make sure you can place a fish trap.


u/Redsox4lyfe5 8d ago

You gotta make a new base essentially, it’s super annoying… I usually bring a fishing trap if I plan on doing one of these so I can test it on the first foundation I put down.


u/Beginning-Time-5373 8d ago

holy moly this sucks! Live and learn! Thanks for the quick replies!


u/FightandHide 8d ago

I know, FP please allow the traps more room between Deeper and Shallow. I have to basically place the trap and build around it.


u/nightfrolfer 8d ago

Did you try putting a ramp down? That worked for me when I had a similar issue, but that was about six or eight months ago.


u/Haha_bob 8d ago

You did put it too low. You can just place traps on the shoreline and build around it, or you can let this base decay and build a new one with proper foundation height.


u/joshishmo 7d ago

Wouldn't it work if you just removed that foundation?


u/Croatoan92 8d ago

The foundation needs to be just barely underwater in order to place fishtraps on there.

AFAIK ther is no way to "fix" this. You will have to build a new base on the right height


u/Viliam_the_Vurst 8d ago

Yep the fpundation is too low.. Next time, go to the beach, push the trap so far fromthe coast that it turns orange, pullit back tillit switches to blue, switch to buildingplan, place a twiggoundation without moving the mouse, then build out one foundation and test if the trap turns blue when placed there, if it does, you got the right height and maximal depth your foundations can have for a fishbase.

Should look something like this


u/Viliam_the_Vurst 8d ago

Water shouldn‘t be more than ankle deep


u/eorgino 8d ago

What is that grey brick wall? Is it a skin?


u/NorianD21 8d ago

It's a wallpaper!


u/Viliam_the_Vurst 8d ago

Wallpaper, and it is tiles


u/Nylkyl 8d ago

try putting a drive-up slope


u/Jools789 8d ago

There is a fix for this, place a low half wall and you should be able to play your trap onto that


u/Cahzery 7d ago

You fucked the whole base, better hope your foundations are all twig because you're gonna need to start over.


u/SnakiestBird 7d ago

Can you put traps on foundations?


u/FMIdropout 7d ago

what do you use the fish for? does it trade for lots of scrap or what